Diary of a Forgotten Girl

Of Sacrifice and Suspense

~Third Person Point of View~

"No, not my babies! You can take me instead... but don't hurt my babies!"

"Step aside, foolish girl! Avada Kedavra!"

With a flash of bright green light, Lily Potter fell to the ground. The dark figure that had killed her moved on.

Holly Louise Potter was a spitting image of her mother - she had the same auburn hair, and emerald eyes - now wide with fear.

The killer did not bother to say anything to her - the girl was only a year old, after all - instead another spell was cast. The child fell over backwards.

If the figure had bothered to look a little closer, he might have realized that she had gone down just before the spell had reached her, and the curse had barely grazed her hair.

But there was another child that had to die that night. Harry Potter, the girl's twin. His eyes were the same color as his sister's, but they were not filled with fear - rather, with curiosity.

"Avada Kedavra." The spell hit Harry in the head... but he did not fall. Instead, somehow, the curse bounced off of him. The dark figure's eyes were wide as the curse he had cast came back.

A cold scream flooded the room, and in the same blast of green that had killed Lily and James Potter, the twins' parents, the murderer was reduced to a pile of ash.

This was how Rubeus Hagrid found the house - destroyed. But he had been sent by Albus Dumbledore to retrieve anyone who had survived. He might have overlooked the house, had there not been a loud wailing coming from within. He rushed in, seeing a corpse on the first floor. James Potter. Tears came to the half-giant's eyes as he climbed the stairs - with great difficulty.

The scene that greeted him was horrible. Lily was on the floor, her arms still spread wide in her last attempt to protect her babies. Holly was lying on her back, in the same crib as her brother.

Her brother, who had loud sobs coming from his mouth, a scar on his forehead, and confusion reflected in his eyes.

Her brother, whose name would be repeated in bars all across the world as he was toasted.

Harry Potter, who had survived the Killing Curse.

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.

When Albus Dumbledore himself entered the near destroyed house to investigate, he found the same scene that Rubeus had. He knelt by James, who had defiance in his still open eyes. Moving up the stairs, he knelt once more by Lily.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted, and his eyes locked with a smaller pair gazing at him.

"H-Holly?" he mumbled, hardly able to believe his eyes.

The child was untouched... except for a small lock of hair that contrasted her pale skin.

Black, dark as the magic that had touched her.

Unable to think straight, he did what he thought was best for her.

He took her with him.