Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I love them all so much and a huge thank you to everyone!

I also updated yesterday as well so please check that one out too! Thank you!

Please read on and enjoy!



Six and I are different in many ways. She is gorgeous and funny and clever and an all-round amazing girl. She's strong enough to win this war all by herself whilst the rest of us can barely manage grouped together. She's strong and brave and I admire her for all her qualities.

Whereas I am like the opposite in everything. Whilst she is strong, I am weak. She might be gorgeous…well I look like a nerd. I'm not like Nine, John or Eight with muscles and good looks that come naturally. They can just smile and look like those models in adverts. They look good even after a battle, whereas I look like I've been killed ten times.

Oh and did I mention that she's Loric? Whilst I'm a human that can't even play Capture the flag without shooting her in the back?

Yet somehow she doesn't seem to care about that. She even seems to like that. She doesn't seem to want John's boy band good looks, Nine's attitude that is so similar to hers, or Eight's light-hearted joking (not that she could be with the last one anyway; Marina would freeze her). Six seems to like me, nerdiness and weirdness and all.

She says I'm funny and sweet and a nice guy. She says I'm loyal and kind and would never hurt her, which is true. She says someone doesn't have to look like a model to be worth loving. She says it's the person that counts.

I don't know why I worry. Our relationship is perfect and we're happy together. Things are great. We're closer than ever before and that will never change if I have my way. I know that Six and I want this to be our only relationship and that we love each other.

So when I worry, I know it's not us, it's me. I think I'm just pessimistic.

Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Please review!