A secret Beca Mitchell liked to keep was that she was afraid of crowds, or more specifically, she was afraid of being in front of crowds.

And yes, it sounded plain stupid, because seriously...you're a freaking DJ. You've performed in front of crowds, thousand upon thousands of people. But that was it...when you were up on stage you were there surrounded by your equipment or by your fellow Bellas. But that was performing, that was you being this bad-ass persona required when being a DJ or a Bella, (sure you could bust out into a killer vocal, making music magic now that was your forte...that was were you truly shined...it was what you were good at, that came as naturally to you as breathing) where you got so involved in the music that you tended to forget that you were the one they were looking at, that they were listening to.

But there was a difference between singing on stage, being DJ Mitchell and just being you, speaking about how you felt, baring your heart and soul.

You're not the most literate, bare your feelings kind of person. Not saying you couldn't ever be cos you could be, at times, especially for Chloe. Actually, until her, you'd never had any reason to, never really had the longing or ever felt the push to transcend that limitation. But Chloe busted you out of that closet, kicked you straight out...the romantic closeted you that is. She just had that way about her, she made you think of things you hadn't really considered or envisioned for yourself-she always managed to get you to want to try things, out-of-the-box-not-really-your-style-things...like having a girl friend, or just being in a serious relationship and doing all the gooey romantic things required of said serious relationship; celebrating anniversaries, romantic holidays, till her you'd never ever imagined marriage and commitment to be in your future...that was one thing you hadn't really expected.

But no, you're getting way off track here...what were you venting about? Oh yeah, crowds...like you'd already established the whole spouting poetry, and feelings thing well it didn't come to easily for yours truly, Miss Bad-ass Beca Mitchell. Not especially when pressured to in front of several large groups of people.

So when you were told that for your wedding you couldn't just sing, or even rap your vows...you were kinda left having to just spout out all your gooey emotions, not only in front of several, or a handful of people-like you preferred- but hundreds of wedding guests. Chloe had expressed her desire for a Big Wedding as opposed to your simple, 'let's just grab two random people and get someone to marry us' or even Vegas- but Chloe got what she wanted, of course. But you liked to believe you weren't so whipped as Jesse accused you of being, you did put up a fight-no matter how brief-having needed a lot of convincing, and well she really pulled out the big guns this time, she had gotten down on her knees and begged, and done a lot of other things to you from that position as well...so It was pretty much GAME OVER from that point on. You'd conceded. You hadn't, couldn't...back out. You sealed the deal...but you could totally plead that Chloe had taken advantage of you and your vulnerable, blissfully spent state.

So there was no way out of it. You would have to do the whole traditional wedding, with flowers, bridesmaids with fugly ass dresses(you actually looked forward to seeing what monstrosity Chloe would get Aubrey to wear), wedding cakes and doves.

If only you could solve your current dilemma, just the thought of everything gave you that sense of panic, much like you were going to have a seizure...Hey... that was an idea! Maybe you could fake a seizure in front of the...Nope, it wouldn't just be Chloe but Aubrey as well who would kill you if you ruined this for her.

And that's what sucks, you know you'd never really push through with something that could potentially take away from Chloe's perfect day...Perhaps, that's why you can't help wishing for something bad, some natural disaster perhaps, to come and save you from that moment where you had to stand holding a microphone looking out on everyone else... It's not that you were getting cold feet, the one thing you actually do want is the whole being married to Chloe thing, but you wanna skip everything else straight to the honeymoon and your happily ever after.

But Chloe deserved everything, the perfect weather, the perfect ceremony, and you would have to be the one to give her that perfect speech. You can't mess it up now, you refuse to, and you aren't going to...It's easy writing the actual vow, It's Chloe you never run out of amazing things to say about her, you could fill several books on her...all you had to do was to conquer that irrational fear of saying it aloud in front of all those guests. It's all up to you, so suck it up. Mitchell. Years from now you're going to be reminded of every word you said...years from now your kids will watch the wedding video and make comments, years from now you'll recall how you single-handedly botched your marriage, years from now Chloe will look back and say that was the moment I should've known we wouldn't work out.

