Dear Glitterbomb (guest) I would be happy to fulfill your request. I am here to do anything you ask. You can check back here everyday to see if your story is up. I promise to begin immediately, and it will not take long. :)

Try to review back so I know you've seen this.

A/N: Another holdover, had no time to finish the chapter to catch up with urge to update.

"Come on, Finn," Will said kindly, to encourage cooperation. "Let's get up and finish getting ready."

"No." Finn then began to pout. He didn't need to get ready. Why? Because he wasn't fucking going anywhere.

"Let's get up. We have to go to the store, but first we have to finish getting ready. Come on." Will's tone was firm however encouraging as he tugged Finn's limp arm.

"I said," Finn growled, "no." He planted his rear to the ground, swearing to never-

Will hooked an arm under Finn's knees and grabbed his waist, hoisting the tall boy up bridal-style. Finn was lifted, he was being carried now. Damn, he was being forced into Will's world now (once again) and he had no control. Well, he never had control to begin with but-You know what? It doesn't matter now. It never mattered. It never would. Finn would never matter.

Will took Finn to a dining chair in the kitchen and placed him down, then heading to get his shoes on. He may as well prepare the transport chair.

Finn spotted this bullshit Will was trying to pull. And Finn did not, absolutely did not like this. He wouldn't submit to the shit. He immediately split, forgetting to cringe at the slam of the chair's contact to the hard floor and constantly knocking into objects in his path, as he concentrated on only getting out of there. This shit wouldn't be pulled on Finn Hudson - never.