Holy shit, I know, it's been about a million years since I've updated this story or any of my stories for that matter, but I haven't forgotten about them! My past year has been absolutely hectic. I was swamped with work, I started Graduate School, I moved to a new city. All things that took up all of my time, which led to my neglecting these stories. Hopefully, since it's winter break, I can get some updates out for you all. I'm so sorry for the delay and hopefully you like the chapter! ~KathrynWerewolves

The way this night was turning out was definitely not how Katrina pictured it. She was currently shut in the Sheriff's office by herself, listening in on everything that was happening outside to Scott and Stiles. At that point in time, they were discussing the situation with Allison.

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him."

"Or he doesn't remember."

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?"

"A fugue state?"

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder – "

"Getting rid of the blood."

"Yeah, he had help with one thing though, the video. And someone else helped him forget that."

"So do we try and convince him he's not?"

"If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah."

"Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?"

"Yeah, it's us. He'll talk to us. Right?"

Katrina sighed at how wrong Stiles was, naively thinking Jackson would talk to them to help them out at all. She heard the Sheriff's harsh voice calling the boys into one of the interrogation rooms. Her head dropped into her palms as she gripped her hair, listening to Scott and Stiles' sentence.

"You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak with him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically."

"What about school?"

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance."

"Bu – okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" Katrina groaned, gripping her hair tighter at Stiles' question, knowing that the Sheriff was not in the mood for the joking. "I'll just hold it."

The conversation in the interrogation room reached finality, Katrina feeling the anger seeping from the Sheriff and Mrs. McCall as she was shut in his office. The Sheriff escorted his son, Scott, and Mrs. McCall out of the room before turning on his son.

"Do I need to remind you how lucky we are that they're not pressing charges? And especially how lucky Katrina is for not being lumped in with yours and Scott's stupidity? You could have potentially ruined a lot of things for her, including the police support that is still helping out on her brother's case after such a long time." The Sheriff opened his office door to reveal Katrina sitting in one of the chairs, her head in her hands.

"Oh, come on, it was a joke." Katrina was beginning to realize that the Sheriff's patience for these outrageous lies was wearing thin and began to wonder when he would figure out the real reason behind all the murders and strange occurrences in this town. With a sigh, she stood and walked towards the open door, taking it as a signal for her to leave.

"It was a joke?"

"Yes, I didn't think it would be taken this seriously. Dad, humor's very subjective, okay? I mean, we're talking, like, multiple levels of interpretation here."



"Okay, well, how exactly am I supposed to interpret the stolen prison transport van, huh?"

"We filled the tank!" The Stilinski's fighting was interrupted by the McCall's walking through the small group.

"Move!" Mrs. McCall was pushing Scott towards the exit, her mouth set in a deep frown. "It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris to make up that chemistry test that you missed." Scott stopped his steps trying to search through his brain for any hint of a chemistry test. He vaguely remembered Katrina saying something about it a few days ago, as she rapidly solved advanced chemical equations for extra credit.

"I missed a chemistry test?"

"Really, Scott? Really?" The look on her face was filled with complete disappointment. "I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded."

"What about work?"

"Fine – other than work. And no TV."

"My TV's broken."

"Then no computer."

"I need the computer for school."

"Then no, uh…" She trailed off as she looked around, trying to think of a punishment. Melissa's eyes landed on Stiles and Katrina standing down the hall in a doorway. "No Katrina and Stiles."

"Katrina's my tutor. If I want to pass this make up test I need her help." Mrs. McCall recalled Mr. Harris recommending her if Scott wanted to take passing his class seriously. She knew that Scott, Stiles, and Allison were her only friends based on the few things Scott mentioned so punishing her seemed a bit cruel. Melissa also knew she wasn't in trouble like the boys were but she couldn't help but wonder where her parents were.

"Then just no Stiles." At the mention of his name, Stiles twitched trying to join the conversation, hoping to alter the consequences.

"What – No Stiles?"

"NO STILES!" At her shout, Katrina shrunk back in the doorway. She had never seen Mrs. McCall so mad and it was a little frightening. "And no more car privileges. Give me your keys. Give'em to me!" Scott hurriedly pulled the keys from his pocket and handed them to his mom. She struggled trying to get the key from the ring. "Oh, for the love of God."

"Mom, you want me to –" Scott reached out to help her, but Mrs. McCall pulled her hands back.


"Mom, come on, let me just – mom." She continued to struggle with the keys until Scott grabbed her hands, stilling her movements. "Mom!" Mrs. McCall sighed, feeling utterly defeated as a mother.