Jeez that was such a depressing picture...Negative much...that wasn't helping like at all, think happy-marriage-y thoughts...

C'mon you still had time, how hard could it be right?

And here you were...a few days to go, a day and half to be exact, and you haven't come up with anything worth anything. You hadn't meant to leave it until the last minute but amidst all the planning the preparations with Chloe constantly being with you...you hadn't quite squeezed in the time. Yes, you believe that wasn't a good excuse as well...Chloe was the one who was involved in all the wedding planning, not you, and she had finished her vows almost a month ago. And you, well, everything you had started to write out either made you cringe in embarrassment or make you wanna puke from it's sheer lameness, a cheesiness level entirely wrong even for you.

So much for progress...you had spent the last half-hour staring at your laptop...your headphones on, watching the blinking cursor. The morning was almost over. You wouldn't have time tonight, it was the bachelorette's party. You had split the Bellas up-Fat Amy, Cynthia Rose, Ashley as well as Benji and Jesse would go with you whilst Chloe got Aubrey, Stacie, Denise and Jessica...Lily you think had wanted to join your group, you weren't really sure though.

You idly tap on your laptop and press one of the bottoms bringing up your iTunes, and a mix you had made especially for Chloe consisting of all the songs shared between the two of you starting off with Titanium and getting lost with other songs, Ho Hey, When I'm gone, Two Is Better Than One, Radioactive, Call Me Maybe, Out Of My League, You Know I'm No Good, Just The Way You Are, Bulletproof, and many more a variety of songs that seemingly didn't work well together...but in the end it created something beautiful.

You pause a little at that thought and slowly, surely you start to type.

The beat, the booze, male strippers-really Jesse, he claimed that it was Fat Amy's idea...they so missed the mark on that one...but it was fun...you even got a lap dance but after all the festivities it just made you miss Chloe, two of you hadn't been allowed to sleep with each other, on the same bed, the same room the same vicinity for the past two weeks (some agreement you made) and you missed her, it not just for the sex but the proximity, knowing, feeling her beside you always calmed you.

In your drunken state, you manage to leave the club you walk for what seems like hours and before you know it you're standing right outside Chloe's door...you knock and knock and knock and you realize she was probably still out celebrating as well...You're too tired to go back, besides you don't know from which direction you came from, you feel your head loll forward, and your eyes flutter close, one minute she'll be here, two minutes, five, ten, twenty and then..."Beca!" Came the start of surprise jolting you awake, " Chloe... Chloe, Chloe Bo, Bhole / Banana, Fanna, Foe,
Fhloe / Fee, Fie, Moe, Mhloe / Chloe" you shout in reply, she shushes, you before she pulls you inside of her room. "Not that I'm not glad to see you, but Babe How long have you been waiting, sleeping out here?"

"Doesn't matter how long, I'll wait on you forever...you know it." She laughs lightly and shushed you half-heartedly. "Use your inside voice, Babe." You can't help notice that Chloe's looking remarkably pretty, and not at all drunk, but she looks like she had the time of her life, she has a veil on her head, and a sash Bride-to-be on her. "My Bride is looking byootiful. It's totally unfair Babe...why aren't you trashed like me." she's looking torn between being madly concerned and highly amused at your state.

"There are more ways than getting drunk to have fun you know...plus I wanted to remember my last night being not-married." You frown a bit at that, "I had fun, how about you, It's early... I thought Cynthia Rose and Amy had a whole lot of wild things planned out for you tonight?"

"Shh! It's a surprise...I know we aren't supposed to see each other but...the strippers made me miss you..." She laughs, her eyes sparkling, "You're way too cute, you know that?" she says, kissing you on the cheek before she sits you down on the hotel bed and starts fixing you some coffee.

