Hello everyone…so I've been thinkin' lately(yes it happens, I do think )…what could I do with this story?…and well here it is…we have new characters, some new estrange stuff …I hope you like it…this is my Christmas present for you, I hope you enjoy it…

I'll update every time I can, and every time I have inspiration, if you guys know of something missing or want to add something or want to see something in this story let me know, cause you could help me! Please please! I don't know who is still following this…I hope some of you…but hey now im kinda rambling …if you're still readin…then great you're a great fan of this! Lol….ok keep reading…..no not this you hun! The new chapter…go to the new chapter and read it!...well if you still reading….MERRY CHRISTMAS!...remember to follow me on Instagram! Lesbianthoughts96..yes go and follow me! Also on tmblr (the same as Instagram!...well now you can read, I hope you like it…and well…. ENJOY!

I do not own any character…just my imagination.



-Phone Conversation-

-She rejected me….again….no, I think she's developing feelings for the girl…..is he already here?...I thought he will never arrive….yeah he better… yeah yeah I know, she mustn't know…ciao

-Other Place-

-Search her…and scare her, don't bit her up, just…make sure she sees you around.

-Yes, ma'am.


I couldn't think of anything else but run I needed to run out of there out of that scene, I thought we had something together, she kept repeating that, and then she's…she's kissing HER, I was angry, so fucking angry, I could feel all my blood warm up, I run until I couldn't' feel my legs anymore, I didn't care where I was going I just needed to get out of the school, to take out that scene playing all over my head over and over again, her hand in both sides of her head, her lips touching hers, I couldn't deal with it, I the anger through my veins, I walked fast without thinking, and when I realized it I found myself in an alley, I punched and kick everything in my way, I took some deep breaths, I was overreacting, we weren't anything…but again she kept repeating "together"… I took out my phone and dialed Lo's number when I heard someone walking behind me, I put my phone in my pocket again and started walking again but a little bit faster, trying to not get paranoid, I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, I turned in the next corner of the alley and hide behind a trashcan I heard the footsteps getting closer, and then all of a sudden hear them going away, I wait 30 seconds before standing up and checking if someone was there, there wasn't, but something caught my eye, a metallic blue envelope was on the floor, it was new, cause it didn't fitted the alley color, I walked towards it and studied it without taking it, in the right lower corner was something written in white letters, I took it from the floor and they were just two initials


…I open it…I covered my mouth while I took out the photo inside of it, I couldn't believe it… I thought all the nightmare was over, why now? Why now that I was happy? Or at least I tried to be and was most of the time….all the time I spent with Lauren… I looked up and found the man with the black hoodie, I felt a sudden rush through my veins as he started approaching me, I started walking slowly backwards, he was getting nearer, I felt the wall in my back, I was scared, but something deep inside me make me remembered my other me…the one with the blue bright eyes…I closed my eyes and then felt a hand in my neck.

-Remember me little B? ...- I heard him chuckle, his alcohol sting was there just as I remembered, he applied more pressure in my neck and I could feel that familiar absence of air in my lungs, I didn't want to open my eyes, I wished this could just be a dream since the begging, I could feel more small shots of adrenaline all over my body, even if I wanted to, the small shot of it wouldn't help me scape, I knew it 'cause I tried it a lot of times in the past and they never worked…I felt his hand in my abdomen, and I tensed it, I knew what was coming I was just getting ready. –You look…like shit as always…hey does it still hurt?- he gave me a small punch, it wasn't with all his force but still hurt a little bit- hmmm I see it doesn't, well in that case…- I knew he was getting ready to punch, when I hear my own voice "Don't fight it….you can feel it though your veins, you can save us from this asshole, just focus all the energy…..BO…" when I heard me say my name I shoot my eyes wide open and just in that moment his fist was going to hit my right rib, I took his fist with both of my hands and pushed him away from me, I send him to the ground and watched how he hit his head with it, he shake his head with a big grin in his face- SHIT! Now you're awake! Hell this is going to be so much fun now-he was getting up and his phoned ringed, he motioned me to wait a moment and attended the call.

-Yes?... I'm a little bit busy now…right now? ... For crying out loud! You can't do anything right?!... Just shut up I'll be there in five…. - he looked at me and smiled, he looked so different, he even looked younger.

-Well Little B I have to go, I guess I'll see you around…oh by the way, it was just about damn time for you to wake up, me just punching you was starting to get little bit boring…- with that he just turned around and left running. I felt weak…I mean powerful but weak I reached a small piece of broken mirror that was there and took a look at myself , I catch the reflection of my eyes changing from electric blue to my original chocolate, what in the freaking hell is happening to me.

I stumbled and fall, I was weak, I couldn't feel my feet anymore, I tried to get up again but I failed, I pressed my face against the floor and let my eyes close for a second, I could feel myself fading, I could hear someone's voice near me, calling me, or I don't even know if calling me, I just know that someone was beside me in that moment.

-Lauren…-I whispered once more before blacking out.


I didn't catch any glance of her in the next few classes, what could have happened to her, I tried calling her phone but every time I did I was sent directly to voice mail, I was starting to get worry about her….ok maybe not in this precisely moment, I started worrying about her the first class she didn't attend….ok maybe she was with her lost long friends, maybe they needed more time to chat maybe…I don't know, but why couldn't she just text me like "Hey Lo I'm fine", I was walking to my locker having all this thoughts in mind when a body crashed against me.

