North frowned as he landed in the North Pole. It had been a good night, he had delivered presents and coal to all the children of the world, all except one. That one was currently at the North Pole. Sleeping in his new room. It was his first Christmas since joining the guardians.

North looked at the lists, he loved Jack very much and all the child was mischievous, North did not see him as naughty. Jack was the guardian of fun and it was in his nature. North took the lift up, a bit of coal in his hand, he knew he would regret this, but it was his job, as Santa he had to give nice children presents and naughty children coal. No exception.

He silently pushed open the door, Jack was sleeping peacefully, golden sand formed a picture of the guardians, of Jack and the guardians. North carefully stroked Jack's hair, Jack was like a son to him and he hoped Jack would understand that it was not North who wrote the lists.

North turned to leave, then hesitated, considering taking the coal and just not leaving anything, he shook his head "tomorrow you will get present Jack, not from Santa but from me, from your father... and I will tell you I do not write lists and all will be okay..." he whispered.

He hoped with all his heart, that Jack would understand. He didn't want to lose the child like this, finally he left and went to rest, he had a long day ahead of him still. He would celebrate Christmas day with all the guardians same as every year, and he was determined to make this year the best year yet, this would be Jack's first proper Christmas since he became Jack Frost.

North had been heart broken when Jack had told North he had not had a Christmas dinner since he was human. Had North known he would have invited Jack over, nobody should be alone on Christmas! And less a child. The image of Jack walking around the rooftops alone, haunted North since he found out.

The next morning, North got up earlier then usual. He rushed towards Jack's room, chuckling he opened door "merry Christma-" he froze, Jack was gone. The window was wide open, the coal North had left him was gone.

North ran over to the window as if he could spot Jack, but Jack had left hours ago, North hit his fist on the window sill making it crack. He would have to replace this, Jack could sit on it and fall if he forgot about it. North ran out of the room, ignoring the yetis that wished him a merry Christmas, he ran straight into the globe room and reached out for the switch, pushing it down.

He began to pace as he waited for the fellow guardians. He was sure Jack had run away, Jack must be upset, ran away from North believing North didn't want him. The fought of Jack alone somewhere with the coal, crying made North clenched his swords and attack some curtains ripping them to shreds.

"Hey, calm down mate" Bunny said being the first to arrive.

North turned around "I cannot calm down!" he shouted looking angry.

"I see that, I'm guessing you have a good reason for calling us here?" he asked.

North was about to answer when Tooth's voice came from the window that she entered though "I'm here! What's going on?" she asked landing.

"As you know it is Christma-" he stopped as he spotted Sandy and waved him over, now they where all there. Sandy landed on the floor, waved to each of his guardians and made a picture of a happy face and a Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas to you too" Tooth said with a smile "is that why you called us here? Are we celebrating Christmas all day today?"

"You shouldn't have used the lights for that, mate!" Bunny complained.

"That is not why I called you!" North shouted.

Sandy made an interrogation mark above his head and North sighed.

"It is Jack" he explained.

"Is he okay?" Tooth immediately asked.

Sandy made a sand picture of a snowflake.

"What did he do? Ruin Christmas as well!"

"No! Not trouble! He has run away!" North shouted.

"Run away? What do you mean 'run away'?" Bunny asked.

North sighed and looked at floor, guilty "I gave him coal."

"Even you agree he is naughty" Bunny smirked.

"He is not naughty!" North exclaimed almost attacking Bunny making him jump back "but he is on naughty list, so I do job, but when I went to see him in morning he was gone... he never even told me he was going... I think he thinks the coal is way of saying I don't want him..." North whispered, looking at the floor miserably.

Tooth gasped and flew over to cuddle North "oh... that might not be it... maybe he is just... you know, gone for a fly? Spread some snow? Maybe went to visit Jamie?"

North shook his head "I don't think so, he didn't even have breakfast!" he looked so upset "he must be hungry... I am hungry..."

"Calm down, North, if he is hungry he will eat, the Frostbite lived alone three hundred years, he knows how to look after himself."

"I know but... I don't want him to, I want him here for me! To celebrate first Christmas... I had present for him" he whispered.

"Fought you said you had to give him coal?"

"I do, but this present is not from me as Santa, it is from ME, not Santa but me... like when paretns give children presents."

"I get it" Tooth said "don't worry North, we will find him... we can split up! Bunny will search the countries in spring, you search countries in winter. I will inform Baby Tooth and Sandy search dreams, see?"

