Author note; Hello! A new story, Kim/Jared, a new twist on their love story, I read so many normal ones of her simply being a nerd and him a jock so why not try something new and give my own twisted dramatic version of events :D Let me know what you think or where you think the story will go. It's not as dark as the first bit may suggest for all those wanting a cute love story, I just like to start my stories with a dark bang. That Day Dreamer xx

I do not own Twilight

~ Let me fall ~

The dark winter fog swirled over the small house, the trees rustled around the dark yard in an eerily chime as if ringing out in warning of screams to come. Lights flickered from the porch as the old swinging seat creaked back and forth and everything fell silent, as if in waiting torment. The night was that made of nightmares, the night the fog came was the night people stayed indoors. Peering through shut curtains at the mist that covered the small town so thickly you wouldn't be able to see your own hand in front of your face.

It was a strange night, made stranger by the blinding flash of lightening and a roar of thunder so loud no one heard the yells of help erupting from inside the Micheals family home, no one heard the smash of the windows or the snarling rips that echoed over the empty house.

No; people knew nothing of the horrors that tore right across the street from them. Only the screeching of breaks and the cries of the little girl in her nightgown brought attention to the real strange goings on of that winters night.

Nine years later

I started from my sleep, my body jerking violently against the bed beneath me as the dreams tore at the one place that was supposed to offer me peace and rest from the horrors of my past. Rolling over my eyes scanned over my baby sister's bed, making sure she was exactly where she was supposed to be. As most mornings she was, her little body hanging loosely over the bed, her mouth slid open in a gaping 'o' shape and her black hair stuck up in all directions that it shouldn't be sticking up in. Even after nine years I couldn't let go of my fear, the incident of my past far to drilled into my brain to be able to shut off for even a second.

I waited were I was, letting the hard pumping in my chest dim to a natural thud before swinging my legs from beneath the safe warmth of my duvet. Instantly the cold air hit me, my hand reached out for the radiator that lay behind my bed and as usual it was stone cold. It was a miracle either I or Bailey hadn't caught pneumonia by now, the heating in this god forsaken house hadn't worked for at least six years.

My eyes slid to the clock that lay on my bedside table, 6.30am enough time to do what needed to be done. My legs protested but I stood up, shivering against the stone cold room, even as the sun began sneaking through the clouds outside it would never be remotely warm in this room. It was May and it felt like December in here. Bailey's soft cough sounded as I tip toed my way to our joined bathroom, but as quickly as she had stirred she settled right back down and I continued on my way to the cold shower that would offer no relief from the morning chills.

I pulled my old car into a parking space well away from the crowds of kids running back and forth the school parking lot. Bailey shot me her usual pleading look, begging me to let her stay in the car all day but I just smiled kindly. I felt bad for her, I mean school wasn't a great experience for me, I barely had friends but I was left alone. The kids in my classes had gotten past the stage of asking questions and making comments about the incident. But her class was young, they heard stories but didn't understand the pain behind the stories and so she was taunted for what had happened all those years ago. Despite only being a baby at the time she was asked and asked questions on a subject she barely knew about. And subsequently she hated school, she spent most lunch times sat in the teacher's room, it was where she could be left alone. Although I owed that thanks to Rachel Black, she was a trainee teacher in La Push Elementary and had taken pity on the little girl being teased and so Bailey now had one friend and to me it didn't matter it was a teacher as long as she had someone.

"Please?" Her little voice rang out against the mumbling around our car and I let out a long sigh as I prepared myself for the fight ahead. She wouldn't go in without a fight. I said nothing back, just checked that I looked somewhat decent, my dark brown hair sat messily in a high knot and I was dressed plainly in skinny jeans, old converse that looked as if they had seen far better days and a simple grey top that hung loosely on my slim body. I cared little for how I looked nobody paid attention to me anyway. But I tried to make sure Bailey looked somewhat normal, any money I had went on her to make sure she wasn't picked on for having crappy clothes as well as a crappy home life.

I flicked a dry cornflake off my jeans before stepping from the car, pulling my bag onto my shoulder I walked to the side of the car that remained shut and flung the door open. Bracing myself for the physical activity I was about to participate in. As per usual Bailey sat determined as ever not to move from her seat and as per usual I stretched across her little 10 year old body to unbuckle her, and then the kicking started. She was determined that one day I would give up and actually have her sit in my car all day, and I was just as determined to make sure she got through her school with a decent education; after all she needs one person in her life who actually gives a damn. My arms dragged at her, pulling her harshly from the car and I was sure that if anyone actually paid attention to me they would think I was kidnapping or abusing the tiny child held firmly in my grip.

"Please please please" She kicked her feet into the ground as we finally approached the steps into the small elementary part of La Push school, all three school stages were in the same grounds and so I wasn't even that far from her during the days. I pushed her harder and the bell for my own class rang out, I was going to be late again because of her little daily episode and I looked around as the car park began emptying. I was so going to be late.

"Bails" An older female voice called out and I looked up from the girl now led on the dirty floor beneath me to see Rachel Black, she smiled kindly at me, the same pity in her eyes as she always held. She like most people on the res knew the story of my family, and she like most people who had been old enough to understand what had happened looked at me with such sadness that it physically hurt me to see it. "I'll take it from here, go to class, she'll be fine I promise" She smiled at me again, taking my hands from my sister's arms she quickly picked the tiny ten year old up and began whisking her inside with ease. I had to say I was jealous at how well she managed to manoeuvre Bailey when it took me so long to even get her out of the car.

