Edit - November 27, 2013 - I'll be editing this (probably) to make it a little more cannon after the Day of the Doctor special.
I've set this up to be multi-chapter, the rest will be put up later. I plan to show not only the Doctor's life, but also Ace's.
She heard the TARDIS materialize and froze, startled. It was in the middle of her living room. "Professor?" Ace called, "Professor is that you?" She crossed her fingers and hoped it was her Doctor, much as she may love the man he regenerated into, even though she loved him too. The door opened and the Eighth Doctor leaned out. "Ace?" He asked quietly.
"Professor," she smiled, "Thought you didn't come back. Not that I'm complaining mind, it's brill to see you."
"I needed someone to talk to." He said nervously.
"I'll make tea," she said, before he could invite her into the TARDIS, knowing that stepping into the beautiful blue box might break her heart. She fixed tea quickly, and returned to the living room, where he was sitting on the sofa, bouncing uncertainly. He took a tea and smiled gratefully. The sat in comfortable silence for several minutes, sipping their tea.
"What is it, Professor?" She asked finally.
"Do you remember the Daleks?"
She choked on her tea, "Yes!" She spluttered.
"Do you remember when I blew up Scaro?" He looked scared.
"With the Omega Thingy?"
He nodded, "They took it as an act of war," he whispered, "They attacked Galifrey."
"What?" Ace sat up abruptly and set her tea down. "They'd have to be crazy!
"They are," he intoned darkly. "The Time Lords want me to fight." He said. "But I don't want to! Ace, I'm not a warrior! But I started it!"
"Maybe a bad question; do the Time Lords know that?"
"I don't know what to do, Ace." he admitted, "I don't want to fight, but I should, shouldn't I?"
If he wanted her to decide for him he was going to be sorely disappointed, "Dunno." She replied, "You could stay here for the night. Think it over."
He leaned against her, "I may." He said softly.
Ace checked her watch, "I should run into work, but if you want me to stay-"
"No." He said quickly. "I'll be here." She nodded before rushing upstairs, dressing, and hurrying out the door to where her motorbike was waiting.
True to his word he was still there when she got back. He had cooked dinner out of ingredients she was pretty sure she hadn't had that morning. Then they sat at the table and ate, talking around the subject of the war.
"Hows your charity?" He asked.
"Brill, we've done so much. But I want to do more! Bambera, remember her, wants me to do some side work with U. N. I. T. explosives of course."
"Be careful," he cautioned.
"Aren't I always?" She grinned and ignored his scowl, "Said they might even let me helped with kids affected by aliens. Never though 'bout it while we were traveling, but there's so much work to be done after you save the world."
He nodded, "I know." He sounded sad.
"But they're better off after you anyway." Ace assured him. He smiled and they finished their meal in silence.
They sat on the sofa and watched Telly, still pretending there was nothing wrong. When Ace began to yawn, the Doctor grabbed her and carried her upstairs to her room, despite her protests. "Night Ace!" He said cheerfully, bundling her up in blankets and leaving the room.
When she woke up, she was so twisted in the sheets it took several minutes to escape her bed, too stubborn to call for the Doctor to help her. When she went downstairs, Ace wasn't very impressed to find the Doctor in the kitchen dismantling her coffee maker. "Professor!" She scolded.
He looked up at her, wide-eyed and innocent, "I'll put it back together!" He promised. It took several moments for Ace to realize he had her old bomber jacket wrapped around his shoulders, and a few more to realize that he must have been in her spare room to have found that.
Ace ignored him and scrambled and and made toast. They had to have breakfast without coffee, but other than that it was surprisingly nice.
"Have you," Ace paused, "Decided?"
"Yes." He whispered, "I have to."
He looked defeated, "Suppose I'd better go now, and get it over with."
"No sense putting off the inevitable, eh?" Ace asked, trying to sound lighthearted.
"Thanks for everything," he said. "The coffee makers fixed."
"Great," Ace said, "I could use some before work."
She followed him to the living room where he stared up at the TARDIS. "I'll be off then." He said heavily. He opened the door and stepped inside.
"I'll come."
He paused, then turned back to look at her, "No." He said sharply. "I won't risk you."
She wasn't surprised he had stopped her, "Then come back, once it's over, and let me know you're alive. Promise?"
He stepped out of the TARDIS and hugged her, "I promise."
Then he was gone, and Ace was left staring after him. Only then did she realize her bomber jacket was wrapped around her shoulders. "Bye Professor."
She turned back to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. When the coffee maker started playing 'Madame Butterfly' she cursed and growled, "Professor!"