Disclaimer: The usual.

Alright, I'm way, way, way, way way late...Unfortunately with the end of semester being here, tests and what not have taken over my life, but winter break is a week away so I will make up for the dry spell, untill then, I give you chapter five. As always, thanks to my cousin for the beta.

Chapter Five

A bell rang as a barista called out an order. There was a small line forming at the counter of the small café. The shop was on a corner just south of Maybeck High School. It was quite inside, there was only a few people in the café. The smell of coffee brewing filled John's nose as he received his order. Haley sat furthest from the counter, quietly waiting for John to return.

John made his way over to Haley with two cups of coffee. He sat across from Haley at the small two seat table and set her coffee down in front of her carefully. She exchanged a thank you before reaching for cream and sugar. They remained quiet as the two stirred their coffees.

"My son died April 22nd, 1995," John spoke softly, breaking the silence grimly. Haley was shocked at where he chose to start. "I was in the room when he when he went into cardiac arrest," John added. He stopped his story as he thought back to the day. He remembered everything that happened.

"I can start, if you want? I don't remember much from that day but..." Haley offered as she watch John's gaze grow distant in deep thought. John cleared his throat and refocused on Haley.

"Scott, had gone into cardiac arrest at the same time as another baby, and they were both rushed out of the room," John continued with his story. Haley took a sip of her coffee as she listened. "It's was very hectic. There were nurses and doctors everywhere. One of the nurses spoke with me right before it all happened. Its was just idle chat." John struggled to remember each detail, looking for some clue to explain what happened.

"So you... you had twins I take it?" Haley already deduced the answer by now, but the question was never formally asked. Her question eased John out of the strife of remembering the events of his son's death.

"Yeah," John answered. His mind flooded with the memory of his wife smiling as they stood next to both their boys in the NICU. Haley's face dropped at the answer however. The news was condemning to her. She thought back to the happiness she felt when she received the news that her son had lived. Now she knew it wasn't true.

John focused on Haley now, her face grew sad. He knew what she was thinking. He was thinking the same thing. There was a mix up at the hospital. The thought was horrible. To think that your son lived only to learn, 17 years later, that he hadn't. John knew Haley must be feeling like her world was being taken away from her.

"Haley, I lost my son 17 years ago. My wife and I buried him, and together we raised Stiles," John's voice was weak. "Bradley is your son." He spoke so definitively in order to reassure Haley. John was crushed on the inside, however. His heart filled when he thought he would have his son back. It's the dream of every parent that has ever lost a child. John was not to one to let his feelings control him though. His mind, as logical and cold as it can be, reminded him harshly that Brad was not Scott. John had lost his son.

"John, thank you for that," Haley was now softly crying. She didn't know how to feel. In her mind her son was alive and well. She raised him for 17 years and all was good. Simultaneously she knew that her son did not survive and that the child she raised was not hers biologically.

"There must have been a mixup…" As the words rolled from John's tongue, the thought flew back to him. It was vivid and it hurt but John knew what happened. "...it's my fault."

"What do you mean?"Haley looked up, wiping a tear away. "It couldn't be."

John's face was despondent. He didn't want to accept it, but he knew there was no other explanation. "The clipboards, I had one and the nurse had the other," John deadpanned.

"John, what do you mean?"

"I saw the nurse pick up a clipboard, so I walked over to Scott to look at his and I...I…" John's throat swelled as if not allowing him to admit fault. "I dropped it," He let out.

"John, you dropped a clipboard, it hardly means it was your fault," Haley assured.

"The nurse was so worried when she grabbed the clipboard from the ground," John remembered the nurse running down the hall.

"Thats still doesn't make much sense," Haley spoke. "How does it make it your fault? John you're being too hard on yourself."

"All the information for both those boys were on the clipboards," John started. "I don't even know why I grabbed for Scott's. I had no reason to," John let his brain torment his every choice.

Haley didn't know how to respond. She straightened her back a bit more alert to John's words. He took noticed and attempted to calm his nerves. He let his body relax, his mind however, was still flooded with hindsight and regret.

