Well, I finished it! Originally I was planning on this being no longer than 10,000 words, maybe 15,000 if it was a bit longer. But then I just kept on adding things in and it ended up more than double that! Regardless, I really enjoyed writing this and hope the people who stuck around to the end enjoyed reading it as well! A quick note from me, the way I was writing it I kept thinking, 'This is going to end in a lemon, how do I make this not end with one?!' Because I'm quite sure I would not be able to write one! So that is why it ends before anything gets too serious, if you were wanting something like that please forgive me! :P But I'm far too shy to write something like that, even for strangers on the internet! Now I've rattled on too long so anyway, enjoy!

Erza's POV:

It's been hours since I brought him into the infirmary. Every 5 minutes or so I hear another blood curdling scream from the voice I know so well. Every time he screams out I cover my ears, my faces cringes and I try to block it out, I try so hard to stop myself from hearing it but nothing I do helps. Despite all my efforts I still hear it every few minutes. And every time I hear the sound it's worse than the last, slowly becoming less like a human and more like the screams of an animal. Everyone in the guild is silent the whole time, sitting and trading whispered conversations with each other. They're talking about Jellal. I don't need to be able to hear them to know that. I can't take this anymore.

"I'm going outside." I state curtly as I stand up abruptly, walking towards the door before I'm even done talking. No one tries to stop me, they realise I'm not really in a condition to talk to them right now. I step out the guild door and feel a cool breeze as it plays its melody over my face, giving my skin tingles.

"It's ok Erza, it's going to be ok." I chant to myself in a hushed voice, trying to calm down. As the minutes pass by I pace back and forward relentlessly, feeling the need to do something, not being content with just sitting and waiting. By constantly keeping myself moving I can preoccupy myself at least a little bit. After about an hour I hear the squeaking sound of a door being opened and flick my head around to see who made the noise, my body filling with hope that they will bring good news.

"Erza, you can come see Jellal now." Mira says to me with a smile on her face that brings me an unstoppable rush of relief. I don't even reply before I am running inside the guild, dodging past people on my way before bursting into the infirmary, slamming the door open with no regard for the structural integrity of the building. I don't realise that I've been holding my breath until I see his face and breathe for the first time in minutes, letting go of all my fears and anxiety along with the breath of air.

"Jellal!" I scream out, not knowing what else to say before virtually launching myself at him, latching onto his chest and hugging him as hard as possible, crying into his bandages.

"E-erza. I know it's a relief to see me ok, but please, let go of me." Jellal just barely manages to struggle out in a course voice.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think, did I make your wounds open up again?" I blurt out in a worried tone, totally embarrassed that I acted with so little forward thinking and common sense. I feel terrible that I let my emotions take control of me and hurt him even more, after all the hardships he's been through.

"No, my wounds are fine. It was just a bit hard to breath with you holding on so tight. I'm still not quite 100%." I'm glad that I didn't hurt him too much, at least he can understand why I would act so hysterical. He may not know that I love him as more than a friend, but it's natural to get so worked up when a friend is injured, and then to be as relieved as I was when you see that they're ok.

"I'm glad to hear that. But just so you know, when you get better I will pay you back for making me worry so much. Trust me on that." I wipe away the lingering tears on my face and start to laugh just a little bit as I threaten Jellal. I would never seriously hurt him, but there's nothing wrong with teaching someone a little playful lesson. Two days ago I was hopelessly and unrequitedly in love with him. One day ago he and I kissed so passionately, not that he remembered any of it. And just hours ago he was within inches of death. But despite all this, I still find myself able to slip into the familiar rhythm I have with Jellal and just talk, joke and laugh like normal.

"What if I never get better? Can I avoid this payback of yours?" Jellal laughs back at me, having to pause to cough in the middle of his sentence. I feel a slight blush come to my face before I even talk.

"Well, if you say that you never will, then I will take care of you every day and force you to get better." What I say reminds me of just a couple days ago when I did just that for a cold ridden Jellal. The thing is though, when I took care of him then he wasn't really his regular self. Every one of his senses was clouded by sickness, so I was able to keep myself from being overly nervous and embarrassed. But right now nothing is inhibiting him from being just like normal, and so when I say something so embarrassing I can't help but blush. The only thing that is able to comfort me is the fact that my statement makes Jellal blush too, even if it is just a little bit red.

