A/N: Hello! Amber is here with another AU! I don't know where this one came one, but I was planning on making it slightly-crackish since it involves superheroes and villains and all that stuff. I know that I should be finishing my other stories and such but I just felt that I needed to get this idea out of my head before I lost it. So enjoy!

He was in a dark alleyway at night, facing a blackened brick wall in front of him in the narrow pathway.

"Would you want power?" A deep voice echoed from above. "Power so unimaginable that people would tremble in your presence," the evil Demon's rumbling voice cooed, calling his attention. It sat on the fire escape, legs crossed and hands against the edge on the side of a building, and stared down at him with a smirk on its face. "I can give you that power."

"Who the hell are you?" he retorted.

The small bald devil's body was a deep hue of maroon, with black circles around his eyes and horns on the top of its head. It was wearing over-sized polished black businessman shoes, and its arms were long and lanky with giant hands at the end. "You can call me Demon. You might say my name is quite fitting, is it not?"

"What the hell are you supposed to be?"

"I am a business man, my dear boy. I am here for one purpose, and one purpose only: to give you power."

The boy scoffed. "You certainly don't look like a businessman. You don't even look human," he deadpanned.

He chuckled slowly. "You are right about that, boy. But my business is not of the normal type." He leaned down closer to him. "But enough about me. This is about you. My business is about granting unimaginable abilities to regular people like you."

"What the hell are you talking about?" he asked, eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Great power. So much power you would be drowning in it."

The boy smirked, revealing a row of glistening sharp teeth behind his lips. "You're lying. That's impossible. There's no way you'd be able to give that."

The thing ignored his question. "If you had the power to control all of Death City just by raising your little finger, would you do it?" Demon grinned maniacally, glowing white eyes centering on him. "If you let me help you, you will be able to do anything you can imagine. Don't you want that?"

He mulled over his words for a quick beat. "How in the hell are you gonna give it to me?" he reiterated. "You're just some little red freak with horns in a suit."

The little devil chuckled darkly. He rose off of his perch atop a high fire escape and leaped off the edge of the 5 story edge. He landed on both feet, leaving an indent in the concrete below. His arms were so long and lanky that when he hunched over the tops of his over-sized knuckles skimmed the ground as he sauntered towards the boy. "I have all the power in the world. I can spare you some. But, only if you agree," it smirked.

"Agree to what? Is there a price?"

"No charge." The boy's rising suspicion grew evident on his face. The demon frowned. "I promise you, there is no trick behind this. I give you a solemn swear that I am not lying."

"How am I supposed to be believe you?" he asked.

"My dear boy, I am only trying to help you. I know who you are, Seth Evans. I've been watching you for a while now. I know about your poor mommy and your abusive daddy, I do. I know that you want to help her at all costs, and that none of Death City is willing to help you. So I will extend my hand to a poor boy like you. The deal will be that I will grant you access to powers, powers that will be permanent upon you once I grant them. The only wish I have from you is that you use them as you see fit, whether for good or for evil," he said, bowing his large head. He held out a large maroon hand with elongated fingers towards him. "Now...to make your wish come true, all you have to do is shake my hand."

The ivory-haired boy frowned, clenching his fists. "Sorry, demon guy. I don't take random kindness from strangers. Especially a creep like you." He turned around and started out of the alleyway and to the illuminated sidewalk.

Demon grit his teeth as the boy got father away. "Hold it!" it said, raising its hand. "Are you saying that you would sacrifice your own family for your own selfishness?" He stiffened and halted in his walking. The boy turned around slowly, ruby eyes staring coolly at the demon. "You can save her. C'mon, Seth. What have you got to lose?"

He stared hard at the little devil. "...What kind of powers are we talking about?" he asked, perking an eyebrow.

The thing's mouth spread into another grin. "Invincibility, flying, intelligence, strength, invisibility...and more. However, the only downside is that neither you or I may choose which ones you want. When I grant you access to them, they will be chosen completely at random. However, there is no such thing as a 'bad' power."

He held out his grotesquely large hand to him once more.

He stared at it hesitantly as he slowly swung back around. His fists were still clenched. "Can you guarantee that nothing bad will happen to me afterwards?"

"Yes, I can. However, what you choose to do next after acquiring these new abilities are completely up to you. Now...will you take this Demon's hand? I can guarantee that you will live a completely different life than what you are living in now. C'mon, Seth. All you have to do is reach..." he coaxed.

He bit his lip. After a quick decision, he tentatively reached out his right hand towards him. Demon's smirk grew bigger with each nearing inch.

