Three long months have passed since Shannon warned Jethro about Tony taking those pills. That incident was a turning point for both men.

Jethro began to really enjoy working with all the probies. He was just about to send his first group of newbies out across the country. By his hand, this new batch of probies were better equipped to jump right in and begin to be productive members of their new teams. That made Jethro feel good that what he was teaching them could very easily save their lives or the lives of a member of their team.

Tony was excelling in his program at the rehab center. He was still chair bound and one side of his body was still much weaker than the other. He would never be able to drive again but thanks to that van NCIS gave to Jethro getting around was a breeze. His therapists were very proud of his progress.

In three months he was able to learn to dress himself and take care of all his personal hygiene. They even had him in the small kitchen in the rehab center and helped him find alternate ways to get around the kitchen and prepare food. It took two therapy days and some help from one of the Occupational therapists but he was able to make lasagna for dinner for him and Jethro.

The day soon came that the rehab center had helped Tony all that they could and Tony tearfully left their care. The night that they cut him loose both men sat around the dining room table in companionable silence.

Gibbs could feel the trepidation and uncertainty from Tony and so he was the first one to break the silence, "So son since you are done with the rehab program and are doing better than anyone ever thought. I was wondering if you would consider coming up to NCIS and start helping me train the probies. I know the shooting and the fighting would have to be solely my areas but I think you could really be a benefit to helping with critical thought and solving the puzzles that they will be facing. Just think about it okay. You and I were by far the most successful team in NCIS history and I think together we could make some awesome probies."

Tony smiled shyly at Jethro, "It would be nice to see everyone again. I bet they don't even remember my face up there. I will think about it. It would be nice to be on your six again boss, even if it just training."

Jethro reached over and gave his shoulder a squeeze, "I am glad to hear you say that. (Moving the heavy casserole dish to the counter) I am also glad that it is your night to do dishes because I am so ready to have some boat/bourbon time."

Chuckling and wheeling the dishes over to the counter, "Have fun!"

Tony got the dishes done and then got ready for bed and settled into his room to watch a movie. His mind was anywhere but the movie that he had put on. He thought it was X men but it could have been some chick flick for all he cared. The thoughts ran through his mind a million mils an hour. Could he actually be a help to Gibbs and the probbies? Would they listen to a cripple? How would everyone treat me? Even though his mind was whirling like a dervish his body was exhausted and like usual it won and he slipped into a fitful sleep.

About midnight Jethro made it upstairs and stopped to check on Tony. H e noticed Tony was in an uneasy sleep so he covered his boy up and sat on the edge of the bed gently rubbing his hair (a calming trick he learned a long time ago for his SFA). After a few minutes he was still restless so he looked around knowing no one could hear him but he had to check. He began to quietly sing the song his mom sang to him when he was upset.

(Braham's lullaby)

Lullaby and goodnight, with roses bedight With lilies o'er spread is baby's wee bed Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed

Lullaby and goodnight, thy father's delight Bright angels beside my darling abide They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast. They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast

Between the gentle rubbing and the soft lullaby Tony was lulled into a deep and peaceful sleep. He reached down placing a kiss on his boys forehead and whispered, "Sleep tight son" and went to bed himself.

When Jethro woke up at 7 the next morning. He could all ready smell the coffee brewing. He smiled at the thought of how Tony liked to make sure he had his coffee in the morning. He told Tony thank you once and Tony just quipped, "No need to thank me it is self preservation to make sure the waking grizzly has his coffee."

Jethro quickly took care of business and showered and dressed for work. He was looking forward to eating breakfast with Tony. He jogged down the stairs and was excited to see Tony sitting at the table in his jeans but an Armani shirt and jacket on and a packed back pack hanging on the back of his chair.

Jethro saw his son and got the biggest smile on his face, "You look mighty dapper this morning what are your plans for today?" He asked this hoping his plans included NCIS but he wasn't going to assume, got to remember rule 8 and all.

Tony smiled, "Well thanks to an amazing nights sleep I woke up refreshed and I would like to go to NCIS with you. I can help you or I can go visit people. I would just like to be with you if that is okay?"

Taking a big sip of coffee trying to hide the face splitting grin, "I think that is doable. I would really like to have your sorry butt around (making sure her punctuated that statement with a wink). Maybe you can use some of that DiNozzo charm on the secretaries for me. They said they were going to have the workbooks for my crime scene class next week ready yesterday but still nothing."

Snickering a little, "I think I can handle that Dad. You are charming in your own Disney Villain sort of way. Leave it to me to charm the maidens for you boss."

The head slap Tony received for that remark put a smile on his face all the way to the navy yard. The two men passed through the main gate and Tony leaned forward to wave at George the morning guard. It took George a minute to recognize Tony but when he did he opened the side door to the van and gave Tony a quick hug, "My wife and I have been praying for you Tony. I can't wait to tell her I got to see you today. Welcome back."

Tony was totally surprised by the kind guards reaction to him. He politely hugged him back and then did what Tony does best turned on the DiNozzo charm. The smile might not be as perfect as it was but it was still dazzling. George shut the van door and waved both men on.

Jethro looked in the rear view mirror at a shocked Tony, "You sure ya ready for this, I am sure George is only the first of many who are going to act like that. Your injuries hit us all where we live literally. Everyone has been constantly asking for updates on you. I never told you this but there is actually a Tony DiNozzo Facebook page that Tim started to keep everyone updated on your issues. I think Tim said at last count the page had 4000 friends. A whole lot of people care about you Tony."

Tony was speechless all he could do is smile at his Dad.

Jethro parked in the handicap spot near the front of the building and opened the door to help Tony out. Before he lowered the ramp he noticed Tony, sitting starring at the floor with tears slowly streaming down his face.