"I guess I have no choice but to get better then." He laughs out and I nod my head in agreement as I respond.

"I guess you do." I smile down at him, letting my eyes linger on his face for just a second before looking away. After a few moments of silence between the two of us Jellal clears his throat, clearly wanting to say something. But I can tell he's nervous about what he's about to say. What on earth could he be about to say to me?

"Anyway, Erza, I actually have something important to talk about. I'm not entirely sure how I should phrase this but, I have to let you know." He stumbles along, the more he says the more anxious I get. What is he trying to say? What is it that I have to know?
"You know that I passed out pretty quickly after the demon got me, probably thanks to the rapid blood loss. And I remained unconscious the whole time we were going back to Fairy Tail. I don't know how long we had been in Fairy Tail when I finally regained consciousness, it couldn't have been long though since you were still carrying me. But I uh, I heard you. I heard almost everything you said." I feel my jaw drop in both surprise and mortification. He heard me. I desperately think back to every word I said. I remember screaming to Mira, that I had to be with him, that I was afraid of him dying before I could say goodbye. And before I could say I love you. Oh god, is that what he's talking about? It must be, he wouldn't bring it up if it wasn't. He knows, my secret is out. I open my mouth to speak but I can't even do that. I don't know how to react, I can't do it. I know what he's talking about, I can easily tell what particular things he heard from me. But I want to confirm it. I desperately want to confirm it.

"What-what is it that you heard?" I stutter out, red covering my face entirely. I can't believe this is happening!

"You said," He starts before pausing, finding it hard to say the words. "You said you didn't want me to die before you told me that you," Another pause, "That you love me." He finally gets it out, and my suspicions are proven correct.

"I,I,I,I." I can't even speak. I can't even think.

"I,I, I think you must have misheard something!" I try to laugh it off. "You were so far gone, you must have been hearing things!" I struggle to both laugh and talk at the same time, trying in a pathetic attempt to cover up my sheer mortification. I can't believe he heard that! What is he going to think of me now? I don't even want to think about how awkward our relationship has become, but of course that's how it's become! That's what happens when one person confesses their hopelessly unrequited love.

"Erza please, don't just laugh this off. I want you to be serious, what you said, did you mean it?" I can't say it, I can't bring myself to do it.

Jellal's POV:

"Erza please, don't just laugh this off. I want you to be serious, what you said, did you mean it?" I ask her, desperate for an answer. I need to know, more than anything else I need to know. I look into Erza's face as I wait for her response. I can clearly see distress rippling through her face, which is now almost entirely a deep red colour. I notice her hands twitching by her side, a tell-tale sign of extreme nervousness. And then I notice that my own hands are doing exactly the same thing. That's to be expected though, I can literally feel every beat of my heart, speeding up with every second that passes. My anticipation and anxiety rises exponentially as I wait for her answer, the answer that will either make the happiest man in the world, or the most emotionally destroyed one.

"Even if you ask me that, I, I can't just come straight out and say it." She whispers into her hand, now covering her mouth, a motion I see as incredibly and impossibly adorable. Usually I would never be able to get enough of this adorable Erza, but right now I can't waste time doting over her cuteness. I want her to be serious with me.

"Please Erza, just tell me, yes or no." I beg of her, my voice cracking slightly as I do. Her face contorts even more, I can imagine the cogs in her brain spinning and spinning, trying to decide what to say. She brings her other free hand up to her face and covers her mouth with that hand as well, just before she whispers into it at such a low volume that I can't make out anything. All I hear is a low hum.

"Yes." As soon as she says it she flips her head down, staring at the floor in embarrassment, but I have no clue whether what she's said.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you, what did you say?" She slowly raises her head again, looking me straight in the eye.

"...Yes." One word. Only one world. I barely hear it this time as well, but no matter how soft it is what matters is that I heard it. She said yes. She said yes. I feel my skin getting hotter and hotter and know that the both of our faces now match.

