Hello to anyone who is reading this. I may mix up some of the terms or plot lines, while adding characters that weren't originally in the movie – who the hell hasn't done that? - , but the location that this is being set in is part of the movie. As well as some of the people. If you have read the summary you will know that Prowl is in this, as well as others that have been added. There are other Fanfictions to back me up on this, so don't point out flaws unless it is a considerable one. I have watched all of the movies, and half the time they didn't make much sense. Reviews would be great and flaming will be totally ignored as well as said flamer being labeled a dick the rest of their life. This is a slash piece between Prowl and my OC. A "Cross Species" Fanfic, you may say. Don't like don't read. Thank you for picking this out and suggestions will be taken into account. I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS, OR ANY OTHER MENTIONED DIALOGUES OR DEVICES THAT ALREADY EXIST. I OWN MY OWN IDEAS AND CHARACTERS.




13:38 P.M

Optimus Prime exited the meeting room. Three hours of listening to Generals jabber on about weapons and concealment can really put a strain on your processor. The blue and red mech groaned inwardly as he realised that he would have to write out a report on all the details of the meeting. An added two hours of solid, mind ripping boredom. He understood that he was the leader of the Autobots, and it was his duty to do these things, but at times, a break was a much rewarded thing.

He smirked slightly as he noted that his SIC would not feel the same way. The mech never seemed to leave his office; always having numerous piles of "Paperwork" was the word humans used for it. Of course he worked on datapads, but the concept was the same. And he understood that Prowl would be beside himself until the report was completed. Of course he wouldn't let emotions show. Prowl was famous for his logical thinking and stoic personality. Couldn't blame the mech when you have a very powerful logic and battle computer. His tacticians mind had won them many battles on Cybertron.

Still, the prospect of another couple hours of work was enough to make him cringe.

Was it bad that he wished his SIC had crashed? It was usually only the twins – and Jazz – that could send the mech into the black oblivion that his mind swallowed him into. But it was becoming more frequent due to fact that he hardly recharged or refueled. And he usually had to be ordered out of the confines of that room just to remain alive. And he supposed that it wasn't his mind crashing at those points, but the internal components, duel to lack of Energon.

The Prime was drawn out of these thoughts as a blue blur passed him by.

'Hello-sir-Optimus-Prime-sir.' Came the almost indecipherable reply as the bot sped by. Just by speak alone could you identify Blurr. The fastest Autobot there was. Optimus shook his head while chuckling. He had very loyal recruits, all of whom would give their lives for the cause.

He left the confines of that building and was momentarily blinded by sunlight as he walked out into the open world. It lasted for a few seconds before he was back inside.

Now this building could be considered the rec room. More like a room which had high balconies so that the humans could make eye contact with the other Autobots, and a very large visual screen.

Currently there was Ironhide, Jazz, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and Elita-One that made up the Autobot comparison. Major Lennox, Epps and a few other recruits he had not familiarized with himself, comprised the organics.

A few breems of relaxation wouldn't hurt.

He stood next to his Sparkmate as the others greeted him.

'Optimus, sir.' Was Ironhides terse greeting. He nodded at the mech.

The other three were more relaxed.

'Hey Optimus.' Was the very eloquent reply he got from Jazz.

The Twins just smiled, albeit mischievously. The Autobot leader caught their act.

'What did you two do?' he asked them. They shot glances at each other.

'Who said we did anything?' Sideswipe replied. Optimus' optics narrowed as he tried to figure out their plot.

He didn't need long to think of it, as Blurr came crashing in, skidding out of control. Only then did he notice the thin layer of oil next to the other entrance of the building.

'Ok, so maybe we did do something.' Sunstreaker put a servo behind his head. But to both of their surprise, Optimus simply smiled lightly. He wouldn't admit that this had been humorous.

Neither did they realise that the Autobot they had pranked was still spinning out of control, trying to grab any surface available to stop the motion. Eventually though, the wall stopped him, leaving an indent in the metal surface. And it only took him an astrosecond before he was speeding out of the building, shouting apologies back to the others for the damage.

'Well that was a bust.' Muttered Sideswipe, 'He didn't even think about it.'

'Knew we should have picked someone else.'

