This is a story idea hit me this morning and I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys will feel the same as I do about this story.

It's AU so Jenny and Gibbs have never met or anything before, Gibbs is married or to Diane but as you will read not for long, I've not watched an episode of NCIS since season 5 ended so I don't know about Diane and I'm sorry if it offends anyone who likes her and I also don't know how their marriage broke down but this is my take on it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

In a foreign state

Special Agent Gibbs couldn't erase the image out of his mind, the image of his wife in bed with another man, in their marital bed.

He'd known that their marriage had been rocky for the past six months and hadn't expected it to last much longer before Diane filed for divorced but he hadn't expected to come home from the weekend shift to find his wife having an affair behind his back.

What annoyed Gibbs the most was that for the last couple of months, Diane had been accusing him of having an affair, just because he worked late at NCIS most evenings and she'd been the one screwing people behind his back and all he'd been doing was working overtime to earn more money to support the lavish lifestyle she was insistent that she must have and it also helped him avoid her.

"This is your fault you know" Gibbs looked up from the table draw that he was rummaging through to find Diane at the bottom of the stairs now dressed in just her bright pink fluffy dressing gown her shoulder length red hair still messy due to her previous activity's with the man that was still in their double bed upstairs.

"What?" Gibbs scowled at her, really not wanting to talk to her, he actually wanted to never see her again.

"I was your fault" She told him, her hands going to her hips.

Gibbs was now beyond pissed "How the hell is you sleeping me with another man my fault?" he asked her, his voice raised and full of anger.

Diane knew she'd hit a spot and she didn't care, not any more "You're never here" she told him "And if you are you spend more fucking time with your boat than with me" she added.

"That still doesn't give you the right to accuse me of sleeping around when you're the one that's been sleeping around" he said pointing and finger at her.

Diane shrugged her shoulders "Your just angry because you didn't have the balls to do it first" she said almost smugly as she approached him now standing just an arm's length away "I mean you couldn't find anyone that would want to sleep with an codgerdy, ugly, frail, bastard like you" she told him.

Gibbs pursed his lips and took a deep breath "Or maybe I'm not the type to break the vows I made to you, no matter how much I wanted to" he told her before turning back to the draw and finding exactly what he wanted.

"And where do you think you're going?" Diane asked him, her hands crossed over her chest.

He clutched his passport in his hands before looking over at her "I'm going away for a week and when I get back, you and your crap will be gone" he told her.

"It doesn't have to be the end Jethro" Diane told him, deep down she still loved him, she only did what she did because she wanted the attention, he never gave her any attention. "You could stay" she added "We can work through this" she said, Gibbs surprised by the all of a sudden change of tune.

Gibbs was about to reply when they heard a creek at the top of the stairs, there stood the mail man or Diane's bed companion "Hey babe you coming back to bed?" he asked the redhead, dressed in only his trousers.

"Your man awaits" Gibbs told her before turning away from her.

"You walk out Leroy and I'll divorce you" she yelled at him as he walked away.

"Uh huh" Gibbs mumbled as he locked the basement door, knowing her she would take her emotions out on his boat and he didn't want that.

"I'll divorce you and take you for every cent you have" Diane continued as Gibbs grabbed his car keys.

"I look forward to signing the papers" he told her with his own cheeky smile, he didn't care about money, there was more being printed every single day and as long as he had his boat and house he didn't care what else she took.

He sighed before walking out of his house, blocking out Diane's yelling as he did so, he couldn't help but feel light a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, like his problems and stress of life were gone and he was getting a new start.


Half an hour or so later Gibbs arrived at Dulles international airport and left his car in one of the car parks before stepping out, taking his emergency duffle bag full of everything he could need.

He walked into the busy airport, he'd forgotten that it was December, it was Christmas time, people coming home for Christmas, he just hopped he could get a flight somewhere.

Looking through the crowds of people Gibbs saw the desk he wanted, as he pushed through people he saw there was a women already standing there and she seemed to not be very happy.

The closer he got the more transfixed he was by her, it may have had something to do with the red hair that tumbled down the women's back, or her long legs that were encased in tight fitting jeans and ended in high heel black stilettos or maybe it was her feisty attitude towards the man on the other side of the desk.

"Look all I want is a refund for the extra ticket" he heard her tell him.

"And I'm sorry madam but it's too late to do that" the young skinny, acne ridden almost boy told her.

He watched as the redhead's stance became stiffer "I demand to see the manager now" she yelled at him, slapping her hand on the desk in front of her.

"Oh…ok…okay" the young man stumbled with his words before disappearing into a small door behind him.

"Can I help you?" A tall skinny, Hispanic woman asked from where she stood behind the desk but that didn't get Gibbs' attention from the redhead in front of him, "Excuse me sir" she said raising her voice.

"Uh yeah sorry" Gibbs shook his head bringing him from his gaze before walking over to her, so now standing beside the redhead. He could feel her eyes on him as he stood there and it took all the strength he had not to turn to look at her but he decided to let her look after she'd let him do the same. "I want a flight out of here as soon as possible" he told her.

"Okay" The women nodded before taping away on the keyboard in front of him "Where would you like to go?" she asked him with a tailor made smile.

"Anywhere" Gibbs said bringing out his wallet from his jeans pocket as the women once again began to search the computer.

The back door creaked open and the weedy young man and a taller older man who he presumed was the manager and they both approached the redhead.

"My colleague as told me your situation and I'm sorry madam it is really too late for you to get a refund" the older man told her.

The redhead shook her head, it just wasn't good enough "Do you know the kind of day I've had?" she asked him.

"No madam but…" he began in reply

"For the love of God stop calling madam" she yelled at him.

The Hispanic women then got Gibbs' attention "Sorry sir, Christmas is one of our busiest times of the year and the only flight we have room on is to New York and leaves tomorrow morning" she told him.

Gibbs looked at the women like she was insane "No" he shook his head "I could drive there If I wanted to, I want to leave the country" he told her.

"Well I'm sorry sir…" She began but Gibbs cut her off.

"Don't call me sir" he growled at her, he hated it, it made him feel old.

"Anyway" the Hispanic women shook her head "As I said it is December and its one of our busiest times of the year, there may be room tomorrow if you want to come back" she told him.

Gibbs shook his head, it just wasn't good enough, he couldn't go home, she was still going to be there and he didn't want to stay with his only friend Ducky because he would just lecture him and make him feel bad about his now second failed marriage and how he treated women wrong, he walked away from the desk, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Excuse me" he felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around, he was momentarily stunned by the redhead that had been standing beside him before, he'd only seen her back so seeing her face, seeing how beautiful she was made his mouth go dry and thought fly away.

The women gave him a small smile "I couldn't help but over hear the predicament you were in and I think I have the solution" she explained, she herself was stunned by his blue eyes, the captivated her in a way no man ever had, not even the man that had just left her at the altar for her now ex best friend.

"I have a spare ticket to Paris if you want it" she told him, holding it out for him to take.

"Really?" Gibbs asked her, finally having composed himself to get his voice back "What's the catch?" he eyed her suspiciously.

"Yeah" she shrugged her shoulders "the only catch is you'll have to spend an eight hour plane ride next to me" she said her smile growing just a little.

"Let me pay you for it" he said before handing her over some money which she took reluctantly, sure that she would sneak it into his bag later on.

"We better get going unless you want to miss the flight" the redhead suggested after a moment before they both headed over to check in.

"Wait" Gibbs said after a moment making the redhead turn to him "If we're sitting together we should know each other's names, I'm Jethro" he told her.

"Jenny" she said with a smile and a sparkle in her green eyes.


I hope you guys like this, please review and any suggestions would be great.