A/N: I've just got into Fairy Tail and absolutely love it. I'm not caught up yet and I see this as more as a future fic than where I'm at right now so if something doesn't mesh up right I apologize! I really should be working on all the Naruto stories I've got right now but I'm honestly burned out on Naruto right now. In tme… Anyways, I hope you enjoy you enjoy my Gray/Juvia, Gajeel/Levy funfest!
The Pillars of Magic
By: Amnesty
Gray silently sat in the main hall of Fairy Tail, slowly nursing his glass of beer. It was exceptionally quiet today and so far this evening only two fights broke out and they finished nearly as soon as they started. He eyed around the room and watched as everyone was going about in their typical manner. Master was sitting at his usual spot on the bar counter next to where Mira, Lisanna, and Cana were blissfully chatting about whatever nonsense they chat about. Team Shadow Gear was at their normal table casually reading, well, Levy was reading while Jet and Dory sat idly next to her. Gray sighed and cupped his chin his hand.
"Man, why couldn't Natsu and the others have waited to leave for that job until I got back," he quietly fumed.
He was still a little irked that when he returned yesterday from a solo job he found out from Mira that Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Wendy, Charla, and Ezra all left on a big mission together that they said they would wait for him to get back for. He wasn't really mad at them for it as apparently the client suddenly put a rush on the job, but it still annoyed him when he found out. He was thinking about taking another quick solo job to pass the time until everything in the room became muffled and the air became thick. Everyone in the guild jumped to high alert and prepared for a sudden attack. The air was so potent with such a powerful magic it was almost numbing. Though whatever it was didn't feel threatening as much as it just gave a warm, tingling feeling it was always best to side on caution. No guild member spoke as they intently watched the entry way where the magic felt the strongest. Soon a bright light washed the room and when it died down there was a single woman standing before them.
She was stunningly beautiful with pale skin and shinning light blue eyes. Her hair was a lovely shade of dark blue and long, almost to her waist. Her hair was bound back in a loose, thick braid. Her clothes where a mixture of pastel colored fabrics that were draped around her, but hugging her body in the right places to accent her figure. She gave everyone a motherly smile and even though it was laced with sadness it helped ease some of the rigidness in the room. Gray spared a look at Master Markarov who was fixated on the being in front of him with his eyes wide and his mouth agape.
"Please, I don't have much time. I am the goddess Althena and although I am skirting many laws interacting with you directly like this I must ask for your assistance," she spoke with an enchanting voice. Placing her hand over her heart she looked at Master Markarov with grave sorrow. "Our world of magic is in grave danger! The Elemental Pillar of Earth has been discovered and seized by a mage named Darios Fermatta for the god Burma. It is only a matter of time before he finds the other three: Fire, Air, and Water. I've hidden them as long as I could but his tenacity is unwavering. It is only a matter of time before he discovers the others. You must find and protect the Pillars of Magic so magic itself will not be taken from this world."
A roar of confused and panicked whispers filled the room at the prospect of losing magic. They were all silenced when Master Markarov raised his hands. "Enough all of you! Goddess Althena, we will of course over all of our assistance to you. Where are these Pillars and Fairy Tail will find and protect them for you."
Goddess Althena smiled sadly and dropped her head, "Due to my own laws I am unable to provide the locations or details of the Pillars… All I can offer is that the Pillars are the embodiment of their natural element: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water."
"That's unfortunately not much to go on," he replied. "Could you at least give-"
The goddess's eyes shot open and then closed with a stream tears running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, by my own laws I must leave at once. You cannot fail!"
With that she vanished instantly and left everyone in the guild in a shocked silence. A heartbeat later the doors behind where the goddess just stood opened and Juvia walked in, completely unaware of what just transpired. Her eyes widened in a misjudged surprise to see everyone staring at her so intently. Gajeel followed in right behind her and noticed the odd stares as well. He leaned in toward Juvia and glared.
"Oi, what did you do this time?"
Juvia blushed and punched Gajeel in the arm, rather pathetically. "Juvia did nothing!"