"What is going on with you? Is this about Allison?"

"Do you really want to know?" Scott looked over his mother's shoulder at Stiles and Katrina, who stood by watching the conversation unfold. Stiles was frantically shaking his head, warning him against telling the secret they had been hiding for months. Katrina expression was a bit more understanding; Scott knew if he did decide to tell her everything, she would support him because they were in the same situation.

"Yeah. Is this about your father?" At the mention of Scott's father, Stiles vigorously nodded his head, trying to get Scott to use him as the excuse. Scott's face fell at the mention of it. "It is, isn't it? Okay, you know what, um – we'll talk about this at home. I'm gonna go get the car." Before Mrs. McCall left, she turned back towards Katrina and Stiles. "Katrina, do you need a ride home?"

"No, thank you. I don't want to be a burden; I'll just call for a ride. Don't worry." With a small smile, Katrina walked outside with Mrs. McCall, stopping at the curb before pulling out her phone. Dialing the one number she could think of who, she hoped, wouldn't ask questions; Katrina put the phone up to her ear, waiting for a response.

Across town, in their abandoned train depot hideout, Derek and his betas were discussing the kanima situation.

"So why do we need their help?"

"Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know who it is."

"And they do?" Derek sighed at Isaac's questioning; he had an idea at who the kanima was, he just wanted the betas to confirm it.

"They might. Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side." Erica gave a wolfish grin.

"Mmm. Scott or Stiles? Or Kat? Kitty's got some fierce claws there."

"Either. As for Katrina, she'll be the most tight lipped about the whole situation."

"I can talk to her." Isaac's eyes gleamed with mischief and revenge, wanting to get her back for attacking her with that tennis racket. The feelings of revenge settled as he remembered how inappropriate he was in touching her during chemistry yesterday so maybe the hit was deserved. "You know, the full moon is coming, Derek." Their Alpha who had been listening to the betas talking was kneeling on the floor in front of an opened box.

"I'm aware of that." Reaching in he removed a handful of chains and restraints.

"Oh my, those look comfortable." Derek rolled his eyes at Erica's sarcasm.

"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we want."

"There hasn't been time." Derek piled the chains back in the crate, shutting the lid.

"But if you lock us up during the full moon, that means… that means you're alone against the Argents."

"They haven't found us." Derek began to walk away from his betas, trying to signal that the discussion was over.

"Yet! So how about we forget the kanima?" At Isaac's words, Derek turned on his heel, his anger making a show.

"We. Can't!" He took a deep breath before continuing. "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid - at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing. We have to find it first." Derek's tone rang with finality as he continued on his path away from his pack of betas. As he walked away, his cellphone vibrated in his pocket, signaling that he had a message. Derek looked at the screen of his phone, noticing the vibration signaled a missed call. Missed Call from Kat stared back at him, making him wonder why she was calling him. He debated against calling her back, not wanting any of his betas to know that she called. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he continued deeper into the depot.

Katrina sat on the front steps, staring down at the phone resting in her lap. Scott and Mrs. McCall had left about fifteen minutes ago, followed moments later by a smug Jackson and Mr. Whittemore. She swore to herself that she wouldn't wait longer than thirty minutes for Derek to call her back and that limit had been met ten minutes ago. Knowing she shouldn't have even bothered trying to get ahold of him, Katrina let out a long sigh before standing up and heading back into the Sheriff's station. She politely asked the officer at the front desk if she could go back to the Sheriff's office to ask him a question and was quickly let through. Walking down the familiar hallway, Katrina stopped outside the shut door, pausing slightly before knocking. A muffled come in was heard through the door. The Sheriff looked up from the files on his desk to see who needed him and wasn't expecting to still see Katrina at the station. Stiles, who was reclining in one of the chairs in front of his father's desk, sharply sat up with a confused look on his face. Knowing his dad was still angry with him, he kept his big mouth shut.

"I thought you went home forty-five minutes ago. What are you still doing here?" Katrina dropped her eyes to the floor, embarrassed that she was still there.

"I never got a ride. The person I called didn't answer and my parents are out of town - again." The Sheriff didn't know what to think, who would leave their child home alone on a consistent basis? He waved his hand, ushering her into the room. She sat down in the chair next to Stiles and patiently waited to see what the Sheriff could do to get her home.

"Stiles," at the sound of his name, the boy jerked his body towards his father, awaiting his orders. "Take your friend home and go straight home. I mean it, straight home. Kat, you still have the number to my office phone, right?"

