The sight of Gabriel looking so dishevelled and angry made the wings perk up, and Castiel definitely noticed. He grabbed Dean's arm, giving him an apologetic look.

"Cas, what the-" Sam didn't hear the rest of that conversation, but heard the low growl that came from the throat of the archangel.

"Did you do this on purpose, rid me of my wings so I'd be miserable?" He looked up at the tall hunter again, slightly amazed at how his wings seemed to suit Sam, almost making him forget his rage and wonder how much he could move them. Sam noticed Gabriel looking him up and down, and then looked back to his wings as he extended them from the defensive position they were in. Once he knew he had the hang of it, he looked back at Gabriel who was following their movement intently, with a look on his face Sam knew only too well.

"Gabriel...?" The same low growl that had come from him repeated itself, but Sam heard the undertone to it, the predatory noise making the wings perk up again.

"Fuck, Sammich. You really know how to get a guy's attention, don't you?" His voice sounded broken and gravelly, licking his lips that Sam noticed were chapped, and he couldn't help licking his own to mirror Gabriel's action. The growl came again, and he quickly closed the gap between the two of them so that they were basically touching. The wings raised and spread in response to their natural owner, Sam putting no thought into it whatsoever, but he blushed when they began to wrap around the shorter man.

"You have no idea how you look to me right now, do you Sammy?"

"Only Dean gets to call me Sammy..." The words were lost in the cocoon of wings, and lost even further when Gabriel grabbed a fist full of Sam's shirt and pulled his face down so their noses were millimetres apart. "Or not." The wings quivered, and Gabriel closed the gap between them, chapped lips meeting Sam's softer ones with a soft touch that Sam was suprised Gabriel had. Sam kissed Gabriel back nervously, staying with the slow but steady rhythm that he could feel was trying to be sped up, finding the kiss to be sweet, but Sam guessed it was because of all the sugar Gabriel consumed. Gabriel pulled back then, keeping his arms firmly around Sam's neck, both sets of eyes complete with pupils that were blown with lust. Sam made a small whimper at the loss of contact, but it was cut short as Gabriel returned it with force, kissing as though his life depended on it. They both fought for dominance, Sam using the extra weight of the wings to move the cocoon close to the bed, the wings opening as Gabriel's knees hit the end of the bed and he fell onto it, neither of them breaking the kiss.

As Gabriel fell onto the bed, he moaned, allowing Sam to access his mouth with his tongue, making him moan even more. His wings opened on Sam's back as Sam pushed his hips towards Gabriel's, and Gabriel gasped as Sam's erection pressed into his leg through his jeans. He felt Sam smile, and saw when Sam pulled away, leaving Gabriel's lips swollen. Gabriel growled again, and Sam found himself cocking one of Dean's smiles as he began to slowly lick from Gabriel's earlobe to his collarbone, making the archangel buck with the touch. He felt his own warmth pool in the bottom of his stomach, bucking again as Sam breathed over the area he had licked. Sam laughed and began to nibble the earlobe, feeling Gabriel's hands begin to wander over his body, up his back to the wings that he knew should be on the archangel beneath him.

"Can you see them?" Sam breathed the words into Gabriel's ear, which made his hips buck in such a way that their erections grazed each other. Sam rested his head on Gabriel's shoulder at the unexpected contact, groaning with the pressure that he was trying his hardest to ignore.

"Yes. And I know exactly how to work them, Sammich." Without warning, Gabriel reached up into the wings, Sam making noises that would have made a porn star proud, and squeezing when he found something that Sam assumed was the size of a walnut. Even though the wings weren't his, the pressure on the objects made Sam cry out with pleasure, and it was his turn to buck his hips forwards, erections grazing each other again. Gabriel continued to squeeze the oil glands, making Sam slowly grind into him, making him wish that the feeling between them wasn't denim. Sam opened his eyes to find Gabriel staring wickedly, pupils blown so barely any colour was showing in his eyes. He clicked the fingers on his other hand, removing all items of clothing but underwear, and it gave Sam the opportunity to lick from the collarbone to the navel, dipping his tongue in and swirling it around, much to Gabriel's surprise. Sam then placed soft kisses that were barely felt down the remainder of Gabriel's torso, stopping abruptly when met with underwear.

