EDIT; Just had some stuff to redo. Thank you all so much for 53 reviews! Oh my god!
Like holy crap! 28 reviews, guys! That's amazing! (Now it's 53 c:)
I've been on Fanfiction for over a year and this story is already my 2nd most reviewed. xD Thank you! (Most reviewed now. I love you peeps.)
And whoever actually still reads The Fiery Girl in the Shadows, I promise that I'll get a chapter out soon. School has caused me to stop and have writer's block. (Don't worry; I'm finally writing the chapter. :D)
Anyways, let's get this show on the road!
Today was the big day.
Dawn didn't wake up to the sound of TrueMU's alarm clock, which was Eclipse.
Rather, she woke up to the sound of Deadlox…singing…
And in a flowery apron as well.
The female groaned and rolled over in her bed, a faint aroma drifting to her room.
Is that…bacon?
Without another word, Dawn leaped out of bed and nearly tripped over Mitch, who was stumbling down the stairs. Jerome was sleepwalking and nearly fell down the spaceship.
"Mm…bacon…" BajanCanadian mumbled, yawning as he blinked open his coffee brown eyes.
Jerome snored softly as he headed to the kitchen, a sleepy smile spread over his face as he reached for the plate of bacon. "Food…is it homemade, Biggums?"
Dawn just covered her mouth as she let loose a huge yawn, blinking as TrueMU trudged into the kitchen and stretching. His helmet was off and he ran a hand through his curly hair.
"Hey, your helmet's off…" She muttered sleepily.
"Yeah…Ty…" MinecraftUniverse mumbled.
Dawn turned to see Deadlox prancing around, doing the Harlem Shake as he tossed pancakes on the spatula. The bacon sizzled in a pan near him.
"Tyyyy…I'm hungry." Mitch whined.
Jerome just passed out on the table.
Deadlox froze and shrieked as the pancakes landed on his face. "Did you guys smell this from all the way downstairs!?"
"Yep…bacon." TrueMU had a ghost of a smile cross his face.
Throwing the floral apron onto the ground and blushing, Deadlox set down five plates and seated himself next to Dawn.
"So, we headed to go see Adam today?" Deadlox hummed.
Dawn nodded and dug into the bacon, nearly jumping at the doorbell.
TrueMU drowsily got up from the table and muttered, "I'll get it."
The spaceman stumbled to the door and pulled it open, revealing a crowd of Minecrafters. "Whoa! Jason, is that you? Dear Notch, your hair and eyes!" CaptainSparklez exclaimed from the very front.
HuskyMudkipz and SSundee flanked him; Setosorcerer and KermitPlaysMC were behind them.
Surrounding Sky's friends were many YouTubers that were in the Sky Army and very familiar faces; Bodil40, AntVenom, NoahCraftFTW, TBNRfrags, xRpMx13, MunchingBrotato, GoldSolace, Bashur, BigBadManPig, AshleyMarieeGaming, SethBling, ihasCupquake, and Logdotzip.
Dawn's mouth fell open as she stared at the mob; they all recognized her as Sky's fiancée and waved with smiles on their faces.
"Holy mother of Notch…what are you guys doing here?" She whispered.
Kermit stepped forward; Dawn noticed that his almost black gaze was bright with excitement. "Adam told us to head here so we could see his eyes, and he'll see us at–what the heck?! Jason, dude, your eyes–!"
TrueMU ducked his head in embarrassment as Deadlox raised an eyebrow. "Adam will see us at what time?"
"Noon!" Ant piped up, grinning. "He's on his way; there was a butter stand on the side of the road, and he got carried away…"
"Only Adam," Dawn sighed.
The Butter King was currently jogging down the road, his head swinging from side to side. His eyes narrowed viciously as he passed the ocean.
You better watch out, squids; I'll be ready when I show my eyes and you can't stop me!
Sky glanced at his watch; 11:55 AM. He was still doing good time.
As he started to dash towards MinecraftUniverse's house, a lone squid was floating in a small part of the water. His derpy eyes blinked as he glared at the Destroyer of Squids.
Pumping his tentacles, the squid floated down to the bottom of the sea and reached the Squid Portal.
The world blurred and came back into focus to a realm with gray and black blocks; a giant squid statue towered above the underwater houses. Above land was a majestic castle with very few butter blocks surrounding it.
They were in the realm of the squids.
Everyone was gathered around MinecraftUniverse's table, chatting as Cupquake made some pancakes, eggs, and toast with butter.
Dawn nervously picked up her fork and scooped up her eggs, eating them as the clock chimed twelve times.
Deadlox let out his breath, then jumped as Jerome barreled through the front door. "Adam's on his way here! I just saw him!"
Everyone leaped to their feet as Sky appeared on the horizon, walking quite calmly towards the spaceship. His stride didn't wane and his head was held high. A genuine smile had spread across his face as he glanced at the blocky sun, letting the rays warm his back.
