Disclaimer= I do not own Final Fantasy. All rights go to Square Enix.


They did always argue about nonsensical things.

''See!" Vanille smiled and said. ''Told you."

Her arms were crossed. Fang was not impressed. "Nope. That does not make him one.''

"But he is''

"But that does not make it one.''

''Why is he-"

"Everyone needs to take one, even a brute like him.''

''Admit it Fang! You were wrong!'' Vanille stomped her foot down.

"Vanille darl. A turtle lives in water, a tortoise lives on land. Just because he is taking a cruddy bath does not mean he is a turtle.''


Oerba Dia Vanille skipped out the wild open of Gran Pulse, close behind her was Sazh's pet baby chocobo who still had a hard time using his wings. That did not stop the chocobo from trying. There came a point where the bird got too tired and rested on Vanille's shoulder.

She gasped when she saw what was in front of her. The girl could hardly contain her excitement. She was beyond ecstatic. In front of her were various rare flowers. The Pulsian Wildflower, The Pulsian Sunflower and more. Wasting no more time, the girl pluck one of the flowers and smelled it.

All except Fang stood there dumbfounded. How can someone be so optimistic in a situation like this? Was she really that much of an airhead? Did it not occur to her that they were branded and the clock was ticking?

Fang smiled. It was not such a bad thing. Someone in the group needs to look at the silver lining. Someone who can cheer them up. Someone like her Vanille.


If you'd look deep inside the core of that frozen pillar supporting Cocoon, you'll see Fang and Vanille holding hands. Because of them cocoon is saved and sooner or later they are to awake from their crystal sleep. It might not be today or tomorrow but at least it won't take forever for that to happen


Fang could not stand seeing a man near Vanille. Let's rephrase that; Fang could not stand seeing any man near Vanille. She lashed out at Hope who ran and hid behind Lightning for protection.


In the eyes of many, this was seen as wrong, morally and circumstance wise.

That did not stop it from feeling so good.

Fang slammed Vanille's back against the wall of the Mah'hra tunnel, passionately. As if she was holding this feeling for so many years. When their lips met, Vanille's eyes shot open to look around. Just in case the rest are watching


It was a cold night at Gran Pulse. Winter was coming. The two sat close to the campfire trying to keep warm. Fang would take this as a hint to get closer and wrap her arms around the girl. 'That'll keep her warm.' She thought burying her nose in Vanille's hair. Fang loved the smell of it.


Vanille could tell that Fang had a bad day of hunting. Despite the best effort, she returned back to the camp empty handed. It was up to Vanille to cheer Fang up.


"Cocoon and Pulse can rot for all I care. If I don't figure out our Focus soon... Vanille's gonna be a C'ieth. I'll tear down the sky if it'll save her" said the determined Fang.


How many more years? How much longer till she and Vanille are free from the shackles? Have a life without any focus except to be with each other?


"Because we need it now Vanille, more than ever." Fang told her.

"And we'll get it" Vanille assured her. The two embraced. " But not if we just wait for it. Miracles are things we make for ourselves. Together with the light of hope in our hearts, we can do that."

Author's Note= Just a little something I thought of when I had writers block on New Girl. I feel nervous (I still am) about posting this. I thought: At least one person will enjoy this. Let me know what you thought of it.

Update for New Girl on it's way.

All My Love,

The Officer and Gentleman