Writer's Log: In which Jim gets injured, and Spock... well, acts like he usually does when Jim is injured.

McCoy sighed in frustration. ‟Look, hobgoblin, Jim's fine now, and the crew is worried sick about the Captain already. You being in here is only making it worse; you've already been in Medbay all day. If they don't see you, then no matter what I say, they're gonna continue to worry. So I don't care if you're on duty or not, you get your ass out there and make it look like everything's all right.″

After a moment, Spock nodded and stood. ‟I see the logic in your statement, Doctor.″ He released Jim's hand and looked down at the Captain. ‟Jim, I will return once I have sufficiently exposed myself to the crew.″

Jim gave a strangled sort of snort and immediately covered his mouth and nose as if to hold back the explosion of laughter threatening to escape. McCoy could only roll his eyes at the suddenly concerned look on the First Officer's face. ‟Dammit, Spock, he's fine. Now get out.″ Spock gave him a disgruntled expression, but finally walked away.

Only after the door slid shut, did Jim finally let out a howl of laughter, followed by a gasp of pain while he clutched at his gut. Then he laughed some more. ‟Oh my god!″ He was nearly doubled up on the bed – and probably only making the injury hurt worse – but he didn't seem to be able to stop.

McCoy gave him a whack on the head, and grumbled to himself, ‟Damn green-blooded hobgoblin, and his lack of human interaction.″

That only seemed to make Jim laugh harder.

Writer's Log: Sup... So I'm currently in Austin, Texas visiting my brother. Just got back from walking through South Congress, and I'm pretty sure I have a sunburn. Reviews are like aloe vera to my abused skin. Hope you liked the snippet!