A 'Miles' In His Shoes

Epilogue- Restoring Everything

After about 5 minutes of flight (Yeah, the Tornado 3.0 was pretty fast), Tails landed the Tornado 3.0, and everyone got off. And when everyone saw that Tails was Okay, they were absolutely Ecstatic.

"TAILS! I was so worried about you! Thank Kryptos you're alive!" Amy said as she hugged Tails, and it seemed like she wouldn't stop until Sonic forced Amy to get off of him.

"Tails, buddy! It's good to see you're okay!" Knuckles said as he gave Tails a high-five, and Tails grinned, knowing that it was good to be back.

"…Now, before we start cleaning up around Green Hill, let me just say one thing." Tails said, getting a bit serious. "…I owe many thanks towards Eggman. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd still be dead… So thank you, Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik."

No reply was heard, as Eggman was a bit busy rebuilding his army and his fortress, preparing for another day, when he could defeat Sonic. However, he wasn't going to harm Tails for a LONG, LONG Time.

"*Sigh* Looks like Eggman will never learn…." Tails said before he started to retrieve everything he'd need for the reconstruction of Green Hill, while the others started to gather anything they could use to help.

"Now, then…Are we ready to begin?" Tails asked enthusiastically, and our cast of characters nodded, signaling that they were ready. And with that, the fixing of Green Hill had begun.

It went extremely well, and only a few mistakes were made. All the color was restored, all of the grass was regrown, and all of the Flickies that originally lived here were brought back to the Zone. The end result was absolutely astounding, and it looked as if the chaos that came from the past few days never happened.

"Well, how does it look?" Tails asked.

"It looks GREAT, Tails! Good job helping out!" Sonic complimented, and with that, everything was back to normal, and everyone went back to where they usually go.

"Now then, what's next, Sonic? Are we going to go on an adventure?" Tails asked.

"…Maybe. We may have to wait a while, Tails. After all, we don't want things to get out of hand." Sonic said.

"Yeah, that's true…But what are we going to do?"

"Let's just take some time to relax. After all, we've both had a pretty rough week."

"Okay, then." Tails said, and they prepared for the most relaxing weekend they'd had in a while.

But Meanwhile, in the remains of Launch Base Zone….

All was quiet in the remains of Launch Base Zone. It was so silent you could hear the gear piles rustling, as if something was coming out of the piles… And sure enough, something was. A single Badnik from the gang that Eggman tossed out emerged, alive…but barely. Its wheels were badly damaged, and its energy was running out, as this Badnik was made by pure Unlimifuel, a MASSIVE ENERGY SOURCE that could last nearly 25 Years. However, the Unlimifuel was running low on this Badnik, the leader of that one gang…

"That stupid BASTARD! I KNEW he was trouble!" The leader exclaimed angrily. "But now… It's time to make him pay for his crimes… Leaving us here 19 Years ago… Lying to us about who left us here… and destroying my main gang…. But luckily…" The rogue Badnik paused and proceeded to whistle, bringing up an army of 500 Unlimifuel Badniks, which were beefed up from training for the last few years, and were WAY stronger than the average Badnik.

"Now then…. RISE, MY BATTALION!" The Leader exclaimed. "A mad scientist by the name of Doctor Eggman has abandoned us in this land! Are we going to leave him unharmed?! Are we not going to make him pay for his consequences?!"

"NO! WE SHALL MAKE HIM PAY!" The Battalion screamed out.

"EXACTLY! NOW, LET'S GO!" The leader screamed out, and they all began to travel towards Eggman's Base in Green Hill, and they would get there…. One way or another.


And so, the second part of the Dark Transference Trilogy has been finished. HOWEVER, the third one WILL NOT BE MY NEXT PROJECT. In fact, I have quite a few stories I would like to make before I create the last one in this trilogy, Such as:

Another Sonic Fanfic that's NOT related to this trilogy.

A Kirby Fanfic (And quite a special one at that.)

And after these, THEN I'll finish this trilogy.