My One and Only You~

Chapter 1: Intro.

"Mikan! Mikan! Wake up!" one brunette yelled around 16 years old knocking to the door of her twin sister. She have Auburn hair and black eyes, she's wearing her uniform neatly.

"Sheesh! Karu-nee! Could you stop it already? My eardrums is going to break!" another brunette yelled inside the room.

"You don't want Natsume to wait too long, right?" the brunette outside the door yelled. The door bust open and revealed a brunette panting heavily because of running around her room.

"I'm… ready! Let's go!" the brunette said and smiled. She's Mikan Yukihara, 16 years old, twin sister of Mikaru who's the one knocking at the door of Mikan's room. Mikan have also auburn hair but different colored eyes because she have hazel brown, she's wearing her uniform sloppily.

"Okaa-san and Otou-san are in the garden, they want us to go eat with them!" Mikaru said, Mikaru is the elder twin of Mikan about 2 hours. They have different birthdays, Mikan is January 1 and Mikaru is December 31. When they arrive at the garden, they saw their two elder brothers.

"Ohayou! Okaa-san, Otou-san!" Mikan greeted with a warm smile and kissed their parents in the cheeks, Yuka Yukihara and Izumi Yukihara is their very loving Mother and Father of their children. Their family is well known to the world, they ranked first in all industry, name it and they have it.

"Good morning sweetie! Did you sleep well?" Izumi asked her younger daughter.

"Isn't obvious Okaa-san? She overslept!" Mikaru answered for her with a roll of her beautiful black eyes, Mikan pouted.

"Having nightmares again?" Yuka asked. Mikan nodded. Yuka sighed and looked at her.

"Yeah! Just a little… " Mikan said and sighed, she sat down beside her older brother who have a darker shade of blue, she have a star tattoo under his right eye. (a/n: if I am right, correct me if I'm wrong.)

"You okay, Mimi?" asked her brother, Mikan nodded.

"Hai, Tsubasa-nii, thanks for asking!" Mikan said and smiled, Tsubasa Yukihara, 20 years old, 2nd year collage at Gakuen Alice elite school. He attended same school with Mikan and Mikaru but in different division.

"I don't think she's having nightmares, I think she's having a very beautiful dream with Natsume in it, they having so many babies and she can't sleep because of excitement in the future!" another brother of Mikan who have a silver gray hair and emerald green eyes, he's 19 years old, 1st year collage at Gakuen Alice elite school, he attend the same school with Mikan, Mikaru and Tsubasa. Mikan Blushed


"Mou, Youichi-nii! Stop that!" Mikan said and pout still blushing madly, Yuka glared at his second son


"Youichi, Stop embarrassing Mikan!" Yuka said, Youichi scratch the back of his head.

"Mom, don't raise her hopes up! We all knew that Natsume brat like Mikaru or should I say in-love with her!" Tsubasa said, Mikan sighed.

"Tsubasa, I'm not raising Mikan's hope! I know that she knew when to give him upand to move on!" Yuka said and looked at Mikan, Mikan smiled. "Besides Natsume-kun doesn't know that Mikan love him, right?" Tsubasa, youichi and Mikaru nodded.

"Okay Let's go then! Let's pick up hotaru and the others!" Mikan said and jumped up and down.

"Alright! Alright!" Tsubasa, Youichi, and Mikaru said at the same time, Mikan and Mikaru is different to each other, Mikan is cheerful and Mikaru is silent. Mikaru is smart but Mikan is smarter but idiotic as usual


At the Hyuuga mansion…

Natsume hyuuga, the son of Kaoru and Loran Hyuuga, their family ranked 2nd next to Yuikiharas. He has raven hair and deadly crimson red orbs. They are eating at the dining room when Kaoru looked at his son, they are with Ryou and Misaki, Natsume's cousin in Mother side.

"Natsume, where is Aoi?' Kaoru asked, Natsume shrug his shoulders.

"In her room maybe, you know girl things…" Natsume said boredly, Kaoru sighed.

"Natsume, I heard from Ryou that you messed up again with that Rei serion again!" Loran said, Natsume Glared at Ryou, Ryou smirked at Natsume.

Natsume's P.O.V

I hate this cousin of mine. I really hate him. Even thoigh his older than me about 1 year, I don't care if I didn't respect him as older from me because we both in the same class . and his always catching

Mikaru's attention.


I went to the Yukihara Mansion with him, we were close back then, we have the same features but his eyes is green and mine is red, Ryou is 6 years old and I'm only five, polka (referring to Mikan) invited me to play at her house so I tag him along.

"Ne, Nat-kun! I want you to meet Karu-nee!" little polka said in cute voice, I looked at her in some way that I felt my face burning. Not because I'm angry or what-so-ever I really don't know.

"Hn… alright…" I only said to her and looked away hoping that he didn't saw my face. We went to the library only to see Ryou talking to a girl that looks like polka but she have different eyes.

"Karu-nee, This is Nat-kun! The one I'm talking about!" Polka said in cute voice again, the girl looked at me and smiled.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Mikaru!" she said, I nodded and bowed my head.

"Ne, karu-nee, who's he?" Polka asked, Ryou laugh, he grab polka's hand and kissed it.

"My name is Ryou! Nice to meet you, Mikan-chan! You give Natsume-kun a cute name huh? Good job!' Ryou said and raise his thumb, polka looked at him confused, I glared at him.

"Shut up!" I hissed at him, Ryou just laugh at me.

"Ne, Karu-nee, what to play with us?" polka asked, my eyes shimmered with glee and excitement.

