Hermione watched, and waited, bidding her time for her reveal. She just couldn't wait; I mean to be the one to reveal heaven and hell, angels and demons, to those sniveling little idiots, who think dark magic comes from bad intentions, to prove everything they thought about her was wrong. Oh she just couldn't wait.

Voldy called them all to the main grounds to see poor dead Harry Potter. He called for those to join him and many stepped forwards. After few minutes of waiting, he asked "Is that all, shall we begin then?"

"Wait just a moment," Hermione spoke, stepping forwards. "I would like to say something, to both sides, if you don't mind."

Hermione walked out to the middle, and made a catwalk like platform, making sure everyone could see her as she strutted back in forth.

"Now, I know you want to go on killing each other and what not, but I would like to point out a few things. One, all of you are idiots, I mean not realizing that for 7 years, a demon was among you, befriending you, making you fall in love with them. And not just any demon, the Princess of the Crossroads herself." With a snap, her clothes transformed into a regal dress, a crown appeared on her head, and her eye changed to a blood red.

"For 7 years, I watched this war develop, watched useless plans be made, and I planned to sit back and enjoy the show, but no, I was the mudblood, the filth, and I just had to go. But who gave you your magic, hmm? Who started this whole little thing, waaaaaay back before the Founders and Merlin? Me. Well, not me, but my dear ol' daddy, Crowley, you know, king of the crossroads, maker of every important deal, especially those involving magic. How did you think I knew so much, hmm? Thought I just read, and studied, no, I never picked up a book over any of your problems, I just charmed the useful ones to look like it." She hopped down from the platform and strode over to Death Eaters side, nodding and mumbling to herself. "Daddy, would you bring my darling pups? Some of these maggots need to be on the racks."

And a few seconds later, a man in a black suit with a silver tie, with a long black jacket appeared next to her. She turned and kissed him on the cheek, and as Lucius Malfoy approached her, wand raised and threatening, she flicked her hand and few flew back into the crowd.

"Uh, uh, uh," She taunted, wagging her finger at them. "That was not a very good idea, see now, my babies are upset their mommy was almost harmed. You know what hellhounds are? Yes, I see your fear, you know what they are and what they do, and I happen to be the master of quite a few myself. Sic 'em Boys!"

"Wait! Hermione you cannot do this! I will not allow it!" A gruff voice called out, announcing the presence of a new being. A blue eyed, shaggy haired man, wearing a suit and trench-coat strode up to her.

"Oh, Castiel, why do you angels always ruin my fun? They were going to kill themselves; I was just going to take a few corrupted souls with me." Hermione pouted.

"This is not even your own time period, you cannot interfere. Now Crowley, Hermione, the Winchesters unfortunately need your help, so we must leave."

"Fine, fine. Time to stop the apocalypse I guess. Have fun, ya crazies! One last thing, Yaxley, do not try to double cross me on our deal again, or next time, I will collect early."

And then, all three where gone, and the wizards didn't know what to do, until someone fired a spell, and all went according to plan.

So just a short one-shot I created, because I simply adore Crowley and Hermione, and thought "What the hell, let's do this."

If y'all like it, I might do some stuff with her going threw the years as the daughter of Crowley, making deals, and playing mind games.

Just a note, I'm very unreliable stuff like this, so, suck it up.