AN: hey guys I have a lot of projects in the works at the moment and I am trying to get them all updated but I am going to be focusing on this one and Dragon born Overlord for the time being. Please Read and review

Wanderer stood at the end of his road all of his decisions', adventures and battles had led to this point. He looked sadly into the project purity control station this is it he thought sadly the dream his parents had given their lives for would soon claim the life of their son. The survival instincts in him where screaming at him to run or to shove one of his friends in there instead of him but he couldn't, he would not allow his friends to die not on his watch! He took a deep breath and stepped into the control room despite Sara's protests the wall slammed shut with a final bang he looked back at his friends and comrades the men and women who helped him finish his and his parents life work.

Clean water it did not sound like much but here it was better than gold. He slowly imputed the code as he felt the radiation building, it would blow soon dumping instantly lethal radiation in the control room. With a sense of finality he hit the last button and watched as Purity came alive. He smiled, this would be his last gift to the wastes that had become his home after he left the vault. He smiled brighter, they called him by many names. The Lone Wanderer was the one that really spoke to him and his heart. He flashed and was wearing the duster Courier had given him after their trip though the divide. The old world flag on his back he faced his doom head held high he would die as he lived a paragon who as 3 Dog put it "Fought the good fight".

My servant that exists in this vast universe

Great I am going crazy in my last moments there is no one in here but me! Wanderer thought exasperated

My wise, beautiful and powerful servant heeds my call

Wise? Ok maybe I have solved a lot of problems by word and logic making peace where I could so you could call me Wise I guess, beautiful? I'm not ugly by any means but with this scar on my face I would not win any beauty contests well unless my competition where ghouls. Powerful? That was a given with the possible exception of the Courier he was the deadliest man in post-apocalyptic America possibly the world , he had been called Hercules beefier cousin, the Fucking Human terminator and the White Knight of the East so yeah he was Powerful.

I wish in the servant from the very bottom of my heart

Wanderer scoffed a bit Servant he was no one's servant he was the protector of the wastes not a butler! The radiation built the filters where breaking just as they were about to fail a green light enveloped him whiter it was his delusion or the radiation he could feel his hold on the wasteland failing

Answer my guidance and appear

And so the Lone wanderer vanished from the Wasteland the Brotherhood of Steel and the newly formed wasteland alliance grew after the project came on line the clean water saving countless lives. As thanks to the man who made it possible the people of the wastes united under one banner in the seat of old world power. What was once the ghosts of ages long past soon became beacons of a new future. The Wanderer's ideas where powerful a land where people fought for one another and worked together that was his dream, a dream that he died for just as his parents died for the dream of clean water. Those who were there at the Jefferson building that day said his body vanished without a trace and some say that he still walks the wastes as a mysterious stranger.

Whatever happened to him I just want to say this, 101 my friend Thank you, you gave us hope and we will not let the fire you lit falter, we will not rebuild we will build anew not to reclaim the glories of the past but to seize the future! If you can hear me Wanderer you did a bang up job, kid hope you find peace wherever you are.

Excerpt from the first president of the Wasteland congress Three Dog's farewell address to the Lone Wanderer.

Smoke that was the first thing Wanderer saw. 'Ah hell, where am I now?' He thought drowsily. Last thing he remembered was a crazy voice in project Purity then a sense of falling, and now he was here… Wherever "Here" was. Groaning he got up slowly from the dirt and stiffened as he heard voices past the smoke cover. Wanderer cursed they were speaking a weird language that reminded him faintly of Latin French and Chinese all at once. 'Well' He thought resigned to the strangeness of his life, 'time to meet the locals' .He walked slowly out of the smoke and covered his eyes at the bright sunlight on the other side blinking rapidly, Wanderer looked at where he was at and his mind shutdown.

"Where the hell am I?" He asked softly as he soaked in the land around him. It was green! The grass was soft and moist under his boots, the sky was clear and a bright blue the sun was beautiful. He nearly cried it was so gorgeous. He wondered at the beauty of a clean spring day.

