Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Lab Rats.


The gate creaked a little too loudly for his taste as he pushed it open. He squeezed through the small opening and was quickly on the other side. Then he turned and began to push the gate closed. The gate soon slammed shut with a loud thud. He took a deep breath and turned around. Once again he was the only one, alone. He began his short walk, the soft crunch of leaves accompanying his every footsteps. He knew the place so well, he went here often. But it was good to have a reminder. Okay, walk pass the large Oak Tree. He caught sight of the large base in the front. He smiled, Walk a little farther, past the praying angel statue. He walked and walked, then he spotted her. Alright, he was getting closer. Then turn left when he saw the two paths. He shoved his hand deeper into his pocket before continuing on, then he came to the part, where the small path split, he turned left. After walking for a few more minutes he arrived. A soft breeze made it's way into the area. Leo sucked in a nervous breath before taking his first step into the grass. He made his way closer, and read once again the same message he had memorized, on the grave stone.

Adam Davenport 1996-2013 Can make a person smile in the darkest hours. We love you.

Leo then moved on to the next gravestone

Bree Davenport 1997-2013 Fast, Light on her feet. Will be missed by many. R.I.P

Leo sighed, he felt the tears about to spill out of his eyes, but he continued to read.

Chase Davenport 1998-2013 The one with superior intelligence. Already we miss you

Leo stopped in his tracks and looked away for a brief moment. It was hard imagining them gone. He had lived with them for quite a long while before all of that happened. But he wasn't done

Marcus Davenport 1998-2013 Just a minute too late

Leo still hadn't understood what that meant when he read it for the first time at the funeral. It was hard... Although Marcus on several occasions tried to kill him, it was difficult for him to look down at the ground and see that his enemy was finally defeated. Once and for all. Leo sighed and read the last one

Bonnie (Henderson) Davenport 1997-2013 Wish we could see that smile once more

On the day of the funeral arrived and insisted on writing this on her grave stone. No one objected.

Leo took a step back and stared at the five head stones. It had been three years since their death. And Leo had been visiting every day in between. It won't matter the amount of therapy he took, the events of that day will never be erased from his mind. He lived it, dreamed it, and now he was remembering it. Just like it had happened yesterday:

Flash Back:

A loud explosion shook the house. Leo and his mother cowered to the ground in fear. When everything was once again still, Leo stood up his mother clinging to his side. He took a deep breath to calm himself, but instead smelled smoke. He coughed and his mother asked him what was wrong. "I smell smoke" Leo said and eyed the elevator doors. They headed to the elevator when Leo caught sight of the stairs. "Mom, this way" he said pulling her towards the stairs. The two ran up, Leo skipping a few steps and emerged into the living room. Leo almost collapsed. His mother ran past him towards the five bodies lying on the ground. Leo caught sight of a vague outline of someone. Leo's small reluctant steps turned into a dash, when he realized who it was. He came to hover above the person. Tears began to fall out of his eyes as Leo slowly knelt down besides the person. "Adam" Leo breathed. The boy was lying on the floor, next to the base of the counter his head bleeding tremendously, his hand twisted at an unnatural angle. Leo couldn't say a word. He suddenly felt someone roughly grab him by the shoulders and pull him to his feet. He didn't have a chance to turn around, for he was being dragged out of the room. "NO! ADAM!" Leo remembered himself scream. He turned and thrashed trying to find a way out but nothing. The next thing he knew he was outside, next to his mother, while she screamed at a FBI agent.

Leo came back to reality, after that he had begun to have dreams about his deceased siblings. His grades began to drop and he became anti-social. Soon, he was sent to therapy. But how was he to get better, when half of the things that happened, he couldn't tell. So Leo thought. His siblings wouldn't want to see him like this. They would hate him for sure. So he made an effort, to recover to get over it. It was hard. But he did it. He cried less, actually slept at night and ate his meals. After his recover, he made many good friends and had soaring grades. Although outside he was happy, his inside was most of the time in pain. Leo looked at the five, he had forgotten to talk to them since he arrived. "Hey, guys. How are you" Leo asked. He knew he wouldn't get a reply. "I've been okay. Nothing important going on at school. I miss you guys. We all do, Mom, Big D especially" Leo said. After the events, he couldn't talk to his parents at all. No one had anything to say. They were all grieving. Douglas was sent off to jail and won't be released in a long time. Leo's mom was trying to comfort Big D, who out of every one hit rock bottom. "Big D really misses you guys. He still does. After three whole years" Leo said.

