As I'm sure is obvious, my holiday has been ruined indefinitely. All I can think about is what Isobelle and Scorpius did, and how they are horrible, soulless people for it. They're careless. And it's Dad's fault. No matter what he says, I can tell he thinks his money and name has put him, and his children above everyone and everything else, including the law. I hate them all, and I hate that they've brought me down with them.
I've been in solitude the past two weeks. I'm not stupid enough to invite any of my friends over. Because of Scorpius, I never got to go to dinner with Lorcan's family. I can't even be with him. He got what he wanted, and I didn't. I don't even feel bad that he has to marry Daisy now. They deserve each other.
Violent knocks on my door jar me out of my thoughts. I get up to answer. I frown immediately. Isobelle. She stands before me, her long hair braided over her shoulder and adorned with golden twine. She wears one of her velvet cloaks over her robes. Hopefully she leaves and doesn't return. I notice she's holding an extensive catalogue in her hand.
"Get out."
Isobelle purses her lips. "I'm in the hallway, Rose," she says smartly.
I suppose she has a point. I try to shut the door, but Isobelle sticks her foot in the way. "I need to know where Mum is. I need her to watch Delphine while I go shopping."
I have never met anyone in my life who deserves a child less than Isobelle.
"Any respectable mother would take their child with them," Inform her, disgruntled.
"She slows me down," Isobelle says simply. "I'd like to go and come back without her putting her hands all over things. I'd also like to buy her some surprises as well."
It disgusts me that Isobelle thinks dolls and games and robes are a perfect substitue for her parenting Delphine. It also bothers me she insists on being so adamant about her parenting, yet she'll dump Delphine onto Mum or I whenever she has something more important to do.
Isobelle looks at me expectantly, ignoring the elephant in the room. Ignoring completely that if I utter to anyone that she killed her own husband, I'll die. But, I don't know what I'm expecting. I know she couldn't care any less. She walks all over everyone in this family, like we're all here to grant her every wish. She's been catered to because ad spoiled her, and I know Mum and Dad will always be guilty about what they did to her. But that's long gone, and that's no longer an excuse for Isobelle's overwhelming immaturity.
"I don't know where she is."
Isobelle looks frustrated. "Could you watch her? You've nothing to do," Isobelle says plainly.
She's always thought herself more important than me. And she's always gotten more attention than me. I don't see why. She's done nothing noteworthy other than manage to grow up to be good-looking. Yet, she's been showered with affection and attention, meanwhile I've always lived in her shadow. It irritates me that it's for no good reason at all.
I decide not to argue. Delphine's safer outside of Isobelle's hands. Between her alcoholism and her carelessness, it's a wonder Delphine's going to be able to celebrate her fifth birthday. About a year ago, we were all shocked when Simon Flooed us from St. Mungo's. He'd come home to find Delphine completely unconscious in the bathtub, and Isobelle passed out in her bed, piss drunk. I've never been able to look at her as the same human being since.
"Sure," I reply bitterly.
Isobelle smiles at me. "I knew we could get along," she says joyously. "Don't let her have any sweets at lunch, or else she won't take her nap. Also, make sure she reads to you before she plays. And it wouldn't hurt for her to practice her penmanship..." Isobelle adds. She always insists on having others do for Delphine what she herself would never do.
"Fine," I mutter.
Isobelle scrutinizes me for a long while. "It won't be such a hard secret to keep," she says finally. "After all, you're quite good at keeping secrets, aren't you?"
I hate her. She always makes snide comments, and does little things to show just how nasty her personality truly is.
"I don't have much of a choice," I remind her.
"Now you see how I feel," Isobelle nods understandingly. She rests her free hand on her stomach. I still don't understand how she can carry Teddy's children and not feel the slightest guilty. I feel like a horrible person for knowing I wouldn't be the least bit sad if she had a miscarriage.
Mum's asked me to help her in the kitchen for dinner. I know it has an ulterior motive, just as everything she and Dad do these days does. It's hard for me to look at her without feeling guilty. We've put her all through so much stress. She isn't at all the person I've heard about from so many other people.
Mum turns on the oven and freezes as if she's just remembered something.
"Be careful, Rose. You don't want to overstir," Mum says absentmindedly.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Once you're done, cover it and put it in the fridge. Your father and I are spending the rest of Holiday apart," she says, as if the complete change of subject is no matter.
I stop and look up at her, spoon in hand. I can't say I'm upset, just confused. It always seemed as if Mum condoned Dad's behavior. Even though they argue about it, she always let him have his way in the end.
