AN: Yes, I do know that I have the awful habit of starting stories, but quickly losing interest and not finishing them. But, I worked my way through the longest chapter I've ever written and I have some ideas, so this will actually come to an end, I hope.

These are Ino's thoughts...Just wanted to let you know

So I'm actually rewriting the whole thing for your enjoyment and my dignity. For now I rewrote the first chapter. I hope it's better? Maybe not? I wrote a really OOC Ino the last time and it was really dumb so scratch that character let's make her hate him lol.

It felt like everyone was in that cold, dark cave. Absolutely everyone that survived the Fourth Shinobi World War. The allied shinobi forces were confident in their victory, but it was not to be. Kaguya may have been defeated, but Madara stood. And at the brink of loss, Orochimaru and Sasuke betrayed them. Like countless times before. Madara was set on his vision. His dream.

Sakura was sitting beside Naruto and Ino on the hard, wet floor. She looked around the cave. Shikamaru was there, with his hair loose and brushing his shoulders. Temari was tightly holding his hand and looking into the distance. She may have caught a glimpse of Hinata and Tenten hugging and sobbing together, but who knew really, with so many people piled together. Gaara was at the other side of the cave, his hand clung protectively around his little student's shoulders, and Sakura could not for the life of her remember the young kunoichi's name. He looked defeated, the former Kazekage. As if he had given up on life. Like he lost everything.

They did lose.

They did lose everything.

About 10 meters from them was Madara, sitting in a big chair with the reanimated Akatsuki. The chair looked rather uncomfortable, but Madara was blissful. He had the famous Uchiha smirk plastered on his face as he stood up. "Dearest citizens, shinobi, samurai and kunoichi...All of us together are to make history today! You are no more to look at us as your enemies, we will be the leaders of the new world and we will acknowledge you as free." Free, he said. Sakura was not convinced, and neither was the rest of the room really. Madara paused there, and Sakura was unsure of what he was expecting. An applause? Nevertheless, he did not receive much but defeated looks. "But it will most certainly no longer be the way it was before. We are all gathered here today to be united by my hand, aided by my supreme judgement. Every unmarried man and woman over the age of 16 are to be married and start reproducing immediately. I know it sounds quite shocking, but we are not left with much life after the Great War. Men, women and children have died, many of them. We need to rebuild and grow stronger together."

Madara smirked at the reaction he got. "No pregnant woman who has lost her husband to war will need to marry, however. She can, but she will not be forced to. I have promised you freedom, have I not? To those of you who already are either betrothed or married, remember never to break the marital vows. For absolutely any rule you break you will be punished. That should be understood, in every aspect. Some of you unmarried women will be handpicked by these fine shinobi beside me, formerly known as the Akatsuki. Those who are chosen will become their wives or lovers, it depends on them."

The women with no particular marital status winced.

Madara continued his speech. "We do have a special guest. The Nine Tail Fox Jinjuuriki, the only one that remained unsealed, Naruto Uzumaki. As a special guest, he should be treated accordingly." Madara looked to a man on his right, an unfamiliar, masked one. His robe was black, and his mask was plain and blank, white. Sakura did not know who he was, and there was no point in trying to guess.

The big, muscular man with the mask came to get Naruto. Sakura felt a tear escape her eye as they took him away from her, but she quickly looked down, they were not going to see her cry today. Naruto looked back at Sakura as he was dragged to Madara. As she looked up again she could see the tears in his eyes as well. Ino gripped Sakura's hand. "They will make him choose, I know it." Sakura nodded. To humiliate him, to make him conform. She could only faintly whisper to him now, and hope that he could read her lips. "Pick Hinata. Please pick Hinata." Sakura was sure he understood her, judging by his reaction, his eyes released the welled up tears and he looked away into the crowd.

"Naruto-san, please stand by me. I have decided to give you a benefit. For your efforts in the war, even though you were on the wrong side of it, did not go unnoticed. My friend, you are a skilled fighter, I hope we can get along. For your sake, of course." It was all bullshit to Sakura, and everyone else. They all knew it. But Naruto was not going to backtalk, it would do no good. He knew that. "You will be able to choose a bride. Anyone you want, Naruto-san. But I do want you to be quick. So who will it be?", said Madara smiling. A snide smile, a cruel one.

