a/n: hi guys! i decided now was as good a time as ever to do some graylu writing seeing as it's graylu week right now! (if you aren't aware, you can go ahead and check out grayluweek's tumblr!) this was inspired by uwaasabi/snowdrop03, whose writing style i greatly admire~

this was supposed to be for graylu week, but i don't think i'll have time to finish the other prompts. maybe i'll update this later as a oneshot collection... haha i have no idea

again sorry for the cliche plots |D i miss writing sweet graylu though hehe

light summer breezes.






"Haven't you ever tried dandelions?" Lucy asks. She fingers a freshly plucked weed, sitting on the grass and holding it up to the clear sky. "I used to wish on them all the time, there's no way you can ignore them in a list of things to wish on."

"Not... really," Gray shrugs, and she's shocked. "Shooting stars were more of my thing back then." Lucy puts on an unpleasant expression and sticks out her tongue.

"You never had a childhood!"

Indignantly he scoffs. "My childhood was dealing with Natsu, and striving to beat Erza, and going on missions in a magic guild. Don't take this the wrong way Lucy... but I think you're the one that didn't really have a childhood."

She gasps in mock anger and hotly retorts,"Excuse me, Gray, but you're the one that's mistaken! Wishing on dandelion heads is a staple in my favorite children's novels!"

Gray glances at their surroundings. An open field of white puffs surrounded him in the midst of wild grasses. He could only imagine how Lucy managed to find this place, but he wasn't really complaining.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to try it," he declares, and pulls a dandelion with such strong force that it ripped the entire plant, roots and all, straight out of the ground.

"Gray!" she shouts, yanking it out of his hand. "That's not how you do it! It has to be gentle. Dandelion fields are like a fairy's haven, you know? Try again," she insists.

Gray grumbles to himself, but he puts his fingers around a new stem and feigns delicacy. The stem breaks off and Lucy smiles in approval. "It wasn't that hard," she said with radiating laughter, shoving him playfully.

Rolling his eyes but unable to help a small grin, he asks, "Well, what next then? Is there some sort of special ritual for blowing these seeds off? Knowing you and your imagination there definitely is," he continues, hoping she'd take it as a compliment.

"Take a deep breath in first, I suppose. A really large one, and– hey!" Lucy shouts amidst choking noises. Somehow Gray managed to inhale a good number of seeds, obvious by the white stuffed inside his mouth, and the virtually empty stem he'd dropped onto her sundress. Coughing them up, he puts his hands to his throat and Lucy rummages through her bag frantically looking for a water bottle.

"Here you go," she says, handing him the bottle so he can drink. "How did that even happen?!"

"...There was wind," Gray replies lamely, when it was more likely he just held the dandelion too close to his mouth, and she resists the urge to slap him.

"You're such an idiot."

Gray tries to grin in response but starts coughing again.

"Drink more water!" she shouts. He makes a contorted face back.

"Don't I get any time to breathe?" Gray asks, as if the thought had never occurred to Lucy.

"Do you need me to tell you to breathe?" she returns, shaking her head in defeat.

"Sure, maybe it'll help me stop coughing," he manages to get out before falling completely onto the grass.

"Exhale," Lucy recites, feeling like a preschool teacher. Then again, maybe that was the level of intelligence she was dealing with. "Inhale, but not dandelion seeds."

"I think I know that!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't ask me to help you next time!"

A few minutes later Gray seems to have fully recovered but continues to lie on the grass. "There's a nice view of the clouds from here," he says, knowing it'll lead her to copy him.

Lucy is aware of his intentions and despite it she lies down next to him. "They aren't too bad," she concedes, but his pleased face makes her take it back with a shove.

"I was kind of lonely when I was younger," Lucy admits. "You probably did have a better childhood."

"What are you saying," Gray starts worriedly.

Lucy shrugs it off. "No, that's not what I meant. Don't take it in the sympathetic way, okay?"

He nods slowly, but keeps it in mind.

"It's too bad it's not earlier in the summer that we came here," she says wistfully, "or we could have avoided this and made yellow flower crowns instead."

"Another childhood staple?" he asks, sitting up, and she says a soft "mmhm!" beside him. "But the entire reason I tried was because of the wishes. Speaking of which, I never actually made one."

"Can I trust you not to choke again?" Lucy asks skeptically, and his face isn't too convincing, but she hands him a new dandelion anyway.

"I'll make a wish, but I won't tell," Gray says.

"I won't ask," she promises, and gets up to stretch. Turning, she sees Gray blowing the seeds over her shoulder. To her questioning face he replies, "I wanted to make a new ritual. Blow the seeds over the person's shoulder who you're wishing for."

"You can't just make up rituals... and what did you wish for?! Why would you make a wish about me?" she yells.

"If you want to know, why don't we come here again and I'll tell you then if it comes true or not," he says. "Next summer, when the dandelions are yellow.

"Or in the winter, when the ground's covered in snow. This place would look pretty in all the seasons," she insists, "so you can tell me then."

"We could come here in spring or autumn too, but I still won't tell you what the wish is," he grins, but for a second her pout affects him so much he considers giving in.

"Or next week, so you can tell me then!" On second thought, he rather likes the way she looks when she's angry at him.

"I'll never tell," he repeats with a smile.