Chapter 24: Rule number 24: Forever stay with the stranger

~I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh.

I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask,

Give you all I am. I can do it.

But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down.

I'm only human, and I crash and I break down.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart.

You build me up and then I fall apart, 'cause I'm only human. - Christina Perri, Human~

Someone rang the doorbell.

I looked up from the kitchen counter, which I had been wiping for the past fifteen minutes and heaved a tired sigh. Dad was on the other side of the kitchen, dumping the plastic cups in the dustbin.

Kate's birthday party had ended just an hour ago and I hadn't even got out of my party dress yet. My dad had come home by nine and chased everyone out after talking with Kate and Peter for some time.

"Do you want me to look?" My dad asked, nodding towards the door. I shook my head at him.

I got to the front door and opened it after a moment, wondering who it was. It was probably some partygoer, who had left his or her cell phone in my house. I hadn't begun to clean the living room yet, where most of the damage was done.

"Hey, Bella." Peter said, looking very nervous. He had his hands stuffed into his jacket pocket and was shifting nervously from one foot to another.

"Peter, what's up?" I said surprised. "Did you leave something? Did Kate….?"

"No, this is completely different. I need you to come with me." Peter blew out a breath, staring at me through his eyelashes.

"Where?" I looked back but my dad wasn't there.

"To the Boarding house," he answered me, impatiently. "Come on, we don't have time. This is urgent."

"You can't just expect me to come with you somewhere in the middle of the night. Besides, my dad would kill you." I took a step back, confused.

My dad made his appearance right at that moment, with a beer can in one hand and the remote control in the other hand.

"What's going on, kid?" My dad asked Peter conversationally. "Anything I need to know?"

Peter looked at him square in the eye and frowned. "You will go back inside and lock the door. You will you not remember any of this."

My dad froze, his eyes wide. Slowly he began to nod. "I will not remember any of this."

Turning, he shut the door behind him. I stood there, staring at the closed door with a gaping mouth. I turned back to Peter and gave him a warning glare.

"Don't you dare use that black magic on me!" I stuttered, my back hitting the wall.

"It's Dragon magic," Peter rolled his eyes. "But I don't have to use it on you. Come on, I have something that might convince you to change your mind."

Shocked, I followed him to his car, where he proceeded to open the back door. Inside, Kate and Garrett lay still on the seat, their eyes closed and their backs stiff against the seat.

"Oh, my God!" I whirled around and began hitting Peter. "What the hell did you do to them?"

"Relax, Bella." Peter winced in pain, holding my hands. "They're just sleeping. A few sleeping pills were added in their drinks. Now, are you coming with me or what?"

Few seconds later, I sat in the passenger seat of his car, staring at the scene outside through the window. Occasionally I glanced behind, checking whether Kate and Garrett were still alive.

Peter parked the car behind a huge Oak tree near the Boarding house and helped me out. He promised me that Kate and Garrett were safe and then he proceeded to lead me inside the Boarding house, which looked dark like always.

But once we entered it, I paused. All the chandeliers were switched on and the big foyer of the Boarding house looked like a place where ball dances happened every week. The most surprising thing was that all the new students―Dragons―were seated everywhere and some were standing. Everyone had the same worried look on his or her faces.

"Good, you're here." Renata addressed me, getting up from the chair she was sitting on.

"What's going on?" I asked, feeling like I had walked into a stage and had forgotten what my lines were.

"Bella, we have to…." Edward came up behind her, looking tormented. "We have decided to leave. We're going back to our world."

"What….why?" I looked around, shocked. They looked determined, like they were ready to take on anything.

"It's getting worse, the war." Edward stared into my eyes, painfully. "The warriors on our side are caving in, they're dying. If we continue staying here, we won't have a world to go back to. It will be destroyed."

"I brought you here because we wanted to tell you everything and….in turn ask for something." Peter told me. "In the beginning, the Draken world was united and peaceful. There was Ignis, Aqua, Terra, Caelum, and Spirite. A Dragon, which possesses the Spirit element, can control all the elements, it's very powerful. Fire, water, air, earth….everything obeys them. The Spirite King tried using his powers to wake the dead and it worked. All the elements worked together to bring back the soul. It was wrong, it was against the nature. My father―Edward's father―tried to stop him and the other rulers wanted him to stop doing it, but he was drunk by the power he had. He resorted to war and both the sides suffered greatly because of it. Finally, the Spirite King went away from the Draken kingdom, building another of his own―the Kingdom of the Dead. All the Dragons possessing the spirit element went with him. For some time, we didn't hear from him but then trouble started again. He had started using creatures from the Underworld to terrorize the royal children. And then he….." Peter paused, swallowing.

"Tell her, Peter." Edward spat, his eyes glowing. "Tell her why the war started again."