Naruto didn't seem have much strength left in him anymore, Sakura was surprised that he lasted as long as he did. He just silently let them know his answer, not even looking at Sakura as he said it, well, not looking at anyone actually. Madara didn't hear him, and may have asked him to repeat it, but Sakura was unsure. Madara's face lit up once again in a cruel smile as he shouted. "Hinata Hyuuga it will be."

Skaura felt like a heavy weight fall from her chest. She knew Naruto did the right thing, she hoped he would listen to her. Hinata could not run to Naruto but she walked as fast as she could to his embrace, which did not last long. The two were approached by three of Madara's shinobi which started to walk them away. Madara smiled at the crowd again. Just as coldly. Sakura was sure she would never get used to it.

"Now, that our guest of honor has officially been honored, let us begin with the real ceremony. Shall we?"

The first couple of women that they dragged out sparked no interest in any of the Akatsuki. They were not screaming, struggling or begging, they were all perfectly still. Some crying silently, Sakura suspected, some not reacting. She could not see them all too well. The chair in which Madara sat was plopped on a podium, which was about five steps above the ground. It was probably to see better, but also to establish that he was above them all. The men of the former Akatsuki stood beside him. They did not show much emotion either. The whole cave was deprived of it by now. A grim atmosphere no one could break. They all succumbed to it, just like that. She was still staring at the men on the podium when she noticed the discolored Zetsu whispering something to one of the masked men. The man he was talking to did not waste much time, and started hastily walking her way. As soon as he reached her, she was dragged away from Ino, who quietly let go of her hand. Sakura's lips became a thin line, and Ino gave her one last quick glance before her attention went to the podium.

Sasuke didn't wait for Madara to say anything. "That one's mine, Madara."

Madara just nodded, not too happy for the lack of speech, but not protesting. The guard pushed Sakura next so Sasuke's legs. He gave her a menacing look, accompanied by a menacing smile. Sakura had little strength left, but she tried to glare at him defiantly. His smile spread, and she looked away, as she tried to stand up. "No, you sit by me. No one told you to stand." She was not sure she could hate him before, but she was starting to become confident now. She looked to the ground and willed the tears away, remembering the promise she gave herself that she would not cry. When she looked up again, Hanabi Hyuuga was being dragged towards them.

Sakura's eyes scanned the room in the search for Hinata. It was not very hard, as she was the only person in the room showing any kind of emotion. Hinata was crying and holding back screams, with her hand on her mouth. Sasori, on the contrary, for once in his life, looked quite pleased. Sakura remembered the way she crushed his little puppet body, and wished she could do it again right now. She knew his words would not carry good news. "I'll have the younger Hyuuga. I suspect her Byakugan will be of some use at least." Hanabi also turned to look at her sister, one last time as the pride of Hiashi Hyuuga and the first time as Akasuna no Sasori's new human puppet. Hinata took a step, but Naruto quickly pulled her back, and held her tightly, and Sakura was grateful for that.

After placing Hanabi beside Sasori, Sakura gave her a look. Hanabi looked back at her, but nothing was exchanged. The stares were blank, and as yet another woman was pulled forward, Sakura focused back on the crowd. She was beautiful, a blonde bob and icy blue eyes. But she was different it seemed. Her eyes were glued on Madara, and she held her chin high. Her lips were pursed, as if daring them all to say a thing. As Itachi Uchiha stood up and walked towards her every Akatsuki shifted on their feet a little. Itachi touched Samui's face and looked her in the eyes. "I will be taking you". He slowly led her upward, and even someone as defiant, was not willing to compromise their life.

More women were brought out before them, once again, one sparked some interest. Mei Terumi, the Godaime Mizukage. She tried to hide the fact that she was petrified, but failed miserably. Sakura couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It took the strongest shinobi of a village to become one of the Kages, yet The Mizukage was standing there, trembling with fear. She was glaring at her feet, shaking a bit. But she stood. The Mizukage was not to be touched or dragged. She walked on her own and she stood by her self. Sakura was impressed by that. As scared as she was, her pride was still present. Kisame grinned devilishly, from ear to ear. It was a sight to behold. "Weeell, if it isn't the great Mizukage! Oy, bring her here. I'll be honored to have some of that." Mei was thrown at Kisame and landed in his hands. Kisame Hoshigaki just chuckled. "Easy now, woman. We'll have plenty of time for that later on." Madara chuckled as well, and motioned to proceed.

