He digs out his phone for the third time in 10 minutes and looks at the screen. Nothing. No phone calls, no messages so he punches in the so familiar number once again and this time it hits the voice mail. Felicity's come and cheery voice telling him to leave a message after the signal which he doesn't. He has a sudden urge to throw the phone at the wall but instead he grips it tighter than needed and feels the screen crack under his fingers. Oliver swears under his breath.

"Oliver?" Diggles voice is laced with concern. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just Felicity. I've been trying to call her all evening but it goes straight to voicemail." A sudden and horrific thought hits him and he feels the panick rising in the pit of his stomach. The last time he felt such fear was back in the island on his first week there and he shudders voice more shaky than he intended it to be "Maybe she's in trouble, Diggle? Maybe she needs help and can't reach us." He takes in a sharp breath sounding needy and fearfull to his own ears.

"Oliver" Diggle's voice is come and if he didn't know better he'd say it sounds mocking. "I'm sure she's fine. We are not currently on a pursuit of some villain and it's a Friday night. She doesn't have to sit here with us every single moment of her day, you know." He smiles and Oliver feels stupid. He knows she doesn't have to but he lov... likes spending time with her. He will never admit it out loud but he feels calmer when she's in the room with him, it feel like all the horrors he experienced in the island are far far behind. Like it never even happened. Sometimes, when Felicity stays in the warehouse to pull an all nighter trying to hack into some data base or facility he stays too and sleeps on the couch because when she's there he doesn't have the nightmares. It's strange but those nights are the ones he gets the best sleep. So yeah he would like her to spend her Fridays here. Sue him. He doesn't voice his thoughts though and simply says

"Yeah you are right. She's probably at home hacking into some FBI data base just cause she can." A corner of his lip goes upward and he'll be damned if he ever admits that he feels a pang of pride inside of him because he has Felicity on his team. Cause he doesn't. He totally doesn't. He sees from the corner of his eye that Diggle is grinning. He ignores it cause Diggle's an idiot.

Oliver wakes up the next day on the couch in the warehouse, a smell of coffee tingling his nose. That's one of the things he missed the most on the island so he happily wriggles out of the blanket he's wrapped in and gets up. Felicity is sitting in front of the computer holding a cup of that drink of the gods and Oliver feels a childish need to snap the cup out of her hand and drink it just to tease her a bit. Cause he is a giant six year old apparently. He can't help but feel that way around her and he's just happy to see her cause she's an amazing friend. That's it she's just s a friend. Everyone feels like that around friends, right? He unintentionally laughs out loud.

"Jesus and Holly Moses!" Felicity jumps from her chair almost spilling coffee all over him. He didn't even realize how close he was standing until now. He draws in a breath and he can smell her perfume and apple scented shower gel with a mixture of the unique smell of her. If he gets hard at that well it's just because it's an early morning and a man has needs that's all. He shifts a bit trying to hide his erection and thanks the high heavens for sweatpants. He snaps the cup just in time and chuckles. Honestly this woman turns him into a giant child and he doesn't even feel ashamed of it. That's what friends do to each other, right?

"Morning." he can't help but smile.

"Give a girl a warning when you are sneaking on her shirtless. Not that you are sneaking. And ... I didn't... I mean I didn't notice that you are shirtless. I mean I did but... Okay shutting up now" Felicity's cheeks go pink and she looks away. Oliver laughs at that and asks her if there's coffee for him even though he knows there is because she always makes an extra cup for him. Hands down she makes the best coffee and he won't admit it but he would die if that was taken away from him.

"Yeah it's in the coffee maker" she mutters still a bit out of breath but the blush is slowly creeping out of her cheeks and she continues typing something. Again he'll die before he admits it but he really likes her dorkyness and finds it endearing. Who knew that he liked socially awkward girls? Not like like. Just like. Like a friend like and OMG he's turning into a dork too. What has his life become? He honestly could listen to her babble forever when she can't seem to find a way to shut up. Whoever thinks it's annoying is an idiot cause it's the cutest thing.

"So pursuiting criminals on your own, then?" he asks gesturing to the screen where a picture of some guy and his resume is pulled up. Felicity goes completely red and tries to shut down the screen but Oliver is quicker he manages to gently snatch her arms from the keyboard and holds her up close by the waist just far away from the keyboard so she can't turn it off. Maybe he uses that as an excuse to sniff her hair. Totally by accident. He reads everything at let's her go laughing.

"Well not that I support unpayed parking tickets but I don't think it's a cause to shoot an arrow up someone ass. Not our usual type of criminal, is he?" he smiles at Felicity while she fumbles with the keyboard shutting down all the windows.

"Oh tell me. What has he done to deserve such a thorough background check?" He asks her mockingly. Felicity turns around and looks really uncomfortable and a bit guilty like a child caught with its hand in a cookie jar.

"It's a date." she huffs out.

"What?!" Oliver exclaims louder than necessary. Besides it's not his fault. She shouldn't be dating it's dangerous with the life that they lead. She flinches a bit at his tone.

"Well I know it's creepy and all to check out a guy's that you are dating record and all but... I just can't trust anyone. I see criminals in everyone that I meet and this guy seems too awesome to be real and I just wanted to check him out so I don't end up dead in a ditch or something." She huffs out in one breath.

"You went on a date?" he sounds angry to his own ears and tries to cover it up with another question "Yesterday?" Felicity looks at him curiously and sighs.

"Yes, officer. I did. That's what people do. Even crime fighters like me." she laughs and his stomach doesn't melt. It totally doesn't.

"Is that why you didn't pick up your phone when I called you?" he doesn't understand why he is so angry. It was just a date. None of his business. Except it is. He cares about her, she's a friend and he wants her to be safe. This is the only reason he's angry. She could have told him. Of course he knows she has the right to go out and have fun. He knows that. He just doesn't understand why he wants to shoot arrows at the guy she was with. It doesn't make sense. He isn't jealous. Why would he be? Friends aren't jealous of other friend's dates, are they? He never had a girl SPACE friend. Emphasis on a space so he jut probably sucks at it and needs more practise. Right?

"Yeah. Sorry about that." She looks genuinely sorry and Oliver knows he isn't mad at her, he is mad at the guy who she was with and it's just stupid so he grunts "Don't do it again." and walks out feeling like something is weighing onto his chests. He decides to exercise to relieve some of the anger so he does push ups and pull ups until his muscles ache so badly he can barely drag himself into a shower. When he walks out of the shower and Felicity looks at him he doesn't get turned on. Not even a bit. Well maybe a little. Not his fault.