"What?" I ask.
Mum sighs. "I can't put up with this any longer. He's completely lost and stubborn, and it's not healthy for any of us. I've tried to talk to him about it, but I truly saw on Christmas Night there isn't any getting through to him. I can't watch him treat Scorpius and Isobelle the way he does. I tried to understand, but I can't any longer."
I wish I could have a conversation with Mum and discuss her feelings. But we both know so much of what we feel has no words to truly capture it.
"Where are you going to go?" I ask. I don't know why that matters, but I have nothing else to say.
"Our old house," Mum answers. "Draco paid it off years ago, and we never sold it."
I can barely remember growing up there. I can barely remember anything from my life before it was so messy.
"Do Hugo and Nina know?" I ask. Hugo gets on very well with Dad, and I can't imagine him taking the news well. Even so, he's not an idiot. He knows just like the rest of us there's tension in the home.
Mum nods. "I told Hugo. I'll probably tell Nina after dinner, once she returns home from her friends' house." Nina's equally close to Mum and Dad. Hopefully she realizes the situation requires her to be mature and she'll handle it well.
"That's probably best."
Mum gives me an earnest look. I've heard my entire life how much I look just like her. And I do. We have the same, curly thick hair and swarthy skin. Despite her obvious frustration and worry, Mum's eyes still manage to remain very kind.
"I want the three of you to come with me. Especially you, Rose," Mum says seriously.
I expected her to say this but it still puts a shiver through my chest. I don't object. Of course, I'll willingly leave this place. What worries me, though, is what this means for our family. Mum is deliberately reconstructing a wall she spent years trying to knock down. But I think, after twelve long years, she's finally accepting what has always been true, Nina, Hugo and I just aren't Draco's children.
Only, she doesn't know I know about Nina.
Won't Dad want Nina to stay with him?" I ask, wanting to see how she'll respond. "I mean, he has just as much right to keep her with him."
Mum gives me another serious look. "Rose, Draco isn't Georgina's father," Mum admits, skipping the preamble. "We thought it would be better- well, it doesn't quite matter anymore what we thought." Mum shakes her head like she thinks she's stupid.
I don't know how to react. I know I'm being too calm, but I've known since I was Nina's age. "Isobelle is your daughter," I remind her. I'd hate for Mum to have ripped our family apart over Isobelle only for her to just now decide to change her mind about everything.
"She does what she wants," Mum says simply. "I've tried to get her help, and speak to her, and make her understand, but she's just like Draco. And I don't want that to ruin any of you," Mum explains. Finally, she's admitting what a destructive monster Isobelle is. If only she knew what I knew.
Mum busies herself with cooking again. "I've spoken to Harry about it, and he thinks it's not a bad idea. I've now realized that, as strange as it sounds, Draco doesn't treat his children like people. He won't give them any sort of independence and he forces them to be people they aren't. At the very heart of things, I think that's what's droven Isobelle mad," she admits.
I believe her. Isobelle is more caught up in living a plush, pureblood lifestyle than anyone I know. She'd always somewhat been that way, but it got even worse once Dad all but shoved her into marriage with Simon. Her not being much liked by his family and peers only made her want to try even harder. I just wish she'd realize she's not a pureblood and can't ever be. She's so shallow.
Mum purses her lips. "I love Draco, but I'm at my limit. I think this separation will be permanent if he can't learn to change," she tells me. I think it's long overdue. I also think Mum marrying him was nothing more than a rash decision. We would have been fine without him, or Scorpius, and especially without Isobelle.
"And the fact of him blaming you for whatever happened with Scorpius... I just know it isn't true." I cringe and hope she doesn't elaborate. The dismally slim chance of a relationship with Scorpius disappeared once I found out what he helped Isobelle do to Simon.
She oven timer goes off and Mum uses her wand to tak out a batch of Delphine's favorite cookies. Only when I turn to look at her do I realize she's been wiping tears.
"I'm so sorry, all of you," Mum apologizes. "I'm responsible for all of this, and I wish there was another way to fix it, but this is what I think is best to do."
I want to tell my mum not to cry, but I just stand there and nod absentmindedly. She's completely correct. We need to remove ourselves from the toxicity of the Malfoys.
Mum left with her children, minus Isobelle, yesterday morning. None of them seemed particularly sad to go. I do think it abandonment for her to just leave me here with my father, who's been in a terrible mood since she left. I can't say I have any sympathy for him though, seeing as he pushed her to do it. Hell, if I'd been invited, I would have upped and left as well.