-Sorry- I mumbled without looking at the person in front of me.

-No worries Lauren-in that moment the voice hit me…I lift my face to look at her- how long has it been? Seven years? - She gave me a smirk

-Tamsin…what are you doing here? - I tried to sound normal, without surprise in my voice or worry, Gee this day could get any better.

-Dad took some business here and… well we are back… so that means I'm back here at school too, to be honest is a nice surprise you're still here.- I smile weakly at her and nodded

-nice to see you too Tamsin…-I felt my phone buzz inside my pocket and I pick it up without seeing who it was, hoping it was Bo.-Bo, where the hell are you?!...Kenzi?...What?!...I'm on my way….I´ll meet you there…ok.- I turn my look to Tamsin who is watching me with a concern look- Tamsin I gotta go, I guess I'll see you around.

-Need a ride?- she took out her car keys, I was just staring and processing all in my mind, if I said no to the ride, it would probably take me an hour or so to be at home…but if I take her with me…I would need to take her into the house with Bo injured and, her voice interrupted my thoughts- No strings attached Lauren, I will just leave you at where you need to be, like now for the look in your face.- I stared at her for a brief couple of seconds and just nodded at her- then, let's go.- we started walking towards the school entrance and to the parking lot. What in the freaking hell could have happened to Bo.


-Dyson! Do something! We can't leave her to her own luck with that bastard following her! What if he already has her?! Dyson!- I yelled at Dyson, after our little reunion, we tried to go our own classes, but before we could enter the classroom we saw Bo ran away, we followed her…or at least that's what we tried, Dyson tried to keep her track with his wolf senses…but once again, lost her.

-Kenzi, I know you're worried, but stop yelling at me, I can't concentrate.- I tried to keep zipped my mouth for a split of second and kept walking looking around for her, I couldn't just calm down…I was just reunited with her, I just got her back completely, we kept walking for like 15 more minutes- Kenz I can smell her- he run towards hat I thing was the scent of her, with me following close behind him, his nose lead us to an alley.

-BO!- I shouted as loud as I could, Dyson was already by her side trying to wake her up.

-C'me on Bo, wake up….- she was breathing but she didn't move

-Dyson we need to take her somewhere, a hospital something!- I was concerned about her, why in hell she didn't wake up?!

-Kenzi you know we can't do that, we can't risk so many peoples life-

-But what about her life?!- I looked at him with watery eyes, and he just stared back, we were so lost in ourselves we didn't notice Bo waking up and taking the neck of Dyson by surprise and kiss him, I watched as small blue waves pass between their mouths- Guys grouse! Can't you just keep it like normal peep?!- Dyson grimaced in pain and pulled Bo back, but she didn't let go….OH MY GOD, this was her first feed- Dyson! Is her first feed! Take her off of you dude!- Dyson opened his eyes and they turned in his wolf eyes, if he didn't take her off of him soon he will be in one hell of a trouble- Any time now Wolfie!- when I saw that he wouldn't…or maybe couldn't take her off…well desperate times…require desperate measures, there was an empty bottle in the floor took it and hit her on the head, she returned to her pacific state of sleeping thanks to a punch while Dyson was breathless and I just gave him the brightest grin ever.

-You didn't…. kill her, right ….Kenz?- my grin faded and my eyes widened, I went to my fallen friend and check the pulse on her throat, with Dyson behind me just laughing silently- she's ok, Kenz I just said it to watch your reaction.

-What the hell wolf?!- I punched him in the shoulder and just sighted of relief- we still have to take her somewhere.

-we're going to take her home Kenz...- he lifted her up and started walking out of the alley, I think it was good for us that there weren't many people on the street right now.

-Yeii!- I was smiling and thinking of all the things we could do now, we could be a family again, just the three of us, the three musqueters once more- In that case we should start looking for a bigger place cause we both know that we barely can live there and-

-we'll take her to HER home Kenz, meaning with the blonde girl, which means we are still going to keep our distance- my face went blank and I stopped walking.

-Dyson….but we just got her back….- he turned, looked at me and sighted, I didn't want to let her go, not again- I know it's hard but Kenz…it's the right thing to do right now and- I didn't let him finish.

- We always have to do the right thing, huh?...so, when that bastard beat her up was the right thing to do?...and what about the bullies at school?!...was that right?...and the dude that tried to rape her twice Dyson?, where does things the right thing to let them happen?...- my eyes started watering, I couldn't live like this any longer we always let her down…she was my friend, my sister…my family.

-Kenz…I know you're mad about this...but those dudes get what they deserved…they ended up in jail, the bullies where put down…and the only one missing is the one that beat her up…and Hale is still working on it.

-I don't want to see her hurt again D…- he nodded and I took out my phone- I need blondie's phone number.

-Bo must have it on her phone take it out and phone her- I did as he command and phone blondie.

-Hey Blondie, not Bo sorry…yes, it's me, listen Bo-Bo got a little accident ….she's fine don't worry…we'll take her to your place…..ok…bye blondie.-and with that we left for blondie's house.