Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf.

Just real quick before you start, this is a multi-chapter book that focus's on stiles and his OC twin, it also focuses on the Scott/Stiles Bromance. Takes place in both preseason one, and interim season 3. Beta'd by my awesome cousin.


John's speed was slowly accelerating as he made his way through Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. He was still dressed in his full deputy's gear and his partner was 10 paces behind, attempting to keep up without sprinting. John swiftly and smoothly made his way around the nurses, patients, and doctors crowding the halls. The deputy, on the other hand, was not as smooth. He lost sight of John at a T-way section in the hallway. Rounding the corner John's eyes fixed on a nurse standing by the front desk of the maternity ward.

"John, John," Melissa, the nurse, called successfully trying to catch John's attention.

"Am I late?" John inquired when he reached Melissa.

"Almost, come on follow me. I'll take you to her," Melissa answered leading John into the maternity ward. His partner decided to stop in the waiting room, he waved John and Melissa off to let them know he was going to stay behind. John and Melissa continued through the doors to the maternity ward. He took a seat, slightly winded from the excitement. The nurse working the front desk exchanged smiles with him as they both watched the swinging doors stop and close.

Melissa caught a glimpse of John's face, his smile beamed with a joyful brightness that all passers by recognised as the face of an expecting new father. Melissa knew this, what had caught her attention though were his eyes. They were heavy with something, it was neither glee nor happiness. It was worry, a worry she understood in more ways than one, as the nurse who had been with them through all the check ups, and as an expectant mother herself, she understood.

"John. Breathe," Melissa advised as they neared the delivery room.

"Melissa. It's early, it's really early." The weight in John's eyes deepened as he spoke.

"John, it is common for twins to be born early; your doctors have been preparing you and Claudia for this," Melissa attempted to sooth John's nerves. John could hear screams coming from the delivery room, he pulled ahead of Melissa. Right before opening the doors and walking in, he faced no one in particular and thought out loud "But 28 weeks...is really early."

John's focus was now fully on his wife, Claudia. He sees her face distort in pain as she cries out. Beads of sweat soak her normally smooth, straight, dark, brown hair causing it to curl. His eyes traveled down the standard issue gown to her fingers, which grasped the sterile blue sheets so tight that her knuckles turned white. His senses tangle as he breathed in the scent of latex mixed with the starch iron smell of blood.

He immediately rushes to his wife's side and stands by her, hand in hand as her screams intensified and her grip strengthened. John took note of the extra equipment around the room, most of which was precautionary, in the event the steroids did not work and the newborn's lungs were still under developed. His eyes shifted from the focused Obstetrician delivering his baby, to the group of nurses preparing for arrival of the first baby. His focus abruptly shifted when a cry filled the room.

"It's a boy," The doctor announced.

John watched the Obstetrician as he handed the infant to a nurse. Claudia was breathing heavily preparing for the next infant. John and Claudia both watched the nurse follow explicit directions from the doctor as she prepped the child for an incubator. The first child was now secure in a machine. This process only took five minutes before all attention was back on Claudia.

"John?" Claudia looked back and forth between her baby and her husband.

"It's alright, our doctors warned us, we are prepared for this remember?" John's demeanor was strong for his wife, but his mind was just as worried, his thoughts just as cumbersome with fear.

John and Claudia's hearts both dropped when they saw the second child in the hands of the doctor, he didn't say anything. He immediately moved to a warming table and began resuscitation. Melissa ran over with a ventilator and aided him.

"Oh god, John what's happening?" Claudia's breathing was increasing and her voice deteriorated while she watched her son be resuscitated. John locked eyes with his wife and gripped her hand with security. Less than 20 seconds after delivery and before John could even reply, a cry came from the direction of the medical staff.

"It's a boy," The doctor was happy, the worry was fading as he turned to face the couple. He and the nurses put the second newborn in another incubator. The doctor began explaining everything to Claudia and John.

The incubators were rolled out of the room and on there way to NICU. Claudia was all cleaned up, and it was her, her husband, and Melissa in a new room. John's face was exhausted with worry and fear, his composure was being held together by a strong need to remind his wife everything's going to be fine. He tried hard to not show worry, right now he needed to be a strong anchor for his wife. Claudia on the other hand was terrified. The doctor was not very soothing when he explained the was left attempting to calm the nerves of the new parents.

"April 8th," Melissa smiled as she looked at Claudia, attempting to help ease her mind. Claudia's face showed slight confusion.

"Today is April 8th, Claudia, today you are the mother of two beautiful boys." Melissa turned the mood of the room into a more positive aura. Claudia worried complexion warmed as the thought settled in. She and John looked at each other with growing smiles.

