Disclaimer: I own nothing! Harry Potter, all characters mentioned in this story are the property of the great J.K. Rowling

A.N.: I haven't written D/Hr or anything for that matter in like seven years. I just took up reading fan fiction again early this year and reaized that my 14 year HP addiction has not wavered. Also, my original OTP D/Hr that has always been the center of my drabbles will also be the center of this story. I have never finished any of my fanfictions and I want this to be the first I ever finish. It will be a really short one though. Enjoy! R and R.


The first time she saw him (In the metaphorical sense) was during the war.

There were voices all around, cries of anguish and triumph all meshed together in a cacophony of chaos. But she felt as if she were far away from all that as a strange warmth enveloped her.

What she felt was not unlike the feeling you get when you start a good dream, like the feeling of a good meal after a week of starving, or the feeling of a tight embrace from a loved one. She welcomed it… but then, as she willed herself to drift to the blissful unconsciousness it seemed that the voices grew louder.

It wasn't only the voices that were pulling her from her slumber; there was pain as well… a strange crushing pain as if she bore something on her chest. She shifted uncomfortably and found that she could not move. There was also something strange she felt on her face. Some sort of sticky liquid was dripping onto the space between her eyes. Her face felt slick with the unknown liquid.

She scrunched her nose and opened her eyes.

She saw blue. And red… a lot of red.

Blue glassy dead eyes stared at her from bloody sockets.

The pain in her chest was from the weight of a couple of dead bodies piled up on her, and she was now face to face with what seemed to have been Susan Bones. With all the blood it was hard to tell…

It took everything in her not to scream.

She suddenly remembered where she was. Muggle London, off with a number of women from the Order to gather supplies to bring back to headquarters when they were intercepted by a band of deatheaters that cornered them in the quiet suburban park as they were on their way home. They were outnumbered and outdueled and she silently cursed herself for not ensuring that the disillusionment charms were recasted after they wore off as they neared headquarters.

She wondered to herself as the blood from Susan's head ran down her face if she was the only one left alive. A tear slipped down her cheek as she realized how the Order would grieve tonight yet again.

After a while, the noise died down and she shivered in the stillness. No more curses flew in the air and all she could hear were the footsteps of the murderers who slew her friends. She clenched her fists… How could they be so heartless?

She looked to her sides and could not spot her wand… or any wand for that matter. A summoning spell would be too risky if she were to be heard. With her heart thumping in her chest, she decided to stay still and wait for them to leave.

At that moment Susan's body was pushed off her and she found herself looking at steely grey eyes through a mask. She froze.

She knew there were only two possible people who had those eyes.

She stared for a moment in speechless shock until she saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes. She had half hoped that all the blood and grime masked her identity.

"Everything alright there Malfoy?" someone called from afar.

Her head was throbbing and she could swear her heart had jumped up into her throat. On any other regular day she would not hesitate to curse the man standing over her or hit him senseless with anything she could get her hands on. But today was different. She was wandless, pinned down by dead bodies, surrounded by enemies and possibly injured to an unknown extent. She seriously felt like she was staring death right in the face.

"Yes," his voice was strained; bordering on fear and doubt. Her eyes widened in shock as the body of Susan Bones was dragged over her face concealing her identity. "Just a useless bitch from the Order…all dead like the others" he said as he walked away with the other deatheaters.

She breathed in sharply.

Her mind rang with questions.

Had she just been spared?

She decided ultimately as she summoned her wand and slipped out from under the fallen that that was the day hated him the most.

Because that was the day she found she was wrong about him. And she was never wrong.