Flash Back:

There it was, he caught sight of the blue flickering force field. Donald ran towards it, bringing his hope with him. "Chase" Donald called out almost happily. At the sound of his name, the force field dropped and so did the boy. "CHASE" Donald screamed and ran to the side of the collapsed boy. The boy just fell into his arms, and Donald went down to the ground. He cradled the boy in his arms, softly whispering his name. A sudden jolt suddenly grabbed Donald causing Chase to drop. He tried to go back to the fallen bionic, but he was powerless. Soon he was outside of his mansion, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Leo remembered that clearly. He had never seen Big D actually cry before. It was unreal. Then came his mom.

Flash Back:

Tasha had run past Leo, for she spotted Bree. When she came near, she gasped. Bree was sitting up against the wall half conscious. "Bree" Tasha said softly and came to her side. Bree's head tilted towards the sound of her name. "Bree, what hurts" Tasha asked, trying her best to help. Bree tried to wave it off. Tasha then heard the sound of soft steps from behind. She turned and saw the small first aid kit. "Here" a soft voice told her, Tasha looked up to see who was hovering above her. "Bonnie" Bree whispered. "No, save your energy" Bonnie said, putting her hands up to stop her. "Bonnie..." Tasha called as Bonnie turned to leave. The said person turned around. "Thank you" Tasha thanked quietly. "No need. It's all you now. I think she'll be fine" Bonnie said with a weak smile. She turned around and stumbled slightly, before continuing to walk.

Leo then thought of Douglas. His expression was unreadable.

Douglas then heard a soft cough. He followed the sound, taking with him his hopes. When he arrived he saw the last jerking movement before the android died down. His heart shattered, just like the time when the lab collapsed on him. Douglas' slowly dropped to the ground, he stared at the android and let a small tear escape his eye. "I'm sorry" He apologized. Douglas' shoulders began to shake, for he was trying his best to hold in his tears. He suddenly felt a hand his shoulder. He touched the hand and it soothed him inside. When he couldn't look at the dying android anymore, he turned around to see Bonnie, glistening tears in her eyes. It's okay, she mouthed. Douglas stood up and hugged her. When he let go, Bonnie caught sight of something dangerous. "Dad! Watch out" Bonnie cried and pushed him out of the way, just as the bullet was shot. Bonnie sucked in a soft gasp. She clutched her stomach and stared at the person who hid behind the couch. He dropped his gun. Bonnie's knees, buckled under her and she dropped to the floor. "Bonnie!" Douglas cried and caught her in a sitting position. She let out a ragged breath. Douglas held her, tears now coming out. "I'm...fine" Bonnie managed to stutter. Douglas stared at her, before bringing her into a deeper hug. Bonnie buried her head into his shoulder, her hand still clutching the worsening wound. "It...It hurts daddy" Bonnie said softly, and sucked in a ragged breath. "It's going to be okay" Douglas reassured, rubbing her back. Bonnie slightly shook her head. Now, the pain was overwhelming, Bonnie squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the pain. Douglas held on to her. Then everything stopped. The world froze when Douglas no longer felt her small breaths. Douglas looked down and saw the limp hand around the wound. He turned to looked her face. Her eyes were closed, but a tear managed to escape her eyes.

Leo took in a deep sigh. "I think that, it's really different without you guys" Leo admitted. The soft howl of the wind was his response. "It's just. I have no one anymore. Both of my parents are adults so they're not always there with me. I mean...I kind of think that all of it was kind of my fault" Leo said quietly. The wind around him seemed to blow harder, but the boy didn't notice. "I could have done something though. At least I could have tried!" Leo exclaimed into the empty space around him. The leaves blew all around him. Leo let a tear fall. He couldn't help it, thinking about them just made him cry. Everything around him died down. It was now eerily quiet. "Maybe I'll come visit you all after school" Leo said, a sort of question then statement. He then left. When he was gone, a light appeared from the sky and cast a pure white glow upon the graves. Then the lights formed into five teens, all see through. "Oh, poor Leo" Bree said quietly. "Aw, cool, I'm see through" Adam said happily and moved his arm around. "Stop it. We're all here for a reason" Chase said. The five nodded.

The front door of the small house slammed. "Leo where were you?" Tasha asked, coming into the living room. "I was studying" Leo answered simply and flopped on to the couch. "Well it would have been nice if you had called" Tasha said. "Sorry" Leo hastily apologized. Tasha let out a sigh before heading into the kitchen. The Davenports no longer lived in their nice large mansion. After the events of that day, Douglas was taken to court along with Donald. Donald used most of the money he earned from his inventions to be let free. As for Douglas he was to spent 50 years in jail and a lifetime of community services. After all the money taken, Donald only had enough money let to buy a small house a few streets away from their old home. As for the Davenport Mansion, it was destroyed and made into a toy factory.

