A 'Miles' in His Shoes

Prologue- Pushing the Limits

It had been approximately 1 month since Tails had beaten Supreme Chaos, saved Sonic and saved Mobius. But, since then, his life had slowly been falling.

"Why did I have to say that I'd have it done today, WHY? Now I won't be able to test it or fix it in case of glitches in the software!" Tails had promised Sonic that he'd make him a new gadget that would help him infiltrate Eggman's Lair to see what the scientist is up to. However, as you may be able to tell, it isn't going so well.

"Okay, and we're…DONE! YES!" Tails shouted in relief. "Phew…. I probably should've worked on it a bit more last night, but, as I've learned, I need the sleep to work more efficiently. Oh well, at least it's done…. The Invisiboots." Tails had finally invented a pair of shoes that could turn somebody invisible with the click of a button. No more of that teleportation crap, and he didn't even want to MENTION the Time Machine he tried making (Trust me, we'll get there eventually.)

"Sonic… I've done it! I've invented an invisibility-type mechanism!" Tails declared as he rushed over to Sonic's location.

Sonic then turned around, and replied "Wow! Thanks, Tails! Looks like you managed to pull through this time! Now, what's this about invisibility?"

"Okay, now put these on, and push the button on the left shoe." Tails instructed.

Sonic followed the instructions, and sure enough, the Invisiboots worked! "WHOA! Tails, this is amazing! So, nobody can see me? AT ALL?"

"Yes, but the only part of you that stays visible is the button on the left boot, but that's not even part of your body! So, in short, yes, you're invisible."

"Awesome! I'll admit, you have been a bit meh with deadlines lately, but this thing... MAN! I'll be a better ninja than Espio!"

"Yeah….Now, if you'll excuse me…. *Yawn*….I've got to get a bit of rest." Tails said, and he left to do just that.

But meanwhile, in Eggman's Lair….

"Okay, I've just got to tighten this last bolt, and…. DAMNIT!" Eggman screamed. He was working on a new prototype for his second generation of Badniks, and so far…..it wasn't going so well….

"What seems to be the trouble, master?" an Egg Pawn asked from behind him.

"SILENCE! I'm working on a new Diabolical Droid! Do I need to pull a Badnik Attack on you?!" Eggman was of course, referring to what he did to Metal Sonic when he found out what was going on behind his back…. Let's just say it wasn't a pretty sight.

The Egg Pawn slowly stepped backwards, before hightailing it out of the construction room. He then dashed through the Generator Room, where Badniks created…. Well, more Badniks.

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Slow down, buddy! What's going on?" A Buzz Bomber said to the Egg Pawn. But, he just kept running and screaming until he left the lair. "Hey, wait up!" The Buzz Bomber then chased after the Egg Pawn.

Sonic then spotted them running down the Green Hill. "Oh, this is going to be GOLD!" the invisible hedgehog said with a devious look in his invisible eyes. He then did his signature jump and defeated the Egg Pawn, but it rather looked like the Egg Pawn was just completely crushed by nothing.

"…AAAAAAAHHHH!" The Buzz Bomber screamed, but before it could retreat, Sonic defeated that Badnik as well, without even breaking a sweat.


"WHAT THE…." Eggman then realized not to worry about that. He was making new Badnik blueprints, and they were absolutely stress-inducing to make.

"If only I was able to live like Tails for a day…" Eggman said with a shallow tone in his voice. Then he remembered. Tails still owed him a favor from when he helped him out about a month ago! "That's it! I'll make a bet with Tails, and he WON'T BE ABLE TO REFUSE!" Eggman then decided to schedule this confrontation. He'd make the bet tomorrow.

To Be Continued…