Chapter 1
As Harry Potter got in the car with his relatives after his eventful fifth year at Hogwarts, he immediately knew something was wrong. He could see the change in his relative's expressions that made him think he was going to have a very different summer experience this year. His Aunt Petunia was staring straight ahead and hadn't looked at him at all or acknowledged him. Dudley kept on giving him smirking glances and his Uncle wore a particularly nasty grin on his face. Harry sighed and looked out the window. Whatever was to come, he knew it couldn't be worse than what had happened at the ministry. His felt a pang in his heart as thoughts of Sirius came into his mind. He still felt the overwhelming guilt of his death as he remembered him fall through the veil. He gave his head a little shake as he decided he had already been experiencing the ministry again in his nightmares, he was not going to think about it when he was awake too. Besides, if anything bad were to happen at the Dursley's, he could always write to Hermione and Ron. Unfortunately he didn't exactly get the chance.
He frowned in confusion as he realised he had no idea where they were.
"Uh, where are we going?" he asked Vernon.
"Be quiet, we have something to take care of first before we're going home," he replied.
Harry remembered, of course the main rule in the Dursley's house still existed, keep quiet and don't ask questions. Dudley gave him another annoying smirk and he turned his head to look back out the window. The country side was flying past and he had absolutely no idea where they were going, he knew one thing for certain though, they were nowhere near Privet Drive. After about another half an hour of driving, the car started slowing and he could see a massive building up ahead surrounded by a high brick fence with barbed wire at the top. The car drove up to big metal gates and Vernon wined down the window to talk to the security guard. He showed him a piece of paper, then the guard nodded and the gates started opening. Utterly bewildered, Harry again forgot the rule and said,
"What the hell is going on? Where are we?"
To his annoyance, he was ignored and he rolled his eyes. He missed the plaque on the wall as the passed through the gates reading 'St Mary's Mental Hospital'. They drove up to the front entrance of what seemed to be some kind of institution.
"Get out boy," Vernon growled at Harry, who was still looking confused.
"Where are we?" Harry repeated his question showing no intention of moving.
"This is the place where you'll be staying for these holidays. Petunia and I have decided we no longer want to put up with you. We thought this place was fitting" he said with a slight grin.
"What makes you think I'm going to stay in this place whatever it is?" He asked him maddeningly.
"Ahh… right on cue" Vernon said looking to the front doors.
Two males were walking out wearing what looked like doctor's scrubs. Vernon got out and shook both the men's hands.
"Are we having a problem getting him out?" one of the men said.
"Don't worry, its completely normal for there to be some anxiety amongst patients about leaving their family, but everything will be fine, if worse comes to worse we can use force." The other one said.
"Yes a little force may do him some good," Vernon smiled.
Harry heard what had been said and didn't like it one bit. Vernon was sending him to some kind of hospital? Whatever it was he would not be safe here and with that thought he pushed his wand further up his sleeve hidden out of sight. He thought he could try and talk himself out of it and got out of the car.
"Look I think there's been some sort of mistake, Uncle, take me back to Privet Drive." He said.
"Hello, Harry is it?" the first man said, "don't worry we'll take care of you here there's no need to be afraid. Your Uncle believed that you would benefit from staying here and has already signed the papers."
"Yes this is going to be your new home for the summer while we work through your issues." The second man said.
Horrified, Harry turned to look at Vernon and said angrily, "What is this about? You're dumping me in this place? Dumbledore won't be happy!"
"Harry, you need to be here, where you can receive the care you need. Your uncle is doing this with your best interests at heart, and I'll ask you to follow me now please." The first man said.
Vernon grinned evilly and nodded, "Yes boy you heard what they said, go with them now!"
Harry could hear Dudley laughing in the car behind him and he didn't know what to do. He could use magic to get himself out of this situation but that would involve risking the statue of secrecy again and he would probably get arrested. He thought of Hedwig who was probably just arriving back at Privet Drive to an empty house and he sighed. What the hell was he supposed to do? He ran.
But no sooner than he had run 10 metres, one of the men had caught up to him and tackled him to the ground. He admitted he hadn't noticed the big muscles hidden underneath the uniform.
"Sorry Harry, but will you please accompany me inside by yourself or will I have to use force?" he asked him whilst laying on top of him.
"No!" Harry shouted at him.
Suddenly, the man pulled out a needle and stabbed harry in the arm with it. Shocked, Harry glared up at his now fuzzy face as he felt his world go into darkness.