The sound of the locals talking pulled the Wanderer thoughts back to earth. There where kids in fancy robes that looked brand new and expertly made. The teens themselves where well cared for to the point that he thought they had just climbed out of a vault! At their sides was the strangest assortment of beasts he had ever come across and for someone who had hunted Deathclaws and Yougi (Damn you Courier for getting me involved in Zion) that was saying something. Their animals (Pets?) ranged from the usual cats, dogs, and frogs to the more absurd like griffins Fiery lizards(he winced goddamn fire geckos), a Dragon for Christ sake and was that a FLOTING EYEBALL?!

The majority of the teens seemed to be laughing at a short pink haired girl who seemed to be complaining to an older bald gentlemen (Wanderer looked at the old man appraisingly while he did not look like a fighter, he knew a deadly warrior when he saw one). The older man merely shook his head. (He was working on a translation, the language shared a similarity to several languages and had some base similarity's to the structures of Latin, so he was making headway) the pinky either said "buttock Mr. Colbert jumping fluffy bunnies "or, "-But Mr. Colbert, Please! Let me try the summoning one more time!" He went with the latter just for the sake of sanity, which considering his situation was…tenuous at best.

Mr. Colbert, the bald man shook his head more firmly "I cannot allow that, Miss Vallière." Miss Vallière (assuming that is the pink girl's name) body was trembling in impotent frustration "Why not?" "It is strictly forbidden. When you are promoted to a second year student, you must summon a familiar, which is what you just did."

A familiar? Did he translate that right? The word brought images of old Grognak the Barbarian board games with Amada.

"Your elemental specialty is decided by the familiar that you summon. It enables you to advance to the appropriate courses for that element. You cannot change the familiar once you have summoned it because the 'Springtime Familiar Summoning' is a sacred rite. Whether you like it or not, you have no choice but to take him." Wanderer frowned in confusion he obviously was not translating this right as that made no sense.

"But... I've never heard of having a commoner as a familiar!" Everyone around laughed at the young girl's misfortune. Wanderer sighed human nature of picking on the weak seemed to be universal (Note to self, kick some of their asses later) Vallière scowled bravely at the crowd which did nothing to stem the tide of insults coming her way .

Ok pull yourself together man, Wanderer thought desperately what do I know .Ok so I know that (1) I am Alive, (2) I have most of my gear still in my Pipboy (3) I am not in the Wasteland. Wanderer took quick inventory he was carrying most of his main attack gear. His full Auto doc suit (Self-healing minus need for stimpacks/gradual Healing) his Lyons Pride T-51b Power armor, he had a set of Enclave Tesla armor ( Big Energy weapon boost). He had an assortment of melee weapons ranging from brass knuckles to a Supersleg. In Ranged combat he had Old Painless, and a Tesla cannon each with a large supply of ammo and spare parts. He had 8 mini nukes but unfortunately his fat man was broken so he could not use them .

"This is a tradition, Miss Vallière. I cannot allow any exceptions; he," The middle-aged man reiterated pointing at Wanderer "May be a commoner, but as long as he was summoned by you, he must be your familiar. Never in history has a human been summoned as a familiar, but the Springtime Familiar Summoning takes precedence over every rule. In other words, there is no other way around it; he must become your familiar." You have got to be joking..." Louise drooped her shoulders in disappointment. "Well then, continue with the ceremony." "With him?" "Yes, with him. Hurry. The next class will begin any minute. How much more time is this summoning going to take? After mistake upon mistake, you have finally managed to summon him. Hurry and form a contract." Everyone voiced their agreement and began jeering.

Louise stared at Wanderer's face troubled. Wanderer shared the troubled look he had no idea what was going on. "Hey. You." Louise addressed Wanderer; Wanderer raised an eye brow in response. "You should count yourself lucky. Normally, you'd go your whole life without a noble doing this to you." 'Noble, really that's what they call themselves that is presumptuous as hell' He decided to risk trying his hand at their language "Do … What?" he cursed silently the words these words are just so… unwieldy. He would need to practice or get a translator he would prefer the second. "Just stay still." She commanded. He held still as she approached her face closing in on his. 'is there a reason for this or is this…' Whatever Wanderer thought was going to happen was lost to time as Louise kissed him. This was not his first kiss by any means. It reminded him strangely of his time back at the Vault of innocence. He pulled away getting ready to chasten the pinky. When an extraordinary pain pierced his right hand, Wanderer swore as he fell to his knees his hand felt like it was being drawn on by a Laser cutter it burned his flesh in excruciating agony.