The next person they dragged out of the crowd made Sakura's heart skip a beat. It was Ino. Her Ino. She was being pulled by her hair as she was struggling. The only one that struggled. Sasuke looked down at Sakura, he was expecting something, it seemed. So Sakura took the opportunity he seemed to want to provide, and spoke only for him to hear, "Please, Sasuke…Please." Sasuke only smirked and looked ahead at what was about to happen, and Sakura was not surprised.

But she knew, and she dreaded it. Ino was about to be given to the worst one. She looked at the pain loving, Jashin worshipping, sado-masochistic basket case, he had one of those sinister smiles on his face. "Hah, lookie here. It's fucking pineapple's best buddy."

Hidan scanned the area, searching for Shikamaru. It wasn't that hard, him and Chouji were the most alarmed people in the cave, except for Sakura. He looked at the usually lazy and bored shinobi, who now seemed to have more energy that anyone in the cave.

"This one will be carrying children of Jashin by tomorrow." Hidan cackled, and the rest of the Akatsuki snickered, all in tune. Ino was pushed down to Hidan's knees and as soon as she sat she fainted.

She passed out. Ino remembered that the world went black as soon as she was chosen to be his wife. His wife…

The man that scared her more than anyone else. She would stand tall before a fight against the whole Senju clan, but she would shudder at the sound of his name. He was the only man on this world she was absolutely terrified of. And he knew that, he relished it.

She knew why he did it. To torture Shikamaru. Taking Temari wouldn't be as interesting as taking Ino was. Shikamaru would most likely find a way to get over Temari, he would fall in love again, eventually. But there was no getting over Ino, no getting over a sister. He knew that when Shikamaru saw Ino, he would also see the poorly hidden marks and bruises he left. He knew this, that's the only reason he picked her. Hate was a strong word, but it was an appropriate one in this situation. Ino felt it, she was riddled with it.

Standing up was fairly easy. The bed was very soft and warm but she needed to see where she was. The room she was sleeping in was the most typical Japanese bedroom. No pictures, no excess decorations, plain wooden walls. The window was high up by the ceiling, and she could see it was dark. How long was I asleep..? She realized it was a futon she slept in, not a bed. A very comfortable one, though. She felt good, physically. She felt clean. She touched her hair and realized that she actually was clean.

Covering her body was a plain white robe and nothing else. The more she looked around the more her eyes adjusted to the darkness. The room had a mirror and a table. It was clearly not meant for staying in too long.

There were two doors she cold see. One was obviously the entrance and exit, the other one, she was unsure of. She started to walk towards the mysterious door, and as she opened it, she found it was not as mysterious after all. The bathroom was clean and well lit, the light painfully reaching her eyes. But she was stunned, nonetheless. She hadn't seen a proper bathroom since the start of the war. She touched the sink slowly, but as she was about to look in the mirror her thoughts were interrupted.

She knew who it was. And it all just seemed so perfect at the moment. The bathroom door screeched a bit as they were pushed by a well-toned, muscular hand. And Ino almost forgot about him. He didn't look angry, though. He didn't look happy either. Just... blank.

"Well, was 'bout fucking time you woke the fuck up, sleeping fucking beauty. Good fucking morning!"

He waited. But Ino knew not what for. She was thinking about how he managed to pack so the word "fuck" so many times in a sentence and keep a straight face. Hidan put his hands on his hips.

"I fucking clean you up and tuck your ass in and you don't even fucking greet me. Some fucking manners they teach you at that damn Konoha school."

Ino just stumbled to her words, not to offend him and make her situation worse than it was. "Ah, g-good m-morning." I feel like Hinata now.

Hidan just continued his talk. "Well, it's no fucking morning to me. I wasn't being a fucking lazy ass bitch and I woke up hours ago, you know, when it was still daylight. But, no more on that fucking subject. Right now, you're gonna have to get ready. I left you my mother's old kimono on the desk. She wore it on her wedding day, years ago. She always talked about how my fucking wife will wear it someday. I guess she was fucking right, that bitch. After that come down to eat. You look fucking starved."

He was well on his way out by the time he finished that sentence. But he stopped and turned to look at Ino. "Oh, and one last thing. Clean yourself the fuck up. I fucking hate dirtiness. I had to get a fucking villager woman to do it this time, but you do it yourself from now on. Every fucking day. And no fucking hair from your ears down, fuck. Do I really have to say that? Jeez." With that he closed the door of her short term room and left her by herself, a futon and a beautiful lilac kimono. On it the white Watatsumi dragon symbolizing immortality.