"I was only a kid, okay?" Peter closed his eyes in pain. "I didn't understand any of it, Bella. I was the eldest son of the King and I was expected to ascend the throne and do great things but I was so sick of all of it. The Spirite King disguised himself and he used to talk to me all the time. He convinced me to join his side….."

I stared at him in horror, unable to process everything. Peter stared at me with pleading eyes, silently begging me to understand him, to look from his perspective. Edward wasn't even looking at Peter.

"I did it; I went with him a few years back. Bella, you have to understand this. Dragons are immortal, we live forever because we are holy patrons. But we do have a weakness. Every time we do something terrible, we lose a few years of our life. And the thing is, I've been seventeen for the past fifty years or so. Time is different back in the Draken world. When I joined the Kingdom of the Dead, betraying my own parents and people, I lost many years. And my father, the Draken King, he thought I was forced to go with the Spirite King. He sent warriors to check if it was true and when he found out the truth….I tried to go back but it was too late. I was banished from the kingdom and they sent me here, to live with Kate's family. Kate's family was hypnotized and they were filled with fake memories, like I had been with them from the beginning."

"So, my memories of playing with you when we were a kid and all are just….fake?" I could feel tears forming at the corner of my eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Bella." Peter's lips wobbled, like he was trying not to cry. "When I reached here, I was so angry that I went back to being on the other King's side, giving him information and doing all his dirty work. And then a year back, I was given the task of…..doing something terrible. The Aqua's head's wife had just given birth to a baby and I was told to…steal the baby and bring him to the Spirite King. I managed to enter the Draken kingdom and I took the baby with me….but the baby's older sister caught me in the act. I escaped but she told my father everything. I gave the baby to the Spirite King and left, but only afterwards I came to know that the baby had been sacrificed. It was a just born Dragon, something so pure….sacrificing it would bring so much power….."

"Then the war broke out again," Edward shook his head in frustration. "Destruction and bloodshed everywhere. Peter found out that the Spirite King was planning to kill all the royal children first, because we were the roots of our kingdom. Peter changed side at the last moment and told us everything. My father immediately made us leave and the war is still going on. We are on the brink of defeat, so we have to go back. The more we stay here, the more dangerous it is becoming for everyone. Chelsea was killed by a Spirite Dragon―but we still don't know who it is. You were almost killed the other day by a Spirite Dragon and by that hellhound."

"But…I don't get it." I said. "Why am I being targeted? I'm just a human, a normal ordinary person."

"Bella, do you remember that dream where Chelsea talked to you and showed you how she was killed? That wasn't just ordinary dream, her soul really communicated with you. Peter told me that you broke a vase near you without even touching it. That's not normal too. You're different." Renata told me, regarding me with grudging respect.

"I don't understand," I frowned in confusion. I could feel my heart drumming loudly in my ears.

"Dragons are considered to be very holy, Bella." Renata explained. "We were worshipped back in the days, and even now Chinese and Japanese monks believe in our existence. Back then, very holy people were bestowed upon by the presence of the Dragons. When the first war broke out, some of the Dragons made the humans drink few sips of their blood, which filled the humans with powers. Then those selected humans fought along with the Dragons. You are special and the other Draken Academy students are special too because you are all the descendants of those powerful humans. Now that the war has begun again, we need your help too because the Dark Dragons' fury will be unleashed on Earth too."

"What do you want me to do?" I whispered, awe struck.

"It's a full moon tomorrow," Senna spoke up suddenly. "We want you and some selected students to drink our blood and then fight along with us."

I stared at her in muted horror, suppressing a shiver. She was acting more like she had just invited me to join her tea party and not like she had asked me to fight along with her in a freakin' Dragons war. Dragons were huge and had spiny thorn filled body, how could tiny humans like me fight in their midst?

"I simply cannot," I sputtered, "just join you! I would be trampled and squashed by the enemies and burnt to death before I could even raise my sword!"

"We'll train you," Edward said eagerly.

I released a breath in disbelief. "Can I go home now?"

"You're not going to help us?" Renata asked, outraged. "Fighting with us is such a noble thing to do!"

"I. Am. Only. HUMAN!" I screamed, emphasizing the words. "And I'm leaving right now."

Whirling around, I opened the door and ran outside. I heard footsteps behind me and a hand grabbed my elbow, spinning me around.

"Bella," Edward growled in frustration. "We need your help. Why can't you see that? My people are dying!"

"Edward, you have to understand." I was almost crying now. "I'm scared, I don't understand any of your world. I'm not from your world and I do not have any powers. You're leading me to my own death."

He reached forward and touched my cheek. "I'll teach you, Bella. All you have to say is yes."

"I'm sorry but I can't," I moved back, wiping my cheeks. "I wish none of you had ever come to my school."

