Tsugaru let himself into the apartment and was confused about why it was so quiet. Psyche followed him hesitantly, but no one was in the main part of the apartment so he didn't have to be concerned about Delic seeing him.

The blonde set the groceries on the counter and grabbed a note to write down the cooking directions in case he didn't get back before it became time to begin cooking. While he was writing, Shizuka wandered in from her room.

"Nii-san, are you back?" Seeing Psyche, she stopped. "Psyche-kun? Delic's not here."

"I'm not here for him," the raven said while glancing back at Tsugaru.

"Where'd he go?" Tsugaru asked.

She turned her attention back to him and said, "He went to cousin Shitsuo's because something about a date and homework. I don't know, a study date probably."

"But Hibiya's not smart enough to help Delic with his homework," Psyche pointed out.

"It's probably with one of the girls in his class that he flirts with to get them to do his homework and take his notes."

Psyche nodded but Tsugaru frowned. "Wait, he's not dating that Orihara with the prince outfit?"

Shizuka shrugged. "Hell if I know. I have problems of my own without having to worry about who Delic is or isn't dating." She glanced at the box but didn't seem bothered enough to ask about it before going back to her room with a wave of her hand.

"It's common for him to go on random dates to get favors," Psyche told him. "He's known to be a womanizer in our year."

Tsugaru looked away and finished writing up the directions. He didn't like the idea of Delic manipulating anyone into doing things for him. It was dishonest and taught him he didn't have to try hard to get results.

"Don't you think it's annoying that he's cheating on your cousin?" Tsugaru asked the raven.

Psyche shrugged. "I don't care. None of my business really."

"But he's your cousin."

"That doesn't mean anything to me. You're not an Orihara, Tsugaru, you don't know what we're like. We're independent. No one sticks up for each other and no one looks out for anyone else. It's just us on our own."

Tsugaru shook his head. "How can you live like that?"

Psyche shrugged. "Can we go shopping for these guys already?"

Tsugaru nodded and they left.

Shopping went well and they finally called it a night when Tsugaru needed to get home to make sure Shizuka started cooking and when he thought Psyche should get home to do homework. The raven pouted that they didn't have enough kitten stuff, but Tsugaru promised they'd go shopping the next day Psyche had off of school.

With that promise, Psyche was completely different from the raven Tsugaru had first met. He was happy and cheerful without needing to put on a mask. He waved goodbye to Tsugaru and ran home as best he could while still carrying the box of kittens.

Tsugaru thought it was cute how he had changed just from the kittens. He enjoyed the raven's company more than he thought he would. He had never been close to the Oriharas like his relatives were, even Shizuo was closer to Izaya because of their mutual hatred for each other. The only one he remembered from high school was Sakuraya because they had been in the same club until Tsugaru graduated.

From what Delic and Shizuka said, Sakuraya was Psyche's older brother. They certainly didn't act alike, though that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Sakuraya was calm and quiet but very dedicated to his studies. Psyche seemed less dedicated academically and more prone to extreme emotions.

When Tsugaru got home he found Shizuka cooking with Delic's help. His pink-eyed cousin was sporting a black eye that looked like it would only get worse with time.

"How did that happen?" Tsugaru asked.

Shizuka snickered as Delic grinned shyly. "Hibiya caught me with Michiko-chan. He didn't like that we were alone together, even though we were just studying. He punched me and dumped my soda on my head." Tsugaru noticed now that Delic's hair seemed stiffer and likely stickier. "And now I'm helping Shizuka 'cause she can't cook."

Shizuka protested. "Hey! I resent that! It's not my fault Nii-san's notes are cryptic."

Tsugaru set his things down and made to help them. Delic was a good cook but he felt better when he was helping.

"Do you two know Sakuraya Orihara?"

Shizuka and Delic looked at him. Shizuka said, "Well, I know of him, if that's what you mean."

"Not well," Delic answered. "Why?"

Tsugaru brushed it off with a wave and shaking his head. "It's nothing. You just seem very close to the Oriharas and I don't know them aside from Sakuraya, and only then vaguely."

Shizuka nodded. "Sakuraya is the coolest student his age. Tsuki has nothing on him since he's always fading into the background. Everyone respects him and treats him like an idol."