When his hand was finally in reach, he snatched it with a hard grip. He burst out with an uproarious laugh. "The deal is sealed!" he yelled. The next thing the boy remembered was a bright, flashing light accompanying an intense burning in his right hand, and then complete blackness.

His eyes shoot open. Sunlight assaults his eyes with a harsh white glow. The boy's eyes dart around the room and finds that he's in his room, in his bed with the sheets tucked over his body. He jolts upright, gasping heavily, drenched in cold sweat. He runs a trembling hand through strands of unkempt white hair and calms himself down. The door to his room is closed. The pair of jeans and his jacket that he had worn last night are slung over the back of his desk chair.

For some reason, his dream felt oddly and eerily real. He remembers nothing that happened after he took the demon's hand, and the really strange part was that he couldn't remember changing or going to bed the night before either. All he can recall is that he was wandering around Death City late at night. He glances down at his right hand as well as his arms. They look perfectly fine. He lifts his pajama shirt and scans his tan chest. Still nothing different. He slumps over with a sigh. It was a dream after all.

He slips off the side of his bed and stands up, wobbling a bit as he steadies himself upright. He lets out a yawn and stretches his arms towards the ceiling as his body shudders. His 14-year-old body feels no different than he would on a regular Saturday morning. He ventures slowly over to the door and creaks it open. His mother is asleep in her bedroom. He can hear her heavy breathing from the hallway leading down to her room. His father is noisily snoring away on the couch. He yawns one more time and enters the bathroom. Without bothering to seek his reflection in the mirror over the sink, he rubs his eyes for the first time to rub away the tears. "Ow!" he yelps as his fingers touch his eyes.

It felt like he had been burned by something hot. Slightly shocked, he glances down at his finger and finds that the part of his finger that he used to touch his eye is slightly red. Like a small burn mark. He reaches up slowly and tries to rub his teary eyes once more and finds that his fingers feel sharp pain with contact. His tears feel like they're hot, and not the normal lukewarmness of his body, they're actually hot. Confusion hits him like a brick.

He scrambles to the mirror and leans into the glass carefully. His garnet eyes are two luminescent orbs. He does a double-take. His eyes are literally glowing in the likeness of embers from burning coal. He stumbles back and trips over his own feet, landing on his ass. Before he could react the heat in his eyes intensify and shoots out from his pupils. A loud boom echoes through the house. His eyes go blurry. He can feel smoke proliferating around his face and around the room. When he blinks and looks back up again, there's two holes seared through the mirror and into the wall behind. Shattered fragments of glass from the mirror lay sprawled out on the milky tiled floor and in the porcelain sink. With panic now settling in, he crawls across the floor and picks up a shard, letting the edge dig into his palm. A shaky hand lifts the piece up examine his face.

The expression of his face is one of pure bewilderment. His eyes are no longer glowing as brightly as they were before, and the light emanating from them is not as strong anymore. He crawls up to the sink and sweeps the glass away, flicking on the faucet. He cups the water and splashes his face with water.

Maybe he's still sleeping, he thinks hopefully, and his eyes did not just blast a hole into the wall.

He glances up against sees the damage. He slaps himself in the cheeks to jolt him again. Still nothing. He's not dreaming at all. He rubs his eyes this time and thankfully discovers that they aren't hot anymore. With the sink still running, the boy slowly backs up from the bathroom and out into the hallway, eyes widened with shock. He shakes himself, pinches his shoulders, slaps his cheeks, tries anything to wake him up from his shocking revelation.

"I can give you power."

Demon's voice echoes in his mind distantly.

No, he reassures himself. There's no fucking way in hell this is happening to me.

He had fired a laser beam through his eyes, was impervious to being cut by the glass, and he cannot not come up with a proper explanation.

"Didn't I tell you before?" Demon's voice murmurs into his ear.

He jerks away as the thing materializes next to him, floating in the air where he was standing and staring at the bathroom. "Y-You're real?!" he stammers.

Demon chuckles. "Of course I am. You didn't think I was some dream that you can forget, now did you?" he taunts.

He swivels his head back to his damaged bathroom. The sink is now overflowing with water and spilling out from the porcelain rim and pouring down onto the floor. "What the hell is this?!" he demands, motioning to the two holes in his wall.

It rubs its chin slowly. "Hm, I see you've already discovered one of your abilities. Laser vision."

He does another double-take, gaze darting from the demon thing to his flooding bathroom. "Laser vision?! You mean you did this to me?!"