"I wanted to check out early 'cos I wasn't really feeling it." She hands you the coffee but you set it back down on the bedside table, You smile drunkenly at her before you pull her down onto the bed with you, you nuzzle her neck, breathing her in. You sigh in contentment when she pulls you in closer, her mouth kissing you in that spot just behind your ear, then your nape, tracing a path to your jawline, until suddenly she stops her movement and you give groan of protest, and you wiggle trying to get her to continue,

"You didn't enjoy your strippers? Aw hon...I won't hold it against you, you have my permission...you can have fun you know go crazy tonight, cos' from tomorrow onwards your entirely mine for me to strip for."

It's silent for a moment you think you had dozed of, but all a sudden your head's clearer-wanting to get that little dilemma of your chest-than it has ever been this whole night.

"I just came here because I wanted to tell you something...It's about the ceremony, the vows" you finally say, your voice coming out small...a contrast to earlier when it seemed like you were shouting everything.

"What is it, Babe? No second thoughts I hope." you remain silent, and Chloe turns to meet your eyes, this time truly concerned.

"Beca? You aren't...backing out of this...are you?" She says, and maybe it's the alcohol...or just you just cracking under pressure, or just you with your messed up responses that you weren't able to open your mouth fast enough because Chloe suddenly goes full out freak out mode, "If you wanted an out you should've said so earlier...Not when we planned everything already, Not when you've had the opportunity to say something all these months" Chloe says looking like she might break something, but she settles on grabbing one of the pillows, "and. not. the. freaking. night. just. before. "she says lacing every word with a smack.

"You. are. unbelievable, you know that!" you cower as her blows become harder, you take the other pillow and start to fight back, fend her off

"Hey, what is is with you and not hearing me out...*oof" she caught you in the stomach with that one, "So is that the reason why you suddenly don't want to marry me, 'Cos I don't listen to what you have to say...did you think that maybe it's because you're always whispering, more like mumbling how you're really feeling...Am I supposed to constantly catch you unaware for you to be able to tell me how you truly feel. I can't always be the one straining to hear your whispers Beca. Why couldn't you have just told me... "

You push her off and you manage to pin her down..."I'm not saying anything about not wanting to marry you geez Chloe, and this is what I mean about you not hearing me out, you never let me finish what I'm trying to say...listen first and then you can get mad." you blow your hair out of your face...

You share a look before she slowly nods and you get off of her.

"First let's get it straight-I want to marry you, nothing will ever make me not want to. I'm absolutely sure of it," You look at her, she just remains silent but she nods for you to continue, "I was just...going to tell you that, tomorrow when I'm standing across you when It comes time for us to say our vows...if I falter for a bit or look like i might start convulsing, don't stop on my account...I know I'll probably give a good impression of an epileptic, spastic person or someone with a speech defect...but don't think ...it's not because I suddenly don't want to... or I've suddenly gotten cold feet it's because...you know it's hard enough for me expressing myself properly but...it's just..."

"Is it the crowd thing?" she says suddenly, catching you unaware.

"You know about the crowd thing?" you ask, surprised.

"I love you, Beca and I know you...pretty well, well the little things...like how you crack your knuckles when your upset or irritated, how you only use one utensil at a time while eating, you love macaroons, especially the pink creamy ones. I know you secretly love Disney songs and your favorite movie is Tarzan. I know how much you hate crowded places, you absolutely avoid any occasion were you are put on the spot."You talk big but you can never say out front how you're feeling. I know that you close your eyes whenever you do your sets, when you open them you only look at me, I know you get scared of situations where you have to be vulnerable, where you can't hide behind you smirk, your DJ equipment, I know that exposing yourself, that's what scares you the most."

"So you know why I'm afraid, because I'll mess it up, I won't get the right words...I won't get through it." You say your throat tightening, you close your eyes trying to squeeze back the tears,

"You don't have to if you don't want to Babe, I understand. Just rest, we'll fix it tomorrow don't worry." Chloe says, kissing your cheek just as one tear seeps out.

"I love you." you say, softly

"I love you, all that matters is we're getting married...we'll be married It's supposed to be a happy day so don't cry alright?"

Come stop your crying It will be alright

Just take my hand hold it tight

I will protect you from all around you

I will be here don't you cry...