"C'mon, Sam... Don't stop no- OH!" Sam had somehow managed to get rid of Gabriel's boxers, and had promptly licked his shaft, right from base to tip where small droplets of pre-cum had collected, and Sam slowly lapped at them. He didn't warn the archangel of what was to come, taking his whole length into his mouth without coming close to gagging as one of his hands pinned his hips to the bed, the other coming round to cup his balls and give them a gentle squeeze that almost sent Gabriel over the edge.

"Fuck..." The word was long and drawn out as he saw Sam's head begin to bob up and down between his legs, keeping a steady pace and adding a lick every now and then as he brought Gabriel close to climax. Gabriel really wanted to move his hips, to do something, but Sam seemed to have found some extra strength from somewhere to keep him pinned. He could feel the pressure threatening to explode, and began to breathe rapidly and audibly, the breaths turning to loud moans as he got closer.

"Sam... I'm gonna... Can't... Nhhhgg..." The last word escaped Gabriel's lips as his orgasm ripped through him, straight down the back of the hunters throat and Sam swallowed. This made the rest of his orgasm even better as he saw Sam take every last bit of it before letting Gabriel out of his mouth with a wet *pop*. Gabriel groaned, using his grace to help him feel less exhausted as he noticed Sam had not been tended to. Sam just looked at him with a mischievous look in his eyes as he reached to find the oil glands in the wings.

"Would you like me to fuck you, Gabe? Would you like me to slick you up with your own oil?" Gabriel let out another groan as his spent cock twitched with the thought. He would never have thought getting screwed by a Winchester would be this appealing, in this sense of the word. Sam seemed to notice the twitch, as he removed his own boxers and threw them somewhere else in the room. The hand that wasn't coaxing oil out of the glands was teasing Gabriel's entrance, rubbing slowly on the edge, not quite putting his finger in, then withdrawing it. Sam had never heard an archangel whimper before, and it made his own cock painfully hard, so he did it again, this time with the oiled up fingers and pressing the first one slowly in. Gabriel squirmed at the intrusion, accidentally making Sam's finger catch the prostate when it was in to the knuckle. Gabriel ground against Sam's finger, but he removed it, replacing the one with two, and purposely catching the prostate this time. He moaned at the tight heat, scissoring his fingers to prepare Gabriel for another finger. When he slipped the third in, Gabriel all but begged Sam to move them, so he could get some sort of release, but Sam blissfully ignored him and removed his fingers.

"You ready Gabe? Ready for my cock to be in you?" Gabriel could only nod, the thought overwhelming to him as he felt Sam reposition on the bed. There was no warning again as Sam slowly slid into him, three fingers not even preparing him enough. He used his grace to try and remove some of the burn, but was distracted by his own wings settling on the bed next to him, an open invitation by Sam to help himself. Gabriel went straight for the oil gland, gently pressing on it, and making Sam ram the rest of the way into him. That bundle of nerves had been hit again, and Gabriel thrust down as Sam thrust up, finding the perfect rhythm almost immediately. Then Gabriel cheated, using his grace to reposition them so he straddled Sam, allowing the wings to cocoon them once more. The smell of salt, sweat and sugar bombarded their senses, Gabriel kissing Sam again as he clenched around the Hunter, causing him to throw his head back and pick up the pace, Gabriel thrusting back and having his prostate hit every time. The cocoon became a flurry of activity, tongues fighting for dominance until their pace meant that foreheads were rested together instead, the temperature rising as they both neared.

"Gabe... So close... Gonna..."

"Sammich... Almost..." Both of them came with a cry, Sam's seed filling Gabriel whilst Gabriel's created a sticky mess all over their stomachs. They sat there for a moment, Sam's softening cock still inside Gabriel until it became uncomfortable for both of them. They lay together, Gabriel's head rested on Sam's chest as an after sex glow enveloped them, until he noticed that wasn't the glow at all.

"Sam, I'd cover your eyes." A small snore was his reply as the glow filled the room, and faded as the snores gave way to the deep breathing of Sam's sleep. Gabriel smiled, flexing his wings that were back where they belonged, and he rolled onto his side, draping one wing over the large Hunter to keep him warm. He fell asleep snuggled against the tall Winchester, fucked to contentment and happy to have his wings back.

Hello, only me :)

Quick note - was thinking of doing a companion piece to this, of Castiel and Dean's view after leaving Sam and Gabriel to it... If you'd like to see it done, could you drop me a message?

Thank you muchly, and happy reading!

Limeyjellybean x