"Well yes. You chose to shake my hand last night, remember?"

"But that was only in my dream!" he insists. He can hear his mother starting to stir from the other room and his father's snoring has stopped, meaning that he's now awake too. If his parents - mostly his step-father - finds out that he wrecked the upstairs bathroom, he'd literally, without the slightest hesitation, murder him.

"Your dreams is not a dream anymore now. You have woken up in this new reality, this new life. As I said last night, these powers are irreversible. You're stuck with them for the rest of your life," he informs him.

"Great. Fucking wonderful. Does that mean I'm gonna blast holes in every wall that I lay my eyes on?"

"Not if you learn to control it. Your powers are still in its preliminary stages, boy. It means that you can still improve them." He hovers towards the confused boy. "Are you satisfied?"

"S-Satisfied? I have no damn idea what the hell I am! What, a-am I some mutant now?! Some freak with laser vision?!" he shouts.

Demon shrugs. "You tell me, Evans. You will decide your destiny with these powers."

"You mean I have more than one?" he asks, rubbing his shoulder.

"I have no way of knowing that. Look at your hands."

Out of the confusion, he forces himself to stare down at his palms. Despite touching glass over and over, they don't have even one scratch on them. He clenches his fists. "The hell...?"

"Invincibility is also a valuable ability as well. You'd be able to withstand bullets, take blows without flinching - "

"No, no...this isn't happening..." he mutters to himself with utter disbelief. And to think he woke up this morning with a positive thought in mind. He grabs the sides of his head and pulls down against his hairs with frustration. "There's no way - !"

"Soul...? Is that you? What was that loud noise just now...?" his mother's sleepy voice registers in his head. He can hear her slow steps from the master bedroom.

"Fuck!" he curses, sprinting into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him. He locks the doorknob and distances himself from the door. Swinging around, he shuts the faucet and allows the flooding water to finally swirl down the drain.

Demon appears in the air next to him again. "It's your choice to reveal your powers to your parents," it offers.

Soul, now bending down to gather up the shards in his hands, offers him a glare in return. "No way! They'd...they'd think I'm some kinda freak!" he scowls as he shoves the glass in the trash bin.

"Soul, sweetheart, is that you? Are you okay in there?" the soft voice of his mom can he heard through the door. She knocks lightly and Soul freezes.

"Um, I'm fine!" he shouts back after hurriedly mopping up the puddles of water up with all the hand towels from the rack.

"Okay, you sound like you're having some trouble in there," she says with audible concern in her tone.

"Nope! I'm fine, I swear!" he insists.

"This will certainly be interesting, now won't it?" the little devil chuckles to himself.

"Shut up!" he hisses. "Whadif she hears you?"

Demon shakes his head slowly. "At the moment, I am only audible to you and only seen by you."

"Then why don't you help me clean this shit up?"

"Soul, who are you talking to?" asks his mother.

"No one!" he shouts back. He wipes the sweat from his brow and continues to sop away the water with the already-saturated towels and resorts to toilet paper.

"I'm afraid that in my form I am not tangible, either. If I were to chose to manifest right now, then I'd be seen and heard by others. But, if you insist on me changing, then I'd happily oblige - "

"Never mind that, then." He compiles the soaking toilet paper and dumps a large wad into the toilet and flushes it down the drain. "How in the actual hell am I gonna fix this?" he murmurs while examining the baseball-sized black craters in his mirror. He knows at some point that he'd have to explain it to his step-father. He doesn't fear what would happen to himself, but to his mother. After all, he's her son, and therefore in the eyes of his step-dad everything that he did can be blamed on her.

There's an abrupt and forceful banging on his door. "What the fuck are you doin' in there, Seth?!" his supposed dad demands. "You better not be fucking up the bathroom! Or else I'm gonna strangle you!"

Soul sighs with frustration. He can hear his eyes heating up already, which allows him to guess that his laser vision is also partially controlled by his emotions. He concentrates through his father's yelling and threats to subdue the feeling and prevent another hole in the tiles again. "I ain't doing anything! Lemme take a shit, will ya?!" he barks back.

"Don't talk to your father like that, you little prick! I swear, if you mess up my bathroom, you are outta here! I will literally throw you outta this house, ya hear?!"

Soul rolls his eyes. "Loud and clear," he retorts dryly.

When he senses that his father had left, he scoops up the drenched towels against his shirt and dumps them in a heap in the bathtub. He turns to the little demon with an exhausted look. "Do you think there's a good chance that I can magically go through walls or something?" he asks.