"Yes? You said... yes?" I ask, simply unable to say anything else, shock taking control of my body. I wanted to know so desperately, and I hoped with every fibre of my being that her answer would be yes. But now that she's actually said it I'm happy beyond words, and more importantly: happy beyond an ability to actually react.

"Are you going to make me say it again? It's embarrassing enough as it is! Yes! Ok! I love you…" She whispers the last part barely loud enough for me to hear, but I hear it all the same. I don't even stop to think, even if I did my mind wouldn't be of much use to me right now. There is only one thing on my mind right now and that is Erza. Within a second of her finishing talking I am already sitting up, pushing my battered body to its limits and ignoring the searing pain in all of my limbs. My arms wrap themselves around her body and I pull her close to me, her face buried in my chest. The tighter I hold her the more my body protests, but I take no heed of my body's pain. Right now, it's not important.

"Jellal? What are you-?" She questions me, obviously confused. I silence her before she can finish, crushing my lips against hers, feeling every part of their moist surface. Her words turn into a surprised gasp as our lips first make contact, but as I continue to move my lips around hers the gasps are abandoned and instead she warms up to the kiss, focusing only on moving her lips to meet my own at every turn. I feel my lips more prominently than I ever have before, I can't believe this is happening. Right here, right now, I am kissing Erza Scarlet. THE Erza Scarlet, the woman I have longed after for almost my entire life. I never want this to end. I raise my hands and tangle them in the beautiful lengths of her hair, using the grip to bring her even closer to me, our faces practically melding into each other. As I use all my strength to pull Erza from her seated position to lying on top of me both my legs and my arms shoot with pain, but just like before I couldn't care less about it. I ignore it completely and focus myself entirely on Erza. We're touching everywhere, I can feel every dip and curve of her body pushing into me, moving against me in a perfect rhythm. I break away from the kiss, only so that I can catch my breath before quickly diving back into her mouth, plunging my tongue into its depths. Our tongues both dance together, twisting and turning like a completely memorizing melody. I feel her hands on my chest, bunching in my shirt before lifting it up and sliding under. Every part of my chest lights up like a blazing fire as she touches it, my attention being spilt between the amazing kiss I am sharing with her and the stimulation racing across my chest.

"Jellal, I need to do a quick check up on your woun- oh god! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" And with that, the moment is broken. Wendy runs from the room as fast as her tiny little legs will take her, a blush raging on her embarrassed face. Out of everyone in Fairy Tail, did it have to be her? The most innocent person in the whole place? At the sound of her voice Erza and I both looked up immediately, and a second later we broke apart, Erza flying back into her chair and me lying back down on my bed. But it was too late, she saw us and is probably scarred for life now. Great. I look awkwardly at Erza, not quite sure how to act after… that.

"What, what was that?" Erza pants out while trying to catch her breath. I open my mouth to speak but every word comes with a struggle, I tell myself; she's told you she loves you. If you tell her your feelings now she won't reject you, she'll accept your words. But knowing this doesn't make it any easier. A confession is a hell of a hard thing after all.

"Erza, I." Come on Jellal, you can do this. Why are you even hesitating you idiot? Say it! "I love you!" I scream it out, uncharacteristically loud, I said it. I did it! And now that I've actaully managed to start I find that I can't stop myself anymore. "I always have. The first time I ever laid eyes on you I was amazed. I wanted to look at you forever, to feel your beautiful scarlet hair in my fingers and feel your lips on mine and tell you all the feelings I've ever kept bottled up inside myself." Words just keep tumbling out, the words I have wanted to let loose for so long but have never been able to do before this moment. This perfect moment. A smile forces its way to Erza's face, lighting up her eyes and showing her shining teeth.

"I've always wanted to tell you that, but I never ever had the courage. I never even came close to being able to. But then I heard you. I was lying there dying, everything in my world was a complete haze and nothing made sense. But the one thing I understood was the words coming out of your mouth; "I love him." You wouldn't, no, you couldn't possibly believe how happy those words made me. They gave me the courage to, well, to do what I just did. To ask you about your feelings and to show you mine. I love you Erza Scarlet, and I always will." I let it all out and it feels amazing. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my heart. A weight as heavy as ten elephants and 100 whales and a million tonnes. Tears pool in Erza's eyes and start to overflow, streaming down her face. Her face is filled only with happiness, and I can tell that her tears are of happiness.