"Gome ne, Mikan-chan but we decided to play somewhere else, so I'm gonna take, her away from you for today! Mind if you let me?" Ryou said and wink, polka stared at him and nodded.

"Okay, just for today!" Polka said and smiled, I glared at her and looked away.

"Okay then! Where going! Bye Nat-chan, bye Mikan-chan!" Ryou bid their goodbyes with us and walked away, polka looked at me and I glared at her, she looked scared at me.

"Nande? Is there something I did bad?" she asked me, I looked away.

"You just let your sister go! How were I'm gonna play with her then!" I said, she looked at me.

"Sorry…" she said and tears started to form in her eyes, I sighed and pat his head.

"Forget it!" I said and looked at the door only to see Ryou smirking at me, I glared at him.

End of flashback…

That's the day I started to hate him, I heard a growl and looked at my father who's glaring at me.

"I'm talking to you Natsume!" he said.

"That bastard Rei Serio di-"I was cut by when my mom smacked me on my head.

"No foul word honey! You know the rules!" Mom said, I sighed and glared at Ryou who's smirking at me.

"That bas- Rei Serio did something to polka dots yesterday! He put her in a dark room! He knew polka is afraid in a dark place! That because her sister rejecting her! If didn't some boy told me about that maybe polka is still in there this whole time… all by herself! If you could just imagine how she trembled there in fear!" I said angrily while glaring at Ryou, Ryou became serious.

"He didn't tell me that!" he said, dad sighed.

"Okay calm down now Natsume… so how's-" dad was cut by when the door burst open and revealed, Aoi-nee, she have the same features as me, she's 19 years old, 1st year collage and attending the same school as me Ryou, and Misaki-nee.

"Why are you all so serious?" She asked. I shrug. Misaki-nee sighed.

"Nothing, Natsume did something again and messed up with Rei!" She answered, Aoi-nee nodded. Misaki Harada, our cousin, 20 years old, 2nd year collage and she's attending the same school like us. Their family ranked 6th while Ryou's family ranked 5th in the industry.

"Oh, by the way, Mikan and the others are already here and-" Aoi-nee is cut by a very loud and cheerful voice that we all knew.

"OHAYOU! AUNTIE, UNCLE, MISAKI-NEE, AOI-NEE, RYOU-NII AND NAT-KUN!" Polka said as cheerful as she used to be, I sighed, why I do have to be her best friend? lucky I'm not loud as her.

"Good morning too Mimi!" Mom said and immediately hugged Polka tightly.

"How are you Mikan-chan?" Dad asked, Mikan thumbs up.

"I'm alright uncle! Thanks for asking!" Polka said and smiled, actually I'm the one who's responsible of it… ugh! It's a short story and I don't want to talk about it.

"Let's go Polka! You don't want that Robotic friend of yours to wait long!" I said and stood up, and walked.

"Hey! Hotaru is not a robot!" she said, I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever! Strawberries!" I said and smirked, I looked at her and she's blushing madly before saying…


Normal P.O.V

At the Imai Mansion… a certain jet black haired girl with amethyst eyes are eating with her parents and her very best friend in the dining room.

"Hotaru… give it now to me please! I'm begging you!" A certain blond haired boy with cerulean eyes said, the girl glared at him.

"No! For the last time Nogi! I'm not gonna give it to you! And stop calling me by my name! where not child anymore!" the girl said and continued to eat.

"Hotaru! Why don't you want Ruka-kun to call you by your first name!" he mother Tania Imai said. Hotaru shrugged.

"Now! Now! Will Mikan-chan and the other will fetch you?" Lian Imai asked her daughter, Hotaru nodded.

"Yeah, if she didn't I will going to make her taste my very new version of my Baka-gun!" she said emotionless, her parents sweatdropped, then a maid walked in to the dining room.

"Hotaru-sama, Ruka-sama, Yukihara-sama and the others are waiting for you!" the maid said, hotaru nodded.

"We'll be there in a minute!" Hotaru said and stood up, she went to her parents and give them goodbye kiss to the cheeks. "Goodbye Okaa-san, Otou-san! Let's see each other later!" Hotaru said and walked away.

"Good bye Auntie Tania and Uncle Lian! See you later! Hotaru wait for me!" Ruka yelled and run to catch up with Hotaru. Hotaru Imai is a daughter of a successful business Entrepreneur and they owned a big company the Imai electronics, their family Ranked 3rd in the industry. Ruka Nogi is a son of a very famous vet. And marine doctor in the whole wide world, his mother is half Japanese and half French.

"Ohayou, Hotaru!" Mikan greeted and charged at Hotaru and that only Hotaru replied is…


Mikan flew and landed on the ground face first…

"Hotaru you meanie!" Mikan said and cried water falls. Nastume smirked and Hotaru just rolled her eyes.

"Idiot!" Natsume and hotaru said in unison, they both looked at each other and glared.

"Stop copying me, Hyuuga!" Hotaru said.

"Dream on, Imai. I'm not copying you!" Natsume said.

"Now! Now! Let's go before we came late at school!" Tsubasa said, they all went to the limousine and drove to school.

This day will be a long day for them.


Me: End of chapter 1 please leave reviews… does it sucks?

Natsume: Yeah it's sucks…

Me: Eh! How cruel of you…! I will make you Marry Hotaru instead of Mika… *blown by the Baka gun*

Hotaru: digusting creature!

Natsume: Yeah, for once I agree with you Imai… -smirk-

Me: Please review… no flames… I'm afraid of it!...