Jethro gently tilted his face toward his. He cupped his face and smiled a huge smile at him while he wiped his tears with his thumbs, "Is it that hard to believe that people love you? You are an amazing man Anthony DiNozzo and I hate that you got hurt but I am glad that maybe just maybe you will get to see what people really think about you. Now lets go. Pushing Mr. Celebrity here it is going to take forever to get through security."

Between the Van and the front door there were at least 20 people that stopped to say welcome back to Tony. When they got to security it was manned by Joe and Tommy both men were so excited to see Tony back at NCIS. Since his initial injuries they had to tighten the security a bunch and everyone had to go through a detector that would let the guards know if there was any unauthorized metal or explosive substances. Tony couldn't go through the detector in his chair so the guards had to manually pat Tony down and wand over his body and chair with an explosive detecting wand. The process took both guards and about 5 minutes to complete. In that time a line of about 15 people formed behind them. Tony was turning about 200 different shades of red as the grumbling in the line became more intense.

Finally Joe patted him on the shoulder and waved him through with an apology. Tony was just about in tears again as he and Jethro slipped into the elevator. They got into the elevator before anyone else got through security. Jethro stopped the car and knelt down to look at Tony who was barley holding on, "I know that was not pleasant but your in now. Put it behind you and enjoy all the people doting on you okay. Promise me you will not think about it."

A soft yes sir got Jethro on his feet and the elevator moving and soon they were on the familiar third floor. The doors opened to the ugly orange walls that Tony never thought he would get to see again. Unlike the time with the whole FROG fiasco, on the corners of his old desk where balloon bouquets. Tony saw them and giggled, "You all brought balloons."

Tim and Balboa and some other familiar faces met them at his desk. Tim smiled at Tony; "Gibbs gave us a heads up text this morning".

They all showered him with well wishes and made sure he knew how glad they were to see him. The group chatted for a minute then quickly dispersed when they heard, "Anthony DiNozzo how dare you come to work and not come see me." She rushed to his side and embraced him in the strongest Abby hug he had ever felt.

Gibbs let the hug go on for a minute then smacked her shoulder, "I just got him out of rehab don't put him back Abbs geez"

Abby gave him a huge red kiss mark on his cheek and then stood up and flattened out her skirt, "I never doubted you would be back at NCIS Tony. I am so proud of you. I know things aren't like they were but I am so glad I am going to get to see your adorable mug everyday."

Tony patted his lap for her to sit on his lap and he asked her if she would like to accompany him down to see Ducky. She smiled and agreed and they were off on the elevator.

Jethro sat on the edge of his desk and watched him roll to the elevator giggling. Vance came from behind and startled him, "It is good to have you and your boy back together Gibbs. After what I saw today it is good for the whole Yard to have him back. If nothing else he is like a rolling poster boy for overcoming. I worked it out with HR and sec nav. The probbies are now going to be trained by the dynamic duo of Gibbs/DiNozzo and may I say SecNav is very excited to see what effect you all will have on the new recruits. Tell Tony welcome back if I don't get to get back down here."

Both men shook hands, "Thank you Leon for everything. Having Tony back and working with me is the greatest gift anyone could give to me. Thank you so much. It is going to do wonders for Tony's self esteem too."

Leon smiled, "My pleasure Gibbs"

Abby and Tony rolled into autopsy all smiles and took Ducky and Palmer by surprise, "Oh MY! Anthony is that you young man?"

Tony smiled, "It sure is Ducky, I am now an assistant trainer with Gibbs together we will whip the new recruits into shape one head slap at a time."

Everyone laughed. Palmer smiled and came up to hug Tony and Ducky continued, "Anthony, is there anything that you need me to know about your care. Do you need my assistance with anything?"

Tony shook his head, "Thanks Duck, I don't think I will but I know where to find you if I do. I am in the office full time so I can't imagine there will be any issues."

Ducky looked uncomfortable, "Well Anthony your initial injury happened at your desk remembers. I certainly don't anticipate anything like that again but I would appreciate it if you would make me a list of issues to bear in mind if God forbid anything happens."

Tony looked a little sad, "Your right of course Duck I will get you a list by the end of the day okay."

Ducky got very close to Tony's face, "There is no rush my dear boy but I want to be prepared with anything that you might need to help when and if it is needed, we all love you Anthony and want to make sure that you are well taken care of."

Tony reached out and pulled the older man into a hug, "Thank you Duck, for everything."

Tony made it back to the bull pin after a stop off at the desk of his favorite secretaries. He wheeled in front of Jethro's desk with a large box on his lap. Jethro looked up and asked, "Uh what's in the box Tony?"

With great flourish he placed the box on his desk, "These are the workbooks for the probbies. I took a detour by Charlotte's desk and after a smile from me and a hug and kiss from her it took her 20 minutes to finish the books for me. Remember boss DiNozzo charm."

Trying to bite back a smile Jethro gruffly said, " How about you use your charm on that paper work on your desk and see if it will finish itself for you."

Tony gave a fake growl and mumbled, "On it Boss"

Gibbs had to hide his head in a file to keep others from seeing the smile on his face. After so long not hearing it those three simple words from the young man that was by all rights his son, hearing them again made Leroy Jethro's world sit right again. Team Gibbs will never bring down a global terrorist but Team Gibbs/DiNozzo will help make sure the next generation will be able to take down the bad guys.

The world isn't like the movies there isn't always a happily ever after but this ending isn't so bad.

(Thank you thank you thank you for sticking with this story. Tony is back at Gibbs side working at the Navy Yard. Like the last line said it isn't the movie ending but it is still a happily ever after for our two favorite boys. Thanks again for reading and I appreciate your reviews)