However, he has been treating me less harsh than he was previously, and I don't know the reason for it. Perhaps, he truly is grateful I helped Isobelle to kill Simon. I'm not sure. His emotions are never clear. I know where I get that from.
He has, however, noticed my hopeless attitude. I've now agreed to marry Daisy, despite not at all wanting to. But agreeing to it at this point is much easier than fighting the inevitable. I'll never forgive Dad, though, for what he knowingly did to me. I'll also never forgive him for being the biggest hypocrite I know. He's perfectly welcome to make whatever decisions he chooses, but I'm subject to follow the path he made for me. And, honestly, I deserve more freedom considering I haven't yet managed to have a child out of wedlock with someone my family wholeheartedly hates.
Dad walks into the study and sees me sitting with a book. He's been quiet since Mum left. I supposed it's always a blow to his ego when he's reminded he's not as invincible as he believes. I don't look up, deciding instead to pretend to ignore him.
He sits in the chair opposite me. I'm not particularly fond of having a conversation with him now. "Scorpius," Dad says, his voice gravelly.
Reluctantly, I lookk up. "Need me to do more of your bidding?" I question bitterly, looking back down.
I can see Dad shake his head and pause, as if he expected to hear a comment like that. "No, none of it actually. I know you aren't happy," he says simply.
"I've turned into my father, something I promised myself I'd ever do," he tells me. In my opinion, Dad's far worse than Grandfather. At least Grandfather knows and excepts how he is. "I'm forcing you to do something that won't make you happy. And for what?" I hope he's talking to himself. If not, he's telling me what I already know.
"For our public image," I answer for him. "It's certainly not because you love me."
"Don't say that," Dad says sharply. "I want you to have a secure future, and I don't want you to be shunned."
I close my book. "Marrying Daisy isn't the only way to fix that," I inform him. "I'm not you, and no one's ever looked at me as such. I don't want to be respected for a marriage. I want to be respected for who I am, and my capability in my career."
Dad nods. "I suppose I've always known this wasn't the way to solve anything," Dad admits. "But I thought it would help, especially Daisy being Blaise's daughter."
"Dad, she's completely-"
"I'm not as blind as you think. I know exactly how she is. But Blaise believed a marriage would get her into shape, and I honestly believed the same for you as well. But now, seeing how you helped Isobelle has made me realize you don't need this marriage to become a man, you already are one."
I'm not sure if Dad's saying what he thinks. If I've learned anything, it's not to hold onto a slim chance of hope.
Daisy sits with me in the sitting room. I was rather surprised he called this meeting. I suppose with Mum and her children gone, and with Isobelle in her own world, the only person he has left is me, and he'd like to be on good terms.
Daisy looks at me for the first time. I'll never not be entranced by her beauty, but I know I'm nowhere near to being in love with her. "What do you think our fathers are talking about?" she asks with a bored expression. I shrug, although I do know. "Probably how disgusting you've been to me."
She twists her engagement ring. "You need to get it together. In a couple months we'll be married."
Hopefully we won't be.
The door opens, and Blaise follows my father into the sitting room. Daisy smiles at both of them. The deceitful bitch.
"I trust you know what this is about," Blaise says to Daisy.
She shakes her head. "No, father, what? Are we moving the wedding again?" she asks dutifully.
He doesn't know how to say to her there may not be a wedding. "Scorpius no longer wants the marriage," Blaise informs her.
Daisy wheels around to face me. "What?" she screeches, a confused expression befalling her face. She's known I don't want to marry her. Only, she thought she'd get her way.
"We don't love each other," I say calmly. "In fact, we don't even get along."
"That's a lie!" Daisy hisses. "I love you!"
"You don't," I shake my head. "We always argue, and you've been sleeping with so many other people, including my friends."
Blaise gives Daisy a hard expression. Dad raises his eyebrows.
"Daisy, your mother and I told you-"
"That's a lie, father!" Daisy snaps. We all know it couldn't be closer to the truth.
"You have a reputation," I inform her. "I can't have a wife who almost every pureblood in our year has shared a bed with. That isn't fair to me, and that's grounds for me to not marry you."
"You've cheated on me too!" Daisy all but screams. I have. Of course I have. But not nearly with so many people.
"The entire school doesn't know about it," I remind her. "And you're just plain cruel. You're horrible to Isobelle, and Albus, and especially to Rose. Those are all people who are very close to me, and I don't like feeling like I've got to take sides with them. I've had enough."