"Jellal, I, I can't believe it. I'm, I'm so happy!" She beams at me, her joy so strong that I feel like I could touch it if I reached out my hand. All of a sudden she launches herself at me again, pulling me into a wonderfully warm embrace. It's a bit different from before, it's less desperate and hungry. Before it felt like we were devouring each other with every kiss, but now with her in my arms and me in hers it just feels… sweet.

"I love you too Jellal, I just, I shouldn't be allowed to love someone this much. It shouldn't be possible." She cries out to me in between tears, raising her head from my chest and smiling up at me. I feel so perfect in this moment, with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen here in my arms, holding me tight and telling me she loves me. I find myself sharing the same sentiment as her. It shouldn't be possible to be so happy right now, I can't possibly deserve all this. But somehow it's true. By some strange turn of fate I am here now with Erza and my world has gotten a million times brighter.

"I think I feel the same way. It's kind of hard to believe that after all this time you're actually here, in my arms." I say down to her, looking into her eyes and almost losing myself in their depths. She smiles back at me, and instead of replying she just snuggles her head closer into my chest, accepting my words. God I love her.

Erza's POV:

My hand strokes methodically through the strands of Jellal's hair as he sleeps. We sat together for hours, after we both confessed and all was said and done, I was so content, so perfectly happy with my situation that I didn't need words, and I'm pretty sure Jellal felt the same. And so, I sat with him and just clung to him, holding him close, just wanting to feel his heat and his pressure to remind me that this is real, that everything that happened wasn't just a dream. He feel asleep after about two hours, his injury ridden body completely exhausted. But even after he fell asleep I didn't leave his side. I stayed and watched hi and treasured every moment. I take my hand away from his hair to feel the beating within my chest, gradually slowing down, beating to a continuous rhythm. When I hear a slight knock on the door I turn around and listen.

"Um, excuse me. I'm sorry but I need to come in." Wendy sounds so innocent. I still feel kind of bad for her, making her watch that scene play out in front of her. She's still just a little girl, we probably managed to scar her for life, and now knocking and calling out to make sure she doesn't have to witness the same thing again. I feel bad for her, but I still really want to tease her.

"Just a second Wendy! We've got to put some clothes on!" I call out while standing up silently. The affect is almost instant. It's as if I can feel the heat from her blush even through the door.

"I'm sorry! I'll, I'll come back later! I'm sorry!" She yells out in embarrassment. I hear her turn on her heels to leave and open the door, so she can see us both fully clothed and Jellal asleep over in the opposite side of the room.

"I, I, what?" The poor girl can barely even talk now, I wonder if I was too mean after all. I give her a wicked smile before bursting into laughter.

"I'm sorry Wendy! I shouldn't have teased you, I just couldn't help myself!" Her face changes from embarrassment to shock and back to embarrassment within seconds.

"So, y-you two weren't really…" She pauses, trying to find less explicit words. "You weren't really n-n-naked? Doing, um, t-things?" She stumbles along her words as she tries her very hardest to talk without stuttering. But despite her efforts, it doesn't really work.

"No Wendy, we weren't." I say playfully, relief flowing over her innocent face as I do.

"Why would you tease me like that Erza?" Wendy asks me in a questioning tone. I pick up a bit of animosity from her, but it's only a tiny, little bit. She's really not the type to hold a grudge.

"I'm sorry Wendy, I just felt like I couldn't waste such a good opportunity." I say with a smile. "But anyway, Jellal's asleep right now but you can go ahead and do whatever it is you need to do." It seems that all I needed for Wendy to be on perfectly friendly terms on me again was a simple apology. Yeah, she is definitely not the type to hold a grudge. She quickly murmurs off to me in confirmation before skipping past me and by Jellal's bed, a memorizing green-ish light emanating from her hands.