"It will be over soon; just wait. The Familiar's Runes are being inscribed." Louise said, trying and failing the stem the tide of foul profanities pouring unrelenting from her new familiar's mouth, "Ghoul spawned mutated son of a Deathclaw dropping, That Hurts!" Louise sighed in relief at her familiars strange cursing stopped. Colbert approached the recovering Wanderer and examined his right hand. Having finished his rant he looked at his hand. Ruins had been burned onto his hand yet strangely they looked like old wounds. The symbols on his hand looked surprisingly like a cross between Nordic runes and Latin script and …. Something else entirely. "Interesting…These are very unusual Runes" Hummed the balding man clearly fascinated by the ruins on his hand.

"Well, let's go back to class, everyone." Colbert turned on his heel, then rose gently into the air. Wanderer's eyes widened 'What? ' the outer teens picked that time to rise themselves up into the air and floated after Colbert Wanderer's eye's bulged 'Whaaaaaaaaa'."Louise, you'd better walk back!" "She shouldn't try to fly. She can't even manage levitation." "A commoner is perfect as your familiar!" the students jeered as they flew away. Leaving a flabbergasted Wanderer and a steaming Lousie behind to walk towards the main building.

Wanderer walked into Louise's room in a daze, one minute he was completing his heroic sacrifice, satisfied with his life and his accomplishments and then poof he was here wherever here was! He had seen some strange things in his wanderings ranging from giant ants to a super mutant and a youigui dancing in tutus (he shuddered that was a memory he DID NOT want to live though again) but this … this took the cake and the sweet rolls as well, hell this took the whole damn banquet.

He studied his "summoner". She was short and childlike and despite her size or perhaps because of it she had an ego that made Cesar's look like an a small blip. Taking a deep breath (and shoving his scientific mind's ramblings of this is impossible, this is impossible into a dark corner of his head) "So are you going to answer my question miss…" "Vallière, Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière" She replied with an arrogant tone. Wanderer's eyebrows shoot up that's a mouthful.

"I was taking part in a summoning ritual where all mages summon their familiars that will act as their servants, you" She glared at him hatefully. "Where a mistake, I wanted something proud, majestic, and noble, like a dragon, manticorn or even a griffin, not a commoner." Wanderer watched as she ranted amused in more ways than one he had been called all of those things by people around him, granted he had a reputation back home and if how this world looked it had higher standards to "class" than back home. "So how long does this summoning last? I have people who need me back home." He asked not strictly true seeing as he had killed most of the raiders and slavers in DC and the Mojave and everywhere in between, but they breed like rats so he would have to go back to killing raiders soon. "It's permanent" Replied Louise as she rummaged through her closet unaware of how much those casual words hit him. Wanderer was hit by a basket full of Landry before he could recover from the verbal blow "Now out get these washed. Also wake me up at dawn," She demanded ushering him out of the room.

Wanderer stood as the door to erstwhile "Master's" room was slammed in his face. He rubbed his nose as he walked away deep in thought his scientific mind having accepted this "Magic" for now. The girl, Louise, had a long first name that was reminiscence of middle age nobles in Europe. Combining that with the local Architecture which was faintly gothic in nature suggested he was in medieval time frame… but. What he saw the students floating away and the fact that she teleported him a vast distance, those spoke of Big MT level tech if not higher! More over where he was at he had absolutely no radio signatures, and he had not detected a single ray of radiation anywhere which excepting sealed vaults and prewar buildings should have been impossible.