'You guys had this planned?' Jazz asked incredulously. The Twins nodded.

'We knew that Blurr was gonna be coming through here at this time, so we set it up.' Answered Sunstreaker.

'I thought you were just doing it for whatever unlucky mech happened to walk in next.' Mumbled the Saboteur.

'We plan most of our "attacks" Jazz. Only when needing to improvise do we say it was for whatever mech.' Sideswipe explained. They both looked at Optimus.

'So does this mean brig time?' asked Sunstreaker. Optimus suppressed a laugh.

'That is Prowl's job at the moment. If you can fix this up, you might get away with it.' The five Autobots looked startled by their Primes words, but the Twins didn't hesitate to get to work.

'Sir are you positive-' started Ironhide. Optimus held up a servo to stop him.

'Ironhide, at some points, this is the only way.' He replied cryptically. Elita smirked.

'You have to write a report on the meeting don't you?' she surmised. He nodded, eyes downcast. She could sense his frustration.

'Ya better get on it, or the mech will track ya down. Did that to me when I was late on a mission update.' Supplied Jazz. Optimus optics widened and he quickly left to his own office.

'Did that actually happen?' asked Ironhide. Jazz smirked.

'Pit yeah. He was watching me the whole time. As the humans saying, "Peering over my shoulder". It was unnerving. He just stood there, totally silent.'

'How late were you with it?' Elita asked. The saboteur shrugged.

'Two weeks. I tell ya, he was ticked off. Didn't show it outward, but you could tell.'


16:56 P.M

Eliza Jover was called from her post that day. She was walking down the long metal corridor, her fate unknown. She had never been called by her commanding officer, and wondered if anything had gone wrong. Her division in the army was one of the most secret. It was known to exist, but it was very private. The Technical and Spying Department was for the few who knew how to monitor with pinpoint accuracy and without being seen. It wasn't Special Ops. No, those guys were much quieter. These guys were the ones that monitored it all from computers. They were the eyes and ears of the country. Id you had the technological know how to man one of these super computers, you had the job. This was how she had made her way up the ladder.

Of course her sister had done far better. Terry was a born leader, and was much more… inspiring than her. She wasn't envious of her sister's role, and was in fact glad that she didn't have that much pressure. Plus, knowing a high ranking member wasn't half bad either.

She swiped her key card on the mechanical door and it slid open. To reveal her boss and her sister, both in the room. Her eyes widened at the presence of a family member. They didn't usually interact when working, considering the rank difference.

'… Sir?' she asked the male sitting behind the steel desk. He nodded.

'You know General Terry Jover.' It was more of a statement than a question. Everybody knew about the family militants.

'Yes sir.' She replied nonetheless.

'Good. Now you must be wondering about why I've called you here.' Her expression didn't change, but inside the question was burning.

'We are moving you to a different division Agent Jover.' Eliza did a double take. A different division? Did she do something wrong?

'Sir, why is that?' she asked. He smiled slightly.

'We are choosing different individuals from all of the categories for this task. You are our last recruit.' She still did not understand what he meant.

'This is a top secret operation, which few people know about. You remember the attack on Mission city?' Terry spoke this time. Eliza nodded slowly.

'Only the main points of the army were informed. Your division – and other smaller groups – was kept in the dark about this. We are also trying to keep the rest of the world oblivious, but it is getting harder. We have chosen the select few of you to go due to your unique abilities.' Her sister finished explaining. Eliza's gaze sharpened.

'Who are the others?'

'Well other than you there is Henry Dasin – Special Ops – Eric Webster – Classified – Vernet Holmes – Decoding – Jonathon Franklin.' Terry stopped here and looked at her sister whose expression had hardened.

'Since when did he join the army?' she asked. Jonathon Franklin was a touchy subject for her. Saved for another time.

'He's the new Government liaison.' This was expected. He had worked for the government.

'But those have been the selected personnel. You leave in a week.' Finished her boss. He nodded in respect towards General Jover and left the room, giving both sisters time to confer.

There was an awkward silence. Finally Eliza broke it.

'What is this division?'

'See for yourself.' Her sister produced a laptop and a flash drive. She turned it on and inserted the information.

A document was viewed on the screen. Eliza scanned the info. Each line she grew more and more dubious.

