Okay, this is for my fellow Gwaine whumpers. I keep getting asked for it in my other story (Protecting the Protector), but since it's a very Merlin centric story I haven't put too much thought into hurting Gwaine. So, this is where this comes in. Oh, and I'll be hurting Merlin too because he's my favorite punching bag (I am sick I know).
So, thanks for reading, the next chapter will be longer, and I don't own em.
Leave me a comment if you can.
"What do you suppose she sees in him?" Gwaine asked as he ducked under a low hanging branch.
"She was a lady of the night, Gwaine. She probably saw he had more gold than you did," Merlin replied swinging his bag back and forth.
"Still doesn't explain why she chose him," Gwaine stated sullenly, and Merlin snorted humorously. "I am, by far, better looking than that bloke." Gwaine then shrugged, a grin spreading across his face as he hopped up on a fallen tree. "Ah well. I get to spend more time with you, mate."
"You can start by helping me find this herb." Merlin dug an old, felt book from his bag, flipping it open to a marked page. He turned the book to show Gwaine, but the knight wasn't paying attention, his eyes settling on a nearby apple tree. He jumped down, hurrying towards the tree, and Merlin, crestfallen, muttered, "Or we could just go pick apples."
"Do you want one, Merlin?" Gwaine asked as he climbed the tree.
"No thank you," Merlin called as he replaced his book and began searching the ground for the herb. He wasn't exactly sure why Gaius needed it, but apparently it was important. Or maybe it was just for the elderly man's tea. Merlin had been half asleep when Gaius pushed him out the door, requesting the herb, and promising Merlin his favorite when he returned home.
"Hey, these are a hell of a lot better than the apples back at Camelot," Gwaine commented climbing higher. "You think Princess will let us plant a few of these seeds around the castle."
"If you're willing to wait a few years for apples," Merlin replied softly, crawling into a bush.
"What was that?"
Merlin guessed he could always 'help' the tree along, but he figured that'd take a little explaining. Maybe he could pass it off as a magical apple tree or something. Those existed, right? Merlin didn't know, but he figured he could always ask Gaius later.
He had just managed to find the herb, letting out a soft victory whoop, when he heard a familiar cry followed by a very audible thump and a groan. "Gwaine?" Merlin scrambled backwards out of the bush, branches scratching his skin and getting caught in his clothing, finally getting free only to find the knight on the ground, surrounded by apples, holding his arm.
Merlin dropped his bag, racing towards his friend, and fell to his knees next to him. "Are you…?" he stopped, knowing Gwaine was far from alright, and opted to ask, "What happened?"
"Damn branch broke," Gwaine answered through clenched teeth, his eyes squeezed shut in pain. "But hey," he peeled his eyes opened, gesturing his head towards the downed apples, "I managed to take a few dozen apples with me."
Merlin rolled his eyes, a wan smile on his face, and pushed himself to his feet, heading towards his bag. He picked it up and moved back towards Gwaine, helping the already struggling knight sit up. "You do realize you could have broken your neck, right?"
"Yes, but where's the fun in always being cautious?" Gwaine replied with an easy grin on his face, his eyes the only indication that he was still in pain.
Merlin snorted and took out the spare shirt he packed along with a potion for pain. "I don't have anything to actually treat your arm, but I can put it in a makeshift sling until we can get you back to Gaius."
"Merlin, I've had worse," Gwaine informed the younger male, but allowed Merlin to do what he needed to so they could get moving. After his arm was bound and he had taken half the painkiller, Merlin helped Gwaine to his feet.
"Just let me get the herb and we'll go," the young warlock said and hurriedly crawled back into the bush, carefully extracting Gaius' herb. As he crawled back out a second time he asked, "Do you think that woman will like you better now that you've broken your…" something dug into his back, startling him, and Merlin slowly turned to find a crossbow pointed at his face, Gwaine being held between two bandits. "…arm?"