"I've never seen it up close before, but is that your healing magic?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me. Wendy looks genuinely happy from my interest and starts rattling off all the details about her healing magic, why it's coloured green, how it's related to dragon slayer magic, the whole lot. After about 10 minutes of this I decide I've learnt enough for one day and excuse myself, leaving Wendy alone to do what she does best; heal people. But before I leave I make sure to thank her and thank her profusely for everything she's done, making her fully aware how grateful I am to her. If she wasn't a member of Fairy Tail she would never have been here when I burst through the doors so dramatically, there would have been no one I could rely on to save him. I really am grateful to Wendy beyond words, and I make sure she knows that. I wait outside for a while and this time when people come up to talk to me I accept their conversations with a happy tone and a smile. Even if they hadn't already been told that Jellal has turned out ok, I'm pretty sure anyone could tell the progression of his condition just through the tell tale signs I am showing off to everyone. When I thought he was dying I was absolutely terrified that he would leave me, that I would lose him forever. So as you could imagine I wasn't the most amiable of people at that time, when all I could do was wait and pray. But now even someone as dumb as Natsu could notice the drastic change in my demeanour and realise that Jellal is in fact ok now, that his life is safe. After about 10 minutes Wendy comes out and lets me know that she's all done, for now at least. While he might be in a stable position now, I can't really keep saying that Jellal is 'ok'. He won't die, but he still needs regular treatment, and will for at least a few days more, but more likely for at least a week. And so for the next 7 days, I spend my time alternating between sitting by Jellal's side and sitting out in the main guild hall with all my precious friends while Wendy works her life saving magic. Jellal and I use the time to talk we get together about all kinds of things. Both of us asking why on earth the other never confessed their feelings, and both of us spouting off the same excuse. Everything up till this point just seems so trivial now, me trying to hide the incredibly strong feelings I had for Jellal. Denying myself a chance at love with him, effectively denying myself happiness. Now that I know Jellal has been doing the exact same thing, for the same reason and for just as long as I have, it really does seem to make all my efforts unimportant. When both of us meet this realisation, we can't help ourselves but laugh, both at ourselves and each other. I can't believe it, for two people as strong as us we really aren't very good with dealing with people and feelings. And we're definitely lacking in the confidence area. But I'm sure that together, we can amass enough confidence to do anything.

"So Erza, how should we break this to the guild? I mean, other than Wendy nobody knows about us yet, so we probably should at least tell them." Jellal drawls up at me as he breaks away from our lazy, summer afternoon kiss. I think about his proposal for a good minute or two, wondering what is the best thing for us to do.

"Do we really have to tell them? Won't it be troublesome if people like Natsu or Happy find out?" I reply, but without that much conviction. I'm not really sure what I want to do, I can definitely see some bad outcomes of this, a few freak outs and overreactions from some people, who, not naming any names, aren't the brightest flame in the fire. But then again, wouldn't it be best to tell everyone after all? Fairy Tail is my family after all, I should be able to share this kind of thing with them. I'm just about to start talking again but Jellal beats me to it.

"I can definitely see them taking news like this kind of overboard. But I still think we should tell them. Fairy Tail's been your family for years, and I hope that some day I'll be able to truly call it my own as well. Shouldn't well be able to share this kind of stuff with our family?" He says everything I was just thinking, and I am amazed at how in-sync we are. There really is no doubt in my mind that Jellal is most definitely the only one for me. Especially when he goes and does stuff like this.

"You're right, we should be able to tell them. I guess I'm just a bit nervous, you know?" I say to him, revealing my slightly more vulnerable side. Usually I would hate to admit a weakness like this, but I just feel so comfortable with Jellal, I know he won't judge me.

"It's ok to be nervous, but remember that I'll be right there next to you, so I can assure you that it'll be ok." He reassures me, all the whilst grabbing my hand with his own and using it to pull himself up. I can hear him groan in pain for a second as he gets up, but it's not a sound filled with anything like the pain he felt on the first day. I's the kind of groan someone might make when they stub their toe or get an ant bite. It's really not serious, so while he still gets little pains every now and then, after 7 days of on and off healing, he's pretty much entirely back to normal, which is something I'm eternally grateful for.