"He's in the idol club, host club, bonsai club, and literature club," Delic added. "But even though he's so popular no one really knows what he wants to do after high school. People think he's going to apply for universities like you and Shitsuo-nii-san did, but he hasn't told anyone where he's applying."

Tsugaru nodded. He could remember Sakuraya being popular but not why. He recalled their cousin Shitsuo saying something about him the other day but it might have been a typo since it was in an email and Shitsuo was currently dating a girl named Sakura.

"As long as he's not planning to be a deejay," Delic continued, "I don't care. I just don't want him competing with me for gigs. I'd never get any."

Shizuka stuck her tongue out at him. "You won't get any anyway."

They started to fight and Tsugaru made sure to keep the food and sharp objects out of their reach. He ended up finishing the meal by himself because of the fight and dragged them off of each other when it was time to eat. The two of them looked as ragged as Shizuo often did after his fights in high school and it made the blue-eyed blonde smile.

The next day Tsugaru had a university class to attend but he made sure to make it to the high school by the time classes got out. He observed from afar as his sister and cousins socialized. He watched Tsuki leave campus with an Orihara dressed in red but waited until Delic met up with the golden Orihara, Hibiya, before paying attention.

He expected to see Psyche there, bugging Delic as he had before, but Tsugaru didn't see a flash of pink anywhere. Shizuka met up with Delic and they said goodbye to Hibiya. They began to walk home and Tsugaru went to meet them, still looking for Psyche.

"Hey, Nii-san," Shizuka said as she saw him approach. "We weren't expecting you to pick us up today."

Tsugaru smiled. "I wasn't especially planning to pick you up. I'm actually looking for Psyche. Have you seen him?"

Shizuka looked at Delic who appeared confused. "Now that you mention it… no. He was in class earlier but he wasn't bugging me as usual."

"Think he moved onto someone else?" Shizuka asked.

Delic shrugged. "Hell if I know. I feel sorry for them, personally."

Tsugaru sighed. "Do you know where I can find him?"

"Why?" the two of them asked together.

"I was interested in asking him about something personal."

They shook their heads and Shizuka said, "He sometimes goes to meetings for the idol club and they're meeting right now. Maybe there?"

Tsugaru saw a flash of pink and thanked her as Delic asked her how she knew that. Tsugaru hurried after the pink flash which he saw had raven hair. He caught up to the student only to realize just how much the Oriharas resembled each other.

"Oh, Tsugaru-senpai!" Sakuraya said. "How are you? I didn't expect to see you here. Are you picking up your sister?"

Tsugaru smiled politely. "I'm doing well, thank you. I'm not here to pick up Shizuka, I'm actually here to meet your younger brother."

Sakuraya nodded but frowned in confusion. "What business do you have with Psyche? Has he done anything to poor Delic-kun? I know he's been following your cousin around but I didn't think he had done anything serious. He hasn't become a stalker, has he?"

Tsugaru laughed. "No, nothing so serious. I just bumped into him yesterday and we were talking. I wanted to talk to him again today."

They continued talking and Tsugaru was reminded just how similar he was to Sakuraya but just how boring that made him. They both spoke politely and thought about what to say before they said it. They both said what they meant but not always everything that needed to be said. And of course their fashion choices were similar by the way both of them wore a kimono when they were allowed.

It made him feel sorry for Shizuka. Psyche clearly had a slight inferiority complex when it came to his older brother, and since Tsugaru was so similar then he wondered if Shizuka felt the same way. Probably not since Tsugaru and her had a three year school age difference compared to Psyche and Sakuraya's one.

Tsugaru was about to give up on finding him when he spotted the other pink-eyed raven leaving a club room. He waved and Psyche turned and walked over to them.

"Nii-san? What're you doing with Tsu-chan?"

Tsugaru thought the nickname Psyche had begun using for him was cute but Sakuraya didn't appear to feel the same.

"You should address your seniors properly!" he lectured. "Tsugaru-senpai and I were just catching up." He smiled at the blonde. "I've got to head home for now, so I'll leave you with my rude younger brother."

He left and Tsugaru noticed that Psyche glared at his back.