Sup dudes and dudettes? It's CWolf126, with the second chapter "The Brotherhood of the Infinity Wolves." It's picks up at the beginning of Shippuden, except Kakashi is pursuing Deidara, and Sakura and Lady Chiyo are facing off against Sasori. Chapter 2 is now finished.

Six ninja in long, navy blue robes (A/N: think Altair's robe from Assassin's Creed) with white border lines, were leaping through the forest. Then after a while they stopped to rest. They all pulled their pointed hoods up and ninja with a spiky ponytail spoke, "Kiba, how far away are we?"

"About," Kiba sniffed the air and checked with Akamaru, "10 miles from the fight."

"Alright, lead the way."

Kiba nodded and the group re-hooded and leapt off again.

Sakura was trying in vain to create a clear line to Sasori. But, there were simply too many puppets, even with Lady Chiyo's Chikamatsu collection in action. After a while, even those puppets were destroyed, leaving Lady Chiyo and Sakura kneeling before Sasori, completely at his mercy.

"Don't kill us!" Sakura yelled.

"Cute, you're begging for your life." Sasori commented. "I've massacred entire nations, but you think that I'll spare you just because you asked politely? You didn't even say please."

A few more moments of silence ensued.

"Say it."

"What?" Sakura asked.


"Please what?"

"Say 'Please spare my life Master Sasori.'"

Sakura simply turned her face away in defiance. Then Sasori slammed her face into the ground and held it down with his foot.

"Leave Sakura alone, kill me instead!" Chiyo shouted.

"Shut up! You are in no position to make demands." Sasori barked. Turning to Sakura he continued, "Say it you worthless bitch!"

"Please spare my life Master Sasori." Sakura whimpered, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks.

"See, you are my slave, and pretty soon, you'll be wanting to please me in every way possible." Sasori whispered suggestively. Sakura's eyes widened and she began to writhe underneath Sasori's foot trying to escape.

Out of seemingly nowhere a voice said, "Despite the fact that she probably deserves it, I still want to fight you, so you can't rape her right now."

"Just leave this place," Sasori said. "If you want to live, you'll be smart and leave this place."

"Funny, I was called stupid for most of my life." Another voice said. Sasori turned around in bewilderment.

"Yeah same here," a third voice said. Sasori turned around again and realized he was surrounded by three hooded figures.

"How about we just kill you now? That way, you don't have to return to your superiors and ask why you couldn't finish the job." The first voice proposed.

"You can try to defeat me, but that won't be as easy as you think."

"You're right, it'll be easier." The second said, a large white dog next to him. All the while, Sakura's eyes were going ballistic thinking, 'These voices, I know them! But could it really be?'

Then the first person disappeared. They didn't move, they just vanished from sight. Then in time shorter than a blink, he reappeared in front of Sasori's face and said, "Boo." With that, he rammed a trench knife into Sasori's "heart." The puppet master sank to the floor.

"Aww, that wasn't much of a challenge." The hooded figures said simultaneously.

"Whatever," the second said. "We still got Deidara if he's still alive."

"But how likely is that? I mean, you know how he gets when one of us is threatened." The third replied.

"True, but still, we could divvy up the body parts and use them for decoration." The first said.

"Dude, you're sick. But then again, so are all of us."

"Damn straight! HUA!" The three figures then touched the bottoms of their fists together. All of this was driving Sakura insane.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Sakura yelled.

"Damn, for Kami's sake girl! You're breasts haven't grown, but your voice sure has! Keep it down!" the first said irately.

"Fine. Who are you three."

"Really? You forgot the sound of our voices? Whatever."

Then the three pulled back their hoods, and Sakura gasped.

"It's you? Choji, Lee, Kiba? Is it really you?"

"Uh, duh!" Kiba said.