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

"Alright..." You fall asleep lulled by Chloe softly singing in your ear.

"So this is where she wandered off to, go figure..."

"We tell them they aren't suppose to see each other before the ceremony and Beca goes directly to Chloe's room, look at the messed up sheets, the pillows strewn about do you think they..."

"Nope Beca was way too hammered to do anything, we made sure of that..."

"And yet she found her way to Chloe,"

"You know them..prince charming and snow white aren't they... they'll always find each other."

"What's one night skipping sex. They'll have the rest of their lives for it..."

"Are you kidding me, I can't even sleep without sex..."

"yeah, we know Stacie."

"Wake her up, she has to start getting ready..." Aubrey says, "You know the drill girls, keep me posted...I'll check on Chloe." Aubrey says as she leaves the room, you hear her footsteps fade away.

"Where's Chloe?" you say aloud once you open your eyes...

"And she's up, finally...Chloe's started getting ready an hour ago, Come on Beca...I drew you a warm bath, and here drink this you'll feel better in no time." Fat Amy says, handing you this green mixture.

"What's this?" you ask wincing, your nose wrinkling at the strong smell,

"Home recipe for hangovers works like a charm..." You gag a little at the first taste but after a while it slides nicely, tasting like peppermint freshness effectively waking you up. "You have to finish it all, come on chug chug chug...sorry flashbacks from last night, wild times, wild times." You finish it within seconds.

"Okay scoot!" They say pushing you, you find yourself in the bathroom and fifteen minutes later after all the necessary preparations you exit feeling thoroughly refreshed, enthusiastic, and hopeful.

You're getting married today. Surprisingly the pang isn't one of dread but of excitement. Today Chloe becomes your bride, today you start a new chapter in your life.

This good mood lasts until there you are, fully made-up, dressed in this stunning strapless, mermaid elongated dropped waist ivory Vera Wang number that the girls had loved on you, standing waiting for the cue to start walking down the isle.

And Shit as soon as the door opens and you feel the million of eyes on you...you suddenly feel your panic level spiking up once again, you stand motionless for a few seconds before Aubrey being all maid-of-honery (who oh so kindly stood by to make sure you made it down the aisle) nudges-a tad bit to roughly for your taste-you forward...Your Dad offers his hand and you take it eagerly needing all the support, you don't think you would've made it down the aisle steadily without him. "Breathe Becs, I felt the same way, like I couldn't go through with it when I was going to marry your Mom."

"Please stop talking Dad, I know you mean well but uh don't wanna think about Mom and yours wedding and how it... ended..."

"Uh yes...right, point taken but I never regretted it, It gave me you and I'm proud of you Baby girl..."

"Thanks Dad."

So you're standing... there and Jesse's beside you now, urging you to 'stop looking like you're at the executioners block and not at your wedding' you smile this practiced smile that makes Jesse just shake his head at you, but there is this one moment that completely wipes the fear, that makes the smile truly genuine, when Chloe appears looking... amazing in this Vintage, Long mermaid, fit-to-flare lace dress looking like she belonged in a different time all together, with it's beautiful bead work,the Long Sleeves with it's low back and plunging neck line and there it is she's glowing, looking so so happy, jubilant that she was getting married to you, of all people...You are truly humbled, and taken aback by that thought...you had made her this happy...

Your eyes meet and you don't think you've ever loved anyone so much at that moment...she's yours... you take her hands as her father gives her away. 'This goddess is truly mine now' you think...

The ceremony progresses on without a hitch, you don't really notice, you're taking everything under a haze, like you were almost on a different plane all-together, feeling not entirely part of this world, stuck fast, absorbed, entranced, only in, with Chloe...and she in you,

your both in your own little bubble until...

"Do you have any vows ready?" says Minister John jolting the two of you out of whatever trance you were in, you break eye contact for the first time as you look to John who's looking at you expectantly, you'd rehearsed this but you thought Chloe had informed John about the change...

Chloe gives your her reassuring smile before she says, "We've decided not to do the vows-" Chloe announces loudly.

