A/N Well here it is finally the sequel of East vs. West. Sorry it has taken so long, it was a very busy summer and looks to be a very busy fall as well. Hope you enjoy the Sequel and enjoy the ride along with me. Also I don't know a lot about Cali and have been asking people that I know there and researching some, so if something is wrong I am sorry and never mean to offend.
Special thanks to Belle 1228 for her suggestion for the title.
Eden's Pov
I sat on the plane still in my dress with full hair and makeup. My heart was shattered and tears continued to fill my eyes, but I would not allow them to fall, not here, not yet. I felt like such a fool, I had fallen right into Lester's trap and gave him all the ammunition to bury me. I had opened up and shared with him things I have never shared to anyone before. I never knew he was gathering information to use against me to win the stupid account. I've had my share of compition from other branches that offer the same things my office does, but never to the degree that Lester had carried it. He is exactly like those kids in high school who tortured me, no he is worse. Lester Santos got into my heart and broke down the walls I'd created around me. Words and taunts hurt, but at least they don't shatter you like Lester did.
When the plane landed in LAX I stepped off it and robotically made my way to the baggage claim. As I stood there in my heels and waited for my things a little girl with her family kept looking over and staring at me. Finally curiosity got the better of her and she tugged on my dress.
"Are you a movie star?" she asked me
"Hanna" her mother scolded her
"But mommy you said this is where the movie stars live and she's all dressed up and has sparkly earrings"
Tears filled my eyes as I thought how I felt by Lester. He at one time made me fill so special like a movie star. I sucked the tears back and wobbly knelt down to the little girls level.
"No, I'm not a movie star, I'm nobody" I told her and realized how true that statement was. Thank God at that moment the conveyer belt started to move and our bags from the flight began to ascend.
Grabbing my bags off the belt, I take my phone out of my clutch and call for a company car to come pick me up, one of the perks of where I work. As I waited for my phone to come on, I was assaulted with numerous missed calls and text messages when the screen came to life.
"I can't do this" I say knowing who they all belonged to. If not all from him then someone else close to him
Getting the car confirmed to pick me up, I waited and let the emotional and physical fatigue wash over me. My body feels like it is filled with lead and my mind is numb. I thank God that tomorrow is Sunday and before I restart my life, I have a day to hide away, wallow, and lick my wounds. Come Monday I will reemerge as if nothing happened these past two weeks and bury myself in work and forget about Lester and Trenton New Jersey.
The ringing of my phone snaps me out of my thoughts and I clench in panic thinking it could be another call from Lester. A whoosh of air escapes my lungs as I see it is from the car that I called for telling me it was there. Grabbing my bags, I wheel them and carry them out to the car and hand them off to the driver as I get into the back of the vehicle.
"Welcome back Ms. Burling ton" the familiar voice to me says
"Thanks Jim" I respond laying my head back and relaxing into the soft leather of the seat.
"Home?" he asked and I tell him yes and the rest of the ride is made in welcomed silence.
An hour later the car came to a stop and I look out the tinted windows and see the familiar face of my condo staring back at me, it is good to be home. Getting out of the car, I deeply inhale the ocean air and listen as the wave's crash on the beach across the street. The smells and the sounds are familiar and sooth the ache I had inside.
"Help you up the stairs?" Jim asked as he delivered my bags next to me on the sidewalk
"No thank you, I'll get them, thank you for coming out so late"
"No problem" he nods "Goodnight Ma'am"
I place my bag over my shoulder and grab the other two that were on wheels. I hoisted them up the flight of stairs to my front door; opening it the calming dark greeted me. The only noise in the house was the fridge running, the A/C, and my cat loudly meowing from somewhere in the room. I flipped on the light that was near the door and saw Sadie my Calico kittle running up and threading through my legs. I crouch down and said hello to my friend, my only friend that accepted me no matter if I was happy or sad or how I looked day to day. Tossing off my heels the weight of the night finally catches up to me and I sink to the floor as wracking cries pour out.