It shakes its head. "Sadly, no. But, you can use your super strength to patch up the holes in the wall."

"I have super strength too?"

"Well you never know until you try."

The boy sighs and glances down at his uninjured hands. Invincibility, laser vision and super strength. He reaches down to the floor to pick up some of the scattered wall fragments that were once embedded into his alabaster bathroom wall and squeezes them tightly in the palm of his hand in hopes that, if he actually had super strength, he'd be able to smush the pieces back together and stick them back into the holes. When he still feels the pointed edges digging into his skin, he squeezes harder.

When he opens his palm, the pieces had disintegrated into dust. A normal human would not have been able squeeze that hard. Demon's eyes light up. "Laser vision, invincibility, and super strength. I will ask you one more time, Soul."

Soul cocks his head at the mysterious little devil.

"How will you use these powers to your advantage?"

After a moment of contemplation, the boy smirks. "However I wanna use them."

"Good choice. Although, I must warn you of one thing..."


"You are not the only person in this city who has powers."

A young girl, only aged 14 year, ash-blonde hair tied into two pigtails with two olive-green eyes sits at a bus station with her face buried into her book. She pays no mind to the passing crowds around her as they bustle about the streets of Death City early in the afternoon on a regular, sunny Saturday afternoon. She takes her eyes off of the book for a moment just to steal a glance at her silver wristwatch. Still 11:30 am; the bus should've been here twenty minutes ago. She sets her book down for a moment to sigh heavily. She can't afford to be late today.

Behind the bench is a row of stores: a bank, a restaurant, a small clothing shop, all squished together. The restaurant is buzzing with customers, and the clothing shop has a few people looking around, but the bank is strangely quiet. Its metal guards are drawn down over the double glass doors in the middle of the day, even though people would occasionally enter to withdraw or deposit their money. Though she's not thinking much of it, she can't help but feel that something's wrong.

Just as her gut instincts had predicted, an alarm suddenly goes off, wailing directly behind her. She swings around on the bench. The red flashing lights at the bank entrance are flashing wildly as a shrill bell rings. A buzzing hum fills the air suddenly, followed by a loud crash and boom. The glass shatters and the metal bars are blasted away by what seems like a red flash of light and burns a large hole right through the front. She jumps from her seat.

From the interior of the bank a boy, dressed in black jeans and black leather jacket wearing a ski mask. His eyes are a deep scarlet red and steaming. He slung a sack over his shoulder while burnt dollar bills flutter around him and leaps out onto the sidewalk, veering a sharp left and into an alleyway aside the bank. The girl, seeing enough action to convince her, sprints after him. "Hey! STOP!" she screams after him, entering the path where he had gone.

Halfway down the narrow pathway he skids to a stop. He turns around slowly. She can see a wide smirk of a row of sharp, white teeth. Stark red eyes contrast with his black mask. "What do you want?" he asks.

"I said to stop!" she barks.

"What the hell? You're just a little girl," he scoffs.

Her mossy green pupils glare daggers at him. "You're stealing money from that bank! You can't do that!" she shouts.

"Yeah, and what?" he asks.

"You can't just take what isn't yours!" she glares.

She can see the nonchalance in his maroon gaze. "So what? You're gonna try and stop me?"

"Yeah," she says coolly.

He sighs. "You got a death wish, girlie? Didn't you see what I did with that door? If ya want, I can do the same thing to you," he smirks.

"I wouldn't be so sure," she says with a low growl.

"I'm warning you. Don't try to be the hero here."

She holds her ground and continues to glower at him.

He backs up a few steps, slightly intimidated. He shrugs it off. "Whatever." He turns back the other way and starts to walk away. "Go home and play with your dollies or something."

She reaches out a hand to stop him. "Hey! I said wait! Come back here! Stop ignoring me!"

"Don't worry, that won't be the last time you'll see me around," he grins.

She grits her teeth. "I said..." She holds her clenched fists above her head. "STOP!"

Two small fists pound into the ground with a loud bang, causing a shockwave to sweep throughout the alleyway. He swings around as a wave of upswept concrete hits him and sweeps him back. His back slams into a brick wall. He chokes, gasping in for air as her slow footsteps approach him.

"You are not the only person in this city who has powers," he remembers.

His gaze shoots upwards. "Fuck," he mutters under his breath.

He scrambles to his feet as she nears him. "Where do you think you're going?!" she demands. "You're not leaving until you return that money!"