The front door once again opened and Donald stepped in, a serious grim expression on his face. "Hey Big D" Leo greeted and shut the TV off. Donald walked past his son and into the kitchen, where he spoke a quiet "hello" to his wife and then retreated to his bedroom. "Dinner" Tasha called. Leo quickly obeyed. Outside, three ghostly figures stood looking through the window.

The jailhouse was disgusting. Food was something closer to mush, the bath rooms were metal toilets against the walls of the jail. He wore a dirt matted orange uniform. He was always expressionless. His bunk mates although were murders, and mad men, were afraid him. The bar door hit the wall when it opened, Douglas then stepped into the small prison, and climbed to his bunk, the one on top. The others piled in a few minutes later and went to their assigned bunks. There was only a small amount of light, and it came from the small rectangular window on the top, now letting moonlight into the small crowded room. Still three years, and the guilt and the lies that he made were all in his mind at night. Some nights he would cry himself to sleep. Outside, two ghostly figures watched their father quietly.

The clock struck ten, the lights began to turn off in the Davenport Household. Leo turned to the clock on his bedside, 10:00 PM. Leo sighed and closed his laptop. He then went to sit on his bed, making himself comfortable, then falling asleep slowly. "Night Donald" Tasha said quietly, and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "Good Night" Donald replied softly. Tasha jumped into the bed and began to sleep, the small lamp at the head of his desk was still on. Donald then quickly turned to check if she was looking, then opened the top drawer, revealing a picture of the family together, smiling for the camera. A smile spread across his lips. A soft wind caused a branch to hit the window. Donald looked up a bit startled. He then went and came near the bed. He lifted the sheets, and slipped in, slowly falling asleep.

-That Night-

Leo opened his eyes to see himself, sitting on the couch in the old living room, in the mansion that they had. Leo looked around, no one. He stood up, curiously he went up to the elevator and pushed the buttons. Upon entering the lab, he was greeted by the sounds of laughter. He walked in to see his three bionic siblings and Big D, smiling and laughing. Leo stood in the doorway, gaping. "Hey Leo" Bree greeted oddly. "GUYS!" Leo cried happily and hugged the three. "Leo you okay? It seems like you haven't seen us in a while" Chase asked. "I haven't seen you all in three years" Leo said. Then the setting quickly changed. He was sitting on a small comfy bean bag, Adam stepped out of the shadows. "Hi!" Leo greeted happily. Adam ran towards the boy and hugged him. The two hugged, and talked. They talked for a while, then "I really missed you guys..." Leo said. Adam put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Leo look. I know you've been grieving for a long time. And now it's time to move on" Adam said. "Move on? But I've moved on" Leo protested. "You're holding back" Adam stated looking at the younger sibling knowingly. "I'm not holding anything back" Leo insisted. "Leo, it's okay to miss the three of us. Trust me, we miss everyone here as well. But you have to get on with your life, and we're holding you back" Adam said. "No you're not!" Leo exclaimed. "Yes we are" Adam yelled back. "Now...go and move on." Adam said dropping his hand from his shoulder. "You can't just expect me to just move on" Leo said and began to cry. "Leo, you can do it. Don't worry, we might not be here, but we're right-"Here" Leo and Adam said in unison pointing to his heart. Leo nodded. "Bye" Leo waved as Adam began to walk away. "See ya bro" Adam said with a goofy smile, before the light consumed him.

Leo awoke with a start. He sighed, sitting upright in his bed, he stared outside. "Well goodbye" Leo quietly said.

Tasha had a dream. She was doing everything with Bree. Being the perfect mom. Ironing Adam's football jersey, helping Chase dress up for a date. Everything a mom should do. Then she talked with Bree. "I've come here for a really important reason" Bree told Tasha seriously. The girl talk stopped. The laughter was now none. Everything then became utter seriousness. "I want you to help the others" Bree said. "Help" Tasha repeated, confusion in her voice. "Help them to move on. To let go of what happened" Bree explained. There was a light pause, but the atmosphere seemed to become even more tense. "I...I don't...understand" Tasha said softly. "Mr. Davenport is still living in the past. We all came here to help him get a good grip on his reality and to let go of us" Bree said. "Wait...All of you?" Tasha asked. "We all came here one on one to help you specifically. Adam went to Leo, I came to you and Chase is going to Mr. Davenport" Bree said. Tasha now looked down to the ground, eyes filling up with tears. "Please don't cry. I'm here" Bree reassured and brought Tasha into a tight embrace. Tasha let one tear fall, "Don't worry. We'll always be with you. Adam, Chase and I can see all three of you pretty clearly from up there" Bree said and pointed up. Tasha still continued to look down. Bree once again hugged her and said, "I've never had a mom before, but I know for sure that I am lucky to have a mom as good as you are. Thanks for being the best mom ever" Bree then let go and saw Tasha smiling, tears streaming down her face. "I love you mom" Bree said and began to walk away. Tasha stood in her spot, tears continuing to fall. With a small smile, Bree then disappeared.