The desk was small, but practical. It had a few drawers. But as Ino opened them, she could see they were not put to any use. Ino finally decided to look at herself in the mirror. And at the moment, even though she looked the same, she realized something. Ino Yamanaka had faded away, not fully, but mostly. A new Ino was looking at her now. Yugakure no Ino. Hidan's wife. What a grim thought.

She wondered if she would get a ring too. It was something she always wanted. Ino remembered that Hidan told her to get down as soon as she could, and she considered it wise to not keep him waiting for too long.

A knock on her door could be heard. For a split second Ino feared that she had taken too long and Hidan decided to come back up and reprimand her, but as the door opened two women entered through it. Both were middle aged, plain and not in very high spirits.

"Ojou-san, we have been sent to help you with the kimono. Would you mind?" The woman's voice was sturdy, but she looked down in obedience. "It would be very helpful. Thank you." Both of the women nodded and proceeded with their work. When they were all done, Ino was completely out of breath. The obi was tight and the koshihimo even tighter. She felt like her ribs were about to crack. The women, all though plain, were strong it seemed. "Your zori are in front," said one of them as they started to pack the futon, "you are ready to be on your way, Ojou-san." Ino nodded and thanked them and made her way to the exit. She opened the door to her "room" carefully. There was a narrow corridor that led to a opening in the shoji on it's right. The zori were a bit too big for her feet, but she was not about to complain. Ino went down the corridor slowly, not wanting to make much noise. Hidan was in what she assumed to be the dining room. The fusuma richly decorated with beautiful painted waves and dragons, with intricate ranma above them.

Hidan was sitting at a chabudai directly on the tatami floor. There were zabuton pillows around by the table, but he did't bother to use one. Hidan turned to look at her, and his eyes brightened up when he saw her. She could see that he was pleased with her appearance. He motioned his hand for her to come. "Come on here, bitch. You have to eat something."

Ino walked up to him and sat down in front of the one bowl of miso soup. Hidan just eyed her quietly. She didn't know what to do.What if the food is poisoned? What if he is trying to get rid of me? No, I'm being stupid. He would not give me a way out that easily.

"Well go on, bitch, I give you fucking permission to eat."

Ino took the chopsticks in her hands and ate. She looked at him. He was a beautiful man. With amethyst eyes, and his white hair all slicked back. Beauty and evil went hand in hand it seemed. Rotten man. I wonder if we ever have children, would they look like him? I hope they won't. I hope I will be able to love my children.

"What the fuck are you looking at, bitch?"

Ino spaced out looking at him. "It's, uh, Ino."

Hidan raised his eyebrows. "Come again?"

Ino didn't know him that well to detect annoyance in his voice, but she took the chance, even though she trembled while she did it. "I said, um, you can call me Ino. That's, uh…my name."

Hidan smirked. "Ino, huh? I'll call you what I fucking feel like calling you, bitch. But, I guess as you fucking husband I have to listen to you, a bit."

Ino's eyes widened. "Are we already married?" How fucking long was I out of it?!

Hidan could tell she was terrified. He laughed. "So fucking scared, already? No, you have to be fucking conscious for that. Jashin-sama doesn't like the brides half fucking dead."

Ino felt relieved. She breathed out slowly. It does not help much though, it will have to happen soon, for him to make me wear his mother's kimono.

"But we are going to be soon enough. By tomorrow, you're gonna be a Jashinist, bitch. Wether you like it or not."

It was what she suspected. She said nothing, but ate the miso soup in silence.

Ino, just barley finished her miso when Hidan basically dragged her out of the room to the dungeons. They were under the big, Japanese styled house, in the cellar. It was dark down there, and as they walked through the hallway, with Hidan holding Ino's hand she felt like she was going to faint again.

He took her into a black room, dimly lit by a few candles. This room was also full of jashinistic items. Ino expected to see them throughout the house as well, but so far this was the only room where they were evident. In the middle of the darkness was a big, rectangle shaped rock. Bloodstained and disgusting. Hidan pushed her forward, coming in himself, and closed the hard metal doors.

