Chapter 7 The Task Force
Goliath's POV
"My love the doctor said take it easy for a few days." I restated what the doctor had said.
"I know Big Guy. I love you too." Elisa said as we walked into our tower.
"Lie down and I will be back in a few minutes. Bronx stay with Elisa." I said and Bronx barked and lied down next to Elisa.
"I'll be fine Goliath, I have the best guard dog. Right Bronx." Elisa said and Bronx barked in agreement. Then I kissed Elisa and left the tower.
"Lexington I want you to call Captain Chavez. Brooklyn I want you to go and get Talon, Broadway, Angela, I want you two to go and get David and Diane Maza and bring them here." I said. "Hudson I want you to tell Xanatos and Fox to meet Elisa and I in our tower when everyone get's here."
"Aye lad." Hudson said as he left to tell Xanatos and Fox.
"What is this about, father?" Angela asked.
"You will find out when everyone gets here." I said. "Now go."
"I told them lad." Hudson said as he returned.
"Hudson go and get Matt as well. I must return to Elisa." I said as I went back to Elisa.
Elisa's POV
Goliath walked into to our tower with a loving smile on his face.
"Where did you send everyone?" I asked, returning the loving smile.
"We are going after Castaway. I sent the others to get Talon, Matt, Chavez and some of our other friends." Goliath said. "We won't give up until Castaway is back in jail where he belongs."
"Am I included in this? Because I want a piece of Castaway myself." I said.
"In a few days when your shoulder is healed up enough, I might let you help but as long as you promise you won't do anything to endanger your life or our child's." Goliath said as he put a talon on my stomach in a protective fashion.
"Alright, I promise." I said as I duped his face in my hands and leaned up and gave him a deep passionate kiss. After that we kissed for several hours and then Angela came in with everyone following behind her.
Goliath's POV
"Welcome everyone." I said.
"What is going on Goliath, what is this about?" Chavez asked.
"Castaway, being on the lose is a danger to Elisa and our unborn child." I said in a stern voice.
"So this has to do with finding Castaway." Matt said.
"Yes." I replied.
"A joint operation, the clan, Xanatos, Derek and the police." Elisa cut in.
"Exactly my love. We all form a force." I said.
"You mean a task force with the soul purpose of arresting Castaway." David Maza cut in.
"That and insuring Elisa's safety." I added.
"This is a great idea. What do you think miss Yale?" Diane said.
"Alright. Everyone here will be a part of the task force and provide Elisa with protection during the day. I have to get back to my office and clear this with the police commissioner." Margret Yale said as she rushed off.
We set around and discussed ways to track down Castaway, and shared leads on him for an hour and waited for Yale to call.
"Miss Yale just called and this task force is a go. We have full permission to go after Castaway." Owen said as he walked out to tell us the news.
"Goliath, since this is your clan you call the shots. I'll call the shots during the day." Chavez said.
"Alright. We'll all split up and search the Quarrymen's old meeting places for clues. Fox, Owen stay with Alex, Xanatos you come with me, Angela, you and Bronx stay with Elisa." I said.
Everyone nodded and then Elisa walked up to me.
"You be careful." Elisa said as she pulled my face down with one arm and kissed me. "Xanatos, watch his back." Elisa said after we separated. "If anything happens to him. I will rip your head off."
"Got it Elisa." Xanatos said with a gulp as he cowered behind Broadway.
"The mode swings have already started. The Doctor said since the child is half gargoyle the mode swings would start early on." I said as Xanatos returned with his gargoyle exo-suit and then we all headed off.
Hope you like this chapter?
I know it is short but I wanted to continue it in the next chapter.
The hunt for Castaway will follow through Elisa's pregnancy. The ninth chapter will be a time skip to the last few days of Elisa's pregnancy and the birth of Elisa and Goliath's perfect Hybrid son Solo Maza. There will be a big fight sequence in that chapter.
You will all have to wait and see.
If I wrote all of the months of Elisa's Pregnancy I would put my readers to sleep. There is a reason this is a novel like story and there will be others based on it.
Wait until you see what I have in mind for the next chapter?