"Yes, sir." Katrina was itching to just get home, it had been way too long of a day.

"Good. Let me know when he drops you off." With a kind smile at the teenage girl, he nods his head towards the door. "Now, get out of here. You've got school in the morning."

Stiles and Katrina calmly let the Sheriff station before they made a run for the jeep. Once they were a few minutes away, Katrina finally spoke about everything that had happened that night.

"So Jackson's being controlled." Stiles tears his eyes away from the road, shocked that she knew information neither Scott, Allison, or himself had told her yet.

"How did you figure that out?" With a small, sly smirk on her lips, Kat taps her ear a few times, cluing Stiles in to how she knew. "Right, enhanced hearing. Forgot about that. But Allison is getting Lydia to translate as much as she can of the bestiary. Honestly I feel really dumb that we never realized to ask her if she knew archaic latin."

"I'll take blame for that. I forgot that when we were learning classical latin together, we both got bored of it once we had it mastered that she starting learning archaic latin while I dabbled a bit in Greek and Mandarin." Stiles eyebrow raised as he stared at the girl, wondering just how many languages she actually knew. To Stiles, it was amazing and slightly frightening just how intelligent the Martin's were. It's not like he wasn't smart himself; it's that these girls could be certified geniuses but Lydia hides her intelligence and Kat just seems to blend in the surroundings, making everyone forget she's there.

Stiles pulled up in front of the dark Martin household, watching as Kat jumps out from the jeep, turning to give him a wave over her shoulder. He shot a text off to his dad, letting him know that he had dropped Katrina off and was on his way home.

Katrina knew that when she heard her alarm going off the following morning, it was going to be a long day. Taking her time getting ready, she noticed that her wardrobe had started overflowing with Lydia's influence as she picked out a blue and black long-sleeved skater dress that she hadn't noticed in there before. Pairing it with some black tights, her leather jacket, and long mesh fringe necklace, she slipped on a pair of black riding boots and headed out to school.

As she parked her bike, her cell phone rung with a text notification. Meet in the library was all Scott had written. Knowing that this had to do with the kanima, Kat swiftly made her way to the meeting location. Following the wolf scent, she found Scott and Stiles standing in an aisle making a gap in the shelves.

"So what's going on?" Scott looked up and notice that Kat had arrived right on time.

"Just waiting on Allison." Stiles chimed in from next to Scott, several books in his hands. After putting them on a higher shelf, the gap in the books was wide enough to talk through. Just in time too, as Allison had walked past their aisle before turning down the next one.

"It's everything Lydia can translate and trust me, she was very confused." The huntress said as she slipped a tablet through the shelves to them.

"Yeah, what did you tell her?" Scott, Katrina, and Stiles crowded around the screen, reading the translated text.

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison's eyes twinkled with humor at her clever lie.

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." The look on Stiles' face as he said that was one of complete seriousness. Scott just stared at him, not really surprised at the statement. Katrina didn't know whether to laugh or just keep to herself.

"O-oh, great." Allison's shoulders shook with contained laughter.

"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?"

"Not really, but Stiles was right about the murderers."

"Yes!" Stiles did a fist pump in their aisle of shelves causing a small outburst of laughter from Kat.

"It calls the kanima a weapon of 's a story in there about a South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village…" Stiles' comment interrupted Allison's knowledge.

"All right, see? So, maybe it's not all bad?"

"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to."

"All bad, all very, very bad." Kat rolled her eyes at Stiles pointing out the obvious.

"Here's the thing, though. The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be - " Scott found the section of the bestiary that talked about this and finished reading it.

"'Until it resolves that in its past which manifests it.'" Taking the tablet from Scott, Katrina quickly reads through translated information, emailing the pages to her personal account for future reference. She also made a mental note to ask Allison for a full copy of the bestiary to hopefully start translating for the future.

"Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." Stiles shook his head at the thought.

"What if, it has something to do with his parents? His real parents?" Katrina perked up from her reading at Allison's question.

"That could be a good thing to look in to." Scott nodded in agreement of Kat's comment.

"Yeah. Does anybody actually know what happened to them?"

"Lydia might." Stiles pointed out that fact since Lydia was the only girl in Beacon Hills high to have dated Jackson.

"What if she doesn't know anything?" Allison, Scott, and Stiles turned their gazes to Katrina.

"I'm certain Lydia does know but she's never told me. So she might not tell us now." Allison seemed to have made her mind up about something because her face steeled over before she spoke.