"Master," Mira said. "Do you think she is who she says she is? I've never felt anything like her before. It seems impossible. "
"She was telling the truth," he confirmed as he lowered his head in thought. "She is who she said she was."
Mira automatically took her master's word for it. "What do we do?"
Markarov grumbled and then turned toward the direction of Team Shadow Gear who were in a deep conversation about the current events. "Levy, come here please."
Levy jumped at her name but quickly hurried to her master's side. "Yes?"
"What do you know about these Pillars of Magic? Anything in their lore that could assist us on locating them?"
"I think I know just as much as everyone else. They are the foundation of all magic: Earh, Air, Fire, and Water. The four key elements , and mention of them is often linked to The One Magic. Nothing has ever mentioned them as anything more than a concept on how magic is formed though." Levy closed her eyes in thought. "I have books that mention them but they're very abstract and nothing has ever mentioned them as anything physical. I'll reread them and see if I can connect anything."
"Please do."
"Are you talking about the Elemental Pillars of Magic," Juvia asked as she and Gajeel slowly walked toward the conversing group.
"Ah, Juvia. Do you have something useful to add? You missed quite the show."
"Juiva can see that. Although she doesn't really know what's going on she does know a bit of what you're talking about."
Levy leaned in with perked curiosity, "You do?"
"Yes… Back when Juvia was a part of Phantom Lord Jose was fascinated with the Pillars of Magic. That was his bases for the creation of Phantom MK II. He wanted to combine a representation of the four Pillars of Magic so he could fire the Abyss Break. Juvia wasn't well informed of the technicalities of it but apparently when the four are combined as one it can be quite powerful and quite devastating."
"Do you think this is what this Darios is after," Cana asked "To use the actual Pillars as some sort of weapon?"
"I don't think so, but it's hard to say with the lack of information we have. You said Jose has research on this subject," Markarov asked to which Juvia nodded.
"Then we'll start there. Let's see… Levy, you will need to go and build on whatever you fine. Gajeel, Juvia, I know you two just got back and although I know it will be uncomfortable I want you two go as well."
Gajeel waved him off. "Jose is a pee on. I don't care whether I see that idiot again or not. He means nothing to me."
Gray, who had been watching from the sideline saw Juvia stiffen slightly and began to look uncomfortable. She never liked talking about Phantom Lord and he knew she didn't want to ever cross paths with Jose again. He knew she would take on Markarov's request but uncomfortable was an understatement. He watched as everyone explained what happened before they arrived and saw her emotions jump from astonishment to anxiety. He could tell that something about this was deeply troubling her and did the only thing he could think of to help at the moment.
"Master, I want to go too," Gray stated as approached. Juvia obviously brightened up substantially and began fawning.
"Gray-sama wants to go on a mission with Juvia!" She squealed as she wrapped her arms around his shirtless body. "This makes Juvia so happy."
"Yeah, well," he said as he played it off. "I might as well since my normal team took off without me and it would be kind of cool to brag to Natsu that I got to do a job for an actual goddess. So, can I go with them?"
Markarov smiled warmly at Gray and Juvia, with a snickering Cana and Mira behind him. "Yeah, sure."
Gajeel and Levy shared a smile at the prospect of fighting side by side again to which Jet and Dory gave a look of horror. On the other hand Juvia continued to latch to an increasingly annoyed Gray.
"Juvia, will you let go already. I need to go pack!"
"Juvia will help you!"
"I don't need your help."
"Will you idiots stop already," Gajeel cut in. "If we don't leave soon we'll have to wait until the train in the morning.
"Hey Cana," Mira said as she leaned in. "20,000 jewels they all "hook up" by the end."
"Hah, with those idiot boys who can't see a good thing when its spoon fed to them? You're on," Cana replied with a handshake. "Another 20,000 jewels for me," she said with smirk.
"I'm gonna win someday," Mira stated with a wistful smile as she watched the four leave the guild, bickering the whole way.
End Notes: Please read and review! And 10 points to whoever knows where I hack stole the goddess from.