"We are parents," John's marveled, his smile bright and with a single tear of over joy streaming down his face. He leaned down and kissed his wife.

"We're parents." Claudia confirmed. Melissa's hand went to her belly, she watched knowing that soon she would be feeling that way. She was almost through her second trimester.

John took the next day off from work. The doctors keep Claudia in the hospital overnight, stating she would be ready to go in the morning. They Explained her sons would be in NICU for no more that two weeks if all went well. And that they would be in their cribs at home before the end of the month.

For that two weeks, Claudia only left the hospital once. She went with Melissa to pick out any items she might need for her sons when they were released. The Mickey and Goofy set of baby blankets and the dinosaur pajamas she received at her baby shower were the first things that came to mind when she made her mental list. She knew the list would grow quickly and she didn't want to risk John forgetting anything. John didn't blame her either, baby supplies were not his forte.

"So have you given them names yet?" Melissa asked Claudia, their friendship has grown considerably through the past few months.

"Well the oldest, we decided on Genim"

"Do explain?" Melissa was confused as to the name.

"It's a family name, its meaning is rich in determination, focus, while also being very active minded and free roaming" Claudia Explained.

"And your youngest?" Melissa asked. Still thinking on Claudia's previous description.

"Scott." Claudia stated proudly. Melissa face was slightly confused.

"Does it have a meaning?" Melissa asked.

"Well I named Genim and John named Scott, explained to me, the name Scott creates a caustic expression and moods which prevent harmony and happiness in close association. Overall there is a tendency to worry." Claudia explained thoroughly.

"Well thats very fitting then." Melissa commented, the mood was not as light as before but there was still a warmth in Claudia's expression.

"It was well thought out on his part, and also very subtle. Which by all means, is John," Claudia's mood returned to a bright one.

"Come, we got what we need, lets head back" Melissa helped Claudia up.

"Wait, let me just give John a call and let him know we are on are way." Claudia insisted. She looked for her phone with no luck, she turned to Melissa with a playful plead on her face.

"I think you left it at the hospital, remember you asked John to plug it into the charger." Melissa replied.

"Oh right, can I borrow yours?" Claudia requested nicely.

"Yeah, of course" She pulled her phone out and flipped up the screen. "Oh, crap, It died." Melissa stated, dropping her head with an apologetic smile while showing Claudia the phone.

"Well hope he doesn't need anything else." Claudia stated while picking up the baby bag.

Meanwhile, John was standing in the NICU staring back and forth between his two sons. Genim was doing strong and there was high hopes for him. Scott however was not in good shape. John watched the heart monitor for Scott and focused on the green dot as it made its bumpy way across the screen.

"Any changes?" A nurse asked warmly walking into the room. John was only slightly startled as his attention refocused on the nurse.

"Nothing," He replied throwing his hand in the air slightly to point to his kids. The nurse walked over to another incubator two down from Scott's. She grabbed a clipboard from a rack that was attached to the incubator and read. His eyes shifting from the board to john and back.

"We will just have to get a good eye on him then, won't we?" The nurse smiled. John grabbed at Scotts clipboard, he looked it over as he sat in a chair in between his sons.

"Yeah we…" John was cut of when a set of standing beeps filled the room. His son's heart rate went flat, along with the other child the nurse was checking. He dropped the clipboard as his heart fell. The nursed pressed a button on the wall. Before he could even comprehend the scene, a rush of doctors and nurses had both incubators in a room at the end of the hall. The nurse that first walked in was standing by John the whole time. After the room quieted down and cleared she grabbed the clipboard from the floor along with the one she originally had. John looked up at her before running to the hallway, he couldn't breathe. The nurse looked at the clipboards with confusion before her eyes widened, she quickly headed toward the room with the incubators.

John pulled his phone out and called his wife. He could hear the phone ringing from the room he just left. "Claudia, why didn't you take your phone." John let out with frustration before he began punching in Melissa's number. It went straight to voicemail. "No, No, Pickup. Melissa this is John, pickup." He left her a message before heading down the hall towards the entrance of the wing.

The nurse with the two clipboards opened the door to the room that the incubators were in. She saw the doctors working intently on the two infant boys. The scene was an organised mess of nurses and doctors handing different equipment back and forth. A set of piercing beeps still setting the tone. After sever delicate presses to one of the infants backs one of the beeps change, returning back to a beat, slowly increasing frequency, and normalizing. The other heartbeat was still flat. The nurse set each clipboard down and began to aid the doctors.

"John?" A familiar doctor found John pacing by the entrance thirty minutes later. John looked up and focused on the doctor.