"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, or Kat for the matter, so I'll talk to him myself. Or Kat can come with." The brunette looked through the shelves at her blonde friend, pleading to go along with her plan. Kat nodded her head, signaling Allison that she would keep an ear out for her as she talked to Jackson. Scott sighed, reluctant to agree.

"Okay, what do I do?" Katrina dropped her face into her hand at Scott's forgetfulness when it comes to Allison.

"You have a make-up exam that Kat had been helping you study for, remember?" Scott quickly turned his worried face to Katrina who gave him a knowing look. "Promise me." The male werewolf turned his attention back to his huntress girlfriend.

"If he does anything, you run the other way."

"I can take care of myself."

"Allison, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me. If he does anything…"


"Anything weird or bizarre. Anything." Stiles promptly shoved his head through the gap they had been talking through.

"Anything evil!" Allison put her hand on his face and shoved his head back through, assisted by Kat pulling backward on his collar. "Ow!"

Allison gave Scott one last smile before turning to leave, leaving the supernatural golden trio behind. Scott turned to his two friends, his fellow werewolf was checking out where Stiles hit his head on the shelves while the boy complained. He knew that he wouldn't want to be handling any of this without them. Katrina had deemed Stiles fine, just looking for attention; she laughed as she rubbed his buzzed head. The moment sobered back to the serious nature as Katrina and Stiles noticed Scott's stare.

"Are you both going to be fine while I take this test? All of Derek's betas are here today and we need to get the info from Lydia without them finding out what we are doing." Katrina straightened up, all ready deciding what her roll will be today.

"Just go take your exam, Scott. Remember what we went over, please do your best, that's all I ask." Scott knew Katrina took her grades seriously, out of the three of them she was the one in the running for valedictorian along side Lydia. With a smile, Scott nodded, silently promising to make her proud. "Stiles can handle talking to Lydia by himself, so I'll be on beta duty. I can afford to miss a class or two today."

"Are you sure? They might play dirty like they did the other day." Katrina clenched her jaw, remembering how Derek just let his betas throw her from a second floor window.

"I can do it. They don't scare me." Stiles looped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a little squeeze.

"That's our fierce little kitty." Kat pouted and punched Stiles in the shoulder before stalking off towards the bustling hallway, listening to Scott soft laughter and Stiles complaints.

Katrina decided the easiest way to keep an eye out for Derek's betas was to stay in the hallway with her senses peeled. She took a seat on the floor in front of her locker, digging through her bag for her laptop. Once found, she propped it open in her lap, searching for the bestiary pages she emailed to herself. Opening one of Lydia's archaic latin translation cheat sheets she had saved in her documents, Katrina began to translate information about the kanima from where Lydia left off. After about fifteen minutes of translating basic information about appearance, Kat felt the presence of another werewolf approaching her. Taking a deep breath, she shut her eyes allowing the coming scent to fill her nose and focused her hearing on where Stiles was talking to Lydia. Deeming him fine, she opened her eyes continued on with her translating, ignoring the body that sat down beside her.

"What are you working on?" She promptly ignored his question, her fingers flying over the keys as she worked. "Can I see what you're doing?" Katrina snapped her laptop shut with a flick of her wrists. She shifted her body to face the boy with a frustrated huff.

"What do you want Isaac?" Katrina looked up at the seated boy, who was still so much taller than her.

"Why do I have to want something to be around you?" She raised her eyebrow at his question, wondering why he was seriously asking that.

"Well, firstly you used to never talk to me, especially before the bite. You used to be terrified to do it. Secondly, you're part of Derek's pack meaning we are on two different sides of this whole supernatural deal so you've most likely been sent by your Alpha to get information out of me." Isaac's eyes widened gradually as she talked because everything she said was true. He had been terrified to talk to her before the bite because she was such a pretty girl. He was also ordered by Derek to report back whatever information she knew on the kanima. Shaking his head at her intelligence, Isaac gave her a small smile.

"Well, you're right about both of those things but I actually wanted to talk to you about something else." Katrina just stared at him, waiting for him to go on. "I wanted to apologize for what I did in chemistry the day we tried to kill Lydia. The most I think about it, the more I realize how inappropriate that was and I shouldn't have done it." Katrina scoffed and started putting her things into her bag.

"Is this a sincere apology or do you think that if you apologize for treating me like that that I'll just forget that you tried to kill my cousin and I'll give up all my information? Because if it's the latter, I'm leaving." Katrina swiftly stood from her spot and began to walk away from where she left Isaac sitting. The tall boy scrambled to his feet and followed after her.