"Get on in your birthday suit, bitch. It's a holy night. We have to be the way Jashin-sama sent us into this world." Hidan also undressed, not giving much thought to it. Ino looked over at him. His body was perfect. Bare, not one hair to be found anywhere but on his head. Skin so pale he looked almost translucent. Not a single scar to be found, not a single blemish, birthmark or beauty mark.

Ino herself slowly started taking her clothes reluctantly off. The kimono the women worked so hard to put on was almost as hard to remove, but she was too proud and too scared to ask for Hidan's help. It was his turn to watch her. Ino had always had the perfect milky skin. With no bruises, scars or scratches. Shikamaru and Chouji always made sure she was never severely wounded. But now it was different. The war had taken it's toll on her. The scars were there, some were more prominent than others, but they were all there. Her legs and ribs were bruised, her fingers were blistered. But at least she was clean. Her hair was now bouncy, as straight as a shamisen string. Long and blond, just like her father's was. Eyes as blue as the summer sky.

She was a pretty girl, Hidan knew that, he wasn't blind. Pretty face, nice body, a shinobi. Not the perfect sacrifice, but the perfect Jashinist, which is what he wanted. A good mate, he just hoped her personality was not shit. If it was half decent he would bear.

Ino took the last garment on her body off. She covered her generous chest and her womanhood as well as she could. Hidan still didn't avert his gaze, even though Ino made sure to show him that she caught him watching. The man is shameless. What am I trying to accomplish?

"Come here."

Ino snapped out of her thoughts about the said shameless Jashinist and looked at him. He didn't seem one bit embarrassed. He seemed at ease like this. Naked. There really is nothing he should be ashamed of… It's his insides that are ugly.

Ino walked to him, as slowly as she could, just to keep herself calm. As soon as she was near enough, Hidan grabbed her arms and held them off of her body.

"There is no need for that. With Jashin-sama's blessing you will be my wife. And, it's not like your body is ugly."

Ino was amazed. He didn't curse once. It was unnatural, but it was something she could get used to. And not to mention the almost compliment. If she was not scared shitless she would have been smug about it.

Hidan drew her into his chest and hugged her tightly.

"Almighty creator and maker of this pitiful world, I beg of you to hear my words and let this creature who has yet to learn of pain and suffering enter your holy world. Let her know agony, let her experience misery. Let her know the pain of others. Jashin-sama! I ask of you to make her your servant's bride, a woman to feel death, but never truly know it. Let her bear the next generation of your followers and let her participate in their makings. Jashin-sama, I ask of you to let her be my wife, I ask of you to let her know immortality, I ask of you to let her be a mother, I ask of you to let her be mine."

Hidan's recital was loud. He was talking for the heavens and hells to hear him. He looked at Ino with hope in his eyes. He cupped her face with one hand as he grabbed his scythe with the other.

"This is the final test, bitch. If you fail, well, too fucking bad for you."

Hidan stabbed both himself and her with his scythe. Ino felt pain. Felt like she was going to die. But didn't, something kept her conscious, a little thing, small, almost unnoticed. Pleasure. She felt pleasure in the pain. And she felt a small, miniature smile creep up her lips, against her will.

Hidan saw it. He felt relived. She passed, she was the first person he ever baptized. And she had become his wife.

The other ceremony was now to hold place.

Hidan took out the scythe slowly. It was her first time, he knew how that felt. It hurt much, and he felt little pleasure that very first time. The pleasure increased, of course. It does, with devotion and time. But for this girl, when no one was watching and judging, he was trying to do it gently.

"You passed. You're finally free of the bitch title, I-no."

She was still trembling from the shock and the pain. And the pleasure was there, how ever unwanted it was, it was there.

Hidan took her in his strong armes and carried her upstairs from the basement to what she thought was his room, maybe their room. The house was quiet, the shoji were all shut. Ino could make out the light tapping of the summer rain against the roof. Hidan swiftly navigated the small corridors of the house, quickly entering a large room.

He laid her across a bed covered with crisp white sheets. Ino was astonished when she felt no pain when her back hit the bed. She had always healed quickly, but this time it was exceptional. Barley two minutes had passed and all she had where some small scratch marks on her skin.

"It's time. This is when you fully become my wife, Ino-chan."

Hidan towered over Ino. He did look and behave like the dominating kind of guy. Ino had no choice but to let him take the lead, it was better. She had no idea what to do, what to say. Her head was full of unnerving thoughts. My first time, and it had to be with this monstrosity. With this evil of a being.