North nodded "we should all go to Burgess first! It is where he most likely is... he likes it there."

The guardians nodded and followed North to sleigh, Bunny groaned but North took no notice, all he wanted was to find Jack and bring him home as soon as possible. Sandy made some sand pictures to Tooth, tooth nodded.

"I wish Jack where here too, if he saw how worried North was he would never leave without saying anything ever again" she said.

"Selfish kid only thinks about himself" Bunny mumbled.

Tooth hit Bunny harm in the back "Bunny! Jack has been alone for a long time, it isn't his fault he isn't used to being worried about."

"It was months ago, he should get used to it!"

"Are you used to having him around?"

Bunny opened his mouth then closed it again "okay... maybe your right."

Tooth grinned, Sandy smiled also, they all climbed into the sleigh. Bunny last looking very unhappy, he crossed his arms but as the sleigh began to move quickly uncrossed them and clang onto the sides.

Bunny was usually the fist to jump out of the sleigh when it landed, but today North was first, running of without a word, he stepped on Jack's lake, not caring about the risk of the ice cracking under his weight "Jack! Jack! Where are you?" he shouted.

Bunny, Tooth and Sandy where soon to follow "North, get of the lake!" Tooth called out, sighing when North ignored her.

"Jack! Jack! Are you here?"

"Here!" Jack called back.

Bunny's eyebrows rose in surprise, he had no expected it to be this easy to find the kid. North ran of in the direction of the sound, it came from the opposite direction of the lake. North didn't notice the ice cracking under his feet.

Jack was underneath he lake. In an underground cave made completely of ice and snow. It had taken him years to create and he was carefully placing the newest addition to his possessions to the pile, three hundred and once pieces of coal he now had.

When he heard a splash and suddenly saw North fall into the lake, at first he was unsure how to react, then he was fast. He grabbed his staff which was leaning against the wall and broke the ice that separated his home from the water.

North fell on the cold snow shivering. Bunny, Sandy and Tooth ran to the side to stare down the now empty lake. Jack was soaking wet as was North. Water reached up to Jack's knees in his wide cave. He glared at nobody in particular at he looked at his beautiful cave now flooded.

"Jack!" as soon as North recovered he stumbled to his feat, shivering he ran and cuddled Jack close, but Jack pushed him away.

"What's the big deal?" he shouted, looking angry.

"Jack... I need to explain! I do not write list, I did not want to give you coal!" he quickly explained.

Jack rolled his eyes "I do not care about coal, I expected that, I mean, what's the big deal with coming here!"

"I... we... where worried, we came looking for you."

Jack glared at North "I'm fine, I don't need you guys worrying about me and less looking at me! I wasn't even missing for an hour!" he shouted "and now look at this mess!" he shouted annoyed, he shot a thing of ice up at the guardians staring down at him, they quickly dodged.

North looked around "what is this Jack?" he asked.

"It is my home!" Jack shouted, anger building up "or was... now it's ruined!" he shouted.

"I-I... I fought North pole was..." he couldn't bring himself to finish as he looked down.

"This is going to take forever to fix!" he shouted.

"I will help" North offered.

Jack just rolled his eyes "can you freeze ice? Make snow?"

"No but-"

"Then your no help" Jack said coldly.

North looked down "Jack..."

"Leave me alone!" Jack shouted shooting some ice, missing North on purpose. North looked up at Jack then looked away.

"I am sorry" he whispered and exited the cave.

Tooth, Bunny and Sandy, helped him out, Bunny punched his hands "that kid is going to regret what he said" he growled heading towards the cave.

"No" North grabbed Bunny "he is right... I have caused trouble and ruined Christmas for family... I am bad Santa."

Tooth cuddled North "that's not true... Jack is just angry because he isn't used to this kinda thing, he'll get over it, you'll see... maybe he'll even join us tonight?"

North frowned, nodded and headed towards the sleigh looking even more miserable then when they originally came looking for the child. The others hesitated before climbing into the sleigh and heading back towards the North Pole. Deciding they would stay with North for Christmas even if not as a happy celebration.

Author Note:

This was going to be a one-shot, but I started writing and well... this happened. I actually really like how this is going, I have so many ideas!

Hope you enjoy, please review.

Sorry for lack of grammar, I live in Spain so, yeah.