Edward pulled back, like I had slapped him. I regretted my choice of words and I opened my mouth to correct it but Edward was far too gone. His eyes had a cold look in them and his expression was guarded.

"You're right," he whispered, taking a step back. "I wish I had never come here too, or never seen you for that matter. Why the hell do you have to be a heartbreaker?"

He turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the dark.

I didn't know if the new students would be at school the next day.

Once I entered the school, I noticed that they were still there. It brought me strange relief but I shrugged it off, knowing all too well that they would never speak to me again….also knowing that Edward would never speak to me again too. I was in the front office, arranging some files that the receptionist had given to me. Mr Stanley hadn't come to school today. I took the files with me and went to the library. As soon as I reached the library, I froze.

All the four elements main Dragons were there, having some kind of important round table conference. I hid behind a huge rack of books to listen to what they were saying.

"We have to leave tonight," Emmett was saying. "There's no other way."

"Yes, they need our help." Edward agreed mournfully. He had a worn out expression on his face and dark shadows could be seen under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept last night.

"Some extra help will be nice," Senna murmured sadly. "I thought Bella would understand. Her ancestors were not only powerful; they were kind and understanding too. Some of them even gave their lives for the Dragons, and it's not even like we're asking the humans to give their lives for us. We're just asking for their help."

I left the library before they could see me.

When I reached home, I took a paper and a pen and I sat down.

I didn't know for how long I stared at the paper before I finally began to write. After I had finished writing, I folded it neatly and kept it in my handbag, and then I went out.

I knocked on the Boarding house's door and someone opened it after a moment.

"Bella?" Makenna said, stunned. "What are you…doing here?"

"I need to see Edward," I told her. "He's still here, right?"

She moved aside without a word and I went inside, pushing through the throng of the stunned Dragons. I headed straight for the stairs and knocked on Edward's door.

"We'll use a new strategy―" Alice was saying when she opened the door. When she saw me, she trailed off, her mouth gaping open.

She pulled Rosalie along with her and they both went downstairs without saying anything. I got inside the room and shut the door behind me, locking it.

"I don't want any interruptions." I excused myself. I turned around to face Edward. He was on his bed, leaning against the wall and reading a book. When he saw me, he placed the book on the table and sat up in shock.

"You didn't mean what you said back to me." I told him confidently.

"You can never be too sure." Edward retorted stubbornly.

I walked forward and climbed on the bed. "You were lying. I know you love me." His eyes widened when I touched his cheek softly. Edward shook his head and moved away from my reach.

"You don't know what you mean by that," he informed me rudely. "Love is not something to be taken lightly."

"Oh, well, that's great." I told him seriously. "Let's get married then."

"Bella, why are you really here?" he asked desperately, searching my face for a clue.

"I didn't want you to leave before I tell you that I…I love you." I bit my lip, sheepishly.

Edward's face remained passive. "You're not fooling anyone."

"No, it's true." I groaned, running a hand through my hair. "Do you want me to shout it to the world or do some crap like that?"

"No," Edward smiled crookedly. "You can just say it to me again."

"Edward, I love you." I managed to say it seriously, my heart beating wildly against my rib cage.

He reached forward and pulled me into his arms, crushing me to his cheat. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled against his chest, inhaling his familiar scent.

"But not more than how much I love you." Edward disagreed after a moment of silence. "And my love for you would last more than yours ever could."

I pulled back, scoffing. "I'm only human, Edward. Even my heartbeat has a limit. So, listen, I thought about it and my answer is yes."

Edward's eyes lit up eagerly. "That's wonderful, Bella….but have you really thought about it? Because you have to leave everything and come with us."

"I have but I need some time, Edward." I told him, thinking about my dad, my mom and Kate.

"We're definitely leaving tonight," Edward rubbed his neck thoughtfully. "Maybe I can come back and take you with me. How does that sound?"

"Awesome," I released a relieved sigh. "What about drinking your blood? Do we have to call the others now….?"

Edward reached towards his night table and took a small Swiss knife from it. Before I could protest, he pushed his shirt collar aside and made a long deep cut on the side of his neck. Dark bluish red blood started to ooze from it.

"Are you mad?" I screamed in shock. "That knife could have a rusted end. Your neck will be infected now and you need to take a TT injection ASAP."

"I am an immortal Dragon," Edward said carelessly. "I think rust is the least of my problems."

"You want me to drink your blood straight from your neck like I'm some kind of vampire?" I stared at him like he was crazy.

"Bella, if you go and ask for Renata's help, you want to know what she'll do?" He wrinkled his nose. "She would just bring some Dragon's blood in a cup and ask you to drink it. When you drink a Dragon's blood, you become linked with it. It's more like an inseparable bond. Do you want that bond with some other Dragon or with me?"