"What do we do?" Haley asked John nervously. "We both know what happened, and we both know which way this can go…" Haley started as concern filled her.

"Brad's your son. I won't take that from you," John's voice was slightly hurt at the implication, but more so, it was quiet and heavy with the sorrow over a life he lost out on. "I could never live with myself if I did that. It would hurt you, it would hurt Brad, and would have made my wife disappointed in me," John took a sip from his coffee. Haley chose not to comment, instead she let a moment of silence pass. It didn't feel awkward.

"Well, they have met each other, and I'm pretty sure they'll want to get to know each other." Haley spoke after she deemed a safe amount of time passed.

"Thats not really our choice. They have every right to know each other, " John answered, he was more collected now. Haley nodded in agreeance.

Stiles could not make out what he was hearing. It almost sounded like Scott but he couldn't really tell. He was trying to make sense of what happened. When Brad left to get Scott and Isaac the world toned out. A high-pitched beep filled his ears, pierced his skull like needles.

The sounds grew louder. It pierced through the beeps. It was Scott's voice, but he wasn't anywhere in the room. Stiles could not see him. He sounded so far away. Stiles stuck his fingers in his ears trying to clean them out, as though there were water in them. The beep continued on.

"...Stiles…Stiles…" Scotts voices was clearer, but it still only barely pierced the veil of the beep. Stiles grab his head trying to block out the painful sound.

'When had he start screaming?' Stiles thought as he fell to the floor from the pain. His mouth was open and he could feel the vibration in his throat, he had to be screaming, but he could not hear it.

"...Stiles...snap out of it…" Scott's voices was starting to outweigh the beeps. There was desperation in it now.

"Stiles!" He heard another voice join in with Scott's. He tried to make out it's owner. It sounded like Isaac.

"Stiles...It's okay, Stiles it's time to get up. Stiles it's okay. We're here for you." A third voice joined in. It wasn't loud like Isaac's or thick with worry like Scott's. It was so calm, it was so warm. "Stiles…" He felt the voice as it entered his head. The beeps started to fade.

Stiles looked around the room. He was on the floor with Scott kneeling right beside him. Scott's hands were securely placed on Stiles' shoulders. Kneeling at his feet, Stiles saw Isaac. His face was a mix of curiosity and fear. To his right was Brad, he had his hands clasped around Stiles' hand. Brad was leaning up from where he had been whispering in Stiles' ear.

Scott, Isaac, and Brad scrambled to the their feet and helped Stiles up. Scott wrapped his arm securely around Stiles, supporting him, just in case he fell again. Brad stood a few inches away next to Isaac. They stared at Stiles unnervingly.

A few minutes passed with nothing said. Scott was still holding onto Stiles with a tight grip. Isaac's eyes focused on Scott with knowing. They exchanged worried looks. Brad's eyes never left Stiles.

"What?!" Stiles asked loudly. He attempted to free and steady himself, Scotts grip tightened even more as Stiles flailed.

"Stiles calm down, are you okay?" Scott's voice was still trembling slightly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Stiles' words were unconvincing. Even he had to shutter at just how bad his lie was.

"What just happened?" Brad asked. His eyes broke contact with Stiles as he looked to Scott and Isaac for an explanation.

"It was... just... a panic attack..." Stiles offered. His words betrayed him though. The explanation was weak.

"It felt so empty," Brad replied, his eyes fixed on Stiles again. Stiles avoided eye contact.

"No, No I'm fine. I'm telling you, I'm just fine," Stiles protested, he continued his attempt to get out of Scott's supporting grip.

"That, wasn't 'fine' Stiles." Brad spoke softly.

"What was that?" Isaac asked. "...Just while we're on the topic," he added when his question received a quick glare from Scott. The room remained quiet. Stiles freed himself from Scott's grip and refocused on Isaac.

"I told you already. I'm fine now," Stiles answered. He avoided eye contact with Scott and Brad.

