*I do not own 進撃の巨人/Attack on Titan. This is a fan fiction based on the authentic logic and plot of the story line. Although the main character is non-existent in the original story.

Evert means to turn outward referring to the expeditions outside the Wall
Odyssey means a long wandering and eventful journey
Redemption: to redeem

This first person narration is a recount of Freya Eichmann's empirical hardships since the day humanity was once again pushed to the brink of vicissitudes after a century of peace.

The young lass had led a relatively harmonious life with her parents in Shiganshina. Good natured Freya had only one male friend parallel to her age. Yet their bond were no less than that of a kinship. On that day, year 845, the onslaught commenced by the Colossal Titan not only bloodied Shiganshina, Freya's home town, but also killed her parents. She witnessed her best friend being mortally wounded and presumed him dead. Now all those important to her were lost, an emotionally shattered Freya knelt down in the rubbles and waited for her life's final hours.

Squeezed in a Titan's hungry grip, Freya felt nothing. A Survey Corps soldier beheaded the Titan that was about to devour her and put Freya to safety. "Why saving me..?" The lass lost all means to live, she wanted to leave with her beloved ones. But fate decided that it was too early for her to die.

Character profile

Name: Freya Eichmann

Meaning: Freya (the name of the goddess of love, beauty, war and death in Norse mythology)

Skin color: fair

Hair color: black

Eye color: dark blue

Year 845, Appearance of the Colossal Titan

Age: 12

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Year 846, Just enlisted in the Military

Age: 13

Height: ?

Weight: ?

After Graduation

Age: 17

Height: ?

Weight: ?