"Wait, wait," he finally caught up to her, gently grabbing her arm to stop her, "wait!" Turning her to face him, Isaac continued. "Look, I really am sorry. You should know how this newly bitten thing is. I have all this confidence surging inside me now and thought I could get away with what I did since I'm not how I used to be. I mean, look at you! You're seriously beautiful and I wanted to have a chance with you." Katrina could hear the sincerity in his words. Sighing, she shook her head and looked down.

"You know, I thought you were cute before the bite, back when we were both outcasts. If you had asked me out then, I would have said yes. I got bit and have been trying to better myself. You just turned into a Derek clone; we've already got one broody wolf in leather, we don't need more." With a small smile, she nodded her head and turned to walk away again.

"So if I find my own identity as a wolf and then asked you out, you'd say yes?" Isaac could hear her soft laughter as she walked away.

"Try being my friend first!" Katrina shouted over her shoulder without turning back.

"That wasn't a no!" Isaac could still hear her laughter as she turned the corner. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he smiled to himself, softly kicking the floor. Maybe he could eventually get a date with her. With that final thought he turned and walked in the opposite direction of the blue-eyed she-wolf.

The school day had finally ended and Katrina was officially worried, she had not gotten a single update from Scott, Stiles, or Allison. Seeing Stiles' jeep parked next to her motorcycle, she could at least assume they were still somewhere in the building. Hauling herself up, Katrina sat on the hood of the jeep and waited for its owner to return. Keeping her advanced hearing focused on things happening in the school, she pulled out a book and began to pass the time.

About 2 hours after school had ended, a large crash, accompanied by the sound of falling glass, had Katrina snapping to attention, seeing the tail end of the kanima darting into the forest. She pushed herself off the hood of the jeep and got prepared to follow it but shouts of her name caused her to pause. Stiles and Scott, who carried a twitching Erica, came running across the parking lot towards her. Stiles quickly updated Kat on what just happened, telling her to lead the way to Derek's hideout. She jumped on her bike, starting the engine, and sped out of the parking lot with Stiles hot on her tail.

Katrina arrived at the train depot seconds before Stiles but since they had to get Erica out of the car, Kat was the one to run in and warn Derek.

"Derek! Derek!" Katrina's panicked shouts reached the Alpha's ears as he saw her hurrying down the stairs. "Derek! Something's wrong with Erica! Scott and Stiles are right behind me with her!" Derek stepped out of the shadows as he watched Scott, who carried Erica, and Stiles scramble down the stairs after Kat.

"What happened?" Scott quickly explained as the trio followed Derek into a train car. He took his beta from Scott, lying her on the floor with Stiles behind her. Scott crouched down near them while Katrina stood behind Stiles, her nerves causing her to chew on her nails.

"Hold her up." Stiles gathered Erica in his arms, hoping she was comfortable.

"Is she dying?" His hazel eyes bored holes in the Alpha as he wracked his brain at what to do.

"She might." Looking up, Derek caught Katrina's eye as she bit her lip in fear and concern. "I…" he trailed off as he got an idea. "Which is why this is going to hurt." Grabbing his beta's arm, he swiftly broke it causing her to scream out in pain and Katrina to gasp, covering her mouth with her hand.

"You broke her arm!"

"It'll trigger the healing process." Katrina understood his plan now, watching with hopeful eyes as he continued. "I still have to get the venom out. This is where it's going to really hurt." Derek's claws extended, burying themselves deeply in Erica's flesh. He squeezed the wound, causing the infected blood to pour out. Erica's cries and screams reached a crescendo as Derek finished. She slumped back against Stiles, exhausted and in pain.

"Stiles… you make a good Batman." Derek signaled for Katrina and Scott to follow him. They walked through the depot, going a ways away to not disturb Erica who needed to rest.

"You know who it is." Scott openly stated and Katrina turned her gaze to Derek who confirmed it with a nod.


"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Scott looked at Katrina, watching the recognition flutter across her features.

"It wasn't just Erica he wanted to get a confirmation from." Scott knew she meant Isaac. Both teens faced Derek, creating a united front.

"We're gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack." Scott looked to Kat for support in his decision, to which he received a small smile and a nod. "If you want us in, fine. But we'll do it on one condition." Derek waved his hand, waiting for him to continue. "We're gonna catch him, not kill him."

"And?" Derek knew there was more to what he was saying. He watched the pair communicate silently before Katrina stepped forward, looking him dead in the eye.

"And we do it our way."