Scott looked at Isaac. The look told Isaac to not ask anymore questions. Isaac took the hint and followed accordingly. Without knowing for sure, Scott took a mental note, he would take Stiles to Deaton. He feared that Stiles' 'panic attack' may actually have been something more serious, something dark.

"I'm fine now. Let's go do something else. How about a movie?" Stiles asked, diffusing the situation. His attempt to change the subject and move past his previous outburst was begrudgingly accepted. Scott and Isaac seemed to drop the subject, but Stiles figured Scott would have something to say later. Brad didn't ask anymore questions, but he did keep a pretty consistent watch on Stiles the rest the day.

Allison's car pulled into Lydia's driveway. She quickly shut off the car and made her way to the front door. Before knocking she slowed herself. After two sturdy knocks on the hardwood door. Lydia's mom greeted her and let her in, directing her to Lydia's room

"Hey, where'd you go after school? You were off in a rush," Lydia greeted as Allison made her way into Lydia's room.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't tell you much. That's what I'm here to talk about, actually." Allison replied as she quietly closed Lydia's door. She turned to face Lydia and a moment of silence took over.


"Right, So I decided to go check out Stiles place because Scott wasn't answering his phone…" Allison started.

"Oh yeah, totally over him…"Lydia commented, referring to the creepy nature of Allison's action. She smiled to insure it was taken humorously. Allison was taken aback amusingly.

"...Hey...I was just...after everything, I was just making sure…" Allison slightly stumbled as she formed an acceptable explanation.

"...I totally get it. You were just looking after your friend. Totally not creepy stalker or anything." Lydia was now fully amused with herself.

"Where getting off track. "Allison replied, regaining Lydia's focus.

Allison explained what she saw at Stiles' house. She expressed her concern for Peter being there and breaking in. Lydia's face became more serious at the explanation. A subtle fear of her past experience with Peter attempted to creep in, but she pushed the thought away with a strong face.

"He's up to something bad. We have to find out what," Lydia dead panned. Her eyes were fixed on her now repaired circular mirror. When she finished speaking, she turned to look at Allison.

"I know someone who can help." Allison replied with a smirk forming.

Dr. Deaton made his way to the front of the shop when he heard the door open. A small kitten made a disgruntled noise as Alan returned her to it's cage along the way. He gave her a warm smile and gentle pet before refocusing on his trek to the waiting room.

"We're closed," Deaton spoke immediately after seeing who was standing at the entrance.

"This seems familiar. I really thought we could get along this time around Alan." Peter spoke callously.

"Apparently I'm still not clear enough. We are closed, leave," Deaton replied fearlessly. His subtle challenge caused Peter to change his stance. The doctors face was unwrinkled, his body rigid, and heart rate calm.

"Right," Peter replied. He turned to look at the chairs in the waiting room. His stance becoming slightly more defensive. He noticed a new chair in place of the one he had thrown before. He faced Deaton again with a hint of a smile and backed down from Deaton's challenge just as subtly as Deaton presented it.

"I'm Just here to ask Scott a question. You wouldn't by chance know where he is, would you?" Peter asked. He grew more confident. His stance shifted again to a more neutral position, as he ignored Deaton's request. Deaton responded by taking a step forward.

Deaton didn't reply. After a tense moment, Peter backed out of the conversion and turned for the door. On his way out he made a request for Deaton to let Scott know he came by.

Stiles looked around the theater through a blur. The screen was a blur. He could make out the figures of people on the screen but the details were too fuzzy to place. In the distance, probably the first row, a phone started ringing.

"Turn off your phone," Stiles whispered harshly after a few rings sounded. The ringing stopped. His harsh whisper caught the attention of the people around him. Scott and Isaac were in their seats, to his left, focusing on him with a blank stare. The people seating just in front had turned to stare at Stiles with the same blank stare. Stiles could feel his stomach turn with a bad feeling as more and more heads began turning and focusing on him. Each set of eyes looked hollow.

