Stolen bread tastes very good at first,

but later it is like sand between your teeth.

Marvellous! I had to wait five years, but now the boy is breaking, slowly. Jealousy, one of the most lovely of the seven sins, and how well it fitted with his bright green eyes. Even thought his eyes are almost devoided of al feelings, I can still see the anger and the jealousy. I must say that I have never seen anything quit like it.

The only thing I need now, are those three little words, and then I can continue. Dragging Harry down into the darkness, is not easy. The boy is a pillar of light, always doing what is good. I had to watch him save people for the past five years.

In his very first year the boy stupidly went after Voldemort, which I was a part of, before becoming a shadow in Harry his mind and body. I never thought a child could be that oblivious to danger. First years, with barely any knowledge of magic and spells, going after the most dangerous Dark wizard of the age. Of course none of them knew they were actually going after Voldemort. There was nothing I could do. I could not expose myself to Voldemort. If the wizard knew who and what was hiding in Harry his body, he would have taken the boy away from me.

I was only able to guide him in his mind, protect hem from most of the magic. But all the rest was up to him. He managed quit well, but I still do not see the temptation of foolish bravery.

The boy his second year was actually the only year that Harry was relatively save. I managed to snatch away the diary, before the foolish girl could lay her hands on his. A filthy little bloodtraitor should not touch my diary! And I can not let Harry find out about my true heritage, not yet anyway. The chamber of secrets will be opened again, but only when I say so.

In order for Harry to trust me, I had to save his idiotic brave godfather. It was rather easy, even though the rat escaped. One day I will find Peter Pettigrew, and kill him, with magic of course. I refuse to touch such an soiled creature, not even when my life depends on it.

Last year was mostly annoying. Protecting a fourteen year old child from magic, he has never seen, and a deatheaters and Voldemort, was not easy. Especially because fourteen year old boys tend to have a mind of their own. I have little patience for children. But seeing how my future depends on Harry, I have no choice but to listen to him.

For the time being my dearest Harry is my master, until I can turn the tables around. Round one has just started. One more step, and I will be the master of this game.

For the first time, since...well ever, the boy is being selfish. Harry never wants anything for himself, he always puts others above him, but I am going to change that. Mark my words, I will make his soul as dark as mine.

"Whatever you want, my Love, I will give it to you." I tell him in the tongue of the snakes. Parselmagic is rather strong, and my dear Harry gets infected by it quit easily. "Just tell me what to do. I am your shadow."

Without the command, al my work will be for naught. I can give him, what he wants, but the magic will not take any effect, and the boy will remain pure. My freedom, and my strength depend on him.

Oh, How I loath to be depending on anyone.

He looks into my eyes. His face is so close to mine, that I can feel his warm breath on my skin. His lips part, a soft sounds passes them, before he finally speaks. "I want it, Tom." He whispers. "I want what he has stolen. It is suppose to be mine, right?"

"Yes, Ronald Weasley stole it from you." I whisper back. I waited for five years, an other few minutes will not kill me.

"Then I want it back." Harry reaches for me. His soft fingers brush my hair. "Go and get it for me."

Finally! I can not help myself, I smile, and I know it is all but pleasant, but the boy does not seem to take any notice of it. "Of course, dearest." I trace my fingers to his unruly hair. "Go to sleep."

His eyes close, he is unable to resist my commands. There is nothing anyone can do, the shadow of my souls is deeply connected to the soul of the Golden Hero. Not even Dumbledore can separate us now.

I bring Harry back to the Gryffindor tower. Nobody ever notices the shadow passing by the corner of their eye. Foolish humans, I could kill them all, and they would not know what hit them.

Getting rid of the red-headed blood traitor is no going to be that hard, neither is taking the badge. Getting him somewhere secluded is probably going to be the hardest part. How hard can it be for a charismatic person like me, to convince an idiot like that? I smile yet again. The person, who can resist my charm, is yet to be born.

And there he is. My prey. It is hard not to start laughing, knowing they will hear me, even if I am but a shadow. I cast he imperiuscurse wandless, it is that easy when you are as powerful as I am. And Harry will not notice if I take some of his strength, after all we are bound to one another.

I transfer my commands to his mind. Go to the astronomy-tower, and make sure you are not seen by any.

The foolish red-head opens his eyes and gets up. None of the other boys stir. I realise the commonroom is not yet empty, but it will be fun to see how Weasley gets pas them, without being noted. Getting rid of him does not mean I can not get any pleasure out of this.

Weasley grabs his wand and gets out of the dormitory. It is surprising how smart people become, when they are under the imperiuscurse. The red-head just creates a diversion, by make releasing a lot of smoke. No one sees him leaving the commonroom, with me in his wake.

The trip to the astronomy-tower goes rather well, and soon we arrive. The shadows around me evaporate, like water before the sun. With a swift motion of my hand, the door closes and locks. Then I turn my attention towards Weasley. I end the imperiuscurse.

The boy's eyes become focused again. He looks around the room in confusion, before resting his eyes on me. I simply smile.

"Who are you? What am I doing here?"

"Who am I?" I ask. "That is rather hard to explain. My name is Tom Riddle, but that will not do you any good. As for your other question, you are here, because Harry wanted you here." Well not specifically here, and not even in this situation, but that did not matter. This was going to be the end of Ronald Weasley

"What? Where's he?" The boy comes towards me, grabbing the collar of my cloak. "What have you done to him, you slimy bastard."