With another kind smile from Rachel I turned and rushed indoors, the final bell hadn't sounded yet and so I hurried to my locked, holding my books between my thighs as I wrenched the bent door open and chucked my not needed bag inside. My body was thwarted around as people bashed into me as if I were merely an old trash can that was in the way. It had gotten to the stage where I simply didn't care, I knew the interest surrounding me and my story had faded long ago and I was nothing to anyone anymore, even the police stopped caring after a while, I was no longer forced for probing interviews or line ups to try identify the man who tore our family apart. I had been no use even the day after it had happened but they had tried for five years, shoving me from physiatrist to doctors to family friends who they thought I would trust more, then back to the trained police counsellors until they figured it useless and basically closed the case.

I reached down, taking my books from my awkward hold on them and turned but as I did the almighty blow I had been waiting for hit me and my books were sent hurtling to the floor with a bang. It took me a second to refocus on my surroundings and without looking up I bent down to collect my things, I wouldn't receive an apology so I didn't bother wasting my time looking for one.

"Watch where you're going Michaels'" A gruff male voice called out as a sneaker clad foot kicked out against my Math book, I didn't need to know who it was, Cory Blackmore, a jock of course. Completely unable to be nice to anyone other than his crowd of arrogant friends of slutty groupies, I cared little for what he said and simply ignored his comments on a daily basis.

"Or you could watch where you go Blackmore" A new voice arrived and this time my head snapped up, the smooth tone of the voice catching my attention instantly. Jared Cameron. I had been infatuated with him since he gave me his milk carton in 2nd Grade. One of the bitchy girls who had been a complete cow even back then had knocked mine to the floor and made me cry, he had replaced it with his instantly and from that day on I was completely smitten by him. Not that he had paid attention to me since then; in fact he was one of the kids who used to join in with the unnecessarily cruel questioning of the past. But we were only 8 at the time and so I couldn't blame him for his curiosity.

I glanced up as he walked closer, he wasn't looking at me but at Cory and as he passed he shoved hard into the boys shoulder, they were known to hate one another and so any chance he got Jared would say or do something to Cory but I still felt warm at the fact he had stuck up for me. He stayed staring at Cory as he bent down, his hands reaching for my remaining scattered books as he pushed them towards me. I could hear Cory making yet another comment but I didn't register what he said, my attention was focused on not blushing but I could hear my heart thumping in my own ears. I reached for my history book just as Jared did and his big calloused hand scraped accidently across my fingertips, the sizzling warmth that erupted could only be compared to that of a roaring fire, my skin was burning but not in a bad way. As quickly as he had touched my hands he had pulled back, a sharp intake of breath leaving his mouth and I lifted my eyes from the floor to his face, he was staring at me. A look of sheer surprise lay there and his eyes snapped still on mine, the look quickly replaced with that of dumb struck blankness and his mouth fell into a lazy 'o' while his eyes grew wider with each second that he stared at me.

My body did its usual reaction, my breath was sucked right from me and I stumbled backwards from my crouched position but quickly caught myself and stood up, the hallway had cleared in the time we had spent staring at one another and the blush I had done so well to hold back was creeping slowly and tauntingly up my neck as Jared stayed crouched on the floor. His head shook and he too stumbled backwards before standing up. His own cheeks a rosy pink as if he was too warm. There was movement from where he was stood but it took me a minute to notice what it was, he was holding my books out to me but as if I were completely retarded I just stood there gawking at him. I hurried to take them, my blush growing fiercer and his grip on the books lingered for an awkward second to long as if unwilling to let them go.

"Uhh thanks" I whispered as I took the books from him and tucked them safely to my chest. His eyes travelled across my face and slipped slowly down my body making me feel like I was stood here naked. I half expected a look of disgust to cross him as he realised what and who he was staring at but he blushed deeper red and bit his lip ever so softly, his plump bottom lip turning white against the clamp of his teeth. It was as if he was holding back something that he wanted to say but couldn't.

I tore my look away to see that the hall was in fact empty and I was super late for class, relunctantly I shook myself off from the tingling feeling he was giving me and turned to make my way to class but as I did his hand fell in front of me and he mirrored my move blocking me from going to where I wanted to go.

"It's Jared" He spoke quickly as if nervous for me to leave without knowing and his hand came out to shake mine. Was he stupid? I had gone to day care with him when we were babies, I had gone to toddlers soccer club with him, our moms had been in the little gossip group of La Push together. How did he think I didn't know his name? I had spent the last 12 years of my life doodling it in my drawing books. Then the horrible feeling hit me, maybe he was saying his name because he didn't know mine. Crap. I knew I was a nobody but knowing the guy you had spent so long practically in love with didn't know who you were was a horrible feeling to have.

Sucking up the sinking feeling in my stomach I nodded politely, not offering him my hand I just simply smiled. "Kim" It hurt, having to reiterate my name to him. He cocked his head to the side, narrowing his eyes in question.

"I know your name" He barely whispered, saying it like he was offended I would think otherwise. He was weird. I had never held a conversation with him before but this was strange. I heard a door open and close and the clicking of quick paced heels down the sticky hallway floor and before either of us could say anything else the shriek call of our names came from the school secretary. The old bat was hurrying her overweight body toward us wagging her finger with a smug grin on her face but before she got to us I had turned and walked, she was so large she would never catch me anyway, Jared however stayed where he was, I looked to check if he was following but he was just stood there, staring after me while she chewed him out while wagging her chubby finger in his face. He was staring at me like I had just handed him a pot of gold. I couldn't help the spring of butterflies in my stomach. Jared Cameron was noticing me; he was actually looking at me not through me.

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