The same phone started ringing again. One ring. Two rings. Three. Another phone starts ringing, This time its in the back row. Then another, he can't place the new ring, it's probably somewhere to his right. More ringing phones go off. The theater begins to erupt in a mix of different ringtones.

"Turn off your phone," a whisper came from Scott.

"Turn off your phone," Isaac whispered just after Scott.

"Turn of your phone," More voices started whispering.

"Turn off your phone," The theater was now an out of tune chorus of voices slowly building with in intensity with each new person speaking.

"Turn off your phone, turn off your phone, turn off your phone..." The voices began to chant. Stiles' heart started to race as he looked around the movie theater. The voices and ringing grew louder and louder. Every face was trained on him, their eyes were barely visible in the theater, but he still could sense the intense gaze.

"Shut up!" Stiles stood up yelling at the people in the whole theater went silent.

"Stiles, what's wrong with you?" The speakers in the theater sounded. The crowd grew blurry as the screen grew sharp and discernible.

"Nothing's wrong with me," Stiles replied. His voice was sturdy when he started speaking but as he focused on the screen, his voice cracked. "...Dad? What's happening."

"What's wrong with you?" John spoke, he was on the screen, his voice was booming from the surrounding speakers.

"Nothing," Stiles whispered, sadness creeped into his voice.

"I don't know! Dad, I'm scared," Stiles heard his voice but his lips didn't move. The voice was coming from the speaker. Stiles watched as the screen changed to show him and his father standing in a white , Stiles is wrapped up in a white straitjacket.

"Stiles, I have to go," John spoke absolutely. He turned to leave the white room.

"Dad! No! Dad, don't leave me! Dad!" The Stiles on-screen began screaming.

"No! Dad!" Stiles yelled from where he was standing in the theater. His screaming began to match what was coming from his onscreen self.

A white light began filling the whole theater as John walked through the door. When he closed the door, the screen went completely white.

"Dad!" Stiles yelled one last time. The speakers were quiet.

"Shut up!" The voices in the theater started up again in a mismatch of words. They grew quieter as a white light absorbed everything.

"Stop!" Stiles yelled. He closed his eyes. Everything went dark as he squeezed his eyes shut.

The voices were now completely gone. Stiles opened his eyes. He was in a white room. He felt his arms pressed against his chest. He tried to free them but they would not budge. Stiles tried flailing but it was no use, he was in the straight jacket.

"Dad!" He tried to yell one last time, but all that came out was a muffled noise.

"Stiles, it's ok." He heard a familiar voice fill his head. "Stiles stay calm. Your friends are here. You're safe." The voice warmed his mind. He knew whose voice it was but he couldn't place it. She had such a comforting voice.

"Stiles," Brads voice pierced the whiteness of the room. The light faded and the exterior of the theater came in to detailed view. "Scott, Isaac, I think he's back with us." Brad looked to the two of them and spoke softly.

Stiles looked around. He was just outside the doors to the theater they were in previously. He could hear the movie playing, the sounds were muffled through the door. Scott, Isaac, and Brad were standing around him. He sat in a bench against the wall. Behind Scott was a man in a suit and two teenagers in white shirts, slacks, and a red vest. Stiles assumed they were workers at the theater, and probably a boss or manager.

"Stiles?" Scott asked. Stiles was still looking around, dazed and confused. "Stiles focus, we're here. Your safe now. Your dad is on his way over." Scott spoke calmly.

"What's going on?" Stiles asked. He was still confused as to what happened.

"Stiles, it happened again. Don't say it was a panic attack, that was not a panic attack." Brad informed him. He looked scared. "Stiles, that feeling was paralyzing." Brad added.

"Stiles, come on. Lets go wait outside. We called your dad 30 minutes ago, he should be here soon." Scott said comforting. He snaked an arm around Stiles' side and lifted him to his feet. Stiles was still looking around confused.

"Scott, what happened?" Stiles asked quietly so that only Scott could hear.

"You don't remember?" Scott replied. He looked scared and worried.