"Sounds like marriage to me." I muttered in horror.

"Bella." Edward warned, smirking sexily.

"Okay, fine." I took a deep breath. "I just hope you have a cleaning mop nearby, just in case my insides decide to come out."

Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to the cut on his neck. I licked the blood tentatively and Edward's arm came around me, pressing me gently to him. His blood tasted rich and potent but I didn't want to risk any chances.

Without breathing, I licked the spot clean till there was no blood left on his neck. I felt strangely warm and the insides of my body started to burn, like I had drank a glass of gasoline. I pulled back, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked him, alarmed when I noticed his pale face.

"Are you kidding me?" Edward moaned. "That was almost…..pleasurable."

Drawing me forward, he crushed his lips against mine. My hands wound around his neck and he pulled me closer, till I was on top of him, practically straddling him.

"I thought about doing this to you from the day you came into my room and asked me to join the Winter show." Edward mumbled against my lips.

The hair at the back of his neck felt very soft under my fingertips and he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, causing me to giggle silently.

"It would be nice if every chocolate came in your flavor." Edward groaned when he pulled back to look at me.

"So, you think I'm all powerful and mighty now?" I took up the boxing position and pretended to punch him.

"Maybe," Edward smiled innocently. "Do you want me to touch you with fire? If you don't burn, it means―"

At the same time, we heard a boom and a crash outside the Boarding house. Edward shot up, rubbing his neck as he went to the open the door. He took my hand and we went downstairs together.

"They're here!" Emmett yelled excitedly.

"Do you mean the Dark Dragons?" I wondered if he was crazy. "Are you actually….happy because they are here?"

"Yes, my lady!" Emmett grinned, waggling his eyebrows. "I am so tired of just sitting and doing nothing, now I can kick some ass."

The front door burst open and Makenna ran in. Her clothes were on fire and a burning smell was coming from her. Senna came behind her, blowing on the fire, which was burning on the sleeve of her shirt.

"They're so many," Senna exclaimed with wide eyes. "I can't believe they all travelled down here just to challenge us."

"We have to go back now," Renata yelled from the other side of the room.

There was another boom and I heard an angry animal's snarl outside the building. It was so tremendous and loud that the whole building shook. I tightened my grip on Edward's hand.

"Edward," I gasped. "Are you going to leave now?"

"I have to lead them out of here," Edward said, reluctantly. "There's no other way. People will hear the sound and we'll get unwanted attention. They will get hurt because of us."

"Edward, get her out of here." Tanya suddenly appeared, looking strong and determined. Apparently, she was the one who had been fighting single-handedly with the Dark Dragons outside. "They won't hesitate to kill her."

"Come on, Bella. Let's get you home." Edward pulled me out of the Boarding house through the back door. Suddenly, Edward froze and he pushed me behind his back.

A huge shadow fell on the ground before us and I held my breath, staring at it without blinking. A deep growling sound reached my ears and then after a second, the shadow disappeared. We went to my house in Peter's car and when Edward found out that my dad hadn't come home yet, he came with me to my room.

"I don't know if I'll be back," he murmured, shaking his head. "I can't believe this is happening so quickly."

A tear slipped from my eyes when he pulled out the Dragon ring from his finger and slid it down my ring finger.

"Wear this. I'll always be with you, okay?" Edward kissed my forehead. Without another word, he went to open the door.

"Edward," I called after him desperately. "Will you take me with you?"

Edward watched me in stunned disbelief as I took out the letter I had written earlier that evening and went to my dad's empty room to place the letter on his bed. I went back to my room and stuffed as many clothes as I could into a duffel bag, along with my cell phone.

"Are you sure?" Edward asked hesitantly but he looked radiant.

"Take me home with you." I told him and he smiled, raising my hand up to kiss the ring on my finger.

I went out of my house and he told me to wait for a minute. I stared at my house, feeling the sadness swell inside me. But I had already taken my decision. I wanted to be with Edward and I would come back one day to see my parents.

I heard huge footsteps near me and I turned around, gasping in awe. A magnificent deep green Dragon scuttled towards me. Its tail was lined with shiny looking thorns and its claws had sharp long nails. But it was its eyes that caught my attention. Beautiful green eyes. Edward's eyes.

The Dragon snorted and leaned down, bending its neck towards me. Alright, no biggie. I carefully climbed on top of it, mostly I was helped by the Dragon, and I sat on its back, which felt rough yet smooth at the same time.

Suddenly, huge pointed dark green wings extended from its back. Slowly, the Dragon's wing started to beat, flying high up in the air.

The Earth began to disappear below us as we descended into the Draken world.

Hey guys,

Hope this chapter was worth the wait! Review and me tell me what you think will happen next.