Once she had finished analyzing the data, she looked at Terry, 'You have got to be joking.' She laughed, 'This is absolutely ridiculous. April fools finished months ago.' She was now beside herself with exaggerated laughter. Her sister simply stared on.

Once the racket had died down, she opened another document with pictures. At this Eliza's eyes widened. But she was still not convinced.

'How do I know these aren't clever animation?' she asked.

'You don't.' Terry left the room, leaving her sister looking at the information. Her comm. Sounded.

/: RSVP if you're in:/ her sisters voice shut off. Eliza looked back at the screen. The picture she was on now was of an enormous red and blue robot, with a black one in the background, sporting intimidating cannons on each of its arms.

She flicked over and was presented with two very similar looking robots. They reminded her of her twin brothers. John and David. It was slightly annoying that one of her brothers had the same name as the guy she was… not currently on the best of terms with. But that's life.

She changed again and saw what appeared to be three female robots. They were all looking towards the camera, bemused expressions on their faces. There were two humans by their feet, both female as well. One was a red head, the other blonde haired.

The next picture was of a blue blur. She couldn't discern anything else from that. The next was of a yellow and black with a human male sitting on his shoulder.

She clicked on the arrow at the bottom of the screen, and the image that appeared next stopped her. It was another robot, but it was clearly caught at unawares of the photo being taken. It was black and white and was focused on something in its hand. It looked like an Ipad to her, but far more technical. But what stilled her more was its very alive expression. She closed the laptop and reached to her ear.

/: Agent Jover to General Jover:/

/: Yes?:/ was the instant reply.

She took in a deep breath.

/:Where do I meet you?:/


15:27 P.M

The Praxian looked down at the datapad that had been placed on his desk. This was the report about the meeting earlier that day. And for once it had come in at a decent arrival. Of course it was still a grudging effort, considering that for once he had finally completed the rest of the work that he had received that day. He had a good book downloaded on a different datapad. "Great Expectations" by an organic called Charles Dickens.

And now he had to review this. He may never come out of his office but it did not mean that he liked work. It simply had to be done. And one day this would pay off.

He viewed over the first section and realised that he would be here a lot longer than anticipated. The information had been crudely organized, thus making it a jumble of words. This should not have been so hard for anyone.

A warning flashed before his optics, signaling that he needed to recharge. He ignored it. He hadn't recharged in three orns. A few more joors would not kill him. Besides the time point in the day was not a logical section for the necessary subject. According to humans at least. Work first, then rest. And any other essential needs.

He started going over it.

The commanders were going over the required steps necessary to insure that our race remain hidden. Halfway through the briefing a government official suggested a tactic that …

This should be in chronological order was the main thought going through his processor as he continued.

Jazz walked by Prowls office. Judging by the life sign inside Prowl was still at it. It was like the mech never had any time. And for once, the saboteur didn't go in. he really did not want to confront the SIC about this. Ratchet does that for him.

He continued down the hallway, unaware that Prowl had registered his presence. Praxian door wing sensors were particularly helpful.

He placed the datapad aside and grabbed a blank one. He would continue revising the Primes report, but for his own mental sake, he needed reminders.



This was so that he may be able to write the report. It will be much easier than having to spend the next four hours trying to decipher this.

/:Optimus Prime to Prowl:/ Optimus' booming voice cut through the SIC's thoughts.

/:Yes sir:/ he replied automatically.

/: I have been informed that new recruits, as well as the new liaison, will be arriving next week. As much as we don't like the government appointed financial human, please put up a note to the others that we actually need to make this one last:/ his leaders voice was strained with annoyance. Nobody liked the liaison, but it was a requirement.

/:Sir, I do believe it will be taken better if you address the matter:/ Prowl almost pleaded the Prime.

/: I will inform them, but until I have the chance, please put up a notice. Optimus out:/ the voice cut off and Prowl resisted the urge to slam his head against the metal desk. More work.

He grabbed a different pad and sent a message to any other Autobot who was not offline at the moment. And specifically stating that it was Optimus' orders.

He reached for the datapad with the decoding task at hand.

He hoped the liaison had guts.

He was going to need it.

What do you think? As previously stated above reviews and suggestions are welcome and flamers as above.

Please review.