"Hey, guys!" Sky greeted them with a huge smile. The Butter King was no longer tensed up as he was yesterday; rather, he was at uttermost peace with his conflicting mind on the matter.
The gang all beamed at him, Dawn shouldering her way to the front. "How are you doing, Adam?" The girl asked her fiancée with a smile.
Sky tugged at his collar. "A bit nervous, a bit scared, and really excited. Are all of you ready?"
The Minecrafters nodded and blinked as Sky stood his ground, tilting his head towards Dawn.
She caught the hint and reached forward with a determined look on her face and pulled off her fiancée's sunglasses, Sky still staring at her with a smile written on his expression.
They tumbled to the ground with a clatter as she gasped, backing up and nearly tripping over Deadlox.
"Oh my Notch…" She whispered.
There was a sharp intake of breath from everyone as they stared.
Sky's eyes were magnificent. They were the most gorgeous shade of butter that Minecraftia had ever seen. There were flecks of brown and bright yellow, shades of orange and bronze. As they all stared in awe, the flecks swirled and formed constellations in Sky's eyes.
"…Adam…but…how?" Dawn whispered.
Sky slipped his shades back on. "When I killed my first squid, I found this medallion waiting for me at my old shack." He gestured to the one around his neck. "I put it on and I remember passing out. When I woke up, I had butter colored eyes and a buttery aura; it becomes stronger whenever I take off my sunglasses and it attracts squids. That's why I was scared to take these off."
Sky's friends were silent. Dawn was absolutely speechless with shock. "…"
Deadlox broke the silence. "Is it just me, or is the ocean moving?"
Husky coughed, "Too much Tumblr."
The headphone wearing Minecrafter glared at the Mudkip, but he turned to the ocean as tentacles started to rise above the water.
Everyone stared in horror as a giant squid loomed above them, its maw gaping with sharp teeth. It thrashed down on the shoreline with a large bellow.
Below it, hundreds of other squids emerged with wickedly sharp swords that gleamed dark gray; the color of the Squid Army.
Sky drew his Majestic Butter Sword and let out a battle cry, dashing towards the squids.
Deadlox turned to the startled Minecrafters. "C'mon, guys! Let's do this; for Sky Army!"
The group took on the battle cry. "FOR SKY ARMY!"
They all drew their weapons and charged towards the battleground, yelling loudly.
Mitch and Jerome, meanwhile, had climbed the nearest building. Mitch pulled out his bow while Jerome whipped out Betty, grinning with his sharp fangs.
"LEZZGO, BIGGUMS! LET'S WIN THE HUNGER DEANS!" The Bacca whooped, charging the nearest squid that started to climb up the structure.
Mitch was standing calmly on a ledge, sniping squids away from his friends. The Canadian spotted one creeping up on CaptainSparklez.
The Captain was fighting fiercely with an iron sword. Sweat gleamed off his forehead as he plunged his sword into the stomach of a squid, smirking as it slid down slowly. The squid behind him raised his sword but let out a strangled squeal as it vanished.
Sparklez's ice blue eyes were huge as he realized what would have happened, and he snapped his head towards the direction where the arrow came from. Mitch waved at him as he shot another squid. "Hi there!"
Sparklez just laughed and engaged another squid in battle. "Thanks Mitch!"
Mitch just saluted him and turned around, shooting a squid in midair. Jerome glanced over and saw with horror a squid sneaking up on his crush.
With a Bacca roar, Jerome sliced a squid in half and raced towards Mitch, raising Betty in defiance. "DUCK, MITCH!"
The Canadian immediately ducked as the Bacca viciously swung his diamond axe. When the dust cleared, the two were practically face-to-face.
"A-Are you alright, Biggums?" Jerome blinked, staring into Mitch's coffee colored eyes. A warm hue started to settle into his cheeks.
Mitch gave a soft chuckle, which sounded like music to his ears. "Yep, thanks to you."
The two were frozen in time but snapped out of it when Preston (TBNRfrags) yelled, "Oh, just kiss already!"
Jerome had turned to look at the lava mob while Mitch threw his hands into the air. "To hell with it!"
The Canadian grabbed Jerome's shoulders, grinned cheekily, and pressed his lips onto his.
HuskyMudkipz's jaw dropped. "WHAT?! NOO!"
The Mudkip dramatically fell to the ground, fake crying. (And never knowing that his action saved his life; a guard squid had thrown itself at him. The others later recalled it as looking 'pretty darn awesome'.)
Deadlox let out a whoop of victory and hopped his way over to Husky's side. "You owe me, Quentin!"
"I hate you, you butthole." Husky moaned as he forked over $50.
On the other side of the battlefield, MunchingBrotato screamed as he witnessed the event. "Why did I bet with you on Merome?!" He wailed to the passing Kermit.
