Just a little something I thought I'd post for fun :D I hope you guys don't hate this too much, ahaha.
Name: Rick Grimes (rick_rulez)
Occupation: Ricktator
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Hobbies: Stuff and thangs. Shooting up walkers and random guys I meet in bars. I dabble in the occasional rapping, let me know if you want a sample of my latest song "He Said He Would Leave Us Alone If I Gave Him Michonne".
About Me: I used to be a cop before the world went to shit, and I am recently widowed. I have two kids, Carl and Judith. One of them hates me, and the other one may or may not be my kid. Yep.
What I'm Looking For: I'm a guy who likes to take control, but when it comes to a relationship I want a woman with a bit of fire.
Favorite Quotation(s): "This isn't a democracy anymore." - Me
katanagirl101: Hey there Officer ;D You still got a pair of handcuffs with you?
rick_rulez: Wouldn't you like to know ;)
katanagirl101: Yum I just looked at your profile pic and you can arrest me any day!
rick_rulez: Maybe I could frisk you?
carrrl: Wtf dad, why are you on a dating website?
rick_rulez: Carl? Why are you on a dating website?
carrrl: Couldn't wait for Beth forever now could I? I'm gonna be fourteen soon, I need a woman in my life.
katanagirl101: Ummmm Carl no offence but I'm trying to hook up with your dad here, stop cutting in.
rick_rulez: Carl, you are too young to be thinking of that kind of stuff! katanagirl101 - I like a woman who's straightforward ;D
carrrl: Shut up Dad, you can't tell me what to do! Wtf Michonne your cell is right next to his, just get a room you two and stop sullying my virgin eyes!
rick_rulez: Michonne?!
katanagirl101: ...I have no idea what you're talking about. But anyways, what woman could resist your dad? He's just too damned gorgeous. But I'm not Michonne..ahem.
rick_rulez: That's a shame because I just kicked Glenn and Maggie out the guard tower.
katanagirl101: I'll be there in five. Carl, you think you could let your dad borrow that hat for a little while?
Private Messages
Group Conversation: Rick Grimes (rick_rulez), Glenn Rhee (walkerbait) and Daryl Dixon (crossbow).
rick_rulez: OMG guys I have a 'date' with Michonne in the guard tower in a few mins and I'm freaking out.
walkerbait: That's why you kicked Maggie and me out? Fuck you!
crossbow: Lol someone's gonna be doing that pretty soon by the sounds of it..anyway Glenn why are you still on this site, you're almost getting married!
walkerbait: How else am I meant to keep up with the gossip? Anyway you can't talk, you and Carol are always together.
crossbow: You leave Carol out of this!
rick_rulez: Guys, you're shit at advice.
crossbow: That's what we do, man.
rick_rulez and katanagirl101 went on a date in the guard tower.
Dater's Response:
katanagirl101: My, my, my.
rick_rulez: Still. Out. Of. Breath.
katanagirl101: Same time tomorrow?
rick_rulez: Just holler.
I might post more after this providing you didn't hate this too much haha :D I know it was short but I'll be revisiting Rick's profile soon as well as introducing other character's dating profiles. Thanks for reading!