Burning with hate, scorched with hate. It was the right expression for her feelings.

Hidan took her hips into his hands and positioned his now hard member in front of her entrance. She looked scared. More scared now then he had ever seen her before. But she held still. She didn't look at him, in fact, she didn't look at anything. Her eyes were screwed shut, and she felt tears forming fast.

"I ain't going to lie to you now. This will hurt like a motherfucker."

Hidan pushed into her hard and fast, and she felt as if she were ripped apart. She talked to Temari and Tenten about it, the two of them having already done it with Shikamaru and Neji, but they could never explain the pain mixed with something else that was burning her body right now. I hate him.

He kept pumping in and out of her at an endurable pace, not too fast, but not too slow, enough for her not to scream. I can take this, I can survive this. Her eyes opened a little as she adjusted to the feeling of it. Hidan, as cruel as he was, was not stupid, he noticed most things, this was one of them. That's when he really stared the ceremony.

He went faster, much faster, hitting her abdomen in the process. He bit her right nipple hard, drawing blood, as he played with the other one. Ino could't bear that much. All this pain felt so good for her. She felt both good and awful at the same time, the feeling was confusing, but toxic. I hate him.

Hidan pushed his tounge into her mouth making her taste her own blood. It was irony and she felt disgusting when she did not mind it. "Do you feel my cock, bitch? It should be right about here." Hidan explained as he started probing at her stomach. "Do you feel it? Does it hurt you?" Ino didn't say a word, and screwed her eyes shut once again. "No, don't do that. Look at me." He was panting a bit as he said it, but there was authority in his tone. Nevertheless, she had not. She could not, her tears would spill. I hate him.

"Look at me!" He repeated forcefully. This time she turned her head to him and stared blankly while her tears spilled. He was pushing in and out of her pussy, making obscene sounds by doing so. Wet flesh slapping together. Disgusting. I hate him.

"Now, look down." He was lifting her hips from the bed a bit, still not stopping his movement. Ino looked down. I hate him.

"Do you see that? That's where we are joined. Do you see how deep inside you I am? Look at how nicely your pussy is taking it all. Look at how wet it is, basically begging for my cock. I'm going to fuck this pussy forever, until you lose your fucking mind." I hate him.

"Do you like watching it? Answer me." He was a demanding man, a talkative man. She was not about to disobey him. "Yes I like it." Hidan was not satisfied. "Louder, I wanna hear it. I want everyone to hear it. Full sentence. Scream it, bitch. Tell the world how much you love my cock, how much you love it when I fuck you!"

She was mortified, but much choice, she did not have. "I love your cock, I love it when you fuck me. Please do it as much as you like!"

At least that shut him up. He grabbed her hips and started moving at an unreal speed. Her pussy was begging to be left alone. It burned, her uterus hurt so bad. But the pain, even though she would never admit it, felt somewhat good. Hidan did not keep it up for too long, as she suddenly felt hot inside and Hidan was slowing down. He was panting harder, but she could see no sweat on his skin.

"How does it feel, being filled to the brim."

"I-I…I feel full."

It just made Hidan snicker.

"Well, I went easy on you this time, just because you need to conceive, but don't think I will do the same next fucking time."

Hidan was still on her, collapsing a moment ago. His manhood was still inside her, slightly limp, but still there. And it didn't seem like he had any intention of pulling out when rolled over on his back, holding her in his arms, and letting her lay on his muscular chest.

She felt a small chakra starting to form inside her. She remembered it was the same kind that Tenten had when she first noticed that she was pregnant.

Hidan must've felt it too, since he looked up to her with a smile on his face.

"I told you so." His comment was annoying, but he did tell her that. "How did you know?"

He gave her an amused look. "It's Lord Jashin's way, you conceive when I want you to. What, you think we get an immortal body and can't control it's functions. Jashin, you stupid girl."

She looked away but he was still staring at her. "How does your pussy feel?" She shot him a look. This crude fucker. "I'm fine."

He smiled at that, a really large smile. "No shit. You liked it, I could tell by the way your pussy was convulsing around my dick."

She looked at him as obscenely as she could muster. Her eyes were as big as they could get. But all she got in return was a laugh in her face.

"You will be a talented Jashinist one day, Ino. I can tell you that fucking much."

I fucking hate him.