Ridge tensed up. The shooting star was too close for his comfort, and instead of burning up like the other falling stars he had seen before, this one continued to fall. His brow knitted together in worry, but Toby grew excited.

"Ridge! It's a shooting star! Make a wish!" he shouted, waving at the shooting star as it passed through the celestial sky.

"A wish? What do you mean?" asked Ridge, still staring blankly at the shooting star. Was this another weird Minecraftian custom he hadn't heard about?

"I heard that if you wish upon a shooting star, your wish will come true," replied Toby. "Let's make a wish together." He closed his eyes, and his forehead scrunched up in concentration.

Ridge looked at the star doubtfully. He wasn't sure if a falling star would make any wish come true, but Toby was doing it, and he thought, Why the hell not? Then, What should I wish for?

The first idea that came to mind was seeing his mother and father again, this time together. Then he thought of Martyn. If I wish to see my parents again, that would be selfish of me. But if I wish that Martyn was back, then both Toby and I would benefit from it. His eyes closed as if it had a mind of its own, and Ridge concentrated.

I wish Martyn could come back to us.

The last thing he remembered was the flash of a blinding white light, bleeding through his eyelids.


A small stream of blood trickled from Toby's half-open mouth, and the teenager hacked viciously, spurring his senses awake. That was a big mistake on his part. His chest was bloody and he was pretty sure that he broke quite a few ribs. He sat up, holding his chest gingerly and trying not to wince badly.

"Holy shit," he muttered. Damn, even breathing was hard for him. "What the hell happened?"

Toby turned his head slightly. He was back at the foot of the hill they climbed, and the carnage was bigger than he expected. The last thing his foggy head managed to catch before something—an explosion, was that it?—blew the entire hill in two, sending dirt skyrocketing through the air. Toby supposed he was lucky he even survived, and that was only thanks to his armor, which was hanging precariously off a bloodied ear, bruised and battered beyond repair. Toby lifted an arm to slip it off, but even his arm faltered as another stab of pain shot from his chest.

"Jesus Christ!" Toby breathed sharply, channeling the pain through quick, controlled breaths. He grit his teeth and craned his neck carefully to scan his surroundings. "Where's Ridge?"

It was a rhetorical question, so of course Toby nearly jumped forty feet out of his skin when a voice replied, "Not here, I suppose. Jesus, you look terrible, Toby! What have you been doing, messing with dynamite?"

Toby had been so engrossed with his pain that he didn't notice a dark figure sitting in the branches of the spindly trees nearby. Even though it was dark, Toby had seen Martyn long enough to recognize him on first sight.

"Holy fucking shit, Martyn!" Toby yelled. He instantly regretted it when he doubled over in pain, clutching his chest. Then, in a smaller voice, he said, "What the hell are you doing here, Martyn? You're dead!"

"Do I look dead to you, Toby?" Martyn said, crossing his arms and fake pouting. He dropped down from the tree and knelt down next to Toby. He gently pushed Toby's hands away from his chest and gingerly helped him take off his t-shirt and hoodie, revealing blue and black bruises dotted along a huge patch of red skin. Martyn whistled. "If we don't do anything about those ribs, you're going to be the one who ends up dead."

"Talk about it," muttered Toby. Still, he accepted Martyn's hand and was gently pulled up into a slouched standing position. "What the hell happened to you? Ridge said you were dead!"

"I was."


Martyn held up his hands, but quickly dropped them when Toby hunched over again, using one to support the boy by gently pressing a hand over the small of his back and offering an arm. Toby took it, and then Martyn answered him. "I'm not completely sure why I'm back, but I can tell you that I'm quite sure Ridge had something to do with it. It's nice, though, being alive, so I'm not really going to question it. But holy shit, Toby, I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my back. I don't feel as connected to the forests anymore, at least, not where my life supply is concerned."

"Well, can you work some sort of woodland magic and heal me then?" Toby asked through labored breaths. "Ridge told me that you did that to his arrow wound once."

Martyn scrunched up his mouth and ran his tongue over his lips. "Maybe. I can try, but I don't think I can work woodland magic anymore. I'm not connected to the trees in that way, so I can't borrow their energy." He pressed a tentative hand over Toby's wounds, causing the boy to gasp slightly. "Here goes."

Nothing happened, and Toby fought the urge to cry. They were in the middle of nowhere. The gods brought Martyn back, only to take Toby from Minecraftia? Surely fate couldn't be that cruel.

"Well," he said shakily, "that's one option down. I suppose…" he faltered for a moment before continuing, "I suppose there isn't another one."

Martyn lowered his hand and pulled Toby close. "Not yet. We'll find help. Can you walk?"

"Y-yeah, but—"

"No buts," Martyn cut in, rather harshly, "Just focus on breathing and live. Ridge will kill me if he found out that you died under my watch."

"Yeah, okay," Toby said. Martyn moved him forward a little, and Toby winced as his legs groaned in silent agony with each step. "We need shelter."

Breathe in. Breathe out. It's all autonomous, Toby. You can do it.

Martyn scanned the landscape until his eyes rested on a cherry blossom grove. It was around the time of year when the trees were in full blossom, but all Martyn cared about was the well-being of Toby, not the aesthetics of the small, pink flowers that ensconced the beauty of the cherry blossom.

"There," he said, jutting his chin towards the grove. "We'll settle there and sort you out, okay? Hang in there, Tobs, you can do it."

"Mhm," Toby groaned. "Easier said than done."

Breathe, goddammit. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.

He took a laborious step forward, and Martyn moved with him. One step at a time.

They were moving too slow, so Toby tried to increase the pace. His legs and chest screamed in protest, and his head started pounding furiously again. It was like walking to the Nether. A living Nether, and he wasn't even sure if he'd survive to recount it.

They were only a few feet away from the trees, and even though Toby moved at a slow, albeit steady pace, Martyn could feel the boy's life force ebbing away. If he didn't receive help soon, Toby would die. He really didn't want to think about what would happen next. Maybe nothing. Maybe Martyn would go with him, if he found the motivation to send himself back into the Void. Maybe.

You can do this, Tobs. Live. Live. Survive! You're a survivor, godammit, you're not going to die from a bloody torso. Don't do this to me; don't leave yet. Live!


A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED!? After how long? Nearly a year? Yeah, nearly a year. I don't know, I lost the muse for this story a long time ago, and here you guys are waiting for another update. Truth be told, I stopped watching the Yogscast ages ago, so this was one of the reasons I stopped writing this fic. But, my conscience got the better of me, and since I can't ever leave a story unfinished, I had to finish this.

But, this will be my last Yogscast fic. I never really left the fandom, but I don't watch the Yogscast anymore, so anything new from last year on is completely uknown to me. That being said, nothing, no progress will be documented or taken into consideration during the writing of this fic. This is pure oldies now.

Anyways, I don't know how long the chapters were, so I'm keeping it at a solid 1000 round for now. I don't know how often I will update, but since I already updated it should be soon. Who knows? Maybe in another year (hahahaha). This fic is what... almost halfway done? So there's plenty more to see of Ridge, Martyn and Toby (who, if you haven't realized, are the MCs of this story). Their destinies intertwine quite a bit, and you get to Ridge in the next chapter!

