"C'mon try it, just suck it back. Don't swallow."
Romano stared at the rolled joint held between two white fingers. It was already lit, the smoke emitting a foul and metallic smell that grinded on his teeth. He wrinkled his nose turning away.
"Smells like shit."
Prussia laughed placing the joint back in-between his pale lips sucking the smoke back before blowing it back out in a thin stream.
"You get used to it."
"That's stupid, why try it in the first place?"
Prussia shrugged, flicking the embers into the cement beneath them.
"Helps, I guess. Helps me relax." He gave Romano a side glance. "Helps me forget troubles, problems."
Romano sighed leaning against the brick wall. They were waiting outside the post office sitting on the hard steps as they waited for Spain to come pick them up. Romano couldn't say he was pleased that he was forced to wait with the albino, but had found it surprising how toned down and almost boring he was without the company of both his obnoxious and just plain stupid friends.
"What the fuck has you so tense then?"
Romano scowled, folding his arms, turned away and stayed silent. He thought over what the other had said. Most of the time, whenever in the company of the Prussian, Romano found himself almost intimidated by the other's childish grin and moronic behaviour. Never had it occurred to him that he was even capable of feeling stress or pulled back by troubles, as it seemed hardly anything was able to get through that thick pale head of his. But now looking at those clouded, dark red eyes, Romano saw behind Prussia's public façade. Placing a hand to his head, sighing, he reached down.
"Give it to me."
Prussia handed him the joint a small side grin itching at his lips.
"Remember not to swallow."
"I know, you already fucking told me." He placed the rolled paper to his mouth sucking in the smoke harshly. The smoke felt gritty in his mouth, the tendrils curling down his throat making it dry and itchy. Giving the joint back to the Prussian, his held himself up on the wall, coughing harshly. Prussia only laughed.
"I told you not to swallow!"
Romano rubbed the tears from his eyes, mouth dry, throat coarse.
"But, I didn't!" He rasped "That's disgusting!"
Prussia only continued to taking a last puff before tossing it to the floor, his foot pressing it into the cement. He smiled at Romano.
"You get used to it."
Romano scowled before a car horn blasted from the sidewalk. Spain rolled down the window waving at the two, his grin wide. Prussia waved back making sure the joint was out before walking over. Romano followed not long after his head still light from the smoke. In the car, Romano watched as the sombre man from before became animated and childish once more. He shook his head looking out the window. Sure, you could get used to the taste of a joint because the taste never changed. But if a man never shows his true side, if a man changed his taste, how can you say you know who he is? How could you get used to it? Romano caught the eyes of the Prussian, his eyes smiling and yet dark and distant like before. Well, perhaps he didn't want to get used to it, perhaps he wanted to be kept on his toes, unknowing. Romano smirked.
No he'll never get used to it, and he wouldn't want it any other way. Who didn't like life at its most unexpected?
This originally wasn't supposed to be a story it was just me testing out a few muses and techniques but I thought I may as well post it up since I have been seriously slack in the past couple of months. Anyway~ I hope you enjoyed! Reviews on my shitty muses are appreciated XD - Mr Alex