Jellal's POV:

Erza and I walk out of the infirmary and into the main guild hall hand in hand, both nervous and excited to tell the guild our news. When I look over at her I can tell she's feeling just like I am. Insanely nervous about how the guild will take the news about our relationship, but also incredibly excited to be able to share this momentous occasion in our lives with the friends closest to us. As I scan the room for faces I see many familiar ones, Meldy over in a corner talking with Lucy, Mira, Cana and Juvia. Gray, Natsu, Gajeel and Elfman all partaking in some sort of heated argument. Over in another corner Jet and Droy are arguing over who was most helpful to Levy in the last mission, until Levy points out that all either of them actually did was hide in some bushes and let Gajeel take care of everything. I guess all the stories you hear are true, there really is never a dull moment in Fairy Tail.

"Everyone, Jellal and I have something we want to tell you all." Erza's voice booms through the room, cutting through all the conversations and arguments and bringing silence to every member of the guild. All eyes turn to us, curiosity piquing in each individual face.

"What is it Erza? And make it quick, Lucy and I need to hurry up and head out for our next mission!" Natsu yells from the other side of the room, Lucy, who is standing right next to him, elbows him in the stomach. Making him double over having the air knocked out of him.

"I thought I told you I wasn't going to go on a mission with you today! You've been taking jobs left, right and centre lately, I need a break every once in a while you know!" She yells back at him, forgetting all about Erza and I.

"But Lucy! This job is perfect for you! The person requesting it said they'd double the reward if the person taking the job is a blonde girl dressed up in a maid outfit!" Natsu whines back at her, trying to convince her to go on the mission with him, but only managing to anger her further.

"So you just want to use me as the decoy again! Is that the only reason you decided to be on a team with me after all?" She spits back at him, her voice filled with venom. But even that isn't enough to deter Natsu, he was always too stubborn for his own good.

"We'll split the pay and everything! Happy and I will both get half and you can have everything that's left! The original reward is 80,000… so double that is 160,000. Take away Happy and my shares… that's like 50,000! Almost enough for your rent!" I can't help but think how dumb Natsu is, how is it that someone who can fight so well can't even do simple math? I don't think I'll ever know.

"It comes down to 0 you idiot!" Lucy yells as she hits Natsu over the head with all her might. I get the feeling that I should probably stop this, but before I can Erza is already storming over to Natsu. I guess I really shouldn't have expected any less.

"Natsu, I said we have something to tell you all, are you really just going to ignore me?" Her voice comes out strained, clearly annoyed. I, along with everyone else in the guild, can tell her patience is at an end. She only stops walking towards Natsu once she is a mere metre away, and when she stops her hand reaches out and grabs Natsu's shirt by the collar, pulling him into the air so that he hovers helplessly just about the ground. That sheer power of intimidation is definitely something I love about her, but at the same time I am immensely glad that Natsu is the butt of her intimidation, and not me. Speaking of Natsu, he is now cowering in fear under Erza's arm, for once knowing when it is time to give up.

"I'm sorry Erza! I'll listen to what you have to say!" He whimpers up at her in a very rare show of maturity. Maybe he's grown up a little in the time since I've seen him last. He's clearly still the same immature boy I knew, but he's changed at least a little. His apology seems to work on Erza. She puts down a very scared Natsu and lets go of his shirt, turning around and walking back to me. I half expect Natsu to yell something back at her, but he stays silent. Thank god for that.

"Thank you Natsu, I'm glad I didn't have to force you to listen." She says while cracking her knuckles, a menacing look on her face. Yep, I'm definitely glad I'm on her good side.

"Anyway, we have some pretty big news that we wanted to tell you all, but we're not sure how everyone will take it. So before we say anything I want everyone to promise they won't overreact." Personally I think Erza's efforts right now are all for naught, the people here may agree not to overreact, but I find myself thinking that when it comes down to it, they won't be able to stop themselves. But oh well, if Erza wants to make them promise it now then I won't stand in her way. A chorus of acceptances flow through the room, everyone says it a differently, but they all agree to keep the promise. The look on Erza's face shows just a little bit of her nervousness leave her as her guild members make the promise, but she still looks incredibly nervous about the whole thing. I take a step forward so I am now in line with Erza and laced my fingers in hers, connecting us by the hand. At first she's surprised, but after a second she calms down, my touch having the desired effect and giving her the resolution she needs to come out to the guild and tell them our little secret.