"But, you look so different!" That was putting it lightly. Kiba's feral looks were even more intense, he was taller, and Akamaru was huge now! Lee's eyes were not as big anymore, he was taller too (well all of them are), and his hair was now almost completely gone in a buzz cut. Choji was the most different of all; he was fit and strong, just like Kiba and Lee! All of his fat was gone, and his hair was even longer now.

"Yeah, we know, now come on, we got to catch up with the other three before they kill Deidara. I want his right arm!" Kiba said, brushing off her comment, took off a second later which produced a tick mark on the pinkette's abnormally large forehead.

"Hey, no fair Kiba! You got the last one's right arm! The coolest stuff is always in the right arm!" Lee yelled, leaping off after him.

"Not always Lee, the head can be pretty cool, especially if they have a dojutsu!" Choji said indifferently.

Sakura froze at this, thinking 'Did they really kill Sasuke and bring the head? Naruto said he would, and he never breaks his promises.'

"Hey, puppet bitch! Let's go!" Kiba yelled.

All Sakura could do is catch up with Lady Chiyo, seeing as she is completely useless at anything else.

Kakashi Hatake was pursuing Deidara, who was on his bird made from explosive clay, with his Sharingan activated. He had already missed the teleportation jutsu of his Mangekyo Sharingan twice, tearing off Deidara's arm in the second attempt, so he had to get up close with the explosion specialist. He was about to catch him when one of the tail feathers went off directly in front of him, sending him crashing down to land on top of a log, stretching across the gorge. He was looking up in the sky when he saw three shadows fly over him, pursuing the same course as Deidara's at nearly twice the speed. Kakashi got back up, and attempted to catch up, though his injuries were preventing him from going at full speed.

'Even at full speed, I don't think I could catch these guys,' the Copy Ninja thought. 'Who are they? I've never seen those cloaks before.'

"Naruto, slow down! Keeping this pace up may be the equivalent jog for all of us, but it's still a drag!" Shikamaru complained.

"We'll catch Deidara so you can kill him. We want to just as much, but try to contain your excitement," Shino said passively.

"Fine, whatever, but if the pace takes us more than a minute, I'm going on ahead," Naruto said, impatiently.

"Fine by me." Shikamaru said as they slowed down, but only barely. "Ahh, see, now isn't this relaxing Naruto?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Naruto admitted begrudgingly. "Hey, you remember our escapades in the Land of Fangs last year?"

Shikamaru smirked, "How could I not? That was the only time we ever ran for our lives since leaving the village."

"Yeah, those girls' mothers were mad as fuck when they saw us lying in their daughters' beds." Naruto remembered.

"Man, that was crazy! I remember you had a short brunette with an ass, I got it in with a tall blonde, Yo I swear, legs for days man! But who did Shino get." Shikamaru pondered. After a few moments he said, "Oh, yeah! He had that cute little read head!"

"Well, see, that's as far as you know." Shino said.

Naruto and Shikamaru just blatantly looked at Shino and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is," Shino said with a barely noticeable smirk, "is that she wasn't as innocent as you may have thought. She invited another two of her friends over, and let me tell you, it was WILD!"

Then the other two started laughing uncontrollably.

"You sly fox!" Naruto yelled.

"Sly? That wasn't planned Naruto," Shikamaru responded. "It was all luck." Looking back at Shino he said, "You my friend are one lucky bastard!"

"Fuck yeah!" Shino said.

Just then the three of them sensed an impending explosion, and jumped out of the way, refocusing on their original objective.

"How did we even start talking about this?" Naruto asked.

"I have no idea to be honest." Shino said.

"I do, but explaining it would be too troublesome." Shikamaru answered.

"Lazy ass."

"Shut the fuck up. Let's just kill this guy already. I want to go back to the village for that ramen shop." Shikamaru paused. "I can't believe I just said that."

Those three in the dark robes behind Deidara were some of the fastest he had ever seen.

'How are they moving so fast?' Deidara wondered. But then he heard a bit of laughing and tuned in on their conversation.