This left him with three possible conclusions. One he had gone crazy (jury was still out on that one). Two this was another planet, he discounted that on the fact that there were humans here that seemed to be natural and had no obvious signs of spaceflight capacity. Three this "summoning "had pulled him from another reality and into this one, which despite how crazy it sounded, made the most sense. (he has nine intelligence by the way)

Wanderer was so deep in thought that he walked right into a Maid sending her sprawling out in front of him. He winced at his clumsiness and set down the laundry and reached out hand extended. "Sorry about that, my head was in the clouds." He smiled apologetically

Siesta looked up and saw him. He had a face that looked like it had climbed out of one of her romance novels! The dashing rouge that always got away with the young maiden's heart the thief with a heart of gold. She blushed and slowly took his hand "Thank you, sir" She said shyly. Snap out of it girl he's a noble or he works for one screamed her more sensible half thought seeing his duster that was made with a fine leather that admittedly looked like it had seen better days but is still retained a presence of importance. Her romantic half-proceed to drown out the reasonable half with a fantasy of a night with her hero under the starry skies…

Wanderer watched her fade out and wondered if the fall had given the poor girl a concussion that would be a bad way of greeting the help "Ahh… Miss, you ok?" Wanderer asked concerned. She snapped out of her day dream (he noticed a slight droll on her lips and stared to feel real nervous) She blushed "I'm fine my names Siesta," "They call me Wanderer" he replied. "Are you the person that Miss Vallière summoned earlier today?" She inquired. Wanderer gave a non-committal shrug "Looks like it, um this might sound strange but." He picked up the nearby Laundry basket and gave the girl a slightly embarrassed smile "can you show me to the laundry room?"

Siesta had turned out to be a goldmine of information about the world he was stranded in. Apparently he was in a country called Tristan on a continent called Halkeginia. The country he was in was ruled by "mages" people who could use magic in a feudal system of government. He frowned he never liked the idea of a supreme leader like a king. He preferred the old world ideas of democracy. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely he had seen too much proof of that over his three years in the wastes. Siesta could not help him too much with what "magic" was however. He grimaced he would need to get a grasp of magical theory and fast If he wanted to survive in this strange world.

Siesta listened in wonder as he asked her questions that seemed to be common knowledge ,normally. She would say someone was slow if they asked those questions, but he absorbed all the information she had given him and began asking her questions that she had no idea how to begin to answer like how the economy worked or the latest advancements of "science" or cultural progress. She watched him work while deep in thought. She knew he was intelligent maybe even the smartest person she had ever met and he was handsome to boot. She sighed happily. He was the full package. Too soon he finished the laundry and stood up. Wanderer looked her in the eyes and said "Thank you Siesta you have been a great help, if you need any help from me do not hesitate to ask" he smiled gratefully as he left the room . She let out quiet "Kyaaaaa"

Wanderer listened to Siesta's not so quiet "Kyaaaaa" with a roll of his eyes. He knew he had away with women ( Lady killer perk.) But he did not want to hurt her. She was he found out from their conversation an honest country girl working as a school maid to help her family pay the bills back in her home town. He smiled people like her who were so open, honest and well good where rare. Just one day in and he already made a friend.

At the base of the tower Wanderer came across what appeared to be two more students, a male and a female. The boy was posed extravagantly, wearing a black coat with a frilly white shirt, one arm on his hip and the other in the air holding a rose next to his face. The girl was in what appeared to be the standard uniform with a brown cloak and declaring something about soufflés. Curious Wanderer listened in. "I would be glad to have some," the boy assured the girl grandly. "Really?" she said, her hands clasped in front of her in maidenly innocence. Wanderer sighed he could see though the whole façade by the playboy almost instantly but the girl was young and naive. "Really, Katie," he assured her. "I cannot tell lies in front of your eyes." It was a good if completely cheesy line wanderer had to admit and tucked it into the back of his mind for handy one liners (they always came from the strangest of places) and watched as the boy Gauche continued to woo the poor girl. Sighing Wanderer moved on he wanted to get some sleep before the sun rose.

Wanderer having reached Louise's room once more found it locked. Wanderer merely rolled his eyes and picked the lock (Jesus this school had weak security) and walked in silently he folded the laundry and settled in the corner for a Ranger style power nap till dawn.