"Well, here goes nothing." She says, half to herself and half to the guild. "Jellal and I, we're a couple now!" Her voice is shaky at first, barely able to make audible sounds. But after she's started it's as if she's already embarrassed, even though all she's said is; Jellal and I. And so, she screams out the rest in her mortification. Her face somehow already shining red. Over the last week or so I have found out that Erza blushes very easily, but then again, I guess I'm the same way too.

"I l-love him and he l-l-loves me too, so we're going out! And if anyone has any complaints about us, I won't listen to them!" Her resolve shines through the guild as she screams out, we have the attention of the entire guild, but after that, it would be even weirder if we didn't. I feel like I should be contributing somehow to this, so far Erza has been the only one to say anything. I'm not as vocal as her, and definitely not as loud, but I feel like I should express myself as well.

"What she's saying, it's all true. I really do love her, she's the one for me guys." I say to the guild, telling them all the things I usually keep bottled inside, and whilst doing so not even worrying about it. If Erza can scream out to the guild so passionately, then I can do the same, well, the same without all the yelling. I should be comfortable enough around these people to tell them these things anyway, they are my new family after all.

It feels so good to have everything out in the open, both Erza and I look into each others eyes and know that we've done the right thing. We both love each other so much, just being together make us so happy. It would be a crime for us not to share our happiness with the people closest to us.

"Wait a minute, weren't you two always a couple?" Murmurs start in all corners of the room, the first one belonging to Mirajane. Everyone is whispering something different, but most of what is said falls under two categories, either; I thought they were already dating. Or 2; Oh, they're finally dating? I don't really get why that's what people are whispering, why on earth would they already think we're a couple?

"Of course we weren't a couple Erza! I only told him I like him a week ago!" Erza yells out defensively, getting fired up from all the comments circulating in the room. Everything someone says just adds fuel to the flame, and for every whisper cast out Erza bites without fail. Her various screams echo through the gym; 'No, we weren't a couple before!', 'What's with that attitude? Why are you acting like you knew about this before me?' , 'No Natsu you idiot, being a couple doesn't mean that we have two heads! How would you even think of something that absurd anyway?' The constant back and forth goes on for minutes, before I finally step in to stop it.

"Ok everyone, you've had your fun but can't we all just calm down and stop asking questions? If you all ask in an orderly fashion I'm sure we'll be able to answer you." I raise my voice higher than I normally would, making it so that I alone can be heard over the buzz of conversation. The first one to speak after me is Mira, a questioning tone in her voice.

"I thought you two were already a couple, haven't you been together ever since Jellal got broken out of jail, or was it before that, during the whole Nirvana fiasco?" The first half of her question seems to be directed at us, but as she continues she sees to be less asking us something and more talking to herself. Regardless, I try to answer as best as I can without letting a total blush force its way onto my face.

"Well, if you want the truth, ever since I first met Erza I was head over heels for her, but just because I liked her didn't mean she liked me back, or so I thought anyway. And so I never asked her out, she never asked me out, we were both too scared to, so we were never a couple before a week ago, no." I do manage to tell everyone the truth, but I fail miserably at trying to keep my blush at bay, the moment I start talking about when I first met Erza I am as red as red can be. More people ask us questions, pretty much the same things they were saying before, but instead of yelling out at the same time they are taking turns. Which is obviously an improvement. After the questions come the congratulations, and everyone has to say it. By the time everything is done and Erza and I can finally leave the guild it's been at least an hour.

"Well, that was hectic. Still think it was the right thing to do?" Erza looks over at me as we walk, on our way to her house. It's my first night being able to leave the infirmary, and with the way things have been going since I got here what with catching a cold right next to Erza's house and sleeping there, and then proceeding to sleep at Fairy Tail for the next week or so, I haven't had any opportunity to get a place for myself. So for tonight, and until I get my own place, I'll be staying with Erza. And maybe in a little while, I'll be staying there forever. A man can dream after all.

"The worst part was trying to convince people that we only started going out last week, it seems they had all accepted us as a couple long before we did. So yes, I think it was the right choice." I say decisively, having confidence in my answer. Erza nods in agreement with me, and for a few minutes we walk in a calm silence. But then all of a sudden Erza makes a tiny gasp, all of a sudden remembering something.