Daisy looks as if she wants to slap me. Blaise looks at Dad apologetically. They've been best friends for a while now. He helped him to raise Isobelle, and I'm sure neither or them ever thought it would come to this. It isn't necessarily Blaise's fault his daughter escaped from the pits of hell.
"He can't do this," Daisy says resolutely. "You can't just refuse to marry me! We've been engaged for five years! You can't just break it off because you're nervous!"
I don't think I sound at all nervous to be rid of her. I'm nervous about my future if I don't end things with Daisy.
"Father!" Daisy whines. "What about the money we've given them? And I've already picked out my robes, and flowers, and-" Daisy's lower lip quivers. If I didn't know she was so manipulative, I'd almost feel bad for her.
"You can have your money back, Daisy," Dad assures the both of them. "But I do agree with Scorpius. This engagement has done damage to them both-"
"You aren't just going to let this happen!" Daisy sneers, looking for Blaise to do something. I'm not sure which he values more- his friendship with Dad or Daisy's happiness. Either way, from his bored expression I know he's fully aware Daisy's nothing more than a selfish, spoiled little brat.
"Daisy-" Blaise starts.
"Think of the bad press! And how am I going to find a husband on short notice? You made me wait for Scorpius! I could have been married! And now what?"
"She has a point, Draco," Blaise relents. "We've invested a lot into this marriage, and I can understand Scorpius' feelings, but Daisy shouldn't be left emptyhanded."
I clear my throat. Perhaps Daisy should have thought of that before she decided to act like an impossible bint. "I'm sorry, but Daisy expressed to me numerous times how she was disinterested in marrying me, so I believe it would be better for both of us if we just called it off," I explain. "Neither of us were happy with the other. She's good-looking, I'm sure she can find another husband."
"I don't want another husband!" Daisy shouts, throwing a tantrum. "No one else is going to marry me, especially knowing that you didn't even want me! You're going to marry me!" Daisy jabs her finger into my chest, and it takes all my composure to restrain myself.
"Daisy," Blaise chides boredly. He looks more frustrated at the fact that he's going to have to find someone else for her to marry. Her dismal lack of charm is going to make that much more difficult for her.
"Stop telling me how to feel, father!" Daisy screams. "I didn't repeat another year of school for no reason! Just a week ago, Mr. Malfoy said he had to marry me! You said he has to!"
Dad's nostrils flare, finally understanding just how migraine-inducing Daisy's shrill voice is. "I've expected quite a lot from Scorpius, too much, actually," Dad admits. "And I demanded that of him out of anger. My feelings about it are much different now. In fact-"
"Oh, shut up!" Daisy shouts. I'm surprised when Dad stops speaking, probably in shock over Daisy's bold attitude. She's only behaving as normal. "I've had enough of you men, telling me what to do! Clearly, none of you know what the fuck you're doing!"
"Daisy Callista Zabini-"
"Father, make Scorpius marry me!" Daisy orders. She can't be serious. She's acting as if she's Delphine's age. "You're a lawyer, figure something out! Figure it out!"
Dad looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Is she finished, Blaise? I have a meeting later today, and I can't be late."
Blaise looks rather annoyed at how insensitive Dad's being. But really, Daisy's hysterics are doing nothing but wasting all of our time.
Daisy narrows her golden eyes at me, giving me a look of pure hatred. "Is this what you wanted?" she demands. It's exactly what I wanted. "Good luck finding anyone else to marry you. You're soft, and you can't do what needs to be done, and this is perfect proof! You're an embarrassment!"
"You aren't going to insult my son in my home," Dad says calmly.
Daisy rolls her eyes and laughs. "I don't need to. He insults himself! He's weak! And I'd be stuck being led by you! Knowing you, you're too stubborn to do everyone a favor and drop dead like Isobelle's husband!"
"Watch your mouth!" I shout, utterly and thoroughly fed up with Daisy. She smiles as she does whenever she manages to upset me.
"Oh, look at you," she drawls. "Shouting at a woman. I didn't think you could be any more of a coward."
I decide to ignore her comment. "I can't marry her, Uncle Blaise. That's exactly what I mean. She's spoken to me this way for years, and I refuse to put up with it. I refuse."
Blaise inhales deeply. "We'll review our contract, Draco," he says hotly, looking as if he wants to strangle his daughter. "And I apologize for my daughter's lack of restraint."
I can't help but hold in a smile at the thought my engagement may be over. It's sad it takes Dad's life falling apart to whip him into shape, but I suppose it's better late than never.