AN: For those of you that just had to see the baby born and asked for a bit more. Baby name credit goes to Murphycat who was my first request. Thank you all again for reading!

The next few months flew by as Voyager got back on track and sped its way to the Alpha Quadrant. Time grew short for the command team as they now had the challenge of preparing for a little one.

After sitting on the floor surrounded by pieces of what was supposed to resemble baby furniture, Kathryn crawled to the wall and leaned against it. She patted her stomach and said, "You'll be fine in a drawer. I promise."

Her chime rang and she called, "Come."

Chakotay walked in and his smile quickly faded as he spied her and the mess.

"Why did you ring the chime?" she asked.

"I think I remember a replicator disaster closely resembling this scene."

Kathryn blew a bit of hair out of her face and said, "You're her father. You put it together."

He grinned and grabbed a tool and a rail. "And you are a Captain. Don't you have people for this?"

Kathryn shot him an annoyed look. "This is for our baby. I wanted it to be put together lovingly by her parents. Instead, she's getting my nightstand's top drawer."

Chakotay glanced into the bedroom and shook his head. "No she's not."

Kathryn struggled to pull herself up. "Then you better get busy, Commander. Because we don't have enough replicator rations left for the instructions."

Chakotay took a few minutes to try and piece together a few of the parts before dumping everything into a pile.

Kathryn laughed. "Told you so."

Chakotay dusted his hands and stood up. "It doesn't matter. We don't need it anyway."

Kathryn nodded. "I know. That drawer will do just fine."

"No, it won't. My child is not an inanimate object."

Kathryn grimaced and rubbed her belly. "You're telling me. Then what do you suggest? Neither one of us can figure this thing out."


Kathryn watched him exit the quarters and tried again to get up. Her back was killing her and she desperately wanted a hot bath and wanted it now. She was unsuccessful and slumped down to the floor. Knowing he had probably only gone across the hall into his former quarters, she called, "Chakotay!"

Kathryn and Chakotay were married shortly after the Qs left. Chakotay had created the perfect ceremony setting using Kathryn's childhood home and even had the computer design holographic images of her father, mother and sister so she'd always have that memory every bride should.

Tom gave Chakotay his own tribal themed bachelor party with his winnings from the betting pool and also outdid himself at the reception at Sandrine's. On their wedding night, Kathryn remarked to her new husband that it was the first time Voyager had felt like a true family and a real home even though they would never stop trying to reach the real thing.

The door flew open and Chakotay walked back in carrying a handmade cradle. Placing it on the floor in front of her, he said, "This is what our daughter will sleep in."

"Oh, Chakotay. It's beautiful. When did you…?"

"While you were on duty. It's the only time I know you won't come and find me. Nothing will make you leave that bridge. I half expect you to deliver there."

Kathryn ran her hand along the smooth intricate tribal carvings Chakotay had etched into the wood. She smiled as she saw the date of their wedding was engraved across the top over where their child's head would rest.

"I'll carve her name and the date of her birth too as soon as that happens."

Kathryn felt her daughter kick hard. She gasped and grabbed her stomach as it tightened until the contraction finally released her a few seconds later and she let out a long breath.


She looked up and said, "I think your daughter has decided that day will be today."

Chakotay's eyes widened. "What? Now?"

Kathryn breathed heavily again through another short pain and put her hand to her forehead. "Yes, but, you know what, I have bridge duty so she'll have to wait." She struggled again to get up and finally gave her husband her hand. "A little help please. I'm going to be late."

Chakotay was too incredulous to speak as he helped her up to her feet.

"Thank you. Now where did I put my uniform?" she said.

He found his voice and yelled, "Kathryn!"

She smiled and asked innocently, "What? Babies take a long time to come. My mother said I took 14 hours. You know how much I can get done it that much time? Now move out of the way."

Chakotay watched her take a step before doubling over with pain. As she hissed, he said, "You know, I should really let you do it. Don't move!" Dashing into the bedroom, he grabbed the bag that he and Kathryn had packed weeks ago. "We're going to sickbay. Now."

Kathryn took a few deep breaths before saying, "Oh Chakotay, I don't think I need to go there right away. I told you…" Her voice faded.

Chakotay's face darkened as he gripped her tight. "You can walk there on your own or I can call for a site to site transport which I need to do in the next five seconds before I succumb to the heart attack you're giving me. And if I die before I see my daughter, I will take you with me. That's a promise, Kathryn. And not only will I take you with me, I will haunt you throughout the afterlife. And that will leave our poor daughter parentless and left to be raised by Tuvok and Paris. I guarantee she'll be in therapy with the Doctor and counting cards at the crew's poker games by the time she's two. So, what's it going to be? Your choice."

Another pain rippled through her and she grabbed his arms. "Sickbay, please."

"Good choice!"

Over the next several hours, Chakotay stayed by her side as she labored to bring their little girl into the world. Eventually, at 0300 hours the next morning, little Gaia Two Horses Janeway said hello to the parents she had been waiting to meet.

As his girls slept soundly, Chakotay kissed each one and said a silent prayer and a promise. That they would be loved, protected, and cherished by him, forever.