"No Vows, you sure Chloe, you said that you were looking forward to hearing what Beca had to say, and to..." whispers John

"Yes, we're sure." she says squeezing your hand,

You realize that Chloe just gave up something like that without a second thought... for you...and she did so happily like it's what she wanted to begin with... And you feel... no not really guilty, you feel stupid...because you wanted those words everything you've felt about her to be known...everything that you had bottling inside of you...And the only thing stopping you was that stupid irrational fear...you were stopping yourself...and really who were you to call yourself Badass Beca Mitchell if you couldn't be brave just this once, for someone who more than deserved it...

Chloe wasn't the only one who could do some self-sacrifice...

"Okay, let's proceed to...Do you take.."


"Uh are you objecting or something Beca because I haven't even asked 'Speak now or forever hold your piece', though technically the bride doesn't usually...object, it's usually the jilted ex-lover..."

"No...I-want to...say something..." you say interrupting him and his rambling,

"Okay do go on..."

"Beca...what?" she says looking thoroughly confused her eyebrow drawn tightly together

"Chloe...I didn't want to be scared because the truth is...everyday I am my most vulnerable, you made me strong but you also made me weak," you close your eyes for a few seconds...you're concentrating in recalling those words that you had written not too long ago...It's no good you only reacall snippets of it.


"I remember the first day, the first time I saw you... I remember that I was walking around the Barden Activities fair wandering about, wondering what the hell I was doing there...thinking of a way out or at least the fastest way to get though the college experience...wishing more like praying for something good to happen when as I was walking by this seriously lame looking club that was recruiting..."

"It wasn't lame!" Aubrey says astounded,

She is shushed by the guests, as well as the entire Bellas...

"I saw this gorgeous red-head with these dazzling blue eyes...and when our eyes first met I dunno what I felt, something like a jolt of panic and yet I felt steady, grounded, overcome with a strong sense of familiarity ...and it scared me so I tried to keep on walking. I didn't even think to stop until...you called me, and even after I downright said I wasn't interested you singled me out. I never really understood what it is...you saw ...what you see in me...All my life I'd felt I dunno normal I guess, the girl who was good with beats, with mixing who sang only in private who had all these big dreams like anybody, but then I met you and you saw something...and that's when I started to believe that I could be something more, that I could have a shot at my dream, and slowly as I got to know you better I started dreaming about things I'd never even seen myself wanting ever...after several weeks that turned to months...I no longer saw myself as just as a world-renowned Dj I wanted it but I wanted someone with me when I got there, I wanted you there. And to tell you the truth I've always wondered how we've lasted so long..."

You hear Aubrey smother her gasp, and other reactions...

"and not that I'm saying I ever wanted it to end maybe it's my natural pessimistic self coming out there...because even at the start I never ever thought to make a move on you because I've always thought that I was just I dunno I was me...and I didn't know much of anything and you were you, and we were just so different ...but I realize that...forgive the analogy what we are is the unexpected...we are the blending of two completely different songs, melodies, you are the soft tune, the steady hum against my beats... you're the track...the perfect mix to my melody...and I never saw it happening to me...but it has...I found someone who complements me completely, who battles my bull-headiness with her understanding, who works at my walls with her extraordinary patience, who takes me as I am...my faults, my strengths and my weirdness...I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'll always be thankful to whoever sent you, and in doing so answered all my prayers uh...that's it...sorry I wrote something amazing down but It kinda got jumbled up there..."

"Are you kidding me that was... Beautiful, we didn't know you had it in you" Fat Amys says loudly, sniffling

"Damn you Mitchell you made me cry..." Jesse says, and you look around and you see there's not a dry eye in the house, and Chloe's no exception.

