ITALICS are thoughts


This was going to be the longest school year ever i already they are starting the orientation in the first week of June, they are going to be one of those schools that drag everything so, later today i have my " outing" with Annabeth, i don't know what to call it, do people even say outing anymore( maybe my mom says outing), but i do know that it is definitely NOT a date; I swear! Anyways, back on track… even though i have a "thing" with Annabeth after orientation i'm still having trouble getting up, because when i do, that means its real, i have to go to school. Out there … in the real world….where all the monsters want to eat me like a lunchable.

"Percy, come on, get ready you don't want to miss your first orientation at Goode do you?"my mom yelled

Truth was i did, but i wasn't going to say that because it would upset my mom if didn't at least try at this new school, apparently Mr. Blowfish...sorry Blofis, had to pull some strings to get me in… you know with all my expulsions and explosions.

As i was getting ready i felt like my room was getting hotter but i just brushed it off, i mean why would the room be getting hotter? Five minutes later, i ask my mom if she turned up the heat ,because at this point i'm boiling, but i get no response at all just silence. Then i hear a crash and a yell outside my door which is weird because my mom never yells, like ever. It gets even weirder when i hear a familiar voice yell ,

"Travis!" … Travis who? and why are they in my house? I realize i still don't have any pants on and quickly throw them on so i can check out what the heck is going on.

When i open my door all i can see is white. Then my eyes adjust a little bit and i see Travis Stoll, son of Hermes, being chased around the room by none other than Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter,. That must've been the crash and yell. Tearing my eyes away from the amusing sight i realize that i'm not at home anymore and there is absolutely nothing in the room Not even a light? wheres all this dang white light coming? and what was that crash? While i'm wondering what the crash was, Katie finally sees me, stops beating on Travis and yells ,

"Percy!.what are you doing here?"

" I could ask you the same question." i say." what was that crash?" Katie instantly sends Travis a death glare of which he whimpers and tries to hide, but then notices there is nowhere to go and plops down on the then says

"It was us! He almost broke all of my bones falling on me.

Ouch! " Oh." i say feeling awkward; with nothing to say i scan the room again and i see a door that i could swear wasn't there before.

"Come on." i say pulling out my trusty pen riptide in case there is somebody or something dangerous behind the door waiting for me.

I open the door and almost immediately a blade is in my face, i slash at it quickly and almost make a thrust towards whatever is in front of me, that is until i hear

"Percy," again and get a hug . It is only when i feel and see a flurry of blonde curls do i yell "Annabeth" and hug a minute or two someone clears their throat and Annabeth and i separate awkwardly with pink faces

I see Grover underwood, Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, Connor Stoll, son of Hermes, a pretty girl i think is the head of the Aphrodite cabin and a burly kid that i think is a son of Hephaestus . I look in their room and see furniture and a table in the middle,

"Hey! How come you guy's room is special," i whine. I hear Annabeth mumble something that sounds alot like seaweed brain and grin at her. While i hear Travis yell in agreement to Connor.

If anyone reads this tell me if i should continue. If i continue i promise i will finish the whole book and not drop out.