This is my first writing thingy.

I blame Zuhra and Sophie.

Tell me what you think of it.

- Sadi

Hermione could never understand how Draco could judge her based on her parentage. She had always tried to judge a person by their actions. In Draco's case however, his actions had nothing to do with him. He was trying to protect his family.
Whenever she looks at him now she can see that he is still haunted by his past.
Everyone had moved on. Harry and Ginny were happily together. Neville and Luna just started dating. Ron was helping George with their joke shop. All was well.
After the war Hermione had finished her last year at Hogwarts. She was surprised to see Malfoy there. Hermione had never thought he would come back.
She had ignored him for the first few months. It is not easy to ignore Draco Malfoy. He is one of those boys you just can't ignore. No matter how hard you try.
One day Professor Slughorn paired them in potions. He was trying to make Gryffindor and Slytherin make peace with each other.
Hermione tried to ignore him even then. She gave up after 10 minutes.
Malfoy was still the same person. He had not changed a bit.
He was still an asshole and arrogant.
They worked good together.
One day she decided to call him Draco. He looked at her like she he was seeing her the first time.
Then, a few weeks later, Draco kissed her for the first time after she called him an overrated lover.
They didn't fight. They argued.
Hermione had no feelings for him, she told herself. She was attracted.
Every time he touched her, she felt like she was on fire. When he kissed her, she felt wanted.
Draco Malfoy never apologized but she felt like this was his way of apologizing for everything.
She slept with him for the first time after they graduated.
They didn't really have a relationship at first. They were just shagging each other senseless.
They started having a relationship when he accidently fell asleep on her.
They started dating when she told Harry and Ron about him.
He started caring for her when he told his parents about her.
Hermione started liking him when he complimented Harry on his new broom.
Draco started loving her when she asked him if he wanted to move with her.
Granger started loving him when he said yes.
It's not a perfect story, but it's their story.