"You my friend are one lucky bastard!" the one on the right said.

'They're not even taking me seriously! Who do they think they are, disrespecting my art like that!' With that thought, Deidara detonated another tail feather. But the three already moved out of the way, and the explosion didn't even faze them. 'Who are they?'

Kakashi was coming into view of the giant white bird, but when he got there, he only saw two dark cloaks. 'Where'd the third one go?'

Just then a loud bang sounded through the air, but now explosion was evident. The only thing that was different was… the giant clay bird was falling through the sky, with Deidara alongside it!

'How did they do that?!' Kakashi wondered as his eyes widened. 'They defeated Deidara, an S-Class criminal within mere moments of formal confrontation! Just who are these guys?'

The third ninja reappeared in between the two ninjas, and the trio made their descent, with Kakashi in pursuit.

"How did you dodge my attack?" Deidara asked the group. "You shouldn't have been able to do that."

"Uhh, yeah, we should have. You're attacks are predictable because they rely on one style. So, we take that into account, and we can form a strategy simple enough to dogde, counter-attack and immobilize, and finally eliminate." The figure on the left said.

"Man, it seems like the Akatsuki is slipping." The one in the middle said.

The trio began to converse among themselves again. Deidara used this to his advantage and bit off a piece of his bird. Then a voice came out of nowhere, "Just where do you think you're going?" A bright gleam met Deidara's gaze. After the bright light faded, Deidara got a look at the man's face.

"Well, Might Gai of the Hidden Leaf. I didn't expect you to survive the trap." Deidara smirked. Then, two more ninja's appeared. One had the signature eyes of the Hyuga clan, and the other had a large scroll on her back and a chain-and-sickle in her hands. Deidara's smirk faded. 'If I had both my hands, I could take them. But I don't so I've got no other choice.' "I guess I'll have to resort to this. My ultimate masterpiece. My most powerful explosion. Witness true art!" With that, Deidara's body started to swell in a non-uniform pattern.

"Neji what's happening?" Gai asked.

"It appears he's concentrating his chakra into one point in his body. He's going to blow himself up!" Neji said, Byakugan flaring.

"Let's get out of here!" Tenten yelled.

"No! You will witness my masterp—"

"Shut the fuck up." A hodded figure said, cutting of Deidara. Deidara's mouth opened and his body fell to his knees. When the body face planted, it revealed a kunai sticking out the base of the skull. "Damn he was annoying! But it was kind of funny! It inspires me to make my own art! Yo, Shik, drop a beat!" Another two ninja appeared. At this, the other four ninja looked puzzled. This ninja had defeated an S-Class criminal in less than a minute, and he was proceeding to make a song? Not only that, but there were two others dressed just like him. Then, one of the cloaked figures started to beat-box, and the first one was getting into a flow.

He opened his mouth to say a word, but then a loud, "WAIITTTT!" resounded throughout the forest.

Three more cloaked figures appeared, and one said, "Don't kill him yet, I – " and stopped once he saw the body. "Damn it man! I wanted a piece of him! His friend wasn't all of that!"

"Yeah, well you just threw me off my rhythm! I was just about to start spittin' and you ruined it!"

"Aww man we're sorry bro!"

Then, Sakura, Kakashi, and Lady Chiyo came in. Team Gai immediately rendezvoused with the other three and started speculating.

"Do you know who these guys are?" Tenten asked.

"Well, I know who the last three that you saw are. They are," Sakura began but was cut off when one of the hooded figures appeared in front of her and silenced her with a finger.

"Now, now, don't go spilling our secrets. We'll reveal ourselves when we fell the timing is perfect." With that he disappeared and reappeared next to his comrades. The remaining 7 just looked at the group in shock. They acted like they were the best of friends, brothers even. Laughing, beat-boxing, they looked like they knew exactly how to work together.

Then Deidara's killer started to rap.

