"Kisss meeeeeee!"

"I said no." I shoved Krista's face out of the way. I was sitting at a lunch table with Sasha, Connie, Mikasa, and Krista. We were having a late lunch before we had to get back to the dorms. Everyone laughed at Krista's remark but I wasn't laughing. Krista always plays with me but I know she's had previous relationships with men and I don't want to get into a relationship that won't last. I partially think she likes me just because I'm more on the masculine side. I played with my food with not much of an appetite.

"You're mean, Ymir. Have you ever kissed someone before? Is that why you won't do it?" I got irritated. I was with the group and didn't want to yell at her. I started to get up to throw the food I hadn't even touched away. Sasha stopped me.

"If you're not going to eat, I'll eat."The bronze haired girl was almost drooling. I left my plate at the table for Sasha and proceeded to head back to my dorm. I heard Krista call out to me before I was even 2 meters away from the table.

"Come on Ymir, just a peck, I've never kissed a girl!" I looked at Krista and then at everyone else. Everyone was looking at me.

"Why don't you go kiss Sasha, you feed her all the time anyways." I saw Mikasa give me a death stare. Maybe that wasn't a good thing to say. Connie broke the silence with a chant.

"Do it, do it, do it." Connie chanted it over and over again. Sasha joined in with him and even Mikasa was saying it. Krista gave me a cute smile and closed her eyes. Annoyed by everyone I finally snapped.

"Fine I'll do it, you're all assholes." Everyone cheered and looked delighted, except Krista. She looked really nervous but I didn't let that get in the way. I had more in store than just a regular kiss. I quickly made my way to where Krista was sitting, arched down to her level, cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. We were in a lip lock and I tasted Krista's tongue. She tasted like sweet bubble tea. I heard the 'ohhhh's in the background of everybody cheering, I also heard a tiny moan emit from Krista's mouth into mine. We were both blushing furiously from embarrassment and pleasure.

I was losing strength from my legs so I started to push Krista down on the bench we were sitting on before I felt her push me away.

"Th-that's enough Ymir." Krista looked away from me, her face was bright red.

Everyone cheered and Sasha offered me some candy. Connie gave me props. Krista went silent. I gave a small smile to everyone and headed to my dorm like I had originally planned.

The weirdest thing was the taste of Krista's bubble tea on my tongue. It seemed like it wasn't going away.