Kermit froze and stared at the top of the building, where Mitch and Jerome were still lip-locked. "I won a bet? PRAISE NOTCH!"
Tyler handed over $20 and started laughing as Kermit ran to get it, only to trip over his own iron sword. "Nice try, Dakota."
"HAHA, YOU STUPID FROG!" Sky laughed as he fought the King Squid.
Kermit growled some unpleasant things under his breath towards his old roommate.
Deadlox and MinecraftUniverse just laughed.
Eventually, the army thinned down. According to Sky, it was 'too easy'. The Butter King killed the main squid with an arrow from Mitch lined with diamond and butter courtesy of Seto.
Team Crafted and friends made it to the front page of the newspaper again, showing a picture of Sky and comrades with medals.
And you know what?
Sky's sunglasses were off in the photo.
Not one squid came near him that day.
Five years later
"Well, would you look at that!?" A man exclaimed. He adjusted the paper and grinned cheekily, pearly white teeth showing.
Another man glanced at him. "How many times have I told you to get your bow off the table?"
The first man rolled his eyes and set the aged wood down on the diamond floor. "Yeah, whatever Jerome. You know you miss fighting with Adam."
Jerome grumbled to himself as Mitch smirked, knowing he won. "At least I keep Betty in a safe place in my room."
"At least I continue to use my bow and doesn't let it get cobwebs on it," Mitch shot back.
The Bacca crossed his arms. "Don't make me pull out my secret weapon."
The Canadian grinned and waggled his eyebrows. "Don't make me pull out mine."
The men shot up and got face-to-face, both cheerful. Coffee gleamed into chocolate, and their lips locked.
They had the exact same secret weapon.
Jerome smiled against Mitch's lips and murmured, "I love you, Mitchell."
Mitch chuckled. "And I love you, Jerome."
The two laughed quietly before walking off to their room, leaving the discarded newspaper on the table, showing the front cover of a little girl smiling with joy as her parents, Dawn and Sky Dahlberg, watched on in pride.
(AN: Merome for dayssss, though! :D)
"Adam! Aren't you excited for Avalon's medal?" Rachel Dahlberg (Dawn) shouted, cupping her hands over her mouth.
Sky looked up, and once more Dawn was reminded of her beautiful baby girl.
Sky and Dawn had finally gotten married three months after the Eyes Incident. TrueMU walked around sometimes without his helmet and Sky did the same.
During the period of time, Dawn had gotten pregnant with Sky's daughter, a beautiful little girl named Avalon. She was the apple of her parents' eyes and always looked up to them; though her favorite was 'Uncle Mitch'.
Sky smiled as Avalon dashed up to him, her cheeky grin plastered on her face.
Avalon Dahlberg had gotten a lot of great genetics from her parents. She got dark brown hair with a purple streak, clothes that looked like her father's, and both their personalities down. It was known as a blessing to some Minecrafters.
What really did it for most people were her eyes. The same shade of butter, with a few bronze flecks from her father, but had flecks of cobalt and emerald from her mother. Needless to say, the girl was gorgeous.
Apparently, a squid had just appeared when Avalon first took off her Aviators. The five year old had pulled out her lucky butter dagger, dashed up to it, and sunk the blade into its skin. It died immediately and Sky and Dawn were contacted of it.
For killing her first squid, Avalon got to be on the front page of the newspaper. Quite an honor, really. When Deadlox had given the girl her medal, Sky wiped tears away from his eyes and said dramatically, "When I was your age, I was on the newspaper three times already…"
Dawn slapped him upside the head and laughed as Avalon glanced at her father. "Daddy, I killed a squid! I'm gonna be like you, Mommy, Uncle Mitch, Uncle Jerome, Uncle Deadlox…"
Sky smiled with pride and lifted his daughter in the air. "Yes, yes you are. I'm so proud of you, Avalon. You're going to do great things in Minecraftia."
The whole gang was there; it was a huge reunion of many laughs, slaps, and hugs.
(Maybe even a few kisses going around.)
All in all, Minecraftia was safe, and they had gained a new hero.
And even better was the fact that they all had one thing in common:
Best friends, lovers, and every pair of sunglasses/helmets off.
Different colored eyes, personalities, and traits.
All heroes in the end.
AN: *spazzes*
*spazzes some more*
Thank you guys so much! I love all of you (xD) and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!
Here's to my great and amazing reviewers that stuck with me through this story:
Catalin, Lavs, Iliketoreviewthegoodstries, Rainclaw, Kestrel9424, Oeve, Cliffdiverwarriorcat, 21kittens, LyraHikaru, Sallyya Charbon, crazykatz430, Jadespade, AceroxMC, swimmer555, Drizzleheart0419, madiganskipper, AceroxMC, and Hunnybee07!
You guys are freaking awesome.
Have a great day! ~Wolfy