"John, maybe we should go somewhere a little more private." The doctors tone gave john goosebumps, he knew something was wrong.

"No, No, Please tell me he's, Oh god no" John's composure was failing with each attempt to form a sentence.

"John, I'm sorry." The doctor had a hand on John's shoulder now. The words pierced Him like icy daggers.

"We did everything we could, we just…" The doctor paused when John fell into one of the waiting room chairs. His gaze glossed as he focused his eyes on a tile directly in front of his feet.

"John, I'm sorry" The doctor left him when John emotionlessly waved him off. The doctor walked away.

Claudia and Melissa walked in a few moments later chuckling at a joke Melissa had made just prior to walking in.

"Hey John, what are you doing down h…" Claudia stopped dead when John looked up at her, his face was hard as a stone, his eyes watered as several tears fell down his face. Claudia dropped the bag of baby supplies she had brought. Melissa looked back and forth between the two, Claudia moved to John. Melissa went to the desk to get more information.

"John…" Claudia's voice was weak and barely audible.

"Claudia" John replied, standing to hug her tightly. She collapsed into him, her knees giving out. She cried heavily into John's shoulder.

"Claudia, the doctors they...I...I was standing right there...He was fine...then...it happened so fast...and the doctors, the did everything they...they could" John stumbled, looking for the words, looking for the strength he had the day Genim and Scott were born, looking for something.

"Why, god, why?" Claudia's voice cracked under the weight of the heart wrenching news.

Melissa, watched them from the desk, tears streaming down her face. The doctor showed her Scott's Clipboard. She read it. Time of death: 3:07 pm, April 22nd.

"Oh god," She gasped as she keep reading. Cause of death: Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. "Doctor, this can't be true though, its been two weeks, deaths by NRDS happen usually within 2-7 days?" Melissa looked to the doctor with disbelief. She wanted to Give Claudia and John some sort of closure she could give Claudia and John. "I'm sorry Melissa, I don't know what to say, the results are undeniable."

Genim was ready to go two days later. He was released in time to attend his brothers funeral. The scene was very morbid. Claudia sat in a full black conservative dress and heels. Her face was covered by a light mesh. She held her son in her arms, wrapped snuggly in a blanket. Genim's eyes were closed, he was asleep through most the proceedings. John sat next to his wife, in a 3 piece simple black suit. His face seemed emotionless. He sat staring forward at the small wooden coffin in front of him. Melissa sat with her husband, to Claudia's right.

A Minister spoke sweet words to the grieving crowd. They stared almost blankly at the casket. John almost didn't hear the Minister call him to say a few words. Redirecting his attention, John stood and stepped forward.

"They say a mother becomes a mother the day she knows she's pregnant, and a father becomes a father the day he holds his child for the first time." John started. "I never actually got to hold Scott" A strain could be heard in his voice. "But a saying is just that, a saying. Scott was my son, my baby boy, and I was his father." John fought back the lump in his throat. "I'm not going to get the chance to watch Scott grow old and see him develop into a man. It hurts deeply when I think of that. I won't get to be the father of the year to Scott. But, to keep going I need to be strong, we need to be strong together." John felt the lump subside slightly as he looked at his wife. "We need to be strong for ourselves, for each other, and for Genim." John's speech was now directly focused at his wife. He walked up to her, looking down at Genim and placing a kiss on his forehead. " I will be the strongest I can be. I'll be the best father I can be. I'll be twice the dad." John was talking to Genim now. Standing up now, and returning his attention to the small crowd of close family and friends. "I will always have two sons. And although, one will not be here with me, I will always hold enough love in my heart for both of them. By this time the casket was full lowered into the ground. John leaned down to grab a handful of dirt, throwing it into the hole.

It was hard at first. John and Claudia were grief stricken. They powered through the next few weeks, caring for their son to the best of their ability through these tough times. They had decided at the wake that they were not going to tell Genim about his brother until he was older. Their friends and family supported the decision.

After several weeks, John and Claudia were fully adjusted into what would be their new normal life. They had a happy healthy son, and while they would never forget their loss, they had moved on. In the following weeks, the Stilinski's attention turned to their closest friends the McCall's. Melissa and Her Husband Ralph would be due for their baby soon. In honor of Scott, Claudia gave Melissa permission to name her son Scott when asked.

Scott was born on August 23rd, a healthy baby boy with no causes for concern. Minus his slightly uneven jaw line, Scott was a picture of a perfect delivery and newborn. With the birth of Scott, Claudia and John Stilinski, and Raphael and Melissa McCall become very close family friends. Genim and Scott spent a lot of time together from that point on.

Little did the new happy families know, the loss that had played such a big part in their lives was not really a loss at all.