I couldn't sleep.

It had been two weeks since we -me, Edmund and Eustace- had gotten back from Narnia, and I was feeling unusually depressed.

I knew it was because me and Edmund had been told we couldn't go back to Narnia, and Eustace could. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I felt a twinge of jealousy when Aslan said those words. I think I know how Susan and Peter felt, especially Susan, as she had to leave Caspian. But for me, it was a bit worse. I had to leave my true home, I had to leave Aslan, all the friends I made. I'd have to leave the lands I'd come to know so well, and I'd put all my faith in that one world.

And I can't go back.

When I closed my eyes, all I could see was grass. Grass, and the sea, and every friend and foe we met and eventually, the golden lion that I have impossible faith in.

Holding back a sob, I slowly climbed off my bed and onto the wooden floor, which was cold under my bare feet. When I reached Edmund and Eustace's room, I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door, already hearing Eustace's loud snores. Edmund was sleeping almost silently, sprawled out across the small bed with one arm hanging off the bed, the other one supporting his head under the pillow, and his legs leaning against the wall.

I slowly made my way over to him. Here, in his sleep, he looked so innocent. There wasn't the indifference or annoyance that came with school, nor the sarcastic smirk he pulled behind Aunt Alberta's back. His lips were curved in a small smile and he let out a few snore-like breaths every once in a while.

Without waking him, I lifted up the cover and lay down next to him. I stared at the boring ceiling of Eustace's room, thinking about how much better it would be with illustrations and paintings all over it. Quickly, I shook myself out of it.

"Lu?" My head snapped to Edmund so fast it could've broken. Edmund was staring at me, wide awake, leaning on his elbow. How dark hair was in disarray on his head, and I found it made him look better.

"Hey, Ed." I smiled sheepishly at him. I wasn't supposed to be there.

"Luce, what are you doing in here?"

"Couldn't sleep." He nodded, knowing how hard it was for me to leave Narnia forever. He'd been to Narnia almost as many times as I had, and had complete faith in it.

"C'mere," He mumbled, wrapping a warm arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him as he lay his head back down on the pillow. We stared at each other for a minute, just taking in everything the best we could in the dark, only a bit of light from the moon and streetlamps shining through the light curtains.

"Night, Edmund." I whispered, once I felt myself grow tired. He smiled and pulled me even closer, this time pressing his lips against mine for a brief moment before pulling away and closing his eyes. I was too tired to be shocked, and so I cuddled up to him and touched my legs to his before allowing myself to sleep. I didn't know what Eustace would do in the morning, or worse, what Aunt Alberta would do, but I knew that as long as I stayed here, in Edmund's arms, I would be alright.

This was based on a prompt: 'cuddle.' Hope you liked it. Please reveiwww! I know it isn't that good, but I tried!

Kia xo.