Tasha's eyes fluttered open. The sky was dark, everything was still dark. She turned to see Donald, fast asleep on the bed next to her. Tasha let a tear fall, and whispered quietly, "I'll do my best".

Donald heard laughter. The laughter of his children. "Ha ha, do that again" Donald heard. He stepped into the room to see Adam trying to arm pit fart the alphabet. Donald sucked in a breath. "Hey Big D" Leo greeted. "What...what are you doing here" Donald asked, mixed emotions in his voice. "Hanging out" Adam answered and then put his hand in his arm pit. This earned another large laugh from his siblings. "Mr. Davenport, it's time for training already?" Chase asked. Donald took a look at the time, 4:00 it read. "I guess" Donald said. The three nodded and began doing their exercises while Leo and himself watched. It was just like the odd times. Then the training session became another memory, distant and far. The memories of his past went by so quickly he couldn't clearly see some pictures. They circled him like dry leaves during a windy day, blowing and hitting against him. But then as the wind began to strengthen, everything seemed to stop, to freeze and to fall. Donald was now all alone in darkness. But he heard steps coming towards him, he turned when he felt a soft touch on his arm. It was Tasha. He smiled at her and she returned it. Then he saw Leo, running up to him with a big smile plastered on his face. Then he caught sight of three teens, standing so near him, but too far away to touch. "Please don't be sad anymore" a voice begged him. "We'll always love you Dad" another voice reassured. "Move on from the past." That was the last thing he heard.

Donald sat up on the bed, his breathing heard clearly in the darkness of the night. There was a sound from the other side of the room, and Donald looked up to see Tasha coming in, holding a cup of water in her hands. "You're awake" was all she said.

Douglas was on a meadow, grass growing high and the a soft light breeze blowing near. He turned to look at the endless area of land that surrounded him. Grass, trees, and flowers as far as the eye could see. He then noticed a hill not far from here, where there looked to be like a small picnic going on. So he hurried to get to the top. Upon reaching the top he saw, Bonnie and Marcus. "What took you so long Dad?" Bonnie asked in her cheerful voice. Douglas let her pull him towards the small blanket. He sat down and saw the food. "Eat up, I made it myself" Bonnie said with a grin. It might have been the fact that he hadn't eaten much while he was in prison for he gobbled down his food in a rush. "Well that was pretty fast" Bonnie commented trying to hold in a laugh. The day went on, playing around in the meadow. Douglas no longer seemed evil nor did Marcus. But the day ended much too quickly and soon, the child were packing up the picnic basket and going home. He wanted to cry out to them, to beg then not to leave. But Douglas did neither. He stood on the side, watching as the blanket was folded up and put into the small basket. He watched the trash being thrown out and one last surveying look around the area. With that they disappeared. Douglas let out a sad sigh. He then felt arms wrapping arm him, and he looked down to see Bonnie, hugging him. He then saw Marcus close behind, sending a small wave his way. "We love you Daddy!" Bonnie exclaimed and hurried off after her brother.

Douglas laid wide awake that night. Thoughts drifting through his mind. "I love you too" Douglas said so softly that only he would know.

Days and Nights, Weeks and Months, the Years seemed to drag on. But as time passed the Davenports learned to face reality and let go of the hard past. Soon, Donald was back to being an inventor and smiling more often. Leo was no longer secretive, he did not need to keep any. Tasha loved happily with her family. Although Uncle Dougie was still in jail, he learned not to lie anymore and to except faith. It might have been hard but the Davenport made it through touch times and rough waves. Together as a family.

This story has come to an end... I really put a lot of time and effort into this chapter so please be so kind as to review. Thank you. In the last chapter, I felt like I wasn't able to give a proper goodbye so here it is: Goodbye everyone. Thank you so much for supporting this story and no I will not be making a sequel after this sequel. Yup this is it. Done and Done. I really hoped that everyone enjoyed both Dougie's Revenge and Government Goons. I don't know how to thank the reviewers and readers out there enough for all they have done. You all rock and continue to be awesome, with a lot of love PBL.

(P.S: Look out for a new story coming soon ;)