'"I love you..." she says, her voice watery, before she pulls you closer to kiss you,

"Ah-ah...I didn't say you could kiss her yet..." The minister says stopping you midway,

"Okay I'll hurry with my vow as I can't stand any second longer of not being married to you...Beca you are...so much more than you think yourself to be, you know what I see, what I've always seen when I look at you...this girl, this extraordinary person who's just full of love, of passion for life...this amazingly talented girl, who...can come up with amazing speeches on the fly...and the girl I've loved almost from the moment I saw you...this girl who looked tough and angry with her eye liner, her 'ear monstrosities, and her piercings and her closed-off demeanor, but then when our eyes met...there was this sadness there, something much deeper that intrigued me...and I was immediately drawn to you...with your smile, more like your smirk, and the way you managed to handle Aubrey... "

"Okay, I can't stop myself from reacting If you guys keep bringing me up." Chloe smiled appeasingly at Aubrey, before she continues

"and when you walked away that day...I felt empty, disappointed that that was the last time I'd see that alt-girl with the attitude. And then I happened to come across you in the bathroom when you were singing..." she stops and looks around at the unmistakable scoffs that came from the Bridesmaids. Chloe sends them a glare before turning back to you.

"yes I didn't stalk you...and I was with someone else at the time...but it doesn't matter I was there...almost like fate actually...when I first heard you...and when I convinced you to sing with me...and in that moment I knew that I'd want to keep doing that with you...to keep singing, making beautiful music together, anywhere even outside with our clothes on though I prefer us singing Titanium without the clothes.

"Beca, You're not perfect but no one is I'm definitely not, with all my freak-outs and violent pillow-whacking and my competitive streak...but you know what even when you get scared, you face your fears, even when you think you can't so something you find a way to... and you know you may not always find the words or be brave enough to say them always, but I'll be there I'll hear it louder even when you whisper. I love you Beca...always have always will."

You lean in closer but John's once again keeping you apart,

"Okay that was still a pretty long speech so let's just hurry this along shall we?"

The two of you nod vigorously, impatient "Rebecca Caroline Micthell do you take Chloe Andrea Beale?"

"I do" " I do" you say almost jumping with excitement,

"And vice versa, Chloe do you take Rebecca? "

"Yes..." "Hell yes!"

"Okay you may now kiss the bride..."

The two grin before your mouths finally meet is a long awaited kiss, you pull away after several moments of wolf-swhistling and shouts of "save it for the honey moon'

And that's where you were many hours later...having left the wedding reception...and you had gone straight to bed...to get some titanium on with your wife...oooh that sounded so awesome, Chloe was your wife...you emerge from under the dress breathless, panting, and so free and you make you way to the bed where Chloe was waiting half-covered by the sheets.

"Hmm.." she sighs, stretching out...you look up at her from your position by her feet...you start leaving a trail, kissing upwards,

"What?" you ask, as you reach her navel,

"Nothing...that's just it I'm perfectly happy right now..." she all but purrs, at your ministrations


"Yeah...everything's perfect...thanks to you..." she says stilling you, pulling your head up to look her in the eyes,

"So we're married?" you say softly, your smile growing, Chloe's smile brightness,

"We are married! And also..." Chloe says getting that glint in her eyes that you loved, that promised so many things..."I think I have the right to reward my wife as she deserves some loving for her overcoming her fear of crowds..."Chloe says and as if by magic she produces some pink macaroons. And you perk up, reaching for it but she pulls away,

"These aren't for eating..."


"Well you'll get to eat them but just... off of me...I hope you're not too disappointed..." Chloe says before she takes it and you shake your head dazed,

"So Mrs, Micthell-Beale?"

"Yes, Mrs. Beale-Mitchell?"

"So what do you think of our first few hours..." Chloe says, snuggling up to you,

"If this is what I'll be expecting for the next hundred's of years...I have no complaints whatsoever..."

"So you're saying if there'll be no great sex you won't be happy..."

"No of course not...I'll be happy even when we're old and moldy as long as we're together...maybe with some old dog?"

"I suppose our kids will probably have lives of their own by that time..."

"Kids? You...want kids"

"Yes...mini-Beca's, or Chloe's running about...perhaps two or three? Why don't you?"

"Uh...maybe not just now...someday I guess..."

"Okay that'll do for now..."