"Okay, I'm in here so what's up now? Goin' in, so sit down!

N. U. and I'm so fly, and won't move, like tough crowd!

Twelve years I stuck out, got death threats, pushed down!

But how they 'posed to hurt a guy that been gone for so long!

Beat drop and I go in, spit so hard, you know it's me!

It fills me up and then I pour, this might go underneath your skin!

I promise man I'm on it, the showcase of my power!

Im'a get it in, no bullshit or pretend, bitches on me like flies, for real!"

"Ayyyyy! That's my boy man! Ever since you met Killer B, your spit has gone off the charts!" another cloaked figure said.

"I do my best!" the figure said cheekily.

"So do you think that we should reveal ourselves to them?"

"Sure. Why the hell not?"

"Can't wait to see the look on their faces!"

"You know it."

Turning to face the other six ninjas, the six in cloaks raised their hoods.

"What's up motherfuckers and motherfuckettes?" the blonde said.

"N-Naruto? Lee? Shikamaru? Choji? Kiba? Shino? Is it really you?" Tenten stuttered. She was the only one able to form a sentence. Everyone else was at a loss for words. Even the normally cool and collect Kakashi Hatake was shocked into silence.

"But-but…why? Why come all this way to save us?" Sakura asked Naruto.

Shikamaru answered instead, "Please flower-girl, don't flatter yourself. The only reason we saved you was because we wanted to kill an Akatsuki. But now that we think that all that hype about those guys was just bullshit. They couldn't even keep up with us."

Choji picked up where Shikamaru left off. "Yeah, the only reason why we're even coming back to the village is so that we can pick up some girls and leave. The last couple girls we've had didn't have the necessary…stamina to keep up with us." He said smirking.

Lee continued. "He's right. Each one of us has someone…special in mind," he finished looking at Tenten intently.

Tenten started to heat up, thinking, 'His stare. It's so sexy. So commanding. What am I thinking, I have to stop it! But I can't.' Her cheeks started to develop a hue of red.

Kiba took a sniff in the air. "Damn Lee! You move quick. She already want's you. What's with the Leaf village shinobi? As soon as you give one of 'em a stare, they fall to pieces."

Shino then loosened up and said, "Remember Tsunade when we said that we wanted to leave? The way she was struggling so hard to not strip and bend over the desk was hilarious!" He finished with a chuckle.

The other six's jaws just dropped.

"Yeah man!" Naruto joined in. "Oh, my god! That was so funny. Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up? You remember that hot redhead in the Land of Forests? She acted the same way as Tsunade! Aww, it sucked that we had to go. Why couldn't the daimyo just leave us alone? Sure all of us fucked his daughter over the course of a week, but it wasn't like it was rape. She agreed to it."

The other six's jaws hit the ground resoundingly.

"Uhh, not to distract you guys or anything, but Gaara may be dead." Sakura pointed to the clay bird.

"Shut the fuck up. He's not dead so we'll deal with that in a minute. There was also Haruna in the Land of Vegetables. She was a bit bitchy at first, but she wasn't so bad after a while." Naruto dismissed.

"Yeah, her ass wouldn't quit!" Choji agreed.

"Guys!" Neji said.

"Calm down, don't get your panties in a wad Hyuga!" Lee remarked.

Walking over to Gaara, the six just shot individual chakra bursts into his body, and Gaara's eyes opened.


"Sup, Gaara? Heard you've been made Kazekage."


"Well, good shit. Don't expect to be working with me anytime soon. I've given up on becoming Hokage. I've got all the respect I need with these guys," Naruto said, motioning to his five pseudo-brothers.

"Well, that's too bad. Can we get back to the village now?" Shikamaru asked irately.

"Hang on man, let's drop Gaara off. Plus, while we're there, maybe you can see Temari." Kiba suggested.

A smirk appeared on Shikamaru's face, and he said, "Can't wait to see how she'll react to me."