"Please take your filthy paws of me." I easily escape his grasp by using my state of being. The idiot looks at me surprised. "I did not do anything to Harry, as a matter of fact he ordered me to do this. He is save and sound in his bed. I would appreciate it if you do not speak his name, you are not worthy of his friendship."

"You can't decide that!" The red-head counters rather viciously. "Harry is my best mate. Whatever you've done to him, you will pay. Dumbledore..."

"Dumbledore is a fool." I spit. "He does not care for Harry, he only cares for his own agenda." As do I, but the Weasley does not need to know that. I do care for Harry in a certain way, I want him for my own. He is mine, my possession. And I am going to make sure no one takes him away from me.

"Now..." I step closer to the foolish little Gryffindor. "There is something you got, that Harry wants. It is rightfully his, you have no right to claim it for your own."

I extent my hand to him, opening my palm. "The badge please."

"Badge?" Now Weasley is dumbfounded. "You mean the prefectsbadge?"

"No, I mean the badge that makes you king of the world." I role my eyes, impatient now. "Of course I mean the prefectsbadge, you idiot." There was no use in charming Ronald, he was to much of an idiot to fall for it. I doubt he would even notices if someone was trying to charm him.


Really how stupid can this boy be? He is getting on my nerves, I want to get past this and go back to Harry. Having a intelligent conversation with this baboon was impossible. However it does not surprise me that Harry is so much more mature then his red-headed friend is. I have been in the seem position as Harry has. We needed to grow up rather fast, in order to survive in this world, make something of ourselves.

"Because it belongs to Harry, like I told you. He asked me to take it back from you." I am growing really impatient now.

"Harry would never say that." The red-head remarks. "He said it was mine, that Dumbledore gave it to me."

"Do you even listen to anything I say?" I ask. "Dumbledore is a fool!"

"You're lying."

That is it! There is no way to reason with this boy. And I am done trying. I usually have a lot of patience, to complete my goals, but with Weasley patience is just wasted. In my life, I have met al lot of idiots, among my followers, and among my enemies, but no one has ever gotten on my nerves, like Weasley is managing right now.

Without actually thinking about it, I blast the red-head across the room and against a wall. I can hear him whimpering, like a little girl. The mile form earlier returns to my face. I know it deforms my handsome face, but I am not afraid to show my true colours to someone, whom is going to be unable to tell the tale.

"How foolish you are, Ronald." I whisper, while getting closer to him. "You have no idea who I really am. What I can do to you."

I lean over him, the darkness of my shadow, takes away almost all the light in the otherwise moonlit room. "I can make you cry...I can make you scream...I can lock you up in your own mind, where you can relive the worst memories of your life over and over again. Insanity, it is so easy to achieve, if you have the right tools."

With the help of my magic, I lift him into the air. "So, Mister Weasley, do you want a bloody ending, or a peaceful one?" I ask, as if I am giving him a choice. In the end it is me, who makes the decision.

"End...?" I can barely hear the word, but the fear in his voice, makes me want to prolong it. His ending should be miserable and long. But there is of course still the chance that someone finds us en ruins my plan. I can toy just a little, before finishing it.

"Yes Mister Weasley." I whisper. "End. Your end. How does that sound? No more homework, no more brothers, who are so much better then you are. No more friends, who can do more then you can, who are more famous, then you will ever be. You will just cease to exist."

"No..." Just a whimper, nothing more. This boy is even more pathetic then I had thought. I walk around his floating body, like a predator stalking his prey. The gleam in my eyes is murderous, I do not need a mirror to know that.

I take his wand, that stick out of the back pocket of his pyjama pants. "Do not worry." I stop in front of him. "No one is going to miss you. No one cares. When you are gone, they are going to be a lot happier. Your family had one less mouth to feed. Your friends do no longer need to hear your complaints about everything. And Harry will have what is rightfully his." And I will have Harry.

I trace Weasley his wand over his arm. A cut appears in his white flesh. Blood slowly drips from to wound, onto the ground. I listen to the sounds, and so does Weasley. He has nothing more to say to me. Which is no surprise to me.

I never thought I would find such pleasure in prolonging one his dead. I have always loved torturing people, seeing the fear in their eyes, the desperation and the pain. They do not know how the torture is going to end. They might survive. But Weasley knows there is no salvation.

"You never answered my question, so I will decide for you..." Without an other warning, I slash into his chest. The cut is deep and painful, but he is not going to die from it, not yet at least. He screams, but to no avail. What a fool would I be, if I forgot about the silencing-charm?

"Scream all you want, no one is going to save you. You are mine, and mine alone." I laugh, at first softly, but then I almost sound insane. I am having far to much fun with this.

"I will be a kind lord, I will put an end to your misery." I come closer again, but I never touch him, and do not even touch the puddle of blood, that is forming at my feet. "Say goodbye to this cruel world, Mister Weasley." I aim his wand at him, before I simply cut his throat. Unforgivable curses are dangerous to preform within the boundaries of Hogwarts. Someone will find out. This is a lot safer, and it can not be traced back to either me – who is unexisting for this world- or Harry.

The red-head his body falls to the ground, limp and lifeless. I bow over his body to take the badge from his pyjamas. There are e few blood spatters on it, which I clean of with his on his own shirt. "Thank you, Ronald." And with that I disappear. Harry awaits his price.

My second chapter and I quit like it. I also want to thank to people for their support. I never expected to get any reviews or followers with this story, but apparently I was wrong. I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you for reading. Next chapter will be up soon, Harry again^^