"What is it?" I ask her, worried she's forgotten something major.

"The video! I should show you the video from the party!" Her sudden outburst confuses me, and I don't even bother trying to hide it.

"But I already saw the video from the party. And god it was embarrassing, are you really going to make me watch it again?" Just talking about it brings back memories of the video I watched the morning after my first Fairy Tail party, a video featuring me very drunk, and very embarrassing. I do not want to, and will not go through the strain of watching that again.

"No, not that one! There was another one that I took, a more… personal one. But anyway, you'll know what I mean when you see it, I was thinking if I showed it to you we could pick up where it left off, now that you're all healed up and everything." Another video of that night? I'm already dreading it just from that fact, but when she talks about how it's a more personal video I can feel shivers running up my spine. Just what kind of video could it be for her to describe it like that?

"I'm kind of worried, what kind of video is it that you're talking about?" I ask, before quickly realising something and adding it to my question. "And why does it matter that I'm healed up?" My question gains an instant laugh from Erza, but I fail to see the humour.

"You'll see." Is all she says, before closing her lips and refusing to open the again until we get to her house. Leaving me to my imagination to ponder just what on earth I'm in for.

Erza's POV:

Jellal's reaction was instant the moment I started the video, the second one from the Fairy Tail which recorded every detail of our… with lack of a more delicate term, make out session. The looks on his face are priceless, he looks absolutely mortified, his face reaching shades I didn't even think possible. By the time the video comes to its end I'm afraid he's actually going to pass out.

"I, I, when I was drunk I did t-that to you? That was actually me?" He stutters out shyly and utterly adorably. Sure, I love how strong he is, and how he can protect me no matter what. But damn if I don't love this cute side if him just as much.

"That was you Jellal, granted, a very drunk you." His mouth opens and closes a few times without any sound before he actually responds.

"So you remembered all that happening and just didn't tell me? All this time you've known about this and I've been kept in the dark?" He sounds so distressed over the fact that I've had the memories of this night for all this time while all he could patch together were a few drunken moments of dancing and yelling caught on camera. But I know he doesn't actually blame me for it, he's not actually annoyed at me.

"I remembered everything Jellal, and don't ask me why I didn't tell you. Trust me, now, it would just sound stupid." Instead of trying to speak a reply, he just nods in agreement with me, taking my word about the explanation for my deceit.

"But anyway, that's not the important part. I should be the one asking you the questions you know, here's one for you, why would you tease me like that? How could you stop there?" I drawl out seductively, climbing off my chair and onto Jellal's lap, his eyes widening in shock.
"Erza! What are yo-?" He calls out in shock, but I put my finger to his lips before he can finish.

"Shhh Jellal, I told you before didn't I? We're going to pick up where we left off." With those words I lift my finger from his mouth and replace it with my own, kissing him hard and rough and with all my passion. The extra weight I add to the chair puts it over the edge, the strain pushing down on it too hard. The screws holding it together snap and burst out, the chair collapsing underneath us and leaving us a pile on the floor, but I won't be deterred by something like that. I let go of Jellal's lips so that I can both remove the shattered remains of the chair from underneath us, and also so that I can catch my breath lost from both the fall and the kiss. Once everything is out of the way I turn back to Jellal, looking absolutely irresistible splayed out underneath me.

"So, where were we?" I virtually purr down at him, his earlier reservations seem to have disappeared entirely, he's the one who leans up and captures my lips, initiating the kiss.

"Before I go any further," He pants out between kisses. "I just want to say one thing; I love you Erza Scarlet." It's just what I need to hear, the perfect thing for him to say. I prop myself up on my elbows and pull my lips away from his so that I can speak as well, but I talk quickly, I can't bear to part myself from him for very long.

"I love you too Jellal Fernandes, now and forever." I smile down at him quickly before bringing my lips back to his, everything about this is just so perfect it's hard for me to believe. After all this time, here I am on top of the man I love about to do anything I want with him. As I look at the person below me I am entirely 100% sure that I am the luckiest person alive.