"I...I...don't," Stiles answered. His brain flooded with vivid detail of the phones and chants. He couldn't explain what he saw. He was afraid to tell Scott.

When they got outside the cinema, John was just pulling up through the entrance of the parking lot. Isaac waved him over. Stiles watched the car as it pulled up. He didn't let his dad fully get out before he was already rushing over.

"Dad?" Stiles asked, as though it wasn't really his father.

"Stiles, what's happening? Scott…" John started to reply. Stiles just gave him a hug and he stopped to hug back.

Relief flooded over Stiles as his dad hugged him. Stiles hadn't realized his heart was pounding fast. It started to calm down through the duration of the hug. Afterwards, John walked over to Scott to get an understanding of what happened. Stiles stayed by Brad and Isaac. Haley pulled up several moments later.

Brad greeted his mom. She told him they would be heading home soon, and explained that John and her needed to tell him and Stiles something. John started walking back now. Scott and Isaac started heading for the Jeep ,leaving the other four with some privacy. They agreed to just hear everything now, instead of going somewhere else to talk.

John started by telling Stiles of the what happened at birth and of his brother. The news stunned him into silence. After John explained, Haley told them of what had happened with her son. John and Haley took turns from that point on, trying to calmly explain what happened. When everyone was at a loss for words the other took over until they fully explained what has happened.

After a few moments of shock, John continued speaking. He explained what he and Haley had decided in terms of what would happen next. Brad and Stiles both stood frozen. They listened and processed each piece of information as it came, but they each had their own issues with the explanation.

"I don't think there is very much to discuss here. Stiles lets head home. You probably have a lot of questions. when you get home, there's a little more I have to tell you before you ask," John finished, as another quiet moment settled. Haley agreed to the statement and said something of similar nature to Brad. John and Haley made their way to their cars after Brad and Stiles asked for a little privacy. Stiles told his dad to start heading home and that he'd be right behind him. With hesitation John agreed. Haley stayed in her car waiting for Brad.

"I have no idea what to say," Stiles spoke after Haley and John were no longer in hearing range.

"Brothers," Brad added. "I'm so confused. Part of me is happy about that, the other part feels horrible. My mom? Is she my mom? I know she is but it feels so weird now," Brad spoke unorganized, his thoughts just coming out of his mouth with no filter.

"Of course she's your mom," Stiles replied with surprise. "She will always be your mom, and now, you have a brother too. I have a brother," Stiles continued. He sounded sincere but he felt just as confused as Brad. He hope Brad wouldn't notice. He did.

"Stiles, you feel just as happy and as horrible as I do," Brad accused rightfully. "I mean, it's obviously going to be different from now on. This is kinda a big deal. What is someone even suppose to do in a situation like this?" Brad asked.

"I know what we can do," Stiles answered. "We can listen to what our parents have to say, and we can get to know each other," Stiles added with a warming confidence. "I don't know about you, but I was actually relieved to learn I had a brother. A lot of weird stuff has happened to me, and I was beginning to think that feeling another person meant I was crazy."

"I understand that," Brad agreed. "I can't lie, I was really excited when we first spoke at the school today," Brad finished.

"Then lets go with that feeling," Stiles cheered up slightly,happened the shock faded. "The other stuff is details, lets let that be. Can I get your number."

Stiles and Brad exchanged numbers and an awkward hug before parting and heading home. When Stiles got to the Jeep, Scott and Isaac asked him what happened. He updated them on the drive home.

"Mom?" Brad asked as they drove home.

"Yes?" She replied, her heart speed up slightly, nervous as to what he might ask.

"What do we tell dad?" Brad asked flatly.

Haley's heart took a slight jump and her nervousness melted away into laughter at the question. She couldn't wrap her head around the question. Out of all the pressing things he could have asked, he choose that one that seemed fitting for the bottom of the laugh was awkward at first but Brad must have realized the same thing Haley did and joined in. The laugh became comforting. Brad and Haley continued laughing away the nervousness until Haley felt okay talking.

"I don't even know," was all Haley answered