Charlotte had thoroughly thought she was a goner.
But that wasn't the strangest thing. In her coma like state she had drifted into her own mind, sinking further and further as the time went on.
Then she slowly started to regain consciousness. She opened her eyes but quickly found she wasn't in her own body. In fact she was staring down at it. She gasped and covered her mouth.
She was floating over everyone, watching the scene unfold. She could remember everything. Reuniting with the others, the kiss and Billiard's betrayal-especially his betrayal. She growled at the mere thought. The traitor!
She looked down and saw that everyone was gathered around her. Seto looked calm but panicked as he attempted CPR. Mokuba (who she was so glad to see was safe and sound!) was starting to cry. Her heart went out to the small boy. He had really been through a lot.
Then she saw it all. The fighting, the struggling and she gasped as poor Joey had the wind knocked out of him.
'Stop it!' she screamed down. Hadn't Billiard caused enough harm? She tried to move down to help but she was stuck, floating in the middle of the air. She cried out, shaking her hands in frustration.
'It's no use. Sadly there's nothing you can do darling…'
'Yes I know but I can't help it! I want to help! I…'
She froze.
Pegasus smiled. Charlotte's mouth dropped. She turned and saw a familiar smiling face next to her. Her father looked the same as he had looked. But his skin was glowing brightly.
'I must be dead…' she whispered.
'Thankfully you're not. I am sadly but you are very much alive sweet pea' he smiled kindly, taking her hands over his. She gasped. He was warm, just like he was always. She was tempted to wrap her arms around him but she didn't want to spoil the moment. She still didn't believe it.
'Where…where am I then?' she mouthed. It was so surreal, standing here, speaking to her deceased father like normal.
'You're unconscious my dear. Don't worry, you'll awaken soon. And not alone by that matter…' he raised an eyebrow playfully, kissing her palm. She gasped. He was just as she remembered.
'Oh dad…I've missed you'
'And I you my dear. And I you but from what I can see, you've done exceptionally well without me. I always knew you would' he smiled brightly at her, his olds eyes twinkling.
'Sometimes I don't know I am. Sometimes I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I wish you were here to help me'
'But look at all you've accomplished? Look at everything you've done in the small time I've been gone…and to be frank, I don't only mean romantically'
'Oh father…' she blushed, hiding her face as it turned scarlet. 'What must you think? I don't know what came over me. I…'
'My dear, you don't need to justify yourself to me. I was once a young fool, desperate for love. All I can say it's good to see Kaiba-boy's heart finally start to defrost. One icicle at a time…' he chuckled.
'It just sort of happened…' she mumbled. It was nice to just speak to her father, even if it was over an awkward conversation. Her current feelings for Seto were twisted, mixed up in a load of memories that frankly she'd rather forget. But they were strong, so very strong indeed.
'One word of the wise: never stop listening to your heart. Your heart will tell you things that your head will forget in a heart- beat. Something your mother would always tell me. '
'Is mother here?' she hoped.
'Unfortunately not here darling but just know she's very, very proud of you. You've turned into a beautiful young lady who I know will survive no matter what troubles she faces. I love you my darling. Never forget that'
She started to cry, both with happiness from her father's warm words and from the sheering pain of missing him. She went to reach out when she felt a tremble ripple through her body.
'Oh! What's happening?'
Pegasus smiled.
'It's time to return. The Kaiba boy seems to have successfully performed CPR. What a smart boy. Cold yes, but smart none the less'.
'I…I don't want to leave you!' she pleaded, panting as she felt her time in this strange dimension coming to a close.
'But you must. You don't belong here. You belong in the land of the living, in the land of hope and endless possibilities'.
'Will I ever see you again?'
'I'd like to say not anytime soon. I know it's hard my dear but please don't try and get caught up in thinking of bringing me back. Trust me, you'll waste your life…and you have so much life to give.'
She was starting to fade now. She panicked, gripping his light shaded hands with all her might.
'I love you so much father…'
'I love you too my dear. Good luck…' he bowed to her, kissing her slowly fading hand.
'Goodbye…' she sniffed.
And then she woke up.