He grits his teeth, wide eyes scanning around for a way out. "No way! I stole this money fair and square!"

"Then die!" She picks up the silver top of a garbage can and flings it like a frisbee at him. He ducks as the razor sharp circle flies past his head at an amazing speed and he darts down the alley. "Come back here!"

He's no longer running to steal the money, he's running for his life now. He turns back and fires his laser at her, but she only ducks to dodge them without even flinching. He makes it to the end and out the other side and into the busy sidewalk with her following close behind. He doesn't want to use up his laser vision, but at least he still has his super strength and invincibility.

He takes a right and tries to disappear with the onslaught of people. "Hey! Get back here!"

Her voice is distant now. He smirks out of his nervousness. Had he lost her?

He ducks into another alley. There, he takes off his mask and breathes in heavily. He checks his sack and sees that the money is still in there. Soul smirks. He had completed his first heist. "I told you to stop."

"Ah!" he jumps back, startled. The girl floats down from the top of an apartment roof and lands right next to him as he struggles to fit his mask back on his face. "You can fly, too?! You've gotta be joking."

"I can do a lot of things," she says, eyes narrowing. "Now give that money back."

He grits his teeth. "Alright, fine. If you want it so bad, then take it!" He hefts it over his shoulder and gives it a it a whirl, flinging it back at her. It hits her and she falls backwards. He takes the opportunity to run. He wills himself off the ground and flies away (he had discovered he learned to fly when his father literally kicked him out of the house and he failed to land on the ground).

He as he gains height he glances back and sees the girl still on the alleyway floor, brushing the dirt off her skirt.

He settles on the roof of his apartment building, where no one can see him. He's drenched in sweat and exhaustion and adrenaline. The girl's voice keeps flashing in his mind. He didn't get a good look of her face to memorize it. Demon materializes next to him once again, this time on the ground. "So? Have you discovered what you want to do now?" it asks.

Soul sighs and squeezes the ski mask in his hands. "Someone's already out there with their powers."

"Ah, so you've finally met your adversary? That would explain why you don't have the money that you'd promised you'd come back with to me," it chuckles.

"Yeah. She's as powerful as me. Nearly killed me."

"Did she steal the money from you?"

"No, she chased me so I could return it. What kinda goodie-goodie girly says no to money?" he asks, exasperated.

"Well, well. I see that you've met your match already, eh?" it says. "Are you willing to give up your villain-complex?"


"Yes. In this story, you are the villain. The girlie that you met must be the hero, right?"

"Well...I guess so..."

"Then you're the villain. Are you not?"

Soul shakes his head. "I dunno what I am. But I know I ain't one of those good guys."

"You can't be an in-between, Soul. Decide who you are."

He scratches the back of his head. "I guess I'm a baddie."

Demon smirks. "Is that so...?"

He shoots him a garnet glare. "If you want me decide, then shut it and stop asking me questions."

It shrugs. "I hope you know that I will not be here with you all the time. I am a businessman, after all. I'm just trying to make sure that you are sure of yourself before I head off," it answers.

Soul leans back on the chimney and gazes up at the sky. "Don't worry, there's not really anymore of a choice anymore. I'll play along with your little story here, even though I still have no idea why you've chosen me, out of all the people in this whole damn city. But I do know one thing: I'll be the villain."

Demon's grin grows wider. "That's excellent. Perfect, actually. And if you continue down this new path that you are on, there is nothing that will stop you from achieving your goal. Well, what is your goal, exactly?"

His eyes darken slightly. "...I want mom to be happy. One day, when I get enough money I'll take her outta this place and buy her a better, bigger one. She can finally leave that old creep that I hafta call 'dad.'"

"That's good, wonderful," it chimes eagerly. "In anything, I wish you the best of luck with these new abilities. I will disappear for now. I have other matters to attend to. But, if you are in need of my services, then you'd know where to find me."

There's a whoosh right next to his head. When he turns to the little devil, it's disappeared into thin air. In its wake, it leaves a small slip of paper where it once stood.

Soul sighs heavily. He gazes down at his hand, still uninjured and clean. He's not sure whether to embrace his new life or be fearful of it. He knows he can return to his regular self and hide his powers, but now his life has taken a dramatic turn. He's the villain, and he has to be. Because he knows he'd never be able to fulfill his mother's dream with practical ways, or at least not in time to prevent her "husband" from hurting her anymore. Sadly, he realizes that, in any story or in any cartoon with superheroes and villains, the bad guys will always lose, and the good guys will always win and he has no idea how to change that.