Lester's Pov
Finally it was time to board the plan that would allow me to get back to Eden. I laid my aching head back on the seat and listened as the engine came off and we began our decent down the runway. I placed my hand around my jaw and felt the deep bruise that was forming. It was lucky that Ranger hadn't broken my jaw. Sighing I closed my eyes and felt the plane lift off into the sky.
"Excuse me" I heard, but paid no mind
"Excuse me sir" I heard again and this time I felt a hand on my arm. When I turned my head a woman across the aisle was staring at me waiting.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help but notice that you're hurt. I saw how you sat down, you have a busted lip, busted up knuckles, and that eye your hiding is turning black under your glasses" she said and I placed my hand under my legs.
"I'm fine"
"You sure? You don't look like it and I could help you, I'm a nurse"
"I'm fine, I was looked after, after my accident" I told her wanting to just be quiet and think of Eden and how I was going to win her back.
"Well I'm Sandy and if you change your mind just let me know"
"Thank you" I told her and then laid back in my chair and closed my eyes. My head was pounding; Ranger had really worked me over pretty good, chewed me out, and then told me what the next six months of my life was going to be like. When I limped out of the gym Steph was leaning against the wall in in her dress from the party. I was surprised to see her because she couldn't take Ranger's idea of punishment and stayed away when he doled it out.
"Beautiful" I said not expecting her to say anything to me after what she believes I had done
"How could you Les?" she asked and I stopped walking and turned back to her "you know what she's been through and how she feels about herself"
"I know it's just a big mess. I didn't…" I said and she just held her hand up
"If you did or didn't, I don't care, it was still wrong. If you did it to win then that's just horrid, but if you didn't and hid your feelings about her that was wrong for lying" she said and my anger snapped. I wasn't angry at her, but it was all getting to be too much.
"You know what Steph; all of us here are liars. Everyone here especially Ranger has lied and pretended to get info out of others. That is just what we do, we use anything and everything to get what we need" I tell her.
"The difference Les is the ones that you've done that to was a matter of national security, Eden was a woman from LA not a threat to you and who also fell in love with you" she said and walked into the gym leaving me behind to stew.
"I didn't do it, I love her" I said to the closing door. I turned and made my way to my room where I counted down the hours that I could leave and go to Eden.
Once the plane landed and I had procured my rental truck, I punched in Eden's info that Ranger had gotten for me. When I parked across the street of the rows of condos, I sat there and scanned over the one that belonged to Eden. Getting out, I ran across the street and stood on the sidewalk taking a look around of my new environment. You would think coming all the way from the East coast to the West, I would be like a fish out of water as I looked over the palm tree lined street, but I wasn't. In my life I have been too far more "exotic" locations and traveled more than most people ever had so I can easily adapt to my surroundings.
Running up the flight of stairs, I looked over Eden's door. Her door was like any other door you would find on any other place, but I just needed a moment to collect myself and brace for the reaction when she opened the door and found me. I lifted my hand and knocked steeling myself for the door to open, after a minute of nothing I knocked again.
"Eden" I called when I heard noting coming from the other side of the door
"Smooth Les, she hears you she will never come to the door" I said to myself as I waited. After a few more minutes I knocked again. A door did finally open, but it wasn't Eden's, it was her across the way neighbor.
"Guess she's not home" I say to the woman who was watching me. I made a decision to leave before the woman called the police. I have to remind myself if how Eden said she lived. She wouldn't have men coming and pounding on her door. As I jogged down the steps and ran back across the street to my truck, I was mentally planning to check into my hotel and figure out my next move. As I neared to the truck I caught a figure sitting alone on the beach. Something told me to check it out and when I did I saw it was a woman sitting on the sand with a floral fringed wrap around her. The wind blew the tiny strings around. What made my heart stop was when I noticed the long blond curls that also were picked